An actual solution for keeping mice out of your car - NOT peppermint oil

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welcome to the Healthy Home guide this is a place where I share practical tips for creating a safe and healthy home environment in this video I'm going to talk about a problem that a lot of vehicle owners face mice so this is a problem for two main reasons one you can contract diseases from their waste and number two they can actually total your vehicle the diseases they carry are particularly dangerous for pregnant women listeriosis can cause complications such as miscarriage and stillbirth um and hantavirus can cause severe respiratory illness I'm not trying to scare you with this information I'm just trying to arm you with knowledge to protect yourself this video is not for those of you who would rather remain blissfully ignorant as for mice totaling Vehicles I'm not exaggerating this happened to me making this video was really important to me because I lost my previous car to extensive mice damage that I couldn't even see you know it was like in the inner workings of my car this isn't just like a crazy thing that happened to me by the way the dealership near my house said that they uh process three to four mice damaged Vehicles every week and that's one dealership so recently I bought this car I couldn't afford losing this one too so I diligently put peppermint oil everywhere I could I put it everywhere I was diligent still a mouse built a gigantic Nest under my hood and do you want to know something The Nest smelled like peppermint oil for me and everyone I know peppermint oil has not worked I tried numerous other deterrents as well they didn't work either so now I'm going to tell you what did work and let me preface this by saying I do not like killing things I just feel like there's no other option so here's what I did I put a mouse trap with a small amount of sunflower butter on it on top of each wheel of my car not below each wheel on top of the wheel like this so the mouse trap you want to get Victor mouse traps they're simple they're effective they're cheap they don't have complicated electronic weird moving parts that may or may not fit on your wheel just get these within a couple hours I caught three mice and then over the past couple months I've caught like five more most importantly I've seen no more signs of mice in my car okay this is really important don't forget to remove the traps from your wheels before you drive away right for obvious reasons most importantly whenever you park your car make sure to reposition the traps on top of your wheels you don't want to leave your car vulnerable so be diligent if you live in a cold climate like me keep in mind that mice are most active in the two months before around Thanksgiving or like two months before winter in the winter they're also active during like stretches of warmer weather so keep an eye out during that time if you're watching this video chances are you're dealing with the same problem as I did and I promise you you you can prevent this and I know how you feel I know how anxious you feel about this yeah I mean that's it I I hope that I've given you a good tool to protect yourself from mice in your car um if you feel I have please give this video a like And subscribe for more content like this most importantly have a mouse free day
Channel: Healthy Home Guide
Views: 11,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mouse vehicle, peppermint oil mice, peppermint oil car, mice in car, mice in vehicle, how to keep mice out of vehicle
Id: OhpjN5vejfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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