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and a classical fabulous Doobie Brothers talking with you grant job as I said I saw this movie nine months it really made me laugh out loud a real very very funny bit the same director who did mrs. Doubtfire it is outside the home alone films and all that yeah yeah oh boy yeah which is frightening because I mean with a track record like that you know fighting with the cause of his first failure it would have been a doubly bad week but it is I just had this sneak previews I'm new to all this but these things go sneak previews and live today the the studio with I'm cooking the champagne oh that's good yeah apparently people are going nuts for it so that is good Chris the Chris Columbus anything right he's yeah so they dope I'd convince you have done the merchants IV film and you can do the whole merch and IV film for like the cost of like a Bruce Willis trailer actually real yeah that's right I mean we you know that's what they wanted for me about making film like this one is it in England I've been accustomed to you know that if you if you make a film at all that's really it you're clever to have done that you get a slap on the back and if anyone goes to see it that's just an additional bonus but no one particularly cares about that and so this was very frightening yeah because it matters this is the sort of big budget big budget very frightening and I mean guys big trailer and all that kind of stuff from yeah mobile telephone and you know nice food and all that but I think all that's really down to how much you take advantage of it and I didn't identify ready took enough advantage of it oh well it's a kimono vid really yeah yeah hard to believe isn't that bizarre you know please all American men are not I love Tom model but please don't judge us all like and you know he's very very good he is very very funny and this film interview it is the most not that you're sort of a comedy team but in something these scenes where you are it is really amazing I would never have thought I did while you work together as if so you you know you've been doing this for years and years and then it's strange it's strange because he has an interesting you know all actors I think have a sort of thing they fall back on I've you know bring my eyes a bit too much and other people you know make funny noises in their throat and stuffing his kind of tick as an actor is too hit the nearest English person and the digits this is this is what he does and you probably see that 80% of the scene he'd say hey why don't why don't I hit you in the fin and Chris would say yeah great and then he'd hit me Ice event and then when he got bored of that he started to kiss me which was worse and so I went back there hissing oh yeah as you say make it a triple bad week right yeah now the Robin now working with Robin madam did you know Robin Williams prior to this well the I knew who he was right I mean if you had no I'd never met him I'd never met him no that was he's a very nice chat with a very hairy I did that with the birthing of suffice I mean amazing there were days I thought we would in Congo and it was but he was done tremendously knives I mean but you know more important you have to meet Ed Asner I think you'd get a lot of really very very hairy acts yeah but just odd I never heard of actor described as hairy when it was it's the first thing I noticed they said here's Robin Williams and you know I took a step back I walk but but I think I felt that as I said very supportive and very fun too funny for me I like you know I thought that was a thing I thought I've been doing fine in this film and then he comes on to do his few weeks and you know the end of the first day you want to slit your wrists because he's sort of legendary but I know having him as a guest it was impossible then he following me because he improves me he bounces off the walls and I wondered her in the movie you can't really say too Robin here's the script you're the line do this and then the other actors follow that whereas I could see you know I've known him for a long time working the clubs I can see where he's free forming and I could watching you in the film try to follow we're just trying to get you in my line in occasion they but that's alright you know I mean the bottom line is he's bloody funny innit when it works and that's that bit you know damn him I don't think we don't be like the Feldman's about you you play well you play a child psychology yeah yeah I'm a child psychologist who's terrified of children that's really that's what happens and I have a perfect life you know I've got lovely this is where everyone sniggers again because I have a perfect career perfect girlfriend and everything's going fine and then this bombshell comes out of the blue because she suddenly gets pregnant by mistake and I can't handle it that's really what it's about now we have a clip of what scene is it you know this is just towards the end when shallow waters break and we have to go to the hog oh yeah in Russian okay take a look at scene from nine months that's a night still Oh what really made me laugh here's our money watch chase scenes in movies they managed you know they hit the apple cart and they managed to avoid hitting people I just like the Russians keep hitting people loading loading it was fun I've always wanted to run people over got the chunk it looks terrific listen the movie opens Wednesday 9 months terrific terrific am Hugh thanks for coming terrific [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 227,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes
Id: paMZf5dUQFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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