How To Edge Concrete Pavers The Right Way

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my name is andrew and this is rogue wrenching i have been absent from the channel for a little while now because i've been working on this giant project that is this paper patio behind me and it extends all the way over to the house so huge tremendous project that i've been working on i haven't had any time for making videos but i wanted to jump on here real quick today and make a quick video to talk about paver edging paper edging is super important because without proper paver edging you can run into issues like the edge paver kind of falling off the edge you'll see separation your papers so i want to talk to you today about paper edging what the best way to do it is and some things that i've learned kind of along the way because there wasn't a lot of content out there when i first started this project on how to do this and do it right so let's dive right in one of the keys to success is using the proper edging normal landscape edging won't work you need paver edging what i'm using here today is this dimex paver edging this is available at home depot for about a dollar fifty per linear foot and i was able to find it on amazon for closer to ninety cents per linear foot so i will link that in the description below if you guys are working on a project definitely check it out from amazon because it's like i said substantially cheaper than buying from home depot or other retailers like that the other thing when you're doing a project like this is you want to make sure that you're using uncoated steel nails or spikes these are 10-inch spikes that we're using here the arizona dirt here is fairly hard so 10 inches is plenty for what we're doing and the big thing is you want uncoated you'll see there's a little bit of rust built up on these nails already and that's what you want because over time as the nail rusts it locks into the ground tighter and we want a good secure lock so when you're doing paver installs you should have your base layer your gravel extend beyond the edge of your pavers and obviously the same with your sand as you're setting your pavers so the first step in doing this is going to take a hose and wet down the area so the sand is damp you don't want it run you don't want it to erode the sand you just want to make the sand damp so that it will hold its shape when you cut it there are a number of tools that we're going to be using in this install so the first is i'm using a milwaukee hacksaw to trim the dimex edging to length you can use a hacksaw or any other saw to cut it it's plastic it cuts really easy it's just the power tool that i have on hand so i'm using it you don't need it for this job once the sand is wet we can come in with our finishing trowel and cut the edge as close to the pavers as we can get it as you see here and the reason we do that is because we want this edging to make actual physical contact with the paver but we want the edging on the bottom to be resting on the gravel and not on the sand so we want to cut the sand straight down and then pull it back and away from the paver that way there is just rock gravel packed gravel underneath that it's being nailed into and then the edging sits straight up and flush against the pavers you want this edging to come at most halfway up the side of the paver you only need about a half an inch of overlap on the paper so it shouldn't come to the top of the paver you just need it to retain the bottom edge of the paper and keep the sand in place so once the edging is set in place once the sand is moved then we go into spiking so with these spikes what i like to do is i like to pound them in at a slight angle and then as i get in about three inches kind of push them back to straight like this to push that edging tight into the pavers you want to get this as tight as you can here but you don't want to push it so tight that the top edge rolls back you want the bottom flat on the ground and the top edge pressed firmly against the pavers like this when you spike this you want to spike it about every foot to foot and a half so i'm going every four holes as kind of a minimum but then i like to go every other hole at either end that way the ends are secure so this shorter run is going to have more spikes than you have to have but i would prefer to be overkill and i bought spikes in bulk so that i would have enough to be overkill on the subject of spikes i bought these spikes on amazon and they were i want to say like 13 or 14 for 45 10 inch steel spikes again you want bare uncoated so they will rust when you put them in the ground these spikes are almost 3 8 of an inch diameter steel so it's going to take a very long time you have decades before these spikes actually rust into nothing and in that time as they rush that rust locks in with the soil and holds them even tighter than just a smooth spike would so don't use nylon make sure you're using bare steel spikes if you end up with a little bit of a gap it's okay just take a little bit of sand and kind of fill in on the edge of the gap like this it's pretty straightforward nothing too crazy you don't need to pack it in there anything just enough to keep that paper from walking around on its own so once you're done you go ahead and finish off with dirt just a little bit of dirt and then kind of pack it with your foot like we just did there and you're done so at this point the next step is to sweep in the polymeric sand which i will do another video on that at a later date so if you're interested in seeing that definitely subscribe for that video in summary to wrap up you're gonna need a tool a way to cut the edging you're getting edging and you're gonna need these big spikes so i will link all of that stuff in the description below if this is a project that you guys are getting ready to tackle on your own thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up so that it can spread to more people share it with your favorite friend that's doing a project like this and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Rogue Wrenching
Views: 92,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1b-dLAFGchA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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