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hello hello my name is Christine and welcome to today's video now as you can tell by the title and the thumbnail this will be another extreme grocery budget challenge video if you guys have not seen the other ones that I have done so far in 2020 I will leave the entire playlist down below for you and I try to take you guys as feedback from the previous one and incorporate some more vegetables maybe give some more variety increase the amount of food that I am giving a little bit so in today's video we are going to go shopping I did spend a little bit more this time to feed six people for the entire week assuming the only things you have in your house are some basic pantry staples like a couple of basic spices maybe an oil or fat of some kind and salt and pepper everything else will kind of be coming from scratch I thought I did pretty well feeding my family of six for an entire week I will say a lot of the recipes I made this time the family was a huge fan of I do want to point out if any of you guys are struggling with food please reach out to the services available in your area this could be family crisis center of food bank of food pantry a lot of churches will help out and honestly a lot of the time your neighbors will help out as well if they know that you are in need if you guys enjoy this type of video please give me a thumbs up and let me know down below what you would do to feed your family on less than $10 a week per person welcome to my local neighborhood Winco it is kind of a bigger store like Walmart and we're gonna go through it fairly quickly today because you'll see everything that I picked up in the quote hall kind of at the end of this I did want to mention that I know my last video was really popular because of the homemade bread that I made and how that really could have saved the budget for the week but I know that lately it's been really hard to find yeast I know a lot of people are struggling with that and I did receive some feedback that most of the recipes took too long to make and so I tried to keep that in mind this time as I was trying to put meals together that came together as a meal more quickly less time in the kitchen less time over a stove so I did use some convenience items like the tortillas and the ready-made bread that you'll see but I did incorporate a homemade item in the form of biscuits this time which is still something you can make yourself it's relatively cheap and you do not need yeast to buy it so I thought that was a fun little addition and I haven't made homemade homemade biscuits in a really long time and my family was very very happy about that oh by the way my Winco actually did have yeast in stock so that's the yeast that I like to get this stuff instant yeast I went with the off-brand of Crisco just the Winco variety check out these egg prices it was 5 dozen for 398 that's really unheard of in my area but I absolutely had to jump on it what a good way to feed my family on not very much money I did end up going with boneless skinless chicken thighs because it was slightly less expensive than the chicken breast in the smaller package I could have gotten a bigger package and saved some money but I didn't want to blow my whole budget on this excess chicken and I know that cheese is kind of a splurge but I mean I don't want to live my life without cheese do you honestly I still went with some frozen veggies I thought that was a good deal two loaves of the bread and I did run into my discount store really quick just to see if they had a better price on like jam and peanut butter and they did I was very happy about that and they were giving away free samples of apples which was fantastic so we grabbed two of those as well we are done shopping and here are my three receipts that I ended up with including tax it is fifty two dollars and ninety six cents the majority of everything purchased at Winco there you go one container of rice from Dollar Tree and two things from the discount store now if you take tax off which I don't know if you think that's fair or not some places don't charge tax on food but mine does but if you take the text off I am just under fifty dollars forty nine ninety six so let's call it fifty dollars for this week's worth of food I hope you guys can see that there are more fruits and vegetables than the very first grocery challenge that I did you go let's go over all of it really quickly and then we will get to the cooking if you guys want to see the total shopping list what I got and the recipes I will be making those will all be down below in the description box frozen veggies small shell noodles five dozen eggs for the amazing price of 398 10 bananas 2 loaves of wheat bread some buttermilk some flour corn tortillas because they were the cheapest grits for breakfast soy sauce ranch dressing I did end up getting the vegetable shortening it was cheaper than butter and I will be using quite a bit this week and I have no doubt I will have leftovers at the end of it a bunch of tomato products green pepper some onions garlic celery I don't know what happened with the onions because I swear I bought three onions but I only have two here at home so I might need to check the trunk and see what happened a cucumber two pounds of carrots three pounds of beans this time we're going with black beans and small red beans I was hoping to buy some pork sausage this week the cheapest I could find was almost three dollars and the pork chorizo was just a little bit over one but it's okay these are all of my meat products for the entire week this sausage and these chicken thighs and that's it I went to Dollar Tree for the rice because it was actually fairly expensive at Winco and then my discount store didn't have any some ramen I'm actually just using these for the noodles and not the seasoning packets sour cream these are my two items from my discount store cuz I knew I could get them cheaper and I was feeling a little crunched with the budget at that point so one can of peanut butter and one can of a really good quality strawberry fruit spread and two free apples that I got from my discount store because they were giving away snacks so there it is that's the whole haul and let's get started with tomorrow's breakfast our first morning well our first three morning's of breakfast is going to be scrambled eggs with grits this is a dish I ate all the time growing up all the time I was born and raised in Texas grits was a staple in our house and depending on who you are and for you guys will weigh in in the comments if you grew up eating grits there's two ways to do it savory or sweet so which camp are UN team savory with like salt and cheese or team sweet with butter and sugar the go to in my house was butter and sugar but my mom prefers it salty as does my stepmom and I have 12 eggs in here this is hard for me because my kids typically when I make scrambled eggs I'll cook about 15 and then they'll still ask for more but I think between the two it should be okay what I like about cooking grits is you only need a quarter cup of grits per cup of water so it goes a lot further than oatmeal so for my six servings or 6 cups of water I'm only going to need a cup and a half of grits don't forget to season your eggs with salt and pepper okay I like to cook my grits with a whisk so they don't get lumps on them but this is about the consistency that you want and now you can add if you want to go with salt for a more savory option or I will probably do sugar just because that's what I grew up with but you don't have to do that but but this is about what you are looking for and if you have kids hey I actually don't serve this in a bowl I serve it on a plate because it spreads it out thinner and it cools off faster a little a little hack for you if you have children here are the plates and I know it's definitely not as appetizing on a plate but I'm telling you it cools off so much faster like if it was in a bowl the kids would just sit there with it for a long time waiting for it to cool down because it's so hot but this is all twelve eggs I still have some in the pot so I know the kids are gonna come back and get seconds but this will be gone breakfast day is one through three let's make some homemade biscuits now I doubled my biscuit recipe for this I've been using this biscuit recipe for maybe ten years or so and it is delicious I typically make it with butter but I use it too shortening and honestly guys it came out just the same so it's a money-saving little hack for you to use shortening instead of butter it's really easy to make this is why I bought the buttermilk because it makes the best biscuits so I ended up doubling this recipe and making the biscuits twice throughout the week doubling it make gave me I think 20 biscuits so I ended up with 40 biscuits throughout the entire week and if you take nothing else from this video at all get this biscuit recipe and incorporate it into your arsenal what I like about these is you can add extra water after you kind of mix it up if it's feeling too dry and it was for me I live in a dry climate anyway so it did need a little bit extra and then as you start folding it together all of the crumblies will start to come together this is so easy to make it bakes in 15 minutes there's no rising time or anything and I went ahead and just cut it into like little squares with this dough cutter and I've heard you can pick these up at the Dollar Tree for a buck so if you want to get yourself one of those I think it's a nice little addition to your kitchen you can use this for anything breakfast dinner lunch I love how many biscuits our next two mornings of breakfasts are going to be these homemade biscuit and egg and chorizo sandwiches somewhat like you know an egg sausage biscuit you might get from McDonald's but home-a didn't wait tastier man these biscuits smell so good and because I made 20 of them we can have a breakfast for today and tomorrow and for also a dinner the last two days of breakfast are going to be black bean and egg tacos or I mean I would say burritos but they're a little small for that but anyway we have these corn tortillas I heated them up on the skill a little bit and some black bean kind of refried beans i simmered them in a little bit of water salt crushed red pepper flake touch of cumin and some garlic powder just to give them a little bit of flavor and I have basically one egg per person and have those little breakfast tacos for everybody for the last two days and we are officially out of eggs I also wanted to mention that you could make this better by adding some fruit if that you have that in the budget and some salsa on top and some cheese would also be really really nice for lunch days 1 & 2 do not underestimate the power of a PB&J I happen to know that your traditional loaf of bread makes 9 sandwiches back from my freezer sandwich days we have 6 here 1 banana for everybody except for me because I do have an allergy to bananas to get vert very sick so Apple boys want extra sandwiches we can do that because we have a whole nother loaf of bread for tomorrow so that will not be a big deal PB&J for the win I'm telling you even as an almost 40 year old adult still one of my favorite things lunch for the next two maybe three days we'll see how it goes is going to be a pasta salad with some of our veggies half of my broccoli the entire bell pepper one carrot two of my chicken thighs cooked chicken thighs are in here and I'm gonna put in the entire one pound of cooked shell pasta which we'll add in just a second and as much creamy ranch dressing as it takes to make it like coated and taste good so we'll kind of see what we end up with here and if you happen to have like a more red bell pepper or cucumber or honestly whatever veggie you like you can add to this with whatever dressing that you like you don't have to do ranch you can do Italian dressing you can make your own dressing this can be adaptable in a lot of different ways and hey if you have bacon in your fridge that's also a great choice completed pasta salad and you know if you have some mustard in your refrigerator that would be a really nice addition along with a little splash of vinegar just to give it a little bite would also be really really nice and as it sits I'm pretty sure this is only gonna be two lunches and not three so I'm gonna have to figure something out for day seven you're going to make it tomato soup you might be wondering why I don't have any tomatoes here but it's because I am beginning with my onion and I'm gonna throw in some of the carrots that I got to kind of cut the acidity of the canned tomatoes instead of adding sugar hopefully that will work and I like this tomato soup recipe because there's very few ingredients it's basically just your vegetables canned tomatoes and some chicken stock and salt and pepper and that's all and then from there you can add some extra things if you want well kind of see how it goes and here go our veggies and they're in fairly large chunks because I am gonna puree this at the end so I'm not really concerned about how big they are since they're gonna be all blended up anyway that's my onion and are soft or softer maybe I'm in the adding these three cans of whole tomatoes and this homemade chicken broth actually have from cooking my chicken thighs in my instant pot and then I will add water as well okay I added tomatoes the chicken broth and maybe one full can of water one and a half teaspoons of salt a little bit of pepper just eyeballed that and maybe not quite a tablespoon of basil because I did have it in my pantry basil is a pretty typical spice you get it super super cheap so we're just gonna bring this up to a boil and simmer it for about oh I'm gonna say 40 minutes or so you can also do this in an instant pot way faster maybe two lunches I have tomato soup homemade tomato soup and we actually didn't eat all of the bread so everyone can have a slice of bread to go with their soup if you happen to have extra cheese or something you could make grilled cheese and tomato soup that's something that Dave had a lot growing up we didn't typically do that we just had tomato soup with sell teams so if you have a saltines that could be good too anyway here's lunch for the next two days I made tomato soup with a slice of bread on the side for my last lunch I had a little bit of leftover rice some black beans and some chorizo so all I'm doing is mixing these together and I'll taste for salt and we're gonna put them on our remaining corn tortillas with some sour cream we're gonna have a little like chorizo black bean rice tacos or burritos or whatever you want to call it along with our cucumber that we got on the side so let me mix this up heat it up and serve up lunch hey this is our last lunch I actually still had some carrots leftover so I cut up all the rest of the carrots I had two cucumber and I didn't use all of my ranch in my pasta salad so we can have that on the side and I finished up the rest of the tortillas I have the beans and rice and chorizo filling it smells amazing by the way and some sour cream to go on top for the ones that would like to have that dinner tonight is going to be a meal I ate all the time growing up and it's chicken rice soup and I actually made it so much early in my marriage that Dave was like okay you need to stop making that we've had it enough but it's still one of my favorite things and I'm excited to share it with you today it's really really simple and I love it because you can extend your chicken to feed a lot of people by making it a soup right you don't need that much protein so we're gonna chop the celery carrot and onion saute it for a little bit add chicken broth which I'm just gonna be using these because I have them in my pantry I'm not even gonna chop the chicken I'm just gonna throw it in big like this some bay leaves some time some pantry items right here until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are soft then I will shred the chicken put it back in and add like 1 cup of rice or so and cook it right in the pot here we go okay I'm sauteing all the veggies is there anything more appealing than just this huge pot of beautiful vegetables I just think it's so gorgeous and then I threw the chicken and whole like I just said and let it kind of sear on each side before I added all the chicken broth and the rest of the spices and things like that so this next shot is going to be all of my chicken broth is in there I'm adding some thyme thyme is one of the key ingredients to this as well as a couple of bay leaves this is something you could get fresh and stick in the freezer or you can get dried bay leaves they're very inexpensive and just keeping your pantry all the time what was great about this is even Dave even though I haven't made it a long time said wow this is so good you're allowed to make this again so that was really exciting it's more of a chicken and rice stew than a soup but it's something that my mom came up with to make for my dad who wanted the chicken and rice dish and she didn't know what he was talking about until she kind of came up with this it took about five years to figure out what he was looking for and you can kind of see how thick it is right here it's more to stew dinner for the first two nights I just tasted it for salt and I remember why I loved it so much as a kid I don't make it very often for my own family just cuz I had over cooked it like too many times like I said earlier but I adore this soup I'm telling you you can double it triple it and just eat it for leftovers for a week because it's totally what I used to do is a kid go make this oh and if you really want to take it over the top squeeze the juice of a lemon into yeah really nice tonight for dinner we are having black bean and rice kind of burrito taco kind of things so since I have corn tortillas I am just heating them really quick a minute per side and my cast iron skillet so they're more pliable well cooked and each person can basically have have as many as they want I would imagine they'll do for each and we're just going to put rice and beans and cheese on them like this so we're starting with this per person and Haley is on the hunt for the sour cream oh there it is to dab a little bit of that on top as well we've got these little black bean and rice tacos and they can have as much as they want there's plenty the next meal is going to be this kidney bean casserole from the joy of cooking cookbook it's a dinner that I found early early early in my marriage because it used beans it was very cheap the only change we're making today is we're going to be using small red beans instead of kidney beans we will be switching out the whole tomatoes with Mexican style or tomatoes with green chilies in it and I did make a note that you can serve this with rice but we will be serving it with biscuits so let's get started hey I have in a saute pan some oil you can use the shortening that we picked up and I will be sauteing one onion and once that is soft we will add our garlic my onions are soft so I'm gonna add my 2 cans of diced tomatoes with green chilies here come the beans I just cooked them in an instant pot if you guys want to check out how I like to cook dried beans or all the different ways you can cook dried beans I will leave that video up there and down below for you fully dedicated on cooking dry beans 2 to 4 2 teaspoons of chili powder some black pepper not too much but I'm not left-handed and I have 1 teaspoon of salt just stir all this around simmer it for a minute and we will stick it in the oven it was looking really thick so I added a little bit of water and you can kind of see the consistency now there's a little bit of liquid in here and I it was smelling extremely acidic so I added just a pinch of sugar to cut the acid from the canned tomatoes I find that canned tomatoes are just super super acidic so this is going to simmer for just a couple minutes and then we're gonna top it with the rest of our cheddar cheese and stick it in the oven to bake so I bake this in the oven for about 35 minutes and then served it with the biscuits of course cornbread is great and you can also serve it along rice if you have some dinner tonight is going to be the last of our chicken and my attempt at a ramen style stir fry so I have the last two chicken thighs chopped up right here I had cooked them at the same time as the pasta salad chicken I have three carrots three stalks of celery and the rest of my fresh broccoli that I had purchased all chopped up for very large cloves of garlic diced small my steamer Bowl bag of vegetables soy sauce and all of my ramen packets now I'm actually not going to be using the seasoning packets in this I'm only going to be using the noodles for the stir-fry so the only additional items I'm gonna need for my pantry is some brown sugar and some crushed red pepper flake to mix with my soy sauce the first thing I'm going to do is start sauteing my raw vegetables in my fat that I had purchased in a large pan once they're soft basically everything else is going to be added into it my dressing or sauce is just soy sauce brown sugar garlic crushed red pepper flakes and that's it just gonna throw all these in the pan out of course I'm gonna boil these in water and and then add them to the pan at the end here we go pretty much on par for the course for over filling my skillet maybe I should just get bigger skillets I just added the ramen noodles all my vegetables the freezer ones the fresh ones are cut up I dumped the chicken in and my sauce is here at the bottom so I have to come out like stir it all around and make sure everything is heated through and cook and we can do a little taste test I have a celery overboard this is all right Christine might need a fifteen inch skillet oh my goodness all right I'll show this to you after I started I think I got it all stirred together it does smell really good and a you could just use rice if you wanted to do that instead of noodles just trying to give a little more variety this time so let me dish this up and this will be our dinner for two nights I just tasted one of the noodles the sauce is on point it's so good I will leave my ratios for my sauce I made down below for you yay I can't wait to eat well that concludes all of the meals that we ate for the last week or so if you guys want the entire shopping list and the recipes for the ones that have it I will leave that down below in the description box for you I hope you guys enjoyed this take on an extreme grocery budget challenge for doing I think it broke down to about 8 dollars and 33 cents per person for the week which i think is really fantastic and we even had some leftover items so in case you're wondering here's what we have do have quite a bit of vegetable shortening left over which is great because this is an amazing pantry staple I do have it's about here or so left at the flower something that was fascinating was to see that Walmart actually has a much better price than Winco on flour it's basically half the price I do still have a little bit of jam left over half a container of soy sauce I do still have some buttermilk and hint of ranch dressing left but we definitely ate all of the eggs tortillas all of the meat the proteins the rice is 100% on all of the beans are wrong so I do have a couple of things to tide me over for a following week that I would not have to purchase this is one of the best you can make so many things with this and this is still very very full which I think this is such a great buy to maybe purchase at the beginning of the month and then use forward the entire thing I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you thought it was helpful and there's people that you know that might benefit from meals like this shopping like this don't be afraid to share it with them once again if you have not subscribed and you would like to see more videos like this go ahead and click on the stuff on the screen I'll leave a couple of videos and a subscribe button for you I appreciate you hanging out with me today and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 629,891
Rating: 4.9292293 out of 5
Keywords: eating for 10 a week, frugal fit mom, food challenge, budget, challenge, frugal, what's for dinner, whats for dinner, cook with me, grocery haul, shop with me, grocery budget, saving money, grocery budgeting, meal planning on a budget, grocery haul 2020, cheap food, extreme budget, large family grocery haul, budgeting, extreme cheapskates, eat for $10 a week, food for 10 a week, eating on a budget, walmart grocery haul, meal plan, grocery, meals, cheap, cooking, food, extreme
Id: ei_rpOCkJz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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