How to Easily Remove Single or Double Ear Hose Clamps

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full of viewers for di wires here back if everyone just everybody here I'll be doing a demonstration with the ear clamps which are found on a variety of different applications throughout the automotive and small-engine world now these hose clamps here as you can see the ones that for this demonstration are a single ear hose clamp and you can also get a double ear hose clamp as well which would have the year on the one side here and one on the opposite side as well now these are crimp clamp but one-time usage these hose clamps can be found on a variety of different applications whether that being on a fuel system even a coolant system vacuum lines or hydraulic lines now the first method which you can use to remove these clamps would be having the correct tool now it is a similar cutter as to what a side cutter or a bowl nose cutter would be and this is also a tool which is used to actually crimp these in place as well now with that tool they're basically the exact same principle all you have is you'll have the crimp jaws in the one portion of it you also have a cutting jaws the other portion now you can go ahead and you'll have to go in and then snip the center of the ear which does release the tension on this clamp so you can spread it and then remove it off the hose now in this scenario here I don't actually have the correct tool and they are a specialty tool I can either use a set of bull nose cutters or you can use a set of side cutters now again same principle you can go ahead go in from the side here and just clip the top ear like so or if you have a better angle at it you can go ahead say from the top side here and then go ahead and cut that set of the ear now with both those methods either having the correct tool or using these cutters this is our they're usually our stainless steel these little ear clamps and they can be very hard to cut just using these tools now the other issue is that there isn't always a lot of room to get these in there and you can't always get the correct leverage in there just to show you a close-up here of when that year is cut you can see what happens here because they are under tension all the time it would be normally like that in the closed position and once you cut that ear it does spread apart and when you do have that holes that stay in there can go ahead and then spread it open like so and then pop the hose out to ask for another method which you can also use in order to remove these clamps is a dremel with just a all abrasive blade on there now for this application here I would not recommend using any liquids that are flammable such as fuel because this will create some heat and there can be some sparks which do emit off when cutting this therefore you can cause a fire and when I did remove this clamp here for the example I showed you that's cut already I did use this method as well now for this application here I just pulled this off my car and this was found on vacuum lines when the Dremel is running or even if you do have another rotary tool the Dremel is just basically a brand name but it is a fast turning rotary tool can see we do have the abrasive attachment on here we do have a Arbor in order to hold that abrasive blade now you do have to be careful these blades as well because you can't get them jammed up or they will heat up and fly apart so you always want to be careful with that you want to have the proper safety protection when using these type of tools now basically what we do here is once it's on we'll go ahead and then cut it right straight there same area where we would normally cut it either with using a mechanical type cutter such as side cutters bowl nose cutters or the appropriate tool which is intended for these and next what will happen there is it'll release the tension and it'll pop open and we can simply spread it off the fitting now once you've cut it as you can see it has sprung open there on its own so we'll do here is we'll just simply go ahead split it apart there as you can see just kind of put an indentation in the hose as well there so sometimes it may be a little hard to remove then once you take that off there can then go ahead and then pop the hose off now the hose may be a little extra work to pop off but you can work it back and forth now the reason why I like this method is because if you do have a lot of these plastic fittings they're what can happen these fittings can fatigue over time or even just considering they're just plastic in general they're not normally as as strong as a metal fitting and what can happen here is when you are going with a set of side cutters as well and kind of rocking it back and forth you can actually cracks these fittings or other instances too you may even slip and then cut the hose as well using the side cutters you might make somewhat of a mess of it so this is why it is a lot easier to do with this Dremel method but as I mentioned before I would not recommend it on any substances that are flammable so just before my final sign-off here I just want to make one more quick note which I normally forget to mention in my videos don't forget to check out my Facebook page I'm always uploading photos there whether that's a current or past projects of mine and I'm also uploading photos of either maybe you have a vehicle you're working on or some other projects you're working on in your garage if you definitely want to submit that so I can share it with all the viewers don't hesitate to or even just a project photo that you've done using one of my tutorial videos that would be greatly appreciated now that concludes the rest of my story do you have any comments or questions please don't hesitate to post them below also please subscribe to my channel and like my video thank you for watching
Channel: 4DIYers
Views: 396,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4DIYers, hose, ear, clamps, double eared, single ear, hose clamp, hose clamp removal, how to remove hose clamps, how to take off hose clamps, oetiker clamp removal, remove hose clamp, how to remove ear clamps, removing hose clamps, how to remove clamps from hoses, pinch clamp removal, how to open hose clamp, fuel, oil, vacuum, house, water, coolant, removing ear clamps, how to get hose clamps off, how to remove a pinch clamp, removing pinch clamps, pinch, gear, remove
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 05 2014
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