How to enable AMD Fluid Motion Frames(AFMF) Frame Generation on any game using your AMD Gaming PC?

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okay so hi guys uh welcome back to another video so in this video I'm going to tell you all about the new AMD radon software so in this software AMD just released a new feature called as AMD fluid motion frames so using this technology what happens is that you can double or triple your frame rates on your favorite games and according to my testing uh it is working on almost all the games so a lot of guys have been asking me like how you can enable that for a specific game or all the games so what you guys need to do is so you have to go on the second tab of your Ron software so in this gaming tab uh you have to select the particular game for which you want to enable a AMD fluid motion frames that is the frame generation technology to enable that first that game should show up here okay so if in case let's take an example if that game doesn't show up here so what you guys need to do is uh you have to click on these three dots you have to click on scan for games if that still doesn't work you need to click on this and add a game so you have to find that exe file of that particular game that you want to add here on the software so after adding the games that you want want to enable AMD fluid motion frame generation technology so for example I'll give you example of Loa so I'll click on it so once you click on it uh this thing get open so in this you have to uh click hyper RX here okay once you click on hyper RX it will automatically enable or disable some of the things okay according to the software so what in this option you need to enable AMD flid motion frames manual or something like uh similar name might be there for you according to system specifications so you have to enable this okay once you enable this it will not directly uh show the generated frames in the client FPS stats okay so to check the exact FPS that you are getting after enabling this you have to enable this overlay okay so I have already set that up okay but you guys can I think figure it out yourself uh in this uh Fields you have to enable for FPS or like whatever you guys want to select as as the matresses you guys can select that okay so after that I have enabled it for do 2 now as I okay so I will be launching the game now and you guys will be able to see okay so let's go and watch a game okay it seems like it's not enabled properly so I will be relaunching the game now because if it worked perfectly then this na should have changed but as in this case it didn't change so I will be closing the game once and I will relaunch it for e okay as you guys can see the frame gen lag is showing the yeah see this this caption should come AMD motion frames as enabled okay so what it took was for me to do is like I went to the video section I clicked on the advanced settings and just applied it once more so my uh resolution got refreshed and it started working as you guys can see the FPS are boosted and as you can see the frame gen lag is not na now so now I'll show you for example I will be watching a live replay and you guys will be able to see the FPS so you guys's middle Tower is under attack around 186 189 almost 200 FPS on and that is on 4K maximum settings this is 4K resolution and as you can see every setting is enabled I have using SSR the MD technology another techology that I'm using SSR and everything is maxed out you guys can see the difference in fps also you guys can check another video of mine in which I have shown the FPS without this technology enabled in that video I was getting 90 FPS or it even bend down around 60 FPS in in 10 situations but as as you guys can see bmd frame generation technology is giving me almost double that middle Tower is under attack getting around 250 200 FPS dire structures are fortified radi to is under attack so I would like to also inform you guys that to make this work for this all to work three things you need to understand okay so first thing is that this software should be updated to its latest version so as you as you guys can see I will click on check for updates and it is up to date so this should be all it should be on the latest version the MD software okay after that you need to go on this tab and you have to check if AMD smart access memory is enabled or not so this is another AMD technology AMD smart Access Memory Sam for short so this should be enabled and when I uh like showed you the DOTA to settings I had FSR enabled as well so total of three different Technologies I have enabled and that resulted in 200 FPS so you guys can also benefit from the same like I'm doing so thanks for watching we'll meet you in another video thank you for watching bye-bye
Channel: Retro Gamer
Views: 8,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd frame generation on vs off, amd frame generation, fluid motion frame, frame generation, fluid motion, amd fluid motion, hypr-rx on vs off, cyberpunk 2077 fsr 3, amd hypr rx
Id: kOngbPYzLx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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