How To Draw Queen Bee LOL Surprise - Plus GIVEAWAY!

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family what are we gonna draw today yeah we're gonna draw another lol though this time we're gonna draw Queen B she's really cute isn't she and we're also at the end of this video we're gonna give away an lol doll and we're gonna open this up what is it called pearl surprise it looks amazing and it looks like it's got a lot of stuff in there yes it's gonna be excited alright you ready to drop we hope you're gonna fall along with us we got a marker and paper and when we use our markers we have two sheets of paper actually so that our marker doesn't soak through the one sheet and get onto our table we're first gonna start by drawing queen bee's eyes we're gonna draw two circles right in the middle of our paper towards the top though and John about this big and I'm gonna leave some space because we're gonna draw some other circles around them nice and then another one you can scoot over just a little bit more there you go good job now inside of this circle we're going to draw a smaller circle in the top left yeah it's perfect then we're gonna color in the big circle but leave the smaller circles white when we fast-forward the lesson or we go too fast what kind of our friends do yeah you guys could always possibly if you need more time you're gonna keep going yes now we're gonna draw another circle around each of these these these two circles are the pupils now we're going to draw the irises which is the colored part so we're gonna draw a circle that goes around but it touches the top do you see that and then down at the bottom it gets a little further away yes and then go all the way around and then leave some space at the bottom good job and then we're gonna do the same thing over here we're gonna draw another circle goes around and at the very top it touches this is for the colored part in their eye yeah okay now we're gonna do it one more time we're gonna go all the way around and we're gonna touch the top again so we're going to start we're gonna touch the top come around leave some space at the bottom and then all the way around yes touches at the top there you go and then space at the bottom yeah and then the same thing over here on the other side my circle is a little flat on the bottom that's okay right yes because the most important thing is to have fun yeah have fun and to practice okay now we're gonna draw the eyelashes on the side of each eye so we're gonna draw a big triangle comes out and back in oh yeah and then we're gonna color it in then we're going to draw four smaller ones underneath the big one one two three four and then we're going to repeat those same steps over here on the Left I've we're gonna draw a big triangle up at the top big eyelash and then four more smaller ones below it now we're ready to draw her mouth and we're gonna draw a little s line it's gonna come down up back down and back up it's a lot of Wiggles looks like a little worm then back up yeah on the bottom right in the middle we're gonna draw you shape for mouth it's open and then we can color that in it's really tiny now let's charge lips we're gonna draw an upside down u on the top and a you down on the bottom knows we're gonna drop a short line right above her lips and then we're gonna draw a rainbow line above it now we're ready to draw her face we're gonna start halfway up her eye and we're gonna start right next to her eye we're gonna come down and then we're gonna come across the bottom and then back up and end in the same spot see about half way up on her eye okay it looks like a big giant you then come across what I did square cheeks and around cheek now right above each eye we're gonna draw her little eyebrows so we're gonna draw a little line that comes across and then we can come back it looks like a sideways right raindrop and we could color it it and then we're gonna create that same shape over on the left side a lion and then we can go up and back out sideways rain drop and then colored it perfect now we're gonna draw her really pretty hair we're gonna draw a straight line that goes over her eyes and her eyebrows so we're gonna draw it it's just a straight line comes right over her eyebrows and you don't want to go past her eyes so we want to start start about there and end about there now we're gonna draw her curly hair on the side we're gonna connect up to that straight line and you're we're just gonna draw a little it looks like waves or use that are connected together yeah and then one on the other side too okay now we have the shape of her head let's draw her ears we would draw AC shape on this side and a backwards see over here on the right side now on the inside of her ears we're gonna draw a little curve at the top and then we're gonna draw a smaller see right below that one yes and then we're gonna draw that same thing on the on the right side little curve and then a backwards C on this here that's for the little details inside her ears now let's finish her hair we're gonna draw a rainbow line starts here on the left side of this straight line go all the way over I know it looks funny now but you know it'll look cuter later I promise she looks bald at the top okay let's finish your hair we're gonna draw a big we're gonna draw this same bumpy line but we're gonna go all the way over from one side to the other so we're gonna draw little bumps that go all the way over and that cool we're gonna go all the way over to the other ear I go right across it yep there you go good job is this fun yes it's way funny now let's try the little hair lines on her bangs we're gonna draw two curves in the middle and look at this one's go in one direction and one's going in the other direction now on this side let's draw two more lines that are going the same direction yes and then two on this side going and matching yes just like that now she has two cute little puffy piggy tails and we're gonna draw those bumpy lines we're gonna draw the same thing we're gonna go all the way around and job a cute little piggy tail yeah and it makes almost a circle doesn't it now we're gonna do the same thing over here on the other side cute little fluffball we did it we drew her head now let's let's draw her body next we're gonna draw two lines that come out from her chin for the top of her body and see how they're kind of tipped at the bottom yeah now we're gonna draw two more lines that come out further for her dress yeah I think they look really cute on you okay now we're gonna draw a sideways W look at this sideways W and we're gonna draw a sideways W on this - now we're going to connect the left side over to the right side with a bumpy line Oh super cute now let's draw her neck we're gonna draw a little hew shape and we could draw those stripes on her dress so she has two stripes on the top part of her body so we're gonna draw two lines really close to each other and then we're gonna draw two more two more lines that make another stripe right below that one and then let's color in those two stripes next we're going to draw two more stripes down here on her dress we're gonna draw two more lines right next to each other that's for another stripe now we're going to draw two more lines for another stripe all the way across and then we can color in these two stripes [Music] what's she missing heavily late her legs we're gonna draw we're gonna draw the first line inside and I'm going to draw see how it's tipped out and then I'm going to draw the other one tip the other direction and I put a little bend where her knees gonna be and that's halfway it's halfway down yep and then he can bend down yeah there you go good and then you could do the same thing right here now we're gonna draw the outside of her leg so we're gonna draw another curve it comes in and then it bends out and then on yours we'll draw right to there and then we're gonna draw a little shorter so that this part is gonna be her foot okay yeah and then I'm gonna draw that same line on the other side too and then we can draw another one right there yeah does that help give you a little guide dots yes okay now inside of her legs let's draw two little dots the dimples on her knees now we're gonna draw her shoes but let's connect these two lines like this and on yours let's connect right here over to there yeah and then that the rest of the line is part of her shoe and then you could do the same thing over here all right now let's draw our shoes and we're gonna draw really simple we're gonna draw kind of a square you we're gonna come down and then back up see how it looks flat on the bottom and then I'm gonna draw the same thing over here on this thing yeah kind of square like now we're gonna color in her shoes black she's missing one last saying she looks a little funny doesn't she where's she missing ah yes she missing her arms start up here we're gonna draw her arm coming out like this little and there's a little bump so you could start here put a little bump in the middle that's where her elbow is and then come out a little further oh that's super cute now we're gonna draw her thumb we're gonna draw a little thumb sticking out and then we could draw four little fingers and they're really small so we're gonna come out we're gonna draw little sideways use there's two three four John really small yeah and then right here we could draw our hand coming back in so we're right here you could draw our hand coming back to her wrist a little curved and then we're gonna draw the rest of her arm coming back into her body yeah skinny arm and that's perfect I'm like it just the way you drew it now we're gonna repeat those same steps over here for left arm so we're gonna start again we're gonna draw curve that comes down it has a little bump in it and then comes down further and you want to make sure that you drop the same length so you're gonna stop about there yeah now what's the next step do you remember it got her thumb we're gonna draw a little teeny thumb upside down you and then we're gonna draw four really teeny fingers one two three four okay and then we could try that little line coming back for her hand and then we're gonna finish her arm coming back into her body now we can try there's a small little line inside of her hand and that's this little line for a thumb yeah inside your palm okay happy we did it we finished drawing Queen Bee except she's gonna look cuter once we do what yeah we need to color this part we're gonna fast forward again but at the end you guys composite to match the same color [Music] infinitely you did awesome on coloring queen bees she looks really cute and we used our gold pencil which is one of my favorite pencils we don't get to use it very often but look at that it looks all shiny because it's real gold now you guys can pause the video right now to match the same coloring what was your favorite part the lippy lips yes you do we hope you had a lot of fun drawing with us now it's okay if your drawings don't look exactly like ours our drawings look different and your drawing looks just as cute if not cuter and that's because what is the most important thing yes to have fun and to practice practice and try your best you know we still need to give away this cute little lol surprise what series is this glitter series and look there's even queen bee on the front how should they enter to win this yes have their parent or an adult leave a comment below this video and what should they tell us yeah tell us what your favorite lol dollars and then we'll pick a winner tomorrow and we'll announce it in the comments below this video and we still need to open up our little pearl surprise right me too now let's clean up the table and then we'll get this all ready all right Haley we got our table all cleared off and we've got our limited edition lol surprise total surprise and that means there's a lot of stuff in here right even some fizz bombs what our fizzles it sounds super exciting yes can't wait to see that alright you do the honors peel that off right there and let's get it open oh we need to clip these things are these all little things that have something inside of them which one should we do first that one okay oh yeah use your muscles what is it Oh cute little pink shirt okay do the next one squeeze it it's a little pink top all right next one third one it's her bottoms yeah there's swimsuit bottoms I'm guessing there's two in here right is there a regular one and then a baby sister maybe yeah that's cute the cute little bottoms all right next one this is awesome shoes well those are teeny those are really small do you think those are for the baby one baby okay and then they got the last 100 more shoes Pete pink shoes I like those those are my favorite okay now what do we do do we take this top off yes okay oh look at that it says dunk me in the water all right does this come off too yeah oh and then hold your hands out I'm gonna dump it oh it's huge that whole thing is a busy thing yeah I think you're supposed to do this in the bathtub though right yeah but can you do it inside here too all right so we're gonna fill this up with water do you think it's gonna fit over the top maybe we should get a towel and put underneath it okay we get the water in there and we got some ice cubes too and we need to take the plastic off that right all right we finally got the plastic all off of it it doesn't smell very good does it no I suppose like chalk all right put it in let's see what happens oh it's gonna go over oh hopefully not hopefully not just gonna make a mess if it goes over I don't think it is it's good it's not it's it's okay feels really bubbly you can hear it too Oh a little stuffs coming off this would be so awesome in the bathtub yeah that's awesome flip it over flip it over there's big bubbles sounds kind of funny okay I think we should fast for it until this is all done don't you yeah oh the bottoms all done we have to flip it over there's another seashell inside I was yeah there is I bet the dolls are inside of this one all right happily I think you can squeeze it and you can open up this shell want to try yeah just squeeze the sides and then I think it'll come open it'll open up oh look it's gonna come out go ahead oh that's so cool you know what we could say that let's save it and then you could use this in a bathtub later yeah yeah okay we got a little dried off do you want to open it yeah it looks like you can put your fingers right there and then pry it apart don't break your fingernails oh oh cool let's open these up yeah oh she's naked look at her hair it's super pink okay I'm gonna open this one and then you open you open this last one open that last one up oh look it's her little pup a little drink yeah are your hands slippery yeah I'll help you and look they definitely look like little sisters mmm well let's get her dressed and so we can show our friends what they look like with the clothes on I thought when we opened up her and there were two sets of clothes I thought one was for the little sister there for her she has a second set so this looks like a swimming suit and then this is just a regular clothes I like her little pom-pom we hope you had a lot of fun watching is open up our what pearl surprise and we'll see later our friends goodbye if you had fun forward along in this lesson be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the circle then you can click the bell to get notified every time we upload new videos I've also picked up these two other lessons I thought you'd really enjoyed don't forget to take a photo of your child's finished artwork and share it on Facebook Instagram and Twitter because we want to see how awesome it turned out [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 13,179,749
Rating: 4.358326 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, 4 kids, LOL, L.O.L., Surprise, Doll, Glitter series, Pearl Surprise
Id: Pisumh_Uc5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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