How to EASILY Prevent Mice/Rats From Getting in Your Car/Engine Bay! (The Best Method) #Rodents

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hey everyone here we are going to be going over how to prevent Mice from getting in and living inside your car I have had a lot of mice get inside my car and build nests over the past several years because I've been traveling a lot and it usually happens to me when I get in really a primitive camping areas like right now I'm camping in the desert and there's usually mice that live in and around the campsites because you know mice live in the woods for starters and also people leave crumbs and food scraps behind and that attracts mice and they always end up in my car so anyway um I have tried multiple different methods none of them really worked there's all kinds of products and videos and techniques out there of things you can do so here I'm going to show you what I think is the best method it's what I've been doing for the past like I think six to nine months and I have not had any mice since then so I'm pretty sure that it works really well so here let's get to it all right so you're only going to need two very cheap products for this and that is peppermint oil and a large spray bottle now this peppermint oil was eight dollars at Walmart there's a lot of Brands out there that are supposedly you know higher quality um this stuff's pretty potent you can put a drop of peppermint oil on your toothbrush or even directly on your tongue and I mean you can feel how potent it is it feels like you just put a whole pack of gum in your mouth but um and then you need a good spray bottle this was four dollars at Home Depot it's a professional sprayer you can get a little cheap one like this for like a dollar at Walmart but I I've gone through like literally maybe 10 of these in the past few years because they always break so this time I just went ahead and got a big professional sprayer bottle this thing works beautifully all right so what you do is you fill this bottle up with water this bottle is 32 ounces which is a quart and then you get your peppermint oil and you add anywhere from 10 to 20 drops I'd say is good enough all right then you put the top back on and you shake it up really really well because water and oil does not mix very well obviously foreign part so here is under the hood of my car I have a Toyota Prius and I have found I think three mice nests total in my car one was right here on top of this fuse box one was under right here behind the engine and then a third one I found was underneath the gas tank and it was in or no no it was underneath the car in between the gas tank and the frame of the car that one looked like a bird's nest and I noticed every single one of the nests had insulation from the car and then that's like right here this is where a mouse chewed right there they got up in there and they they ripped the little soft insulation on like the sides of the car and they make nests with it and also I just wanted to say that uh you know when mice get in your car they always crawl up the wheels and up the shock absorbers obviously that's the only way for them to get in the car all right so what we're going to do is we're going to spray all of this down with the peppermint water you want to make sure that you don't spray anything electrical like any like right here there's an electrical connector there's an electrical connector um right here do not spray in and there's a mass airflow sensor Don't Spray anything that is like connected to like electricity you just want to spray the flat surfaces like this flat thing I spray it on top of this thing a little bit on top of this air filter box and then also you want to spray along the sides of the car like right here the metal frame and there's like little holes right there you want to spray in the metal frame and another place that mice get into often is your AC vents now here's the AC vent on my car and you can pop this little thing off and in there they get up in there and there's a little hole right in there I don't know if you can see it on camera and they they crawl in there so what we're going to do is we're going to spread like I said we're going to spray this all down in the vents in the little cracks in here and also do not spray the alternator or the power steering pump or any belts like the alternator belt or the serpentine belt this my a Prius is a hybrid so it doesn't have an alternator all right here we go and you want to spray put the nozzle on like a in between a mist and a stream so it's kind of like this so it's kind of like in the middle all right so I just go like that and I spray the plastic I spray the what is that the windshield wiper fluid reservoir I spray right there like that oh you can smell it it smells like pepper I spray the top of the fuse box I spray the metal in there and in these little holes right here like I said um and in order to get in those little holes sometimes you have to twist the the knob to make it more like a jet stream and you can go like that and spray it up against the frame of the car and those little cracks I spray uh in here that's the AC vent you want to spray in the AC vent right there and now your AC is going to smell like mint for a while um that may or may not bother you it doesn't bother me I think it's kind of nice and then you spray it up in there you want to be very careful like I said do not spray anything electrical or that might look fragile in any way like this is this is the air conditioning high pressure valve you don't want to spray that just things that are basic metal and basic plastic basically you want this whole region to just reek of peppermint because the peppermint stings the mice nostrils and then this thing right here I soak this thing it's made of foam and that just absorbs the peppermint water and then it makes the whole area smell like peppermint I spray and this little crack right there I'll just do a spray in there now my front bumper looks terrible from off-roading I know but I just go like this I'll do a few minor sprays in there you don't want to soak the alternator I mean the uh what is that the radiator just just a few small sprays that won't hurt anything and I'll get a few sprays back behind the engine just up against the wall back there right here up in there and then actually this thing right here is hollow um if you take it off the AC vent is under there's actually another metal plate that you have to remove and that's the AC vent under there I don't feel like removing it right now so I just go like this and I'll spray it just get like in Little cracks to make sure you get in there the best you can and then down in there where there's like a few metal Parts just be real careful you can get a few sprays in there and then down in there should be okay now I really soak it under here like I I mean I make sure that it reeks of peppermint um like I go through typically an entire bottle I would say 32 ounces like this with 20 drops of peppermint oil that should be good for one treatment [Music] all right so we've done under the hood and now we are going to spray the wheels now there's a specific way that you need to do it um you do not want to spray the rotors like Don't Spray the rubber or the brake rotors or the brake caliper or uh or the brake pads okay but what you can do is spray the rims right here and just like a Mist like that just spray around the rims like that and also you can spray up here just spray the shock absorber just a little bit um there now there's a few electrical connectors back there there's like an ABS sensor and stuff like that of course you want to stay away from that and also I spray this plastic right here I soak the plastic uh protective things all around it I go like this and get it all nice and wet um you don't want to soak the shock absorber but I think just a little bit I don't think that'll hurt anything all right now for this side keep in mind I am avoiding the rotor and the brake caliper and the tires and this is really a pain to do if you have like a really cheap spray bottle that's why I recommend the professional sprayer because it just sprays so nice and powerfully and for the back wheel now these are drum brakes these are not like uh there's no brake pads so I just get a little bit on the drums the outside of the front of the drums I think that's okay [Music] now the back left [Music] basically anywhere that you think a mice would walk by you want it to have the peppermint water sprayed on it and here at the front there's a little hole in the plastic right here I don't know if that's from mice or if mice are using that to get in or what but I'll just spray it just in case all right so I have used about three-fourths of the bottle and I've got a little bit left and my hood has been up and it's pretty much dry now from all the spray so I'm going to do a second layer just to really you know go the extra mile and this foam thing really absorbs water I feel like it's a great thing to spray and stew like that just on that on this there in the AC vent see I like I said um one bottle is with 20 drops of peppermint oil that's good enough for one treatment do it exactly how I showed you the wheel all four wheels and then under the hood all right so I've got a little bit left so I will use these on the front shocks because it appears that the front wheels is where they usually climb in because they're usually in the under the hood all right so that's it super easy to do takes five to ten minutes costs less than 20 bucks I hope it was helpful um there's one other video where a guy uses peppermint oil on YouTube that I watched and he recommends that you do this every six months if you have a problem with mice in your car I would say to do it every one to two months until you know you notice that the mice are gone or if you come out to really mice prone areas like these you know primitive camping areas then I would do a treatment like before the camping season starts like right now spring is hitting so I'm doing a treatment because there's going to be tons of people out here camping and food scraps and mice are going to be everywhere so I'm preparing ahead of time for that all right I hope it was helpful thanks have a good one
Channel: Mountain Springs Adventures
Views: 65,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car life, carlife, vanlife, van life
Id: gFltMy3n2Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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