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welcome back friends today i'll be sharing a full day of meals for a family of four for under five dollars in this video i will be sharing six meal ideas and i'll include the screenshot of the ingredients to show you that they came in at four dollars and ninety cents in my areas now keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the areas and as always if you need assistance with any type of resource such as food be sure to reach out to your local resource centers or be sure to call 2-1-1 and they can provide any further assistance that you may need so now let's get into the video okay so these are the items that we're gonna need for our five dollar for a full family meal but here i have a dozen and i'll have all the prices screenshoted within the video here i have a dozen eggs here i have a full loaf of white bread here i have the um pasta shells that i was talking about that are 28 cents i actually took a picture of where they're located in the grocery store they're usually in the ethnic aisle so i have two bags of those and they look like little shells and then i have the sandwich made cheese they do have the regular american the great value but this is the cheapest brand and sometimes it comes under a different name but this is what my store has the cheapest brand here's the bar five hot dogs and it contains eight hot dogs and then if you watch my channel for any point in time you know that i love the frozen mixed veggies so i have a pack of that here and this is 12 ounces so these are the ingredients that we're going to be using for this video and we're going to do a full day of cooking and i'm going to show you five different recipes that you can make more if i can but i'm going to show you five versions of what you can make to feed your family for a full day if you are on a limited budget as always the nutritional value i'll try to include it this is not a way that you want to eat every day but this is definitely a way to eat if this is all you have all you have is five dollars then this is a way to make the day go by until you can get more food maybe tomorrow or however it works but stay tuned and we'll get into the video so for the bread there's 22 slices in this container so that breaks down for a family of four to about five and a half slices of bread so i'm gonna separate this bread according to lunch and breakfast and i'll come back to show you what i'm gonna do to do breakfast i'm going to show you about three different breakfasts that you can do with this bread for your family okay so here i have 10 slices of bread so some of these i'm going to cut up and some of them going to leave whole i'm specifically gonna cut of course the what i like to call the butts of the bread but that's the end of the bread of course so i'm gonna cut up some and i'm gonna come back and show you what we're gonna do okay so this is the bread that i've cut up into pieces and i'm gonna put them in the oven to bake and dry out and form like bread crumbs almost like croutons and that shouldn't take long because it's just plain white bread so here i'm just going to finish up these last two and i'm just going to show you what i did and all i did was take a pizza cutter because it's much easier to do it that way and i just cut yeah so there's no right or wrong way to do it no it doesn't break apart i just go ahead and break apart with my hand i'm just going to spread this out i'm not going to put any oil or anything on this because this is a budget meal so we're going to um assume that we have very little oil and we don't have a lot to spare so i'm just gonna stick this under the oven and let it bake um and brown and i'll flip it and then um once it's done on the oven i'm gonna leave it on the oven to continue to dry out and we'll be back so i'm going to go ahead and just start cutting up these hot dogs i want to go ahead and prepare them now because who knows what the day may hold and i want to go ahead and have them on hand as needed so for breakfast i'm just going to use four of them and then i'm going to put four to the side because i'm going to use them in a lunch to show you and i'm also going to use them in dinner just to show you your options so i have four here and all i'm going to do is i'm just going to go ahead and slice one in half and i could either leave it like this but i'm going to go ahead and slice this half in half for four pieces and then i'm just going to go ahead and dice the rest of these okay so these are the hot dogs that i'm gonna use for breakfast i'm just gonna put them in a separate bowl don't laugh at my um spider bowl i got these about two halloweens ago a ton of them and they're still lasting so i'm just going to keep one off to the side because there's something that i want to show you guys for lunch i'm going to go ahead and slice these these are going to be for dinner and i'm just going to cut them up the same way maybe a little bigger and they could have easily been sliced just into um little circles but depending on if you have small kids which i think i always cut them this small because i've had small kids for so long but you don't have to cut them this small you can just cut them into um i guess circles or whatever works for you so i'm just going to hold that off to the side and um because i'm going to brown these and i'm also going to brown the ones i'm going to use for breakfast but i'm going to go ahead and put this off to the side because like i said i'd like to go ahead and prep ahead of time so here we have it it'll help you okay so here's my hot dogs i actually soaked them because sometimes there's like a slime that's on hot dogs not all hot dogs but some hot dogs that i like to try to get off and i wanted to do that with this so i'm going to go ahead and pour that out let these dry in a colander and i'll be back i'll probably pat them dry with a paper towel or if you have a what do you call it a kitchen cloth a clean kitchen cloth you can pat them dry with that okay so i'm back so i was just drying them off with a paper towel and you don't have to do this this is just something that i'm doing you don't have to rinse them off there's no requirement to do that but i'm kind of weird about my food so i'm gonna go ahead and take these over to the stove and start frying them up and i'll be back okay so here are my breadcrumbs and of course they have browned way more than i needed them to this is more or less what i was going for this color but they are totally brown but that's okay because when waste food that's okay we're gonna make it happen but they're nice and crunchy and that's perfectly fine i don't think they're not burnt they're just toasty so we're gonna go ahead and work with what we have [Music] so i'm gonna go ahead and spray my pan okay because we have 12 eggs and we have four people that means that three eggs can go for for each person so i am not actually going to do the full well you know what no i am gonna go ahead and do the full six eggs for this um recipe right here and that's gonna serve for two people so we're gonna go ahead and do that so it'll be six eggs and this is the equivalent of um i believe it was six slices of bread so i'm gonna go ahead and beat these six eggs so i'm just gonna go ahead and whisk this around now if you had some milk or some cream or creamer that would be cool but like i said we're working on limited budget so what i will do is i will add some water here so this is about half a cup of water so this cheese comes with this cheese package has 16 slices of cheese in it so i'm gonna need six for lunch so i'm gonna put those to the side i'm gonna hold off on four for our dinner and that leaves me with six slices for breakfast i'm gonna put two for two of the meals and i'm actually gonna hold off on one for a lunch meal but you would definitely put this in here so we got like this four but i'm gonna use one of these because i want to show you something for lunch so i'm gonna use three for this breakfast uh casserole can i do that so all i'm doing is just opening up the cheese i'm just gonna tear it apart no rhyme or reason and if i need to tear them smaller i'll do that as i go okay so i'm just going to go ahead and line the bottom of my pan with my breadcrumbs and i'm going to use half of the hot dogs a little more than half of the hot dogs that i browned and then this is going to go which i don't even need that much this is gonna go in another meal for breakfast so okay so from there i'm gonna go ahead and put my cheese i'm just gonna place it and american cheese is the best cheese because it melts really really quickly and it gets really creamy so don't sleep on cheap cheese i don't even know if it's cheese but you know whatever we're not don't worry about that all right so this is what that looks like so my egg mixture i'm gonna go ahead and season it you can put whatever seasons you have paprika cayenne whatever so i'm gonna put a little bit of the complete seasoning in here and just a tiny tiny bit of this cajun seasoning a little bit of black pepper some paprika a whisk okay so i am going to move this so y'all can see it and all i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna pour my mixture over the bread crumbs and the cheese now if you wanted to push that down in there you can do that but it's going to melt right on top of here so that's fine and then i'm going to go ahead and just stick this in the oven for about let's say about 20 minutes at about 350 375. i'll let you guys know down in the description box below what i put it on i'm just gonna go ahead and bake this and we'll be back okay so here is the casserole all done now you know american cheese is a little finicky that's all right because what you can do is you can put some more hot dogs up here put a little paprika or parsley and then we're just gonna cut into it but even though that cheese looks like it's not melted it's still gonna be really creamy and then once you get on your plate you know you can mix it on up so there we have it nice and cooked now if you want this to cook a little longer you can i only cook it for 20 minutes at 370 at 375 and that's perfect for what i'm doing if you hear some noise in the background it's my son's game so this would be a portion this would be how much one person would get and then we still have another portion for the other person so if you were to make just one of these you would make a huge one and that would be enough for four people but because we're splitting up the meals it's only gonna be enough for two and then i'm gonna make you some more meals to show you what else you could make so like i said you can make just one of these one huge one and you can layer the cheese and the hot dogs however you want it to you could put more of course it would have more cheese and more hot dogs as a matter of fact when i was cleaning up i realized i didn't put two slices of cheese on here i went back and put it on there so that's that this will actually be good with even older bread if you have old bread or you have stale bread um the older the bread is and the drier the bread is the more delicious it will be but i was showing you what you could do if you own a limited budget in a limited time um you know if you have butter or anything like that you would add that here but there's no need this is just perfect super simple super delicious on to the next one so i'm gonna start on another breakfast option so in here i just have three eggs and i'm gonna add a little water so these eggs of course have been beaten and that's about three tablespoons of water and then from there of course my pan is on and it's nice and hot now if you have a non-stick pan that would be great but i have oil and bacon fat here so i'm going to go ahead and turn my stove down just a little bit because it's quite hot so i'm going to do is i'm going to add the beaten eggs and i'm going to add the cut up hot dogs and we're just gonna make an omelette now you can make a um scrambled egg if you prefer but i'm gonna make a sandwich out of this and this is just gonna be easier to fold so go ahead and add my hot dogs here no specifically on how to add it usually when i make an omelet i like to keep everything to one side so it folds a little bit easier i'm just trying to move some of my um and cook egg over to one side and however you make your omelettes how you make your omelette i'm not a professional omelette maker and i don't like my omelette too dry from here you'll just cook it until you get it to the doneness that you like if you don't have oil like i said you can use um bacon fat you can use butter you can use a nonstick pan that'll help you not have to buy oil you can always find nonstick pans at least ones that haven't been um scratched up because i have a tendency to use mice to the very end but you can find those at a thrift store and people don't always like to buy their pandas they're so the price is pretty good because they always try to get rid of um kitchenware especially when they have too much so i think that's it for my egg i'll go ahead and turn off my heat and then we'll be back okay so this is super simple i mean all we're gonna do is put together a egg and cheese sandwich so i've already toasted my bread you don't have the toasters and this is perfect if your bread is already warm but i toasted mine a few minutes ago so i'm just going to show you how big this hole is it is huge yeah that's a huge omelette so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to cut it and you could very well have just toast an egg and now that i'm looking at it you know what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and make sure that the cheese is in the middle let's do this let's flip that over and this is a huge sandwich and because that cheese is in the middle of the omelette it's going to go ahead and melt so i'm going to try to figure out how to cut this big huge ginormous sandwich you see how big this is i'm just going to cut it so that you guys can see what it looks like on the inside you probably hear the chickens outside but yeah there's our sandwich that's nice and filling for breakfast because lunch is going to be a little bit lighter so i want to fill up on breakfast so here's what the sandwich looks like i didn't add any salt and pepper because um i cooked it in bacon fat and i'll add my salt and pepper in a few minutes but i just want to give you guys an idea what it looks like before i get into it that hot dog also adds a nice flavor and you can see the cheese is nice and melted super easy super quick now you can make four of these sandwiches or you know if your kids are a part of this group of four or this family of four and they're young kids maybe this is too much for them you can always save it off to the side and they can have the rest of it for a snack maybe a half a sandwich it's perfect for them but yeah this is nice and this should be nice and filling for um for breakfast so we're gonna move into the next meal okay so for this breakfast option i'm just gonna fry up three eggs because everybody's getting three eggs three eggs may be too much but because we're trying to use these up in the morning and get a very hearty breakfast i'm gonna go ahead and do three eggs um you can feel free to use your eggs throughout the day or however but we're trying to get as many calories and such in for the day based on the budget because it is a limited budget the oil will add some calories as well if that's your concern like i said i'm not a nutritionist but if we talk about adding some calories and such oil they never had a problem sorry so let me crack some eggs and get those right up in my pan by the way is um just that bacon fat in that well i used this a little bit earlier to make another egg option so that's why that's in there because we don't waste and yes i could have put them in separately but who got time for that that's three eggs and oil we're working on limited time easy and efficient and we'll separate them out as needed yo that don't fry to the doneness that you like if you like sunny side then you'll do that if you have a nonstick it'll be a lot easier to fry eggs but this is what i'm using if you watch my channel you know me and flipping are not best friends i'm still looking for a fish spatula at a good price so that's what it is that's what we have so i'm gonna go ahead and chop myself and let the heat do the rest of the work and go ahead and get my bread ready why are you up making my youtube videos trying to beat you let's wake it up all right so i'm just going to cut my cheese in half because i am going to stack this sandwich okay so i went for a slightly less toasty toast and i can see you don't have to toast this is just what i'm doing and here i'm just going to lay my eggs add a piece of cheese you know what i'm going to put that there because i want a bigger piece of egg on the bottom because i hate to get a bite and there's no eggs so then it feels like i'm just eating bread i'm just gonna add my hot dog and that other egg and some more cheese listen we have three eggs so we're gonna have to use them and like i said if this is too much for you of course you don't have to use it all and then i still have some more um hot dog so let's just do that so we have our cheese there in that hot dog there now i'm just going to squish this on down i don't know if i want to squish it because it looks so good and i want my okay should i cut it or should i squish it first okay listen listen here okay i want to squish it but i i want to cut it and then squish it so all that nice oh you see what i have to say i knew it i knew i should have squished it first because i like a runny egg but i don't want it to be like um completely raw but yeah so see i'm gonna clean that up but see this is what we have here i'm going to replate it so that we can get a good picture and a good look at it all right let's just move this to a plate oh no honey we can't be missing that hot dog all right and see that's why i didn't want to toast my bread too hard because i knew i wanted to squish this down my bread is a little ripped but that's all right because guess what we're going to eat that and then you'll put your salt and pepper as needed if you eat it with jelly or whatever and you have that then you'll do that but this time like mine i'm just giving you guys a closer view all my egg isn't super runny but they're nice and soft and that is absolutely fine for me i'm not picky and i don't like a hard hard fried egg but if you do you do you okay all right so that's another breakfast alternative a nice layered breakfast sandwich what hot dog cheese well american cheese i don't know how real that cheese but we're not talking about that a nice and melty sandwich nice for this nice cold weather depending on where you're living at give this a try and tell me how you like it so yeah so i just want you to remember that um these are options for breakfast uh these sandwiches you can make four of these sandwiches or you can make a huge breakfast casserole like i did which already ate it um yeah i mean the kids ate that so you can either do that make a huge one of that or you could make four of these sandwiches so you would make four of this sandwich for this sandwich or you could do it like i did if you have the time and you want to be fancy you can make the breakfast casserole for um two people and then you can make the sound which is just depend on what your family likes but i want to give options on you know the different breakfast types for a family of four so you can do four of these sandwiches each so you would do just four of these or four of these or a big casserole or split it up this was enough to do exactly what i showed you so that is a meal for four for breakfast and we'll move on to lunch so here i'm just browning up my hot dog rather frying the hot dog i like to do this versus boiling because it's a lot quicker and also it gives a better flavor and this is just prep for the next meal idea and you'll brown it as much or as little as you would prefer okay so this is another lunch option and i forgot to keep out a slice of bread from breakfast in order to show you this one so i just went ahead and grabbed a piece of bread out of my pantry so typically my kids don't really eat the crust and depending on how your kids are you may want to cut the crust off but we're working on a budget so we're trying to get as much food and um nutrients in as possible so i'm going to do this rolling pin i'm just going to roll the bread down i'm just going to try to get as flat as possible and then here's my hot dog that i browned earlier well cooked earlier on the stove just a quick way of cooking it now you can use one slice of cheese or you can use both i'm going to go ahead and use both and all i'm going to do is just roll the hot dog up as a matter of fact i should have just kept it together i'm so used to using one one half of the cheese but yeah so we're just gonna roll that on up so now depending on your kids or your family whoever's gonna eat this um you could just do it like this but what i'm gonna go ahead and do is i'm gonna put it on the stove and i'm gonna brown it if you have butter that would be cool but we're going to use oil because hopefully you have oil like i said i'm going to put a little bit of oil um if you have bacon fat you can use that if you have butter you can use that if you have a nonstick pan you can use that so my hands a little wet and i'm just going to wet this a little bit so that the bread can actually seal see you put a little more water on there but i don't want it to be mushy but it'll seal this okay so all i'm going to do is i'm going to wait for my um pot to come to a nice hot temperature i'm just going to drop that down in there make sure that the oil gets on everything and all we're going to just brown this because the hot dogs cook we just want to melt the cheese a little bit and brown the bread you'll see the cheese will start to melt as a matter of fact let me move you guys in a little closer and as you can see the bread is still kind of tight because of that water it helped to seal it so frying and that cheese and everything is just going to keep it together so nothing fancy but it looks fancy and remember we're on a limited budget but we don't have to look like we're eating on the limited budget so you'll just round this as much as you want to and this will get crispy remember i say browning is flavor so that's why i like to brown every and anything this shouldn't take long this shouldn't take more than about i say about maybe three minutes at the most depending on how brown you want it and how hot your stove gets okay so i let this sit a little longer than i would like while i was getting a plate and you could just put that on paper towel if you have it but i'm not going to do that and i'll show you what it looks like when we go over to the table so here we have it so now you would instead of using your hot dogs for dinner or even your hot dogs for breakfast you could go ahead and do this so maybe if you want to keep a couple hot dogs on the side you could do this as an alternative to the other lunch and remember breakfast was quite hearty so this should just be enough to take you over to dinner and if you have any snacks in between you want to go ahead and add them so i'm just going to bring you a little closer so there's our hot dog with our cheese this is what that looks like and it's nice and crunchy so it's like a pig in a blanket on a budget okay so i'm gonna go ahead and cut this and show you what it looks like and like i said see it's all together not coming apart or anything and then just that little bit of water did it so i'm just gonna cut it and this is what that looks like nice and cheesy if your kids love hot dogs even if you're not on a budget this is a cool way to kind of serve it to them just to make them think that they're having something pretty cool and if you don't have hot dog buns we always use bread my daughter actually prefers bread so that's an idea for you okay so lunch is gonna be super simple and that's why i want to make sure that dinner and um breakfast are super hearty because lunch is like i said super simple and usually uh at least i hope that you would have something to help to supplement in between those meals it's very important that you have that if you don't have it like i said then this should be enough to just keep everybody's bellies full for this one day that we're trying to you know work on what we have so i'm just going to show you how to make two because um we have 12 slices of bread left over so that means we can make six sandwiches so because we're serving for four we're going to go ahead and make four full sandwiches and then you'll just go ahead and cut those last two in half so everybody gets a sandwich and a half a lot of times depending on how old your kids are they may just eat a sandwich so you'll just go ahead and set that off to the side set that half off to the side for them so that they can get it later or you know if they're not eating it by the time lunchtime comes around then you know hey whoever the adults are may have to eat those and that's okay because who doesn't love um a grilled cheese sandwich at the same time you have soup veggies or any of those things you know i always say to add that wherever you can so um if you have maybe some soup that's in the cabinets from whenever wherever you put that on the side if you have some lettuce or tomato make a quick little you know faux salad or whatever you can do that but i'm just going to show you what you would make and grilled cheese is perfect a lot of times you know people would just eat a nice grilled cheese and be good to go so we still have six like six slices of cheese 12 slices of bread i'm gonna make uh two grilled cheese just to show you but yeah you have enough for four but because i'm have to eat this myself because my kids are still pretty full from breakfast and they've been snacking in between now this is my challenge not theirs per usual so that's what we're going to do and this is just a matter of me showing you what it is that you can do um i like to bring these videos even though you know i may not be on this budget i want to show you how you can go ahead and manage your budget based on what you have so i'm gonna go ahead and um just open two slices of cheese and i'm just gonna place them now if you have butter you can go ahead and butter the slices if you have mayonnaise you can go ahead and mail the slices let's say if you have oil you can go ahead and put it on the stove make it fat whatever but we're just gonna work with what we have i'm not gonna oil the pan i have a nonstick pan that i'm just gonna put it on and that'll be fine for me i love a lot of butter on mine but we're not gonna do that we're just gonna show based on you know what we have to work with it for at least lunch um you can just make a grilled cheese and you don't have to have all the extra you know things so this is pretty basic i'm not even gonna spray yeah i'm not even gonna spray my pan so we're just going to work with what we have as a matter of fact while i'm talking and waiting on the pan to heat up i remember having grilled cheese sandwiches as a kid and i don't think that my mom used to put butter on her grilled cheese sandwiches because they always just taste like toast and cheese so i'm not sure what kind of cheese she used but i really didn't like it that way so that's one of the reasons why i'm doing it that way right now because i'm so used to putting so much butter and you know all the things on here but i just want a nice toast and cheese and after that breakfast you know i yeah we're just gonna keep it really simple so my pan is heated and i'll just let that sit and let you know the heat work its way through and i'll flip this a couple of times just to make sure i get a nice brown and that the cheese is melted so just stick with me am i the only one that has the urge whenever you have a sandwich on the stove or something with bread to squish it down i just i have to do it i'm sorry i mean maybe that's not the right way to do it i don't care that's what i want to do and that's what i'm going to do so you'll see me do this throughout but i'm going to go ahead and um let this cook up and i'll get back to you okay so my grilled cheese is nice and brown and you'll let this brown as much as you'd like i'm fine with where it is right now i don't want it to be too brown and i'm going to go ahead and cut it up and show you what it looks like so we'll be back all right so here's our grilled cheese it's still nice and hot nice and toasty and this is without any butter once i move it to the plate so basically this is what you would serve you would serve three slices of the grilled cheese and that would be enough for one person based on our budget based on what we have but for presentation of course i'm going to go ahead and put all of the slices here and that's it so that's lunch so yeah this is our grilled cheese and it's nice and melty so i'm just going to pull it apart you see that cheese oozing out of there still nice and warm but just a basic grilled cheese sandwich perfect especially if it's cold in your area but yeah so that's lunch let's move on to dinner okay so i think i'm just going to go ahead and do one pack of the shells the shells show that this is about 3.5 servings so if i were to do two that would be about seven servings and because i'm going to add more um things to bolt this up i feel that one pack would be fine for a family of four so i'm going to go ahead and add it to my water here it says to cook it with about two and a half to three quarts of water i am going to go ahead and do that because i am going to reserve my pasta water and pasta water is always very important so let me go ahead and start putting it in and then i'm going to put it on the stove to boil okay so i'm just going to drain my pasta okay so while my pasta is still hot i'm gonna go ahead and add the whole package of vegetables and they thought just a little bit but they're still a bit frozen but we don't have to cook these because basically they would have steamed in microwave anyway this was a steam bag that heat will warm them right on up and we're gonna put them back on the stove so my pasta is not smushy or anything i pulled them off about two minutes before they were fully cooked so they're gonna go back and i'm sorry about the scratching of the fork so it's gonna go back on the stove um with the cheese sauce for about another minute or two so i don't want to overcook it so that's why i took it off a little bit early so i'm gonna go ahead and get about two cups of this pasta water and the pasta water should already be salted from cooking into pasta so what i'm gonna do to this is hopefully you have some packets and i always say to go grab some of these so since i'm doing a video this is like a heads up to go grab some of your creamer from your local gas station this is what my gas station had and they had this but i'm not gonna put a sweet creamer in what we're cooking so if they have like the um unflavored creamer grab a whole bunch of those whenever you go to the gas station where that has those and you could have put this inside here maybe two of these inside the mixture that we're gonna make but because they only had the powder that's what i'm gonna work with so because it's powdered creamer it's typically used for hot coffee so it'll dissolve really good and i'm only using two packets if you have more you can use more but i only have two packets i would say four would been would have been great but this is all i have so i'm just going to whisk that i'm putting the cheese inside here so that it can go ahead and start melting before i put it with the pasta noodles so that they don't have to cook any longer than they have to this is still hot so this is something that you do really quickly and i'm just going to season this a little bit more so of course i'm putting some complete seasoning a little bit of paprika a little bit of chicken bouillon if you have it if you don't then no need i'm just gonna go ahead and whisk that around so that the heat can get to the cheese this is gonna sit while i'm getting my stove ready to heat everything through okay so i'm going to turn my stove on to medium high just so that it could heat up and while that's heating up this is my hot dogs that i cut up from earlier this is about four hot dogs that i had cut up for um the dinner portion i'm just gonna add that here now if your kids do not eat vegetables what you could do is you could go ahead and make your cheese sauce and put it with your pasta and just add the cheese to the pasta and then maybe have your veggies on the side so that if they don't want to eat it they don't have to but because we're trying to stretch and we're trying to get as many um veggies and protein in as possible because we're on a limited budget i'm putting everything in here besides the colors they're pretty a lot of times kids will just kind of play with everything and pick out things just to see how it tastes so i say just go ahead and leave it like this but you know i'm not i'm mommy so that's my suggestion so here's that cheese in the pasta pasta water i'm just gonna pour it in there as you can see it's starting to break up already and then once it starts to heat it will start to melt and that pasta water will start to help thicken everything up so we're just going to let it sit and come up to like a really really quick boil because i have my stove on a very high heat it should take about a minute or two just to come to a decent heat so i can hear my stove starting to sizzle a little bit so that means that it's starting to heat so i'm just going to toss it and i'm going to let it go ahead and heat some more so the best thing is to just kind of leave it just you're gonna stir it just make sure nothing's sticking as it's coming to start to heat up okay so it's starting to boil and we're just gonna leave it on so just enough to melt the cheese and to thicken up the sauce and here's what you want to taste to see if you want to add anything else so i'm going to add just a little bit of italian seasoning and if i can find my cayenne i'm going to add that too but now it's coming to a boil so i'm just going to go ahead and turn the stove off because we just wanted the cheese to melt the heat will go ahead and finish up everything else so it looks a little watery now but it will thicken right on up as a matter of fact i can move it off the stove because everything else is melted and we don't want the pasta to overcook so i'm gonna go ahead and move it off the stove now so as you so as you can see it's still hot even though i put off the stove about five minutes ago so i'm just going to go ahead and show you what it looks like i'm going to show you what it looks like a little bit later on so you can see that thickens up more if you want it to thicken up a little bit more but i'm going to go ahead and plate so this is what one serving would look like and as you can see there's tons of food still left there so there's enough herb i would say even more than your typical four servings or enough for leftovers or somebody's a little hungry they can have more this is dinner of course i have to try it because it looks so good of course this is delicious i'm just putting a little parsley just to make it a little fancy and let me cover up with a hole that i made so yeah guys this was dinner and that rounds out all the meals all right guys there you have it six delicious meals that you should try whenever you get a chance as always guys thank you so much for coming back to my channel thank you for commenting and of course subscribing and until the next video guys bye
Channel: K James
Views: 21,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme grocery budget meals, extreme grocery budget challenge, grocery budget challenge, extreme grocery budget, budget meals, grocery challenge, thrifty living, frugal lifestyle, cheap meals, meal plan, meal prep, whats for dinner, how to save money, grocery budget, grocery haul, large family meals, struggle meals, large family, pantry challenge, frugal fit mom, jen chapin, college student, food stamps, SNAP, 10 a week, cook with me, cheap meal, eating for, how to
Id: tNr2M5tY1vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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