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hello everyone to my subscribers welcome back  friends to everyone new welcome to my channel   i'm a frugal foodie i love eating uh great  food on a budget i have been wanting to make   a ten dollar a week budget video for a while now  but i've put it off because i was afraid that i   wouldn't be able to eat well uh or as good as i  wanted to eat on ten dollars but now i'm feeling   motivated i'm up for the challenge so i'm going  to see what i can do with 10 bucks obviously   i'm shopping the sales i'm looking at multiple  stores all in a very close vicinity obviously   let's see what i was able to  come up with let's get into it   okay and here is what i was able to get  for my ten dollars i picked up some spinach   some eggs eggs were really expensive so i was only  able to get 12 in my area i got brown rice i got   a loaf of the sandwich bread russet potatoes a 5  pound bag they actually had 10 pound bags but i   had to get a rain check i got these mission flower  tortillas i got the cilantro one carrot which will   be good in maybe some fried rice something like  that um i got some diced tomatoes um thinking i   might do something with the an egg like a well i'm  not sure yet uh seasoned black beans i love those   okay i got this peanut butter at the dollar  tree i was super excited to find this   uh because it's going to be perfect for peanut  butter sandwiches which i haven't had for a while   cilantro avocado can't go a week without  avocado some tomatoes of course and then i'm   going to be using some spices from my own  house and these are what i'm going to use   soy sauce i may use a little red hot but i may  not i'm not sure yet um i think i've also got   some louisiana hot sauce in there uh some crystal  i've got salt pepper garlic salt i'm actually   out of garlic salt right now so i've got garlic  powder but i would prefer to use garlic salt   um just regular peppercorn red chili pepper i  might use that um chili powder i may use that and   then also this um this vegetable bullion you know  if you watch my channel i use that all the time   so it's definitely a staple you want to  have on hand it makes your food go further   if you don't have it you can buy this chicken  ramen express for i think it was like 15 cents   somewhere around there and use a little seasoning  packet out of that so that's that's just a little   thing for you now i'm also going to use oil  and any butter if i want to to add extra flavor   okay so with these three ingredients right  here basically uh adding up to three dollars   and twelve cents i could have a ton of meals i  could have all of my breakfast and lunches for   the entire week i could have egg fried sandwiches  scrambled eggs eggs and toast peanut butter toast   egg salad sandwiches if you have some mayonnaise  there's just a lot of different ways to go about   this there are so many combinations that you  can make with these ingredients now i will say   that this peanut butter was so delicious it  tasted just like skippy and i love skippy   peanut butter so this was actually a treat for  me i don't usually buy this kind of bread so i   really enjoyed eating this this week and to start  out with i'm going to go ahead and wash my brown   rice get that cooked up and i'm going to cook up a  little bit extra so that i have some for the week   it just makes meal prep a little bit easier so  i'm going to go ahead and get started with that so now i'm going to make breakfast burritos i'm  gonna make enough for two days and i'm gonna use   two potatoes i'm gonna use a little bit of the  onion and three eggs and then just some spices   i've got on hand and some oil and i'll be using  two of the tortillas that i've got out of the   eight i do normally use the great value tortillas  they are just as good as mission but i did want   to use these up because somebody purchased  them and i don't want them to go to waste   potatoes make a great filler for these burritos  and they're inexpensive too so i really like to   use these in the burritos and this time i'm  going to do something a little bit different   now normally i don't add the the onion  but i do love the taste of onion in there   so i'm going to go ahead and and shred up some  onion as well and i want to make sure though   that when i'm cooking this that the onion gets  fully cooked i don't want to take a bite of the   burrito and have any raw pieces of onion  because that's definitely not the taste   i'm going for i want them to be cooked in with  the potatoes so that it has that really nice   almost kind of sweet flavor of the onion uh now i  probably could have just added the shredded onions   to the potatoes and they probably would have  been fine but i didn't want to take any chances   especially since we have a limited amount of  onion uh for this dish and you know and other   ingredients as well so i'm just gonna fry the  onions just to make sure that they get done inside i found the trick to making a really  good breakfast burrito to have the eggs   be a little bit wet so that you have a  nice moist burrito when you bite into it   i really love using this wax paper for these  breakfast burritos and actually for sandwiches uh   wraps anything that i'm going to be making  ahead of time and putting in the fridge for   later first of all you can heat it up in here with  the breakfast burritos and with the sandwiches it   just helps to hold them together really nicely  even when you cut through them and go to serve   them so if you haven't tried using that definitely  pick some up and for the second burrito i'm using   some of the crystal sauce on there because i'm  actually going to be eating this one probably   right away because i'm hungry i thought  originally when i started this i was going to make   them for two breakfasts but i'm actually  starving right now so i'm going to go ahead and   eat one tonight for my dinner okay i have to say  that these burritos were so dang good i absolutely   love them the only way that they could have been  any better is maybe to have added a little bit   of extra sharp cheddar maybe some feta would  be would have been really nice but they were   super super delicious as is and i thought to  myself i could have eaten these for breakfast   every day this week and i would have been  super happy but we are conserving the shells   and um i do want to eat some variety this week  so i've got some unusual meals planned for the   rest of the week but this is off to a good start  okay next up i'm going to make some black green   burritos these are going to be super healthy beans  and brown rice make a complete protein i've got   some fresh tasting cilantro i'm going to use the  rice that i made uh previously in the video and   i just took it out of the fridge i'm gonna heat  it up in the microwave uh for a super quick meal   and i've got the black beans that i'm absolutely  loving right now i get those at walmart they're   the seasoned black beans and i love the way they  taste and i'm going to use a little bit of the   broth in my burrito to make it a little bit less  dry because i also really just love that flavor of   the the beans i'm going to make sure my spinach  is washed obviously for all you germaphobes out   there making sure that you know that i'm washing  all of my items and get it dry as dry as possible   so that your burrito doesn't have any of the  water in there obviously and then i'm just   going to dice up my tomatoes really nice and thin  and these are also something that i'm going to be   conserving so i'm only going to be using just as  as much as i want for this meal and then try to   save as much for later as possible i'm just going  to dice these real thin in retrospect i probably   should have left the tomatoes in quarters  they would have looked better when i cut   the burrito open and yes those are the things  that i think about i definitely want my food to   look good i want it to taste good and i just want  it to be um presented in the best way possible   for the ingredients that i have and i feel like  even though we're only eating for ten dollars   this week i feel like i'm really able to make some  good meals that are nutritious we're not hitting   all of the nutrition spots obviously i don't  recommend anybody eating this way for very long   or you definitely want to take some kind of  supplementation maybe some protein powder   um but i think for what we have i think we're  doing pretty well um and i love like i said i love   this sauce it is so tasty and so flavorful you can  use that in a lot of different applications but in   like i said for this burrito i'm just going to add  it for a little bit of extra liquid into the rice okay i'm cutting off the stems here  to make room in my refrigerator   but uh the stems when i cut them off they just  smell so delicious and the stems do have a lot   of flavor so if you wanted to throw those into  a blender along with some yogurt you can make   a nice creamy cilantro dressing that would make  a great a great topping for these bean burritos   but in my case i'm not i didn't have any yogurt  on the list so i'm not going to add that in here   and i'm actually gonna just probably toss those  but i feel i do feel a little bit guilty about   doing it because they do have a lot of flavor in  them so i'm gonna put one cup of rice the brown   rice in each burrito along with this liquid  from the the seasoned black beans and you've   probably heard me say this before if you watch  my channel sometimes i've had black beans you   know in restaurants or varieties that i actually  don't care that much for but for some reason these   walmart black beans i just cannot seem to get  enough of they taste so good and they're super   nutritious so i'm definitely in a black bean  phase right now and i'm going to try to conserve   these a little bit because i've got several  different recipes that i want to use these in   and actually we're going to have quite a bit  in this burrito so we've got plenty of toppings   and unfortunately i ran out of garlic salt but  i would add a little bit of the garlic salt here on top of the the rice and the black beans so i'm conserving the avocado also so i'm  just going to be using one quarter of this so i was wishing that i would have used the wax  paper for this because it was kind of hard to roll   up these and cut them i had filled them so full  but they were super super delicious and there's   a few different things that you could do with  this if you wanted to and by the way i just love   serving mine in these bowls but see if they were  wrapped in the paper they would have held together   better you could use a little silver bullets for  putting some salsa maybe some some dip like if you   wanted to make a cilantro avocado dip or something  like that or maybe cilantro sour cream dip   that would have been really good and then serve  it like this that would have been really beautiful   but i liked them just as is we are on a 10 budget  this week so i didn't add anything extra to it   um i had this la victoria as well but i just ate  mine plain um i already had put a little bit of   the crystal inside my burrito but it was super  tasty i enjoyed it i love eating spinach this way   i almost like it better than you know cooking  it where it cooks all of the water out of it   so i have enough ingredients to eat this for two  meals this week either two lunches a lunch and   a dinner or two dinners all right and now it's  time to have some fun i have been wanting this   tamagoyaki pan for the longest time and it was  recently my birthday and my kids got me this along   with this mini cast iron skillet that i've also  been wanting and i got a bonus with this a little   tiny one i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with  it but it looks like a single egg size serving   which would be perfect so i'll figure out what to  do with that but now let's get started with this   tamagoyaki pan and it's meant to um well they use  it for omelets japanese omelets which is typically   a little bit of a different style i'm going to be  using their technique but i'll be using western   um it's going to be more like a western style  omelette but i'm just going to have some fun   with it and then i'm going to serve it alongside  some potatoes i'm going to make the potatoes a   little bit different in this recipe but to get  started with we're going to use i'm just going to   follow their technique and see how it turns out  so i'm going to use some oil and a paper towel i just absolutely love the way these turned  out the eggs were so fluffy and obviously   using the pan had i used more eggs they would  have been easier to turn the layers but i was   trying to conserve the eggs for the week so  um but you could use a silver bullet uh for   jam for ketchup but i thought this turned out  really good and it was absolutely delicious   the eggs were light and fluffy the potatoes were  crispy and delicious exactly the way that i like   them and i love the fact that you can do you can  do a lot of different applications with that pan   now obviously if you don't have the  pan you can use a regular round pan   and you're just going to flip it the way that  i did it doesn't really matter you're just not   going to have that square shape to the egg but  it's still going to be it's still going to be   fine and i had some potatoes left over which is  perfect i'm going to put those in the fridge for   another breakfast in one of my other budget  videos recently i made huevos rancheros and   i topped them with feta and i just can't  stop thinking about that meal it was so good   and i was thinking with these ingredients i should  be able to make something similar to that i'm   gonna have to substitute the corn tortilla shells  with the flour shells and we'll just see how   how that turns out but i have to cut this down a  little bit because these are really quite large so   i'm just going to cut it down to the size of the  pan that i want and and we'll see how this goes this was absolutely delicious uh on this one  making huevos rancheros with the flour tortilla   it was actually easier to cut into than the  corn tortilla but i think i actually like the   flavor of the corn tortilla a little bit better  than the flour tortilla on this particular meal   now i also really liked the addition of the  feta in the last the last time i made huevos   rancheros make sure that your eggs are nice  and creamy uh for the dish and i would say   this doesn't feel like i'm eating on a 10 a  week budget this is really a delicious meal   and we have quite a few beans left over for a  couple more recipes okay next up i'm going to make   black bean flautas now i haven't used black beans  in this before so i'm kind of excited to see what   it's going to taste like i do absolutely love the  flavor of these seasoned beans so i don't expect   that i'm going to need to add anything to it i'm  just going to make it as small as possible roll   it up and deep fry it and make it nice and crispy  on the outside now when i was finished with these   i actually thought they looked a little bit more  like chimichangas than flautas maybe i should have   cut the flower tortilla shell in half but they  actually were tasty i really enjoyed them if you   want to serve them along with some la victoria or  salsa or sour cream that would be good i actually   mostly ate them without anything um but i did  have the la victoria and i i did want to show   you how nice it looks plated um because for me  that obviously is very important okay for today's   breakfast i'm gonna make myself some avocado  toast i absolutely love this i eat it quite   quite a bit actually um we have tons of potatoes  that we could be cooking for breakfast but i'm   just not gonna eat that big of a breakfast this  morning i'm gonna eat this with a hard-boiled egg okay i've got quite a bit of rice left  i'm gonna go ahead and cook this now   i probably should have cooked the whole  thing in the beginning and then just put   half of it in the freezer but i didn't so now  i'm going to just go ahead and use what i've got   now i have the these great value in the cabinet  because like i said before i do always eat those   but i didn't have a full container and i  already had the mission flour tortillas um   in there that somebody had purchased and it was  a full container so anyhow but for this uh menu   i'm just going to go ahead and use the great  value i've got quite a few things left over   i also do have the potatoes and let's see what  else wasn't shown oh i have the can of tomatoes   as well i haven't used that yet but i think what  i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and make   a fajita salad i have all the ingredients i like  to make my own tortilla shells for the fajita   salad i'm not going to take the time in this video  to show you how to make those it's super easy i   have another video that will show you i'll link it  down below and i'm just going to go ahead and cut   up some of the ingredients that i've got left i'm  going to use the tomatoes the black beans spinach   and cilantro and i'm just gonna chop up  a super rough chop on the the spinach and my tortilla shells turned  out perfectly i like to have them   really crispy so that it it's  i'm able to eat it better   now i didn't have a lot of black beans left  so i'm gonna add a half cup of the brown rice   to the dish to make it a little bit heartier  and as you can see here i use a bowl to form my   shell but as you can see here i'm just going to go  ahead and layer the ingredients one by one and i'm   going to count on the seasoning in those black  beans to flavor the entire dish i have to say i   really like the addition of the rice definitely  going to be eating it that way from here on out   and the cilantro will be will add quite a  bit of a flavor component to it as well and   then i'll just add the spinach and the avocados  now this is a meal that i like to eat regularly it's just very healthy it's just one of my  favorite meals and when i made this video   i just wanted to make sure that i was  eating food that i was going to really enjoy   that were also as healthy as possible because  obviously you can't get a lot of groceries on   ten dollars but i think this turned out pretty  good this was absolutely delicious um you just   want to make sure when you're doing this that  you get your tortilla shell nice and crispy   and then for breakfast the next  morning i decided i wanted to poach   just have a poached egg on toast so again  i'm not going to show you the poaching   i have another video for that also i'll link  that in the description but i do have a foolproof   method for poaching the perfect egg uh i had  quite a few potatoes left over like i said earlier   i could have had that with along with this  but i was just having a light breakfast today   okay these are the items i have left over  i probably have enough for one more peanut   butter sandwich however i've been eating quite  a few for lunch so probably not going to do that   anymore this week i've got plenty of rice  a cilantro lots of potatoes the tomato   diced tomatoes now somebody ate half of my onion  i found these on the counter they're kind of old   which is probably why they stole my onion but  i regardless i don't think i'm gonna need that   onion for anything else so i'm good i've  got the can of diced tomatoes i'm still   wondering whether i want to do some eggs in  purgatory or i'm thinking about making gnocchi   with the tomatoes as well i'm not sure yet  um however i do see with all this rice and   the carrot i can make some egg fried rice that  should be good i probably may use this bread   um with maybe eating another egg in the morning  i'm not sure yet what i'm going to do on that and   i have lots of spinach left over and the peanut  butter okay so i'm going to go ahead and make the   egg fried rice and i'm only going to use one egg  so that's going to leave me with one egg remaining   which if i did do the eggs in purgatory it would  be an egg in purgatory so who knows i don't know   if i'm going to do that or not i'm going to  use a vegetable bullion the garlic salt and   soy sauce and of course the carrot i'm just going  to whip through this really quick because uh it   is already a long video and i'm gonna just  try to edit this so we get to the end result so   okay i have to say this rice was really  delicious but fried rice is always very   delicious it's super easy to make so if it's  something that you haven't made yet definitely   i think you should give it a try because  it's so good and also if you have some   sesame oil it's really super delicious  to put that over the top at the very end   so for my first 10 video i went with some of  the comfort foods that i really like to eat on a   weekly basis and it just worked out well that they  they work together with the ten dollars uh because   you really have to use your ingredients several  times in the week for it to work out and ten   dollars is not very much money to be spending on  food so even though it seems like i did it and i   i didn't feel deprived at all but i do realize  there was a lot of planning involved and a lot   of people just don't have that time to plan which  is why it's you know so much easier to just spend   more money to get more meals um but all in all i  thought it was i thought i was happy with the week   and i didn't lack food in fact i had i had more  food than actually ended up making because i had   extra potatoes and extra bread as well but this  salad even that was super delicious and you just   want to make it to the acidity that you like  um and i tend to like mine a little bit more more acidic but that was super delicious okay i  do have to admit there is one meal that i made   that i wasn't that crazy about and i saved  that meal to the very end and it was my eggs   in purgatory and i think the only reason i didn't  like it is i was in a hurry and i was tired   and so i cranked up the heat and i my egg  ended up being way too done so i think if   it was silky and i had served it in there it  would have been delicious anyway thanks guys   for watching if you haven't subscribed already  please do so and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ardent Michelle
Views: 135,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to eat for $10 a week, how to eat for 10 dollars a week, extreme grocery budget challenge, budget meals, grocery budget challenge, eating on a budget, how to save money on groceries, budget challenge, grocery challenge, frugal, budget grocery haul, feeding a family on a budget, food haul on a budget, eating for 10 a week, eating for $10 a week, ardent michelle, saving money on groceries, how to save money, extreme grocery budget, budget meal plan, frugal foodie
Id: v5GG_TlQUcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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