How To Effectively Promote Your Business On Instagram (OUR SECRET SALES PROCESS)

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if you're posting sales content on instagram and hearing crickets this video is for you i'm natalie ellis ceo of boss vape the number one online community for female entrepreneurs not long ago i was where many of you are today wanting more of life but lost overwhelmed and confused trying to figure out the exact steps i needed to take to get there fast forward six years and multiple business ventures i'm so proud to say i figured it out built a growing audience of 2.6 million on social media a multiple seven figure business have been featured in forbes and other publications speak on stages around the world lead a team of 18 and prove them they say is wrong it's my mission to show you how to do the same hey guys this video is part of a 10-day challenge to monetize your instagram account no matter how big or small of a following you have i'm going to show you the exact steps you need to make money online through a series of videos to teach you the theory books to then put that theory into practice and daily emails to hold you accountable and make sure that you're taking action if you've landed straight here and haven't yet signed up for the challenge click the link below to sign up it's available all year round and by signing up you'll get not just the videos but the workbooks and the emails too these will really help you integrate and implement everything that you're about to learn the challenge is completely free and it's an absolute essential if you're really serious about moving the needle in your business and you'd like my support in doing so so hit the link and sign up so without further ado let me welcome you to the third video in the series i'm natalie ceo of boss babe and i've been helping women just like you who are service-based entrepreneurs or online coaches sell on social for over four years i've worked with over a hundred thousand women worldwide to help them grow and monetize their instagram accounts and social media and i've been featured in some pretty high profile publications for my efforts like forbes entrepreneur and inc and i also get paid to speak on stages all around the world now if you miss the first two videos in this workshop i highly recommend you stop everything right now and go watch them they really are required viewing for anyone who wants to monetize their small audience on instagram and start making sales more easily and quickly than they ever have before if you watch this video without watching the previous ones you're going to struggle to put things into practice and some of the things that we talk about might not make sense and it might not work so all of these tactics are really designed to stack on top of each other to build out a really comprehensive and profitable formula so like i said click the link below enter your email and i will send you the daily emails as well as the workbook and they are packed with extra learnings and value i want you to squeeze as much juice as you can out of this challenge so you should really go and watch those videos in order and then come right back to this video okay so this video is all about attracting your ideal clients and actually connecting with them yep i'm going to show you exactly how to start interacting with your ideal clients and no it's not as hard as you might think it is one thing i talk about a lot is getting your dms filled with the how can i work with you kind of messages that really do exist where you know you literally have clients knocking on your door asking if they can give you their credit card information this kind of seems a bit good too good to be true right wrong but i want to be honest and say listen it doesn't happen overnight and there's a process to make it happen and that's exactly what i'm going to do in this video i'm going to totally lift the lid on that process before i do that i want to really show you just how possible this is for you by sharing some real life success stories so first i want you to meet lillian who generated over 59 000 in revenue using the strategies and tactics that i'm about to share with you these tools and techniques helped her fast track her growth she started hitting 10k months very consistently and even hired out a small team to help her stay in his own genius since putting theory into practice she has signed up 15 new clients and generated over 59 000 of revenue now she actually works for just four hours a day and she's doing the things that she's good at and she loves and she's got more time to spend with her loved ones she even took her business traveling so she could work from her laptop anywhere which is crazy right and then we can also talk about tatiana so tatiana skyrocketed from 35 000 to 128 000 followers very quickly she doubled her engagement and after doing so started making sales through her stories very easily and she's created a community now full of hot leads after applying everything that we've taught her and what she's really learned about social has helped her make her seven-figure business more profitable than it has ever been before actually her last post got 5000 likes and she converted so many customers out of that because she is driving so much traffic from social media and the traffic she's driving are ideal clients she is putting out content that's really profitable so as you can see these case studies are from business owners at different levels but they were both implementing the same strategies and tactics and it really shows what's possible if you do stay consistent you stay on the path and you commit to taking action so in the previous videos i had you get really clear on who your idol client is and specifically who they are following online then we walk through your sales process to turn cold leads into hot buyers but there was one burning question you might know the process but how do you actually get these cold leads that you take through the cold warm and hot side the process okay but before we dive into that we need to do a little bit of housekeeping and what do i mean by that well you wouldn't invite a potential client of yours over to your house if it was a total mess and upside down would you so i want you to think about your instagram account as your house right it might need a little bit of cleaning up and sprucing up before you feel really comfortable letting your ideal clients come in and take a look around because trust me they will be opening drawers they'll be taking a look around so make sure your bio is really reflective of the results that help your that you help your idol client achieve and that your profile is a place in which you feel really confident about other people's seeing i go into a lot more detail about how to do this in my program instagram accelerator but for now your profile doesn't need to be perfect you just want it to be presentable and hopefully video ones really helped you get clear on what that transformation process is and then once you're happy with where it's at here's where we're going to get really into it so of those 10 profiles you pulled who your ideal clients are following it's time to do some manual labor i want you to go through the people who are engaging with those account check them out to see if they look like a perfect fit to see if they look like your idle kind so just to repeat i want you to go through those profiles of people that your ideal clients are following so the influencers or business owners or businesses that you have already decided okay i know my ideal clients are following those 10 accounts or one of those 10 accounts i want you to go through those accounts and i want you to look at who is engaging with those people so you know who's liking and specifically commenting on the posts that this person is putting out or this business is putting out and then i want you to start taking a look at these people's profiles so go through the comments click on the profile take a look at them do they look like your ideal client you know do they have the demographics of your ideal client think through what those demographics will look like and get really really specific so yes it's manual labor and yes i want you to go through and look at so many profiles because i want you to start to see who your ideal clients are my guess is you know you ha are used to kind of guessing in the dark about who your idol client is and you wouldn't really be able to spot them in a mile through their instagram account because you just haven't known what that process looks like so i want you to get really really familiar with going and actually seeking them out because once you get really clear about what their profiles look like and who they look like and what they are interested in all of those different things that's when you can start to create a process that starts to bring people to you so you're actually doing less of this going out and seeking them and they're coming to you and yes that is totally possible and the big reason that i want you to choose from people who are engaging is that i want you to attract people to your profile who are engagers not just lurkers listen nothing wrong with lucas but for now we want those really active vocal followers so you know if they're engaging with someone else they are engagers not lurkers so i want you to go and find 50 potential ideal clients yep 5-0 and put them into an excel spreadsheet as you find each profile i want you to go through and like some of their photos comment on the ones that seem appropriate and maybe even give them a follow right this part's not super necessary but if you feel like they're a perfect fit there's no harm in doing that then that's it that is you done you don't need to reach out to them anything right now just go through and engage and put the names of these ideal clients into an excel spreadsheet i love excel spreadsheets you might have guessed that by now um and listen it might take you a while to get in the rhythm because initially you might not even understand who is or isn't your ideal client based on their profile so i'm just going to give you a few things that you might want to consider that's going to help you get really really clear on whether these people are your ideal clients or whether they're not so what might your ideal client have in their bio which suggests to you that they are your ideal client um what type of posts might you see on the feed of your ideal client approximately how many followers would your ideal client have is that even a thing you need to be talking about so in your you've guessed it excel spreadsheet put a tick beside the ones you engage with and then come back for the next video where i'm going to show you how to start making sales in your business from these ideal clients the next video is really gonna tie everything together for you and you're gonna you know see a really easy strategy that is gonna start coming together very simply and you'll wonder why you weren't doing this easier and i also want to acknowledge this might be totally overwhelming if you're new to instagram but listen that is completely normal as long as you're committed to seeing the course out and applying everything you learn it's all going to fall into place trust me i have worked with so many entrepreneurs just like you and my teachings have helped them make more money and help more people while they're at it i am all about that income and impact now i want to hear from you are you going to go and get started right away i hope so have you carved out the space on your calendar what's the scariest part about all of this i want you to let me know in the comments below what you're afraid of and let's start trying to break through those fear blaze based blocks i am reading every single comment and i'm so grateful for those of you who are really really taking action in these videos so if you found value in this video please share it with at least three people you know especially if they've thought of starting their own business or being able to scale their sales because trust me it is easier to get started on this journey when you have other people on the path with you that's the whole reason i got into this but that's a story for another day the next video is going to be like i said really tying everything together for you everything that you've learned over the past three videos but right now i want you to scroll down leave a comment and hit subscribe and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Natalie Ellis
Views: 82,323
Rating: 4.7179985 out of 5
Keywords: promote your business on instagram, effectively promote your business on instagram, how to promote your business on instagram, instagram for business, instagram business, business on instagram, instagram business strategy, instagram business strategy 2020, make money on instagram, instagram promotion, make sales on instagram, sell on instagram, instagram growth, instagram, natalie ellis, bossbabe, insta growth accelerator, make money with instagram, social media business, iga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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