How To Eat a Whole Fish with Robin Williams - Martha Stewart

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[Applause] none other than Robin Williams and we're having a lot of fun here we always do and r20 more things everyone should know series continues with a lesson okay and you are going to help us with this lesson it's very important because this is lesson number six how to eat a whole fish when presented with a whole fish in a restaurant now we you know this is not part of the lesson taking the fish off the baking sheet but without breaking it yes to your plate all right so this is how it comes to the table in the restaurant Madame and Monsieur yeah okay sure whistle blows over yellow okay so we just take your lemons off take your lemons off and then you can do this all with a fork and knife and all right and if you eat with your fingers it helps a little bit to touch a little bigger seat yes or I was talking about eating with your cutlery or okay so what you're loosening the skin loosening this game and this okay so then just kind of peel back the skin if you go back okay hold on here's this here's a nice way to do it look Robin look you can just do this but that's only if you want to show off to your boyfriend or your girlfriend look you just roll it back isn't that clever you're not doing it I'm not at all sure you can't skin this here stick it in here stick it in there and then roll all the fluid and remember that stick roll I know this sounds like bad phone sex mom your wife will say what are you doing Mars and she said stick it in rolled you know they're all here she said sticking it roll [Applause] you did a very good job yeah no man just lift this off cut it down the middle cut it down the middle okay and then you can lift off just to make it easier to eat we're not saying we're not going to do the diet in the total dissection like they do the waiters do that for you Corey Simmonds stop you're right your wife bones your fishes right yes my wife is a great boner no in that sense so right now the guy at the sensors calls me young man hey Wes this is a perfect fish well done well just makes me that you've eat eaten all that we don't have time to eat it all right yet Robin so then just pull off the little bag I got the spinal cord yeah check that out great puppet for the kids you've eaten all the top now another time the year 2050 this is all it'll be love the last fish bank we told you wait and so now you just turn the whole thing over now look at mine don't look at his oh he's playing with his food again there's a part that's at play we defend okay so then cut it down here and just remove this from your from the bones and eat that and then you have completely devoured a very very delicious roasted fish in theaters everywhere we'll be right back [Applause] you
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 452,329
Rating: 4.9154153 out of 5
Keywords: Martha, Stewart, Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart Living, Home living, Robin Williams, remembering, rememberance, RIP, how to, eat, whole, fish, seafood, french, technique, tips, tricks, techniques, eating, proper, etiquette
Id: dG55FiAfUzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 12 2014
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