2024 Tesla Model 3 Highland Delivery Day Checklist - TESBROS

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we just picked up this 2024 model 3 Highland and if you know about us we love doing delivery checklist and it was really popular when we first came out with it panels panel Gap panel Gap panel Gap this this is really really out there so we're going to do another one for the [Music] 2024 so just a really quick summary um I picked up my first Tesla in 2018 and that was a model 3 as well and there's a lot of improvements and I'm very impressed about the quality changes that has happened since 2018 to 2024 on top of that the delivery experience is very different I mean Co happened in between there right so there's a lot more a less interaction with people and most of it is done through the app and about 30 minutes prior you'll get a notification telling you that it's ready and then you could start locating your vehicle so my vehicle here was actually in front of the service center and you can locate it with the app and then you can locate it via looking at the VIN number which is always going to be here so once you locate that you you can actually go ahead and start doing your delivery checklist and inspecting the vehicle so that's how it is once you're done you can go a service advisor will be there and they'll help you through if you have to sign a couple papers you sign papers I mean it was super easy and really at the end of it all all you get is a two key cards and that's it like all the doc documentation is going to be mostly on your phone or emailed so let's go ahead and walk through but before we get started make sure you click on that subscribe button we love making this videos for you helps us make more of these so click on that subscribe button the first thing that you want to make sure is you already did this and you locate your car is make sure the VIN matches and with that you want to make sure that the color and the options also match for the options you can go inside and look at and look at the screen and it'll tell you if it's like a long range or whe drive or all drive whatever you have Tesla doesn't give as much as they used to they used to give a mobile connector when I got in 2018 now all they give you is going to be there's two things so I'll kind of show you all I got was a front license plate which we don't need in the state of Tennessee and then we got a j1772 so that's like the main thing that you you really need and then if you ordered a mobile wall connector uh which is going to be in a Tesla bag or uh a square bag uh make sure you have it they typically put it right in the the trunk bed so let's go right into the exterior of the vehicle first off you want to look at the paint and the wheels so these are going to be covers but what you want to make sure is that this oh this is harder to remove than the other one so aggressive okay if there's a small little slight scratch like that I don't think that's going to affect anything but you can look at all the wheels making sure that there's no like gouges or like a metal missing or you know just really bad quality of stuff and then just make sure that you line up the the valve stem over here so where's that right here and then also make sure that this is are missing and then just line it up again from the center and then kind of there you go just like that make sure that these are all all have are holding air so if you see that one of them has like all of them are like 40 40 40 and then the last one is like 29 like make sure you bring that up to the service center make sure they give you a new wheel because that's really dangerous to drive with you know a flat wheel right so that's really the main safety concern that you want to check for I'm looking at the panel grabs I don't see anything that's out there I have no issues with this at all like all the doors open and close perfectly the sound is really good as well but even like here like this is impressive like look how flush this is all the way around here I mean this is really good and then when you look at the front as well um you can see it's fairly even all the way throughout so even like from here the fender to the bumper that's really good and then if you look at the panel gaps for from here to here that's pretty even as well there's not really a frunk sag right here and what that means is water will just sit there because it sags too much right you'll hear like it doesn't feel right like when it's opening right and then it doesn't close right either so you do want to open and close couple times like that same thing with the trunk you want to open close make sure you're hearing any sort of like weird sounds when it's opening and closing like that one opens perfectly fine fine and then it closes fine a lot of times this has also this is the charge port has kind of protruded out a lot more that's not really the case this is flushed really nicely and then you can see right here again same thing right it's not catching it's flushed so what I found in mind was there was a small little scratch right here when you look really really closely uh it's not there anymore and then there was a weird little looked like a scratch on the mirror so it looked discolored right here so that's the only thing I brought up to them there's a couple things you're looking for you're looking for like really deep scratches and the way you do that is try to feel it with your nail and if you can feel and if it feels like you can see it catching that mostly likely means that it went through the clear coat and the pain and maybe up to all the way to the metal so those are going to one ones that you really want to get fixed the other things sometimes and this is rare but I me this is all for all manufacturers there maybe you have like we call it trash and paint and you have trash inside the paint when they sprayed it and it's on the actual surface and you can't really get that out so if that really bothers you they can fix that as well just keep in mind that may delay uh your delivery or you might get another car and so on so that's up to you and the way you nitpick is all up to you as well but if it's something small and it bothers you you could actually bring it up Knoxville is awesome I literally gave them those small little things and they're like here let let me go and get get it taken care of they buffed it out they got it out in like literally 5 minutes and then I got my car back so they'll make sure that it gets taken care of if they can fix it but if not the other thing is you want to make sure they log it and if you do take delivery that way it's in the record so that when you bring it up for warranty they could fix it right cuz if you don't document it they might say oh that wasn't that was after you took delivery so you want to just make sure that you have some sort of record that they put in your system when taking delivery so um the other inspection um is looking at all the glass so you just want to make sure that there's no cracks so you want to visually inspect the whole thing this is all glass all the way around typically the the front top and back is what you're going to be looking for you want to make sure that you get the key card and check both of them um you don't really need it anymore but it's a really good thing to have for fails safe like if you don't have your phone phone died you want to kind of keep in your wallet I'm going to go start checking the electronics here so once you check the B pillar key cards you can add uh your phone as a key card really really easily now once it's in your account it just gets added so it's super simple and then once you do that it will ask you to set it up as a Bluetooth so might as well just get it set up CU you could check the phone go to the controls and then just make sure everything is working and while you're there if you have a spouse friend that went with you uh the main thing is check the brake lights so as I'm pressing the brake make sure someone's back there and the lights are working and then same thing in the front you could go to to the settings over here and then go lights and then just turn on your headlights and then go ahead it also reflects right here on top of that you also want to check uh your air and then your heat and then while you're added this is such a awesome upgrade is you can also check your cooling seats so just make sure that's working you got cooling and heating seats now you want to check the mirror so the mirror sometimes is on a Drive Unit and it could be out of TR track and that happens sometimes so you want to make sure that when this is folding in so you just go to here and then go to fold mirrors you want to make sure that it's not hearing like a clicking sound when it's doing that like that was smooth you just hear like the motor running the windshield wipers you want to make sure that works as well you want to check some of the materials and before you get in you want to kind of inspect the driver's seat what you're doing is kind of like what you do with the paint and the panels earlier is you're checking for any sort of visual tears so sometimes when they get work on it or whatever maybe could damage a little bit and you're just looking for the exterior and the side and just making sure there's no punctures or anything like that once you do that go ahead and check really start from here and then work your way back for the back seats I would bring the the seats down just kind of like go back and forth just like we were doing with like opening all the front all opening all the trunk just making sure that everything clicks right and it's not um I guess like stuck or anything like that checking like your windows are going up and down that takes you you know a couple seconds um checking all your buttons are working right and then checking that your emergency lever is also working on both doors and then on top of that you know just checking your light so something that's new in the model 3 2024 is that you got this ambient light just making sure that's also on and then if you do have some Chargers you can actually uh connect it to the back and just checking all the uh USBC ports so you got a 12vt right here and then when you open this there's also USBC right here here and then uh you also have chargers right here you also want to check for that just making sure that it works and then also in the glove box there is a USB right here that comes with all the newer cars and that's for your Sentry mode you could obviously get a bigger one but you can check that as well that you have that the backup camera so just checking the cameras are working you can see all the cameras are working fine music streaming we could do that with Bluetooth voice control and the mic listen to your favorite song turn it up and then um see if you hear anything it like clips and then it has a weird like you know like a weird Distortion sound a lot of this stuff isn't necessary I guess isn't as necessary as it used to be so kudos to Tesla I think they've done a good job but as our consumer it's also our job to make sure that we get uh the best uh vehicle that we ordered so I think it's important to still do this but um you know as coming from 2018 all the way to 2024 and having picked up a lot of Teslas um it's just really incredible how much how far it's come that pretty much sums up the delivery checklist obviously I didn't go through every single one but we have this link below so that you can look at it yourself what I would do is I would allocate if you're doing delivery at 2:00 I would allocate like 2 hours of your time just in case it might you might be in and out in like 30 minutes and if you don't have a service center in your hometown you kind of want to make sure that you get everything fixed but that pretty much sums up the whole delivery checklist but remember this is your car so take your time and you deserve the best so make sure you go through and then let them know if you have any issues congratulations if you picked up a new model 3 let us know if you have any questions please click on the Subscribe button that'll help us create a lot more videos congrats and we'll see you later
Channel: TESBROS
Views: 18,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesbros, teslabros, tesla, teslas, teslacars, tesla accessories, model 3, model s, model y, model x, Tesla, Teslas, Tesla Cars, Model Y, Model x, cybertruck, tesla inc, elon musk, tesla model y, tesla model 3, tesla model x, tesla model s, tesla 2024, tesla model 3 delivery day, delivery checklist tesla, how to take delivery of tesla, tesla delivery day process, what is tesla delivery day, tesla model 3 refresh, tesla model 3 highland
Id: Wwhvd_x8XdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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