Part 2: Tesla Model 3 Highland RWD Road Trip. Melbourne to The Barossa via The Great Ocean Road

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good morning we're on our uh second leg of our Barosa Odyssey this morning we've got about a it's about a 9h hour trip if we go directly um we're not though we're going to go VI a whole bunch of way points to experience the Great Ocean Road which the camera woman has not uh experience so we'll do that um so yeah we'll probably take about 11 12 hours all up I'm guessing not going to rush it as I said in my first video If you haven't seen that uh go ahead and check out part one this isn't isn't a uh a road trip where I'm trying to get somewhere fast I'm just it's a bit of a holiday Scenic look around so we're look taking our time one clarification I'll make on our first League um with regards to costs obviously we had a full charge when we left home um which anyone doing a road trip in an e is going to do um which only cost us like $2 to charge up that's kind of our average cost to charge this car to full we're on a wholesale rate which if you're interested in how that all works a video on my channel detailing that um so sometimes we can get paid to charge sometimes it's you know worst case we pay about seven bucks to get a full charge but average about two bucks so that's um why that particular leg was so cheap um and even when we traveling around we generally try to find hotels that have charging facilities and and more and more are starting to do that whole chains are signing up now to get proper fast charges but even if they've just got a 240 volt power outlet in their car park as long as you're not uh disturbing anyone in using it and they they happy if we get to plug in I definitely would ask before you did it um you can get a charge anywhere for free so uh there's certainly ways um of doing your travel smartly in in EV and and getting that costway down so yeah EVS don't work for everyone as well um especially if they're in apartment buildings where they have can't get um a charging infrastructure put in or even a 240 volt power point uh 15 amp is is a is a good option if you're if you're able to do that but even if you are using supercharges which are a lot more expensive than charging at home you're still saving money on petrol you're still saving money on on having to service the vehicle that kind of thing so um yeah it's it's obviously not as good but um as new laws seem to coming in to um sort of force large Apartments to put in uh charging infrastructure that will soon change as well anyhow um we're heading to the supercharger at your long um we're going to arrive there with 67% so probably going do a 5 minute top up there and uh stretch the legs and I'll see you then so this is the jalong Tesla supercharges it's right off the main road so nice and handy just doing a a quick 5 minute charge here and then we'll get on our way good good setup the pull through Bay so you could easily have a trailer and be able to charge up here so that's great verion 3 supercharges the ABCs of EV is always be charging so you might as well you make use of any stops you have to make for toilets and food and that kind of stuff and uh try and locate it with a charger and be um most most efficient you can so that got us to 94% just while we're using the toilet it's these Chargers are pretty quick these days and it's hard to get things you done you want to do and not have the car sitting there already fully charged so don't know if I mentioned it in my start of this video but the the point of this trip is the barasa valley holiday the brussa valley is one of the sort of most famous wine regions in the world so well very well known for it shz which is one of the best in the world and I'll fight anyone who wants to argue with that i' like a like a good shz so that's our um destination today but we're doing it via the Great Ocean Road which is a very famous Road in Australia has some good landmarks and uh my wife hasn't seen it so we'll do that on the way so it's going to be a fairly slow trip as far as we're not going directly to the brussa but uh hopefully it'll be enjoyable and we'll have some scenery along the way anyhow um catch you again on the Great road so here we are on the Great Ocean Road I forgot to mention that the last charge we did this quick top up there at long was it just a 5 minute top up while we had a bathroom break cost $9 again though we're not really worried about time on this trip this is just a uh scenic route we're taking here to check out the great as Road hopefully get some good uh good footage for you guys [Music] in so a quick stop in the town of lawn for some really nice fishing chips the uh Captain Hook is a great place to visit and they clearly knew I was coming one of the landmarks on this road a bit further up further up another hour or two is the 12 apostles at uh rock formation though I think there's only one or two left I think the rest of them got banished to heal of buying EVS or something like that maybe we'll try and catch those as we come past them for [Music] weather isn't always perfect in uh Australia especially Victoria Auto wipers are doing an okay job the um Auto wipers are actually working pretty well we've had some varying speeds of rain and it's been varying the speed of the wipers appropriately so good to see this is 202 24.8 point9 and another thing I noticed on the first worst part of this uh this trip at part one of this the video series was that um steering World nags on autopilot were um almost totally gone well I haven't had a single one on this trip so in 11 12 hours with a driving on autopilot probably about 13 or 14 now I didn't get a single nag I noticed some other people reporting the same at least on highways city streets are still getting nagged in in main roads but highway driving it seems as long as you're paying it basic attention you don't have to be um putting weight on the steering wheel that kind of stuff which is uh good to see more views from the Great Ocean Road the uh country of Tasmania is at that way shout out to all the Tasmanian friends just a stretch of National Park Between the Ocean Road sections bit of a rainforest like setting you certainly enjoy the model 3 Highland through these bends but the acceleration of a Ferrari with exceptional handling great suspension and it's really a joy to drive through these sorts of terrain anyone visiting Australia The Great Ocean Road certainly worth a a visit check out some great scenery if you're a surfer you'll definitely have heard of Bell's Beach which is kind of at the start of the Great Ocean Road one of the great surfing spots in the world as you've probably heard me mentioned in other videos the uh one pedal driving in the Tesla is is really enjoyable I don't think I've touched the brake more than once or twice in the whole trip so far the uh brake pads on this car will Outlast most ice vehicles and uh certainly saves on the costs running costs the one pedal driving gives you that regenerator braking where you take your foot of the accelerator it's slowing the car down and the motor starts acting like a generator and actually charges the battery for you as you come down from a higher elevation um or even just slow down on a on a straight road gives you a really good driving experience it was extremely easy to get used to and once you're used to it you really don't want to go back to using a brake I know some EVs do do the regenerative braking but they use a mixed in braking with a brake pedal and um doesn't achieve quite the same results and you're still using the brakes and that that those instances whereas this is just a great feeling a great way to drive especially on these sorts of Roads so a bit of an explanation on ranges the Australian and European laws require manufacturers to advertise range based on wltp which stands for worldwise worldwide harmonized light vehicle test procedures now these ranges are derived in a test environment in absolute ideal condition so not really representative of real world conditions so as an example the model 3 Highland Real World Drive I believe is over 500 km in wltp range but um real world you're generally getting around 430 km somewhere around there uh depending on whole range of factors how fast you're driving the roow conditions Etc um the US uses EPA range which is slightly better slightly more realistic but um again it won't won't be totally representative of real world in the car itself it uses EPA based ranges which is better than what they're advertising in wltp in Australia but like I said it's still not totally accurate you can click on the percentage there and and it'll show you the EPA range estimate but the car itself will take everything else into account it'll take weather it'll take whether it's raining whether the you know cross winds head winds tail winds all that sort of thing so the car is usually your best option and we'll know best as to what um Range you're going to get and where you should be going to get topped up and that kind of thing few sheep for our New Zealand friends here we are 12 Apostles a few LIF so we're at warable now just doing a charge up uh it says 25 minutes to continue trip we'll have another Charing stop at Keith so this is the first time we're really waiting for the car mainly because we spent all that time doing the sightseeing if we'd uh done a standard route to the to the Barosa we could have had lunch on the way with our supercharger and we wouldn't have been waiting but uh we will have a bit of a wait here while it charges a little bit and then we'll go on all right so we've had to go with a plan B I'm just getting a quick charge at a EV charger in the middle of a country Town out here I'm not sure where we are um um tried to outsmart the chesla system it was wanting to go to mount Gambia um and then to Keith but uh it looked like you could make it to Keith on the percentage about 10% but um on the country roads out here away away from any decent highways the range was quickly dwindling so when it started to get down to like 4 5% um I decided to call in Plan B if you're out a well away from any major highways that kind of stuff it's it's good to have a couple of different options and and there were plenty of options we had 3 300 km of range available to us so we had like three or four different options and we decided the CV was just the way to go at the moment put a quick charge and then we'll go back to the route we're going and uh head to the Tesla Supercharger all right so that's been a bit of fun um had to backtrack a bit to find something to eat who would have thought that in this part of the world all the restaurants seem to close at 6:30 p.m. except on Fridays where they stay up till wait for it 7:30 I mean if you're closing at 6:30 you're only doing lunch want to close at 2:00 if you're going to close that early doesn't make sense so anyway we had to backtrack a bit to find food and now we got to go to some more supercharges and stuff on the way um but uh yeah I look lesson learned um and I've done it once before second guess the Tesla and you generally lose car knows best it wanted to go Mount Gambia and then Keith I thought we could make Keith which it looked like we could we probably could to be honest but because the country roads and stuff less efficient than I than I'm used to um we could have pushed on but I didn't want to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere at this time of night we um always sort of plan we're going to get to barasa about midnight but I think I didn't I didn't really factor in how much time we'd spent sightseeing and that kind of stuff on the Great Ocean Road so it's um worked out we coming through here a lot later but yeah I think um lesson learned trust the Tesla it knows what it's doing if it tells you it needs to go somewhere just Just Go With It Don't Try a second guess it but uh yeah look L not I think uh for the main routes between major cities absolutely no problem at all you don't have to think about it for going way off the Beaten Track then yeah you certainly have to do a little bit more forethought and we had you know plan B's plan C's and in place so there was no no never any danger of us getting stranded um but it's taken a bit longer than we had planned and we could have done it a lot better if we had had planned it out better and I had to listen to the Tesla so still in the Barosa Valley I just going to move a couple hours south now it really is a a great place to visit if you like your wines and especially shz they've got the oldest shz Vineyards in the world apparently the uh European ones all wiped out by a bug sometime in the 1800s whereas uh they had already been transported down here and uh have been thriving since due to the good quarantine restrictions and that kind of thing but um to wrap up the trip from Melbourne to the barasa um quite a few Lessons Learned um I really should have broken that trip up at waren B the I didn't factor in how much time we'd spend sort of sseeing on The Great Ocean Road so whether it was an ice car or or an EV absolute best case we would have arrived here about midnight which isn't great in these sort of roads and these sort of conditions so yeah look would have been better to break that up at warble stay overnight I was doing it again that's certainly what I do I'm from morning ball my second mistake was not listening to the car the car wanted to stop at Mount Gambia and um and charge up there for a quick charge and then go to Keith I thought we could just cut straight across the Keith we probably could have it was getting down to the 4S and 3% which on a highway wouldn't have been a problem you got plenty of options even even now in the middle of nowhere and on the remote Victoria South Australia border there were plenty of charging options actually when we were tried to find food there was more charging options than were service stations so um but I wasn't going to risk it at that time of night in the middle of nowhere so I ended up um going to another charger getting a top up and then just uh going through Chargers in the way so look if if I followed the car it might have added another hour to the trip all up to what it would have been in in an ice vehicle it would have been much better roads the reason that the range was dwindling so badly was because it was all Country Roads not major sort of Highways which was using up a lot more energy than than a standard Highway would it sort of highlights also the benefits of the long range version if you were going to be traveling in really remote areas and away from major highways then the long range would certainly give you a lot more options um and it would have sold our problem very quickly as well but uh the next trip we'll do is the trip from the barasa back to Cambra that'll be a more standard trip on a on a more standard Road uh where we can really look at uh timings of the EV vers would would have been a nice as far as costs it probably cost us about 10 20% cheaper in the EV for the um the Great Ocean Road Trip but not a great difference but still us saving we didn't get to take advantage much of the free charging around the place there were a couple of free charges at wineries that kind of thing and if you wanted to be really Frugal you could make more use of those but we'll just doing our own thing and and making sure that we enjoyed our time here more than anything else it's a certainly a place we could have spent another week at this is hondorf in the uh Adelaide Hills it's a very German theme through the barasa valley and surrounding areas lot of the early settlers here were from Prussia Germany lot of European architecture and uh influence big shout out to sorl from so Growers yesterday we had the uh private tour of there wiy got a good history lesson and uh we got drunk by 10:30 ended up in a wine and food com for the rest of the day it was a great great experience if you make it to uh the barasa anyhow um next you see me we'll probably be heading back to CRA and we'll do that uh trip from the brussa to Cambra stoping get shied on the way
Channel: Tesla-Red
Views: 1,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model3, Australia, cars, Electric Vehicles, EV, Highland, Tesla Model 3 Highland, Indicator stalks, Roundabout, Full Self Driving, FSD, Tesla Vision, Vision, New car, Model 3, Tesla Model 3, Road trip, Barossa, Great Ocean Road, travel, wine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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