100 yard group analysis | 5 shot groups

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i don't know if you guys can tell but i am so freaking beat right now i'm looking at myself it's it's pretty bad anyway uh i'm trying to force myself to go to the range because i need to but my goodness i am dragging but today uh so far anyway it's been a very very long day but i need to get to the range this used to be a lot of fun [Laughter] anyway i will see you at the ranch [Music] thank you cows [Music] all right game on you guys have seen this setup already i'm going to sign in the scope because as you guys know i put a new scope well not a new scope but a new mount on it this is a sab neo front rest and of course i used an etch wood rear bag with a donut on the bottom they call it a dead bottom lab radar setup or a chronograph i can't wait to see who the first one is going to make a comment about the front rest and talk about how the front rest does all the work for me and a real shooter would not use this type of rest well guys this is f open competition okay the rest is allowed everybody's gonna be using the front rest so it would be extremely stupid for me not to use one okay so i get what you're saying but this is what the competition is about okay so everybody else uses a front rest i'm gonna use one too i understand if you don't agree with me using a rest i'm okay with that you just have to understand that this is part of the game okay it's called f open for a reason okay you can use as much well there are limitations but you can use a lot of things to make your rifle as accurate as possible okay so feel free to comment about how i'm not a real shooter because i'm using the front rest but just so you know that's why we use a rest okay everybody's gonna be using one this is like formula one okay you're gonna complain about using slicks or using spoilers and all that good stuff it's just a different sport guys okay all right so i just shot three five shot groups i shot um these two first for ciders to kind of get the scope uh sighted in then i shot three what i do i shot three to make sure well two to get on paper three to get sighted in then i shot these five these five and these five okay um let's go take a look at the target right quick you know what i'm gonna take the bolt with me just to be safe all right all right let's go to the target so here we are these are the first two to get on paper these are the next three and then this is the first five-shot group right here this is the other five-shot group and this is the third five-shot group it's pretty obvious that these two are the better ones this is the one that shot the 1.3 inch group at a thousand yards i'm just verifying that my load is where it needs to be but uh yep i'm gonna say these two is uh the better ones these are all five shot groups by the way tomorrow we take her to a thousand yards so i'm pretty happy with the uh shahane actually sorry that was that's a wheeler 284 wheeler uh now as you guys saw as you guys saw the scope is dead on so i'm just going to zero the knobs but while i'm here i'm going to shoot my 6 by 47 as well because why not right i got some things that i'm testing in the 47 so if uh one of which is if you follow me on patreon you know i just cleaned the crap out of that barrel it is squeaky clean so i'm gonna see um if there's any point shifts because i mean i clean the crap out of it i'm losing daylight really really fast you can see that there's a cold front too coming in which is perfect because that's one reason that i want to test the uh the wheeler i want to test it now then once the cold front comes in i want to test it again that's just name of the game all right so i'm glad i came here uh as you guys saw i was feeling pretty tired before i got here but once i got here and i started sending those freedom seats down downrange everything worked out uh pretty good so i got pretty much what i needed today and um anyway we'll take a look at those groups when uh when i get back to the reloading room i'll see you when i get there this is uh the uh the target that we shot at right so right here in the middle this is my load my current load okay and then what i was testing is minus point three grains and plus point three grains now as you can see they all shot really really good so i have nothing to worry about i'm right in the middle of the node this one gets a little worse uh so you know compared to the other two but it's still pretty good right so if i needed to move anywhere i'd probably have to move down a little bit but it's uh i mean it's pretty good right this is point three i mean look at it it's it's not making a difference okay let's measure this right quick so to make it easy to measure we're gonna take one of these we're gonna measure come on all right right there okay we're gonna zero it okay all right now we can enter the groups so this first one outside to outside is just i think this is the biggest side right here i'm gonna get as accurate as i can with a with an inaccurate way to measure so we're looking at 0.157 roughly this one is point [Music] what are we looking at but maybe 197 and this is the biggest one of them all which is uh right at 250 what is it 250 right at 251 looks like okay so uh i should have wrote it down so 251 this one was 190 something let me see i got bigger now 227 and uh this one is the smallest one at with 183 this way what about this way it's about the same let's call it 182. okay so the aggregate of those three groups is we're going to go with 182 plus 227 plus 251 divided by three nope that ain't right 251 plus 227 plus 182 divided by three there it is so 220 aggregate okay uh nothing wrong with that really i'm okay with that that's pretty pretty good what i'm what i'm really looking for here is consistency and uh like i said these two are the better of the two this one's not too bad but this is my current load and uh it was about 75 degrees where i was testing i'm gonna be shooting in phoenix so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna change the load uh i'm gonna leave it alone but if i if i wanted to i could move down this is point three i could move down point one and kind of put myself more you know between the two kind of put myself so this is three right this is one okay so this is okay kind of like this this is kind of what we're looking at right so this point three negative point one negative point two negative point three here okay so i could kind of drop point one so let's call this negative point one negative point two so you can see what i'm talking about here i'm here and here so i could drop down negative point one from this load and kind of put myself more between the two but i mean this one is not terrible okay plus this is the load that i shot that really tiny group with at a thousand yards so when i test uh long range i'm gonna i'm gonna test again i'm gonna test this one against this one and this one okay i'm gonna do it one more time and uh then we'll be able to tell really at long range what they're doing if all three look really good then i'll leave it alone if these two look drastically better than this one then i will for sure move down in charge probably uh 0.1 or 0.2 remember we have to look at what the weather is going to do in phoenix next week which is probably going to be hot or hotter than it is here so if it is i need to look at what what it's going to be like in the morning and in the evening and then that's going to tell me where i need to be in this uh in this node right so right now i have 0.6 grains right here and you know at 100 yards it really didn't make that big of a difference but uh we'll see what it does at long range this is part of the verification process okay i know it it does really well you know obviously but i'm looking for i'm trying to really find the node and i want to make sure that i am in the node at all times okay because this is this is about consistency right it's not about winning one string it's about an aggregate right that's the thing about f-class f-class is about aggregate all right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if i if i do excellent on day one and two but i have a train wreck on day three i need to be really really consistent all the way through right also i don't have to win every day i just have to stay within striking distance let's say i come in second every day right but different people came in first every day right that means uh i have a really good chance at winning because this is again this is an aggregate score so i don't have to win a single match but i can still win if i stay consistent okay that's the name of the game so this is why i'm doing this i just want to verify and make sure that everything is as consistent as possible i want to make sure that i am in the middle of the node and uh that you know if we have any temperature swings or or anything that i'm not going to fall out of the node and have a bad day and don't forget to give my videos a like that really helps and also comment in the comment section below and i hope all your groups are one whole tomorrow we're going to keep them centered see ya
Channel: Erik Cortina - Pro Shooter
Views: 70,573
Rating: 4.9656429 out of 5
Keywords: Erik Cortina, Cortina, EC Tuner, EC Precision, Precision, Accuracy, Long Range, 100 yards, pro-shooter, pro shooter, load testing
Id: tHfQNDhLLm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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