How to drive the 2024 Tesla Model 3 Highland (Tutorial) - and other cool features.

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hi everyone today I'll be doing a tutorial on how to drive the new Tesla Model 3 2024 also known as the Highland if you're new to my channel please check out my other videos I'll be doing lots of videos about the Tesla Model 3 as well as travelling around Europe we recently moved to Portugal and if you like my content please consider subscribing in this video I'll be going through a lot of the basics on how to drive the Tesla Model 3 from opening and closing the doors as well as locking and locking the car how to use the indicators the navigation system autopilot and a few other basic topics that you would expect to find in other cars that are not the same in Tesla at the end of the video I'll be going through a few more features and fun facts about the Tesla Model 3 that don't necessarily pertain to everyday driving but it'll be useful if you're gonna be owning a Tesla Model 3 long term the reason I chose to make this video was because the first time I drove a Tesla I actually rented it from Turo in the US and I was able to unlock the car using the Turo app but I didn't actually know how to lock it thereafter because when I got in the car the the key card was in the in the glove compartment it wasn't very intuitive to me on how to use a car when you first get a Tesla Model 3 or any other Tesla it doesn't come with a keyfob to unlock the car what you meant to do is set up your phone with the app so it opens with Bluetooth when you're close by so there's no need to use a key however for the first time you get this card and this card has an indication how to open the car when I first saw this I don't know what it means but actually what it means is this is the B-Pillar of the car and you put it over here and unlock the car as you can see so that unlocks it same steps to lock the car so when you leave the car you put this against the B-Pillar and wait for the mirrors to close I've muted my lock sounds normally the lock sound's the horn I've just muted it because I don't like it I just use the mirrors to see whether the car is locked or not once you unlock the car you are able to immediately get in and start driving within 2 minutes without having to re-authenticate the card if you wait more than 2 minutes you actually have to re-authenticate the card by placing this card on one of the phone charges left or right unlike the previous model where you put it over here where it slides away so they really improved the positioning of this so what you need to do is you tap it over here and it unlocks the car to lock the car (doors) when you're inside the car you can press this lock button once you press it doors are now locked it cannot be opened from outside although if you're in the driver seat or any other seat and open the door it just unlocks automatically so this is more to prevent people from outside from opening the doors when you first enter the car note where the positioning for the seat adjustments are this is the rear seat the rear part of the seat so you can tilt it back and forth you can move the whole seat up and down pressing this button and move it back and forth just like this is the same in most other cars so it should be pretty easy to get familiar with this is the lumbar support which is only available for the driver's seat so you can you can increase the lumbar up there also move it up and down by pressing this d-pad so when you first enter before you've created your profile it is in a setting called Easy Entry so this is the position where the seat will be when you enter the car and the seat as well as the steering wheel what you wanna do is you wanna set this so that it is out of your way so it's easy to get in every time you move something it actually asks whether you wanna save the Easy Entry profile some people obviously don't want to see too far back cause then they'll like you know have to sit really low to get in so they'll adjust it to somewhere where it's reasonable and then when I press save next time I get in the car the Easy Entry position will be set to that position which means that the seat as well as the steering wheel will return to that position when I'm sitting in before I start driving once you set up your profile with the key or with the app these settings will be available to you once you first start driving the car uh it will ask if you wanna save a new profile I've disabled the Bluetooth on my phone so it doesn't recognise that it's me but this card has been associated to my profile already so when I put it over here and step on the brake it will already know that I'm loaded to drive and it will move the seat and steering wheel to the position that I've saved it at previously as well in the next section the video I'll show you how to adjust the steering wheel as well as the wing mirrors also this mirror is manual so it's just a normal adjustment by moving up and down one complaint that I have about this car is that the rearview mirror here is very difficult to see out because the back is quite high up so you can't really see much behind you but you can look through the the rearview camera if you like remember to set up the steering wheel correctly as well as the wing mirrors before you start driving to set up your mirrors go to the menu which is accessible by pressing this car icon over here under controls you can go through all the different control settings here first we'll be adjusting the left wing mirror what you do is you use the scroll wheel to move it up or down so as you can see if I scroll up it moves up scroll down and moves down and if I push left or push right on this 3-way button it tilts it in and out and the same can be repeated with the right wing by just clicking right and then you can do the same thing with the same scroll wheel as before once you are done you can press save and that will save your settings or I'm gonna press restore so it goes back to what I've already previously saved it as next I'll be adjusting the steering wheel unlike most other cars in the Model 3 there is no instrument cluster behind the steering wheel so previously when I adjust other cars' steering wheels I always have to make sure that I can see the display through the cavity of the top outer rim on the steering wheel they've actually removed the outer rim on the top for the Model S because it has a display and that therefore they have a yoke instead so there's no top part but with this car obviously that's not a concern so you can adjust the steering wheel however you want to make it comfortable for you it works exactly the same as the wing mirrors you use the left scroll wheel to move it up and down so when you start moving up and down you can see that it moves up and down like this and then instead of moving left and right cause you can't do that on the steering wheel you can move it in and out by pressing the 3-Way button as you can see I've already moved it as far back as possible I like it quite far away and then you can move it as down as you want if you want a very comfortable drive we hold the steering wheel down here but I have it in like a moderate position I'm gonna press restore again and you'll see that'll go back to where I've set it to be on my profile once you're done make sure that you can see clearly out of both wing mirrors as well as the rearview mirror and that your steering wheel is in a comfortable position and that you're seating comfortably as well one of the most confusing things about Tesla Model 3 is that there are no buttons on the actual glove box so you can't open the glove box without accessing the screen there are two ways to open the glove box the first way is to access the control panel by clicking the car icon over here and under controls you can open the glove box by pressing this glove box button over here unfortunately it's not powered so you can't close it again you have to push it close uh with your hand but the second way is to actually use a voice command so to open a glove box using voice control you press the voice control button and you say open glove box and as you can see it opens the glove box now that we're ready to drive the biggest difference between the old Tesla Model 3 and the new Tesla Model 3 is that there are no stalks so there's no way to engage the transmission if you will to start driving or for reverse there is a new feature in the Tesla Model 3 that allows the car to infer whether it should be in reverse or forwards based on how you parked I haven't enabled that option because sometimes it gets wrong and it can engage reverse and reverse you into a wall if I'm backed up instead of going forward so to manually engage how to go forward or back you step on the brake pedal and you swipe up to move forward and you can start driving or you swipe down to engage reverse and you start driving as well when you step on the brake pedal you can also press the park button and that stops the car seat so that the pedals don't do anything as you can see there's been a lot of concern about what happens if the screen stops working and you're unable to engage drive or reverse they're actually hidden buttons up here by the hazards above the visor where you can hold down and you can change it into different drive modes you obviously have this step on the brake pedal as usual and you hold down the button and now that's engaged drive and you can use this instead if you don't like using the screen but obviously this is usually for emergency purposes and it's a little bit inconvenient cause you have to actually hold down the button instead of pressing it one other adjustment that isn't normally spoken about that I found very useful in the Tesla Model 3 is adjusting where the position of the virtual wing mirror is so this shows up when you start the indicator so when indicating left or right there's a display of the camera that is on the side of the car where it normally is is over here I don't really like it over there cause it kind of obstructs this autopilot view but obviously this isn't very important to everyone I just like it showing all the time you can actually move it to the bottom here so it still shows the autopilot up here or you can move it over here which I think is the best position because if you look at the distance between your eyes looking towards the mirror on the left and the mirror on the right it's actually equidistant so I don't have to lean over to look all the way to the other side and actually miss out on some peripheral view on my left side obviously in Australia or in another country with cars on other side like Japan this whole setup is inverted so it will still work the same way one last thing that I wanna talk about before we start driving because this is the last thing you want to be adjusting while you're driving given that there's no physical tactile feedback buttons or levers or things to touch the climate control the climate control is accessible by pressing this button here this shows how the climate works you can adjust where the wind is blowing by by swiping and moving over here one difference between the Model 3 and most other cars is that in most other cars there are two vents for the driver and the passenger usually two in the middle and then one on each side for the driving passenger this is present in the Model Y but the Model 3 only has one vent on each side what they have introduced in the new Model 3 is that you can actually turn off the passenger vent normally I activate autopilot if I need to make quick adjustments on the screen which allows me to take my eyes off the road for a little bit to look at the screen but once it's adjusted to be honest you won't need to touch this most of the time I usually set everything on auto so if I put this on auto it'll automatically adjust based on the temperature I'm just gonna turn it off for now for the video cause it makes a bit of noise this car has heated and cooled seats as well as you can see I have it on 21 degrees (C) it'll infer what auto means in terms of seat heating and cooling I usually leave an auto for both the passenger and the driver as well as auto for the steering wheel heating these are really cool features by the way this is the base Model 3 and every single Model 3 comes with this heated and cooled seats as well as heated steering wheel if you wanna override the automatic settings you can click on the seat and change it to hot and cold the number of indicators or these little squiggly S's show how much air when it's cool and how much heat it emits when it's on hot so that's something to look at and use otherwise the best is to actually set everything on auto move the air out of your face if you don't like it in your face and move it to the side or if you like it in your face move it to your face before you start driving the passenger can access this easily from their side while you're driving so they can always press over here and adjust everything for you as well if you don't have a passenger princess you can just use the voice controls as well the other cool thing to note is that you can also adjust the rear ventilation through this control as well you can adjust the heating on the seats from the front of the rear seats by pressing on the seats themselves and then you can also adjust the fan speed you can turn it off altogether if you like other cool things which I'll talk about a little bit more towards the end of the video are the dog mode camp mode as well as the keep mode for climate control which are very handy for long term use on this car or if you have a pet one final thing about the AC you can split the cooling so basically if you like a cooler climate compared to the passenger you just change the temperature over here and click split and make it have a separate temperature control compared to the driver settings when you're ready to go step on the brake pedal and shift up or you can use these buttons that I showed you earlier the biggest change on the new Model 3 is that they have removed the stalks so the indicator buttons are on the steering wheel and there is no stalk to change the indicator from the side one way that I've learnt on how to use these indicators without looking at the steering wheel is I actually got this tip from one of my commenters and I really appreciate all the support that I've gotten on this channel over this few months that I've had it I never imagined this channel will grow so quickly so thank you for your support if you like my video please remember to hit the like button and consider subscribing as you make more videos like this as well as travelling around Europe so the tip came came in from one of my subscribers and basically the buttons are positioned on the left of the steering wheel the bottom button indicates left as if it would be on the on the stalk so if you indicate down it'll be left and up from top of the steering wheel to go right so what he did mention was that the the right button is always on the top of the steering wheel what this means that if the steering was upside down and you had to indicate using your right hand instead you can just feel for the top of the steering wheel and press that button instead so as long as you remember that this indicator buttons always on the left side of the steering wheel and that the right indicators on top of the steering wheel it becomes much easier to figure on where the button is so that you can see the steering wheel upside down now when indicate right I press down on my right hand which is actually the top of the steering wheel and that goes right it does take a little bit of time to get used to one of my subscribers did ask me whether you can use the voice command and I will demonstrate that now indicate right indicate right okay so that clearly doesn't work so the voice commands are unable to activate the indicators unfortunately so this will be the steepest learning curve for when you get a when you get into a Tesla Model 3 it did take me about two months to get used to them there are lots of roundabouts here in Portugal if you wanna see my review on how to use the indicator and the roundabout watch my other video but right now I've really gotten used to it so it's not that big of a deal I know a lot of people have saying that it's a deal breaker they're not gonna buy this car because of the lack of the indicator stalk I completely disagree I think that is just nitpicking I will say however that I have run into issues with these buttons not activating because these aren't actual buttons these are touch-sensor buttons in the cybertruck and I think the Model S or X they're actually physical buttons so they don't have this problem basically because there's touch-sensitive buttons sometimes I press them and then nothing happens so that's the only complaint that I have about these indicators and it's probably only happened 5 to 10% of the time there are a few other buttons to be aware of on the steering wheel this Tesla has the horn right in the centre of the steering wheel just like every other car you can press the centre part to activate the horn I'm not gonna demonstrate that now as I have other cars on the road the other button that have replaced the stalk is the windscreen wiper button so that button's over here so when press it once it just wipes once and shows you the menu you can change the wiping by using this the scroll wheel on the left and moving it left and right on the 3-Way button or you can touch the screen to change the speed usually I keep it on auto it is pretty good but sometimes it runs into issues as there's no rain sensor it actually uses the cameras to infer when it's raining or not the other feature of this button is to hold it down and to activate the windscreen uh washer so this activate every time you hold down this button another button on steering wheels to activate the voice commands you press this button and you say your command like open glove box another useful button that they've introduced is the camera button on the steering wheel so you can press this button over here and it'll immediately show all the cameras around the car previously you'd have to press on the screen over here (now you) can press the button on the steering wheel and see immediately your car's surroundings this is especially useful if you're going through tight spots or you want to see what's behind you because the rear view mirror is not very clear another big difference with the previous Model 3 is how to activate autopilot previously there's a stalk so you activate by pressing the stalk down now it is this right scroll wheel you press down on the scroll wheel on the right and to change the speed at which you want autopilot to operate you scroll up and down just like the previous model to adjust how far or close you want the autopilot or traffic aware cruise control to follow the car in front of you you move the 3-Way button on the scroll wheel left and right right being closer and left being further away the furthest you can set it is 7 car lengths away and the closest you can set it is 2 car lengths I've got Enhanced Autopilot on my car but if you live in Europe I highly recommend not getting it with the car and purchasing it afterwards if you feel like you need it because Enhanced Autopilot isn't that much different from Standard Autopilot in Europe and I'll make another video outlining the differences but if you'd like free Enhanced Autopilot to see if you'd like to use it feel free to use my referral link in the description below where if you purchase Tesla using my link you get up to 3 months of Enhanced Autopilot for free therefore you get to try without spending 3,800 euros and knowing whether you need it or not to open the bonnet or the boot otherwise known as the frunk and the trunk can do it from the inside by pressing the buttons on the screen over here if you click open bonnet it'll open the bonnet you can also use the voice command or you can say trunk or frunk sorry and with the voice command with the boot you do the same thing unfortunately the trunk or bonnet is not powered so you can't close it again but you can close the boot by pressing it again and I'll close it for you and also look around the car if you'd like to see around your beautiful new Model 3 and I'll show you how to open the frunk from the outside once you have opened the frunk you can lift it up like this and it'll open and stay open by itself there's some storage space here and to refill your windscreen washer fluid it is over here in front previously it was up there but they moved it down here so you don't have to lift water over the over the storage compartment if you have something um stored inside here to close the frunk you push it down you do not slam it close it wait until it's open like this and you actually use both hands on either side of the TESLA icon but because I'm filming I'm using my one hand I usually do this and press down hard be careful with the frunk because it is very soft and prone to dents to open the boot or trunk of the car you can press the button underneath here just like most other cars and it'll open and there is a lot of space here underneath the boot there is additional storage which I have um the recharging equipment as well as the safety equipment and there's some loading space on the sides over here to through load to the back you actually need to open the open it from behind the car please don't forget to follow my social media and to subscribe to my channel this is my handle lift this and pull the seat down and it lies flat just like that on both sides the alternative way to unlock your Tesla and what you would do if you own the Tesla is link up the Tesla app with your car close by to the vehicle it will unlock to able to just open the doors immediately to open the frunk with the app you can press the button inside the app by pressing that this means that every every time you arrive at the car you need to open the app to unlock the frunk but if you have an iPhone 15 with the action button you can map the action button to open the front when you hold it down so I've done so so when you push it down like that it open the the frunk or bonnet this is especially useful because when you have some groceries in your arms and you wanna open the frunk you don't wanna have to go through your phone so what I do is I just press the action button so we are driving around Vilamoura looking around this area seems quite interesting wanna see if we wanna move here for a few months if you guys know anything about Vilamoura or you have any thoughts about Vilamoura please let me know in the comment section below one of the most important features that you need to get familiar with is using the navigation in a Tesla unlike most other modern cars you cannot use Android Auto or Apple Carplay and there's a good reason for this mainly because with the Tesla you actually need to use the navigation due to in part with navigating with the chargers in mind let's just theoretically say we're gonna drop all the way from here in Vilamoura to Barcelona you would just go on the navigation and you type the destination and what it'll do is it will tell you exactly where to stop on the supercharging network and how long it's gonna be at each charging network to stop if you're used to using Apple Carplay or Android Android Auto you might find this rather annoying given that you can't search on your phone immediately and then have it mirror onto the screen fortunately there's an easy way to send information or locations from your phone or Google Maps onto the Tesla I will demonstrate that in a screen recording from my phone over here you can share locations from any app on your phone I usually use Google Maps so if I went to Google Maps and searched let's say Barcelona I can share the location by clicking the share button and I've set Tesla over here next to airdrop you can customize this by pressing more and editing Tesla does show up in one of these options and I just move it up to the top right next to airdrop it's the second option once I press this it shows up on my car ready to drive there are few things that you should take note of if you wanna make your experience with the Tesla navigation system a lot easier firstly click on the navigate and you can set your home location as well as your work location how to do this you click on the Set Work or Set Home for the first time and it'll ask you for the address to change it or if your location has already been set for your home or work you just hold down on the button and you can type in a new address so I can do a search that way every time you get in the car you can use the voice command and say navigate home or you can press navigate and immediately press home or work if you're low on charge and you need to charge at a Tesla Supercharger or otherwise you can press on the navigates uh search bar and click the charging tab as you can see that there's a supercharger close by to here about 10 km away in Loulé I press on that and it will navigate you to the the charger one important thing that you should do is if you are planning to charge it is very important to set the navigation to the charger because your car actually preconditions especially if you're gonna be charging at a fast charger preconditioning basically means that it will heat the battery up so that it's ready to accept charge at the highest possible uh speed so this car can accept up to 170kW at the fast charger the fast charge is capable of delivering 250kilowatts but if your battery is cold you might be kept at 50 or 80kW which means that your fast charging will be limited in terms of charging speed depending on your region charging a 3rd party chargers will vary I'm based in Portugal but for this video I'll show you how to charge at a Tesla Supercharger they are by far the simplest you just arrive at the Tesla Superchargers or the Tesla Chargers and you plug your car in nothing to activate the chargers communicate with the car it knows who to charge as in who to build sorry so there's no need to activate or use an app or use anything else you literally just plug the charger in and the car is ready to charge another cool thing with the new Tesla Model 3 is the ambient lighting strip that goes around the car to change the colour or to change to turn on and off you activate the settings menu over here and you go to lights once you are in the lights menu you can either turn on or off the accent lights if you turn them off you can see that I have it on green it's completely turned off now you set it to auto and then you can also change the colour so if you go into the light bar setting you can change it to whatever colour on the RGB's scale over here and then it'll also show your last favourited colours I like green sometimes I change it to this pink colour um a lot of people have it on blue they also have it on white which isn't actually fully white it's a little bit dim so I don't actually like white one thing to note is that at night to prevent glare it is quite dim this is the brightest it'll be when it's in the accent light colour menu when you turn off you can see that it dims so right now it the sun just set so it's not too dark but once it gets super dark you'll see that the light bar is once again visible another cool thing about the Tesla Model 3 is that there's a lot of lights inside the cabin now like the footwell lights as well as the lights in the door bins you can turn those on and off as well in the menu by turning this toggle on and off as you can see that the footwell lights turn on and off so I'm arriving in the Tesla Superchargers now and you can see that it's at the small mall shopping in Algarve this is a really cool mall it's actually dog friendly so if you have a dog and visiting Portugal or the Algarve be sure to check out MAR Shopping you need to back up into the Superchargers for the most part I mean there are some instances where the Superchargers are head in parking but one thing to note is that you actually have to back up all the way to the stopper so if you look on the screen you have to reverse until your rear wheels are actually um stopped by the stopper otherwise the cable's not long enough so until it hits like that then you can stop make sure your car's in park there's a few ways to open the charge port you can either press this button here and that'll open the charge port uh you can set your charging on the new Tesla Model 3 if you have the Standard Range you can charge all the way to 100% it's actually recommended that you charge at least once a week to maintain the battery levels unlike the long range with the long range it's recommended to charge only up to 80% and in rare instances charge it to 100% but if you have a standard range model you can set your charge limit by changing the slider to 100% I'm at 83% at the moment which means that when I plug it in it'll charge all the way up to 100% okay so at the TESLA Superchargers if you're in Europe you have uh a bigger charger CCS2 charger charging port if in the US you have one of the smaller chargers in the US you can point the charger at your charge port and press the button and that should open the charge port I haven't actually gotten this to work before yeah normally normally you would point the charger at the charge port and press the button and it should open alternatively you can just tap the charge port and it will open and all you do at the Tesla Superchargers is you just plug it in and it will start charging automatically you can check the status on your car so if you go into your car you will see that it will start charging and that's it so you can monitor on your app how long the charge is gonna take it'll also notify you when the charging is complete do note that when you charging at the Tesla Supercharger you get billed for idle time so once your car is charged you supposed to leave the Tesla supercharger as soon as possible to prevent congestion so they actually charge a penalty for every minute that you stand on the supercharger since I didn't really need to charge I'm gonna actually stop the charging now so how you would stop the charging you can stop the charging at any time along the charge when you're done with charging you can press the charge the car button over here and go to charging you can stop charging by pressing stop charge and that'll end the charge session and the next thing you need to do is actually unlock the charge port because when the plug is plugged in you can't pull it out you can unlock the charge port from outside in the Tesla app or you can do it from within the car now that is getting pretty dark I can demonstrate how to use the headlights on the Tesla Model 3 you press this button and if you press it once it does a flash by default is set to automatic so if you wanna change any of the settings you click it once you can change that instead of it being auto you can make it stay on so this is just your dim lights headlights and you shouldn't actually be messing with this and leaving it on auto if you need to flash someone you just press the lights once like this and then works the same way as if you had to press the stalk okay a few cool features about the Tesla that aren't present on any other cars the first thing that we like to use a lot is dog mode so dog mode keeps the climate control running and if you activate the sentry mode in the car in the setting you can actually monitor your dog through your app and basically what that does is it set the climate control to the temperature that you want it for your dog we have a dog seat for our dog over here um normally we strap him in with the harness so he doesn't move out of here especially when we're driving but he usually waits here when we go into the store and he's not allowed in so we activate dog mode activated by going here and clicking dog mode when you get out the car displays on the screen that the car is currently in dog mode for passers by to know that you haven't abandoned your little furry baby in the car that's a pretty useful feature especially if you have uh dogs the second feature is camp mode usually camping is done in the Tesla Model U not so much Model 3 but we will be experimenting with camping in the Model 3 so stay tuned and subscribe to my videos if you wanna see that coming soon the other cool features in the Tesla Model 3 that aren't usually present in other cars are the Theatre Arcade and the Toy Box the arcade allows you play games that are on the car so this is particularly useful if you are stopping to charge for a long time um some games require you to connect a game controller if you have a PlayStation 5 or you have a controller that requires USB you can plug it into the USB port with the PlayStation 5 controllers you can actually play with Bluetooth there's this game Beach Buggy Racing that actually allows you to use the steering wheel to turn left and right it's quite hilarious cause your wheels actually turn left and right outside when you're playing this game because this is a direct shaft drive steering wheel not drive by wire it doesn't actually disconnect from the wheels when you're playing this game so from the outside it looks pretty funny you look like an idiot basically when you're playing this game the other cool feature is the theatre you can watch YouTube videos for example if you wanna watch my videos you can search Europe in a Tesla and the quality is very good and the sound quality is very good as well as it uses the car speakers we can watch Netflix if you have a Netflix account my name is Orion and I'm afraid the final cool feature in the Tesla is the Toy Box over here there are some cool things that you can do you can change the lock sound I've turned mine off you can change your lock sound to something else can make it like a fart for example so once once the car's locked it can it'll sound like a fart or you can actually add a custom sound by placing the sound file on the USB in the glove box and you can name it LockChime.wav and this could be anything people have been very creative with these a lot of people have used the Windows startup sound or the error sound which is pretty cool I don't like having lock sound because um sometimes I'm parked in the neighborhood people are sleeping and the car locks and it makes a loud noise so I've completely turn it off you can also change the horn sound when I press the horn now it'll make a fart after the horn you can also play your current music outside because there's a speaker under the car um and this is the boombox mode so whatever you playing on on your sound system you can click play Current Media and it will play whatever you're playing or you can activate megaphone so you can actually speak to people outside the car so if I activate megaphone and say hey this is LAPD please pull over they can actually hear me from what I'm saying in the car which is quite hilarious I don't know why these included in the car they're pretty fun features I've never used them personally besides the boombox is the light show as well and this allows you to play a light show outside the car there's lots of videos on this on YouTube so you can go check it out is also a colourizer so you can change the colour of the paint unfortunately this isn't like the BMW iX the colour changing iX this is just the color of your car in the display over here so if I customize this I can change my car to red but unfortunately my car is still white so it doesn't actually change anything so I can also make it a metallic color a matte color I think this is pretty cool to visualize what color your car would be if you wanted to get it wrapped and some people just like having this here I think it's a bit gimmicky so I just have it on the default this is obviously one of the features that were very viral back in the day when the Tesla's were first launched you can set a fart mode so you can put it on the seat so if someone sits down and starts farting and there's different types of farts the boring fart I'm so random it can choose any fart is Neurastink not a fart not a fart sounds like shart short shorts ripper hmm verified fart oooh it's verified! blue tick I think Elon Musk is trying to sell more blue ticks on Twitter or X using the fart mode there's a romance mode as well you can put on some flames and it actually blows out some hot air so it makes you feel like you're sitting in front of the fire that's pretty cool I guess you wanna get cozied up and it's pretty cold with your partner is a Trax mode so you can make some music in the car and you know there's a few others that you can check out but none of these are you know important for the car they just fun to use so if you are renting a Tesla got your Tesla for the first time I would implore you to go check out all these cool features as you can see this car is packed with tons of features and tons of options not necessarily crucial for driving but could add a lot of value to owning a Tesla Model 3 if you'd like me to make another video where outline every single feature possible in the Model 3 and every single option let me know in the comments and I'll make a fully fledged video where I go through every single possible feature available in the Tesla Model 3 Highland as always thank you for watching my video if you like my content remember to subscribe and smash the like button and have a wonderful day
Channel: Europe in a Tesla
Views: 54,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla model 3 2024, highland, how to drive, tutorial video, fun features, tips and tricks
Id: 9pJfEmM1aFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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