How to Prepare for the Coming Persecution - What Every Christian Needs to Know

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persecution will intensify persecution will become more obvious as time goes on now I do not believe that the last days end in defeat for the church because think about the fact that when Jesus listed the various different indications of the end times such as wars and rumors of wars such as famines and pestilence and people turning on one another when Jesus talks of these things he would often say throughout peppered throughout that explanation Jesus would say this phrase but the end is not yet but the end is not yet but the end is not yet and then he says for this gospel shall be preached to the ends of the Earth and then the end will come in other words when the last days are finally upon us and I believe these things are cyclical but there is also a final moment to these Cycles because even as you study throughout history you'll see persecution intensify and then an outpouring of the Holy Spirit persecution intensify and then an outpouring of the Holy Spirit persecution is not how we lose it's how we overcome and so you see this EB and flow throughout the timeline of history and you'll notice that there are Cycles to these things but as I said there is also going to be a final cycle when that is no man knows the day or the hour what I do know is that Victory not defeat advancement not Retreat will be the posture of the church in these last days this idea that we should be hiding in a corner throwing up our hands and saying Jesus get us out of here before Things become too dark is not biblical because while Things become dark out there the church will shine brighter and brighter God does not want to remove the light or Retreat the light God wants to shine the light upon the darkness that many might come to know Jesus for Jesus said the Harvest is plentiful well didn't he say narrow is the way yes but he was talking to the people who were clothed to the gospel Jesus also said that many will come and he said that that the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few so as persecution begins to intensify again there's that EB and Flow study history you'll see it persecution intensifies then a great outpouring this happens again and again and in fact the seeds of persecution eventually Sprout into outpourings of the Holy Spirit you see even now in the modern age that many of the regions that once knew intense persecution are now experiencing a multiplication of the church that governments cannot oppress that culture cannot control that critics cannot stop it's a move of the Holy Spirit the advancement does come Jesus said that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against us and I believe what Jesus said the gospel will not lose its power the Great Commission will not fail Jesus will not be defeated he is the Victorious King so never mind with the fear-mongering yes persecution comes but that's not a reason to fear but you will notice that there are various different forms of persecution the first one is insults yes this is a form of persecution you often hear people quip well our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world have it so bad we dare not call insults persecution but now you're leaving on the table a blessing that is yours to claim for taking insults for the sake of the Gospel yes there are varying degrees of persecution but that doesn't mean that just because there are more intense forms of persecution that the Lesser forms of persecution don't count toward our blessing Matthew 5: 11 and 12 God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers be happy about it be very glad for a great reward awaits you in heaven and remember that the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way well what does he say here he says that they'll mock you they'll lie about you they'll persecute you and then he describes those different forms of attack as persecution so when you are insulted for the gospel there's blessing in that it is the privilege of persecution when you are insulted for the gospel it's a chance for you to demonstrate the love of God and say like Christ did Father forgive them they know not what they do it's a chance for your character to become more like Christ then there is number two rejection Luke 10:16 declares then he said to the disciples anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me and anyone who rejects you is rejecting me and anyone who rejects me is rejecting God who sent me in other words when people reject you his child God takes it personally and we see that Society even now is trying to push the church's influence out of the spheres of influence in the world that culture is trying to silence the gospel they don't want us to have influence in any sphere of culture but again we say the Gates of Hell shall not prevail the gospel will succeed so number one is insults number two rejection number three is oppression and you can see an example of this in Acts 5: 17-29 this is where government and systems will try to limit your movement with imprisonment limit your speech with censorship and limit your gather ings with laws that's oppression now this type of persecution begins to impact you in your everyday life because insults you can walk away from that rejection well they don't want you around anyway but oppression now is where there is this active attempt to cancel something let me remind you you cannot cancel who God has called you can speak evil you can slander you can make laws you can imprison you can censor but you cannot cancel that is oppression and finally we see violence an example of this would be in Acts 7: 54-60 we see it with Steven the Martyr what begins to happen when this persecution comes go with me here to Acts chapter 6 Acts chapter 6 says so they persuaded some men to lie about Steven saying we heard him blaspheme Moses and even God this roused the people notice here that the people lie about Steven and the people just believe it this is society today if they read it on a social media feed if they read the headline of a news article suddenly we believe it no questions asked and this is what happened to Steven this roused the people the elders and the teachers of religious law so they arrested Steven and brought him before the High Council the lying Witnesses said this man is always speaking against the Holy Temple and against the law of Moses we have heard him say that this is that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the temple and change the Customs Moses handed down to us at this point everyone in the High Council stared at stevenh because his face became as bright as an angels we are seeing here in the text an example of this principle persecution brings forth Glory where there is persecution there is Glory the greater the resistance against the church the greater the manifestation of Glory within the church 1 Peter 4:14 says if you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ you will be blessed for the Glorious spirit of God rests upon you and so I want to encourage you the body of Christ many when speaking of the days of Revival have said that those days are long gone but I want you to look around this Arena tonight here in Southern California and I want you to remember and I want you to believe that the holy spirit is just getting [Applause] started you can speak against the move of the Holy Spirit you can criticize it you can analyze it but you cannot stop it and as the power of the Holy SP Spirit advances the kingdom of God is advancing the Dominion of God is advancing souls are going to be swept into the kingdom of heaven so remember these three simple things as persecution begins to intensify live holy live holy get rid of whatever compromise there may be the scripture says the righteous are as bold as lions if you lack boldness it's because you likely lack righteousness sin makes cowards of Believers live righteously that you might stand firm not to be obnoxious not to intentionally be offensive but to stand firm in boldness and love as you declare to the world Jesus is the only way number two biblical thinking don't get swept up in worldly philosophies don't get swept up in the way that culture thinks and believes and behaves be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind well how do you renew the mind it's the word it's the washing of the word that changes the thought patterns that you carry and as you begin to think biblically you stand firm on Christ well Jesus said if you build your life on his words that when the storm comes by the way not if the storm comes when the storm comes your house will stand because it's built upon the rock that's the word the number three we need Godly Unity there is such a thing by the way as ungodly Unity this is where we reach across the aisle and embrace false doctrines for example there is this big push at least in the United States today there is this big push this idea this demonic deceptive damaging Lie from the pit of Hell that says that we should question the validity of the statement that the Bible is the word of God that's just one example and and because they claim the name of Christ and say well we don't believe the Bible is the word of God it might be a great collection of historical ideas and teachings and maybe some records of the Life of Christ and some sample of what he taught and believed but it's not the unquestionable authority of the word of God that is a demonic lie and we don't Unite with lies like that so I'm not talking about ungodly Unity that's that's that's defilement that's Unholy mixture what I am saying is that we have to stop attacking our brothers and sisters simply because we don't see eye to eye on [Applause] everything I was watching a dear friend on social media and he was on a Christian television program and I was watching the debut of this and I was excited to see it because for a while we had planned to see him get on the program and so I'm watching I'm cheering I cheer my friends on in Ministry when I see them Thrive I just cheer because we all succeed when one of us succeeds it's one Kingdom a and so I'm watching this and I he he's just preaching and I'm going this guy can preach this guy can preach and I'm listening to it I'm like yes that's Holy Ghost yes that's power I'm I'm raised Charismatic Christian so that's like the adjective Holy Ghost can be an adjective too that's Holy Ghost and and I I begin to notice in the comment section one one person well I don't know something just doesn't sit right in my spirit and there's one of those at least in every Church the problem is online they all find each other and then they all have a little this doesn't sit right in my spirit party and what they really mean is I'm cynical I'm suspicious I am critical but then someone else commented oh my goodness me too and so they got together in agreement and decided since we both think the same thing we must be right and I watch this and I'm thinking just the pettiness look we as Believers must stand firm on the fundamentals of our faith Jesus is the son of God Jesus Is God Jesus lived a sinless life Jesus died on the cross for our sins Jesus is the only way to heaven Jesus resurrected from the dead in bodily form Jesus ascended on high and sits at the right hand of the father Jesus is Lord the Bible is the word word of God there is a literal heaven and there is a literal hell and we have to stop compromising on these things and so when you begin to experience persecution persecution removes from you the luxury of pettiness persecution removes from the church the luxury of pettiness because once persecution begins to come we're no longer fighting and bickering over all of these little things Brother David are are you are you pre-trib midrib or post-trip answer me now they have their pitchforks ready their torches I always tell them I'm pant trib and they go it's all going to pan out in the end eventually just live right if Jesus comes before the tribulation thank God we don't have to go through that but if he comes after as long long as you're living right you'll be okay too brother David do you believe in one saved always saved well let's take a look at this first of all why do you think that matters if you're not God and you're not the one judging people when they stand before you that's first of all second of all if somebody who believes in one saved always saved looks at a Christian who went back into the world they're going to say well that individual was never saved to begin with and if somebody who believes that you can lose your salvation looks at that same person they're going to say well looks like they lost their salvation but both of them agree on the fact that that person needs Jesus so why don't both of them just love that person pray for that person preach to that person if you don't agree on Theory at least you agree in application we have Christians attacking one another on well you believe in tongues I don't you believe in healing I don't you believe in people being slain in the spirit I don't and there's all of these attacks coming from all of these different places against each other and there's Civil War if you will amongst the body of Christ and we're so focused on the petty that we forget about the promise of the Harvest of souls let me tell you believer stop trying to win arguments and get back to winning Souls let God sort that out now I already said I'm not for ungodly Unity we we understand that but we have to realize that these things come from ego and pride and the need to be right and the need to win an argument and the need to demonstrate to people look at how much I know about the scripture look at how much I know about the Bible and it causes us to create narratives about fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that just aren't true all the well pretending that we're doing it because we care about truth it's hypocrisy it's self-righteousness and it has no place in the kingdom of God and I'll tell you this those who do not practice Godly Unity they will be phased out that movement of hypercriticism church is dying yes sir that's why the aggression because it's it's the last breaths of a Dying movement because the holy spirit is clearing the way get on board with what God is doing or get left out and so as we acknowledge that persecution is coming we must practice holy living biblical thinking and godly Unity Lord help us do it in Jesus name amen
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 36,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Prepare for the Coming Persecution - What Every Christian Needs to Know, how to prepare for persecution, christian persecution, persecution of christians, persecution in the world, what does persecution look like, persecution in christianity, christian martyrs, david diga hernandez, david diga hernandez holy spirit, david diga hernandez sermons, diga hernandez, persecution in the bible, persecution in the last days
Id: 4s-KLeltTsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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