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ah this is just so beautiful ah oh what a technique creativity Wow enjoying the art Sami lady ah um it's a Mona Lisa portrait by a great artist Leonardo da Vinci Wow eyebrows ah it's a self-portrait of Frida Kahlo Mexican artist of the 20th century I didn't know they had selfies back then Oh Sam you are such a know nothing whatever no one cares not those old pictures hey where are you going welcome to the 21st century what is it it's a doodling robot and it's much better than that Leonardo de frida well what should I do with it okay hey guys today I'll be assembling a doodling robot for Sam let's start with this small motor I'll connect these things together first I wonder what this is for ah there and screw these little guys right in oh can you make it look like a terminator or not really and I doubt this robot will be as good as the billy artist you're wrong you wanna bet why not I win you buy me the biggest chocolate you can find and if you lose guys who do you think is gonna win this bet leave a comment below and watch the video till the end to find out the answer there next let's put together these grippers yeah yeah yeah hmm strange okay well it probably goes here and uh this one there oh I would never be able to get it done without the manual everything should be just in the right place or it won't work all right well that flat part should probably go here yeah whoa such small parts you need a toy screwdriver or something let's fix it in place like this ah perfect now I'll insert this marker to make sure it's the right size and twist it in twist twist twist there fix it up here a little more are you okay okay Sam inator it's time to go I am gone but I'll be back subscribe to my channel know a little bit more and bear ok now I'll put together another gripper huh you know it gets easier with each one I know what goes where and in what order haha I could make it with my eyes closed alright let's screw it in right here there and put the marker in ah there Hooten nice now we'll put it all together hmm should we paint it give a thumbs up if you agree all right the robot is almost ready I just need to insert a battery right in here there remove the caps and it's ready to create a masterpiece Sam Sammy piece of paper good job shall we oh yeah all right and [Music] yeah [Music] let's compare hmm looks like somebody just lost a bet okay you may buy me nothing this time guys did you like our doodling robot give a thumbs up and subscribe to Sam's channel and he will definitely come up with a million new things to keep you busy bye hey guys today I'll show you how to make a 3d logo in five minutes Wow really I drew your name too look what do you think will I ever get a thank you here we'll need a piece of paper with the name parchment paper a hot glue gun and glue sticks okay color glitter glue sticks first I'll leave the glue gun to warm up guys be very careful with this thing hot glue can cause a burn oh sorry Sam I almost got you that's exactly why you should be careful I'll put a printed logo under the parchment paper just like this take the glue gun that's warmed up and just start tracing the logo with the name Sam don't start with me it's important to join all the lines shaking hands might be a problem it's covered with a layer of nonstick material [Music] they're the glue logo is done now we just need to wait a little until the glue hardens no not yet scram Sam now the glue hardened enough so we can take it off the paper hmm oh wow that's really easy can you believe that's glue hey Sam look now you have a real 3d logo it's almost like it's boring breathe Suzy breathe Sam is just being Sam what should it look like I have another idea please like it where's your off button mom for a chaotic logo I'll need a plain piece of paper the glue logo watercolor paint a brush like this and more paper to avoid the mess I'll put the logo on the paper she's gonna ask me wait I'll show you a really cool printing technique / okay be right first you need to damp the brush in water just a little and shake off the excess I'll apply some paint I'll start with blue and pilot that meal now I'll tap the brush lightly on my finger it doesn't look very cool entertaining Belle a little more there now I'll take another color and some here and there huh not bad I'd say let's take one more color I'll go with red this time yeah and green my favorite let's remove the glue logo and see how it turned out [Music] to be honest it's not that great just erase the pain ah guys which logo did you like the best the blue one or the painted one leave a comment below is it chaotic enough guys if you liked our video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel not to miss another hit and please let us know if you have a better idea for my logo hm seems such a sale dude I've gotta sit down oh what a wonderful day today I really want to draw something nice and bright I'll take a drawing pad and some crayons Wow is this your doing [Music] huh just like that huh gonna do catch all its small pieces till right small pieces won't do oh I think I've got it come on you'll help me thank you will you give me cramps guitars what are you going to draw yeah even I'm Jack hi guys my guess is many of you are familiar with this problem broken crayons today I'll try to give them a second line as good as new something like that but first [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see hmm this one here and these over there this color into that pile hey Sam how's it going over there Wow hey is this don't tell me you please put the crayon Oh Sammy I'll move your crayons over here there we're done sorting now we need to break that Sam what scared you so much it's not you I'm going to break besides lines don't break down yeah I get it I'll take the crayons and put them in a plastic bag there now I'll smash them I need to break them into really small pieces [Music] Wow looks great no you can't but I'll take this mold and put the broken crayons into it each color into its own cavity today crayons are made of paraffin wax with some coloring added and the first crayons we made up a [Music] little bit more and done I'll put it into the oven guys the oven is very hot so be really careful and ask an adult to help you they're supposed to do that and done we'll take them out and leave them to cool ready yet my and then I Pete desires to - ready ready I just need to take them out of the mold all right and come on out you go there oh look ah so cute and another one here you go [Music] just to left wow they're so bright what for alright these crayons are so colorful and bright I just have to try them out right away oh man it's so fun to draw with these crayons hey guys if you liked this idea for saving broken crayons give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see Sam's new adventures so what are you drawing oh great [Music] [Music] Danny were you screaming what was it about tape but that's not scary at all that's what do you think Jill I'm afraid to go to sleep now hmm art therapy will help you art therapy we're gonna draw come on this won't hurt a bit trust me come on take a look here's a large canvas for us and some brushes first we'll draw some colorful blobs on the Yemen like this just to plop very easy and relaxing it doesn't need to be of any particular shape I'm glad you like it Sammy and I'll take this color now it's coming out and so easy to draw hey I told you have a painted my portrait during my - rattles in the - the dollar know was a very difficult well portraits are hard to draw indeed so it happens Oh what are we drying it will be a room decor painting map it looks weird so far has to wait the most interesting part lies ahead [Music] our paintings ready and it's almost dry now I'll take the tape this is masking tape it will help us to create a master touch yeah take a look I'll stick the tape in strips like they're not relaxing here okay yeah well done Sammy all right the tape is in place Oh No I'll need to paint the space between the tape with white paint I beautiful colored blobs wait right pants that's what the tape is for you'll see I'll take the sponge brush and coat it in paint then I'll apply some white paint right over the tape no need to get it now oh this sponge brush is so easy to paint no flowers hmm and a jack of all trade [Music] and a master of none now you're look at painting yourself I'm off to wash my ma clean house come in all dry ready to see something right of course right I need to carefully peel the tape off like this strip by strip mmm this is so satisfying guys and some more oh thanks Sammy and the last one here guys did you like this idea for a painting give a thumbs up if you did and subscribe to Sam's Channel and if you make a painting like this send us photos bye shall we be friends pickleball inspires me to throw even [Music] I need time I don't have any ideas for party favor well you'll think of something I'm sure I'll have some tea hmm good what do you think you're doing I'm drinking tea can you be drinking tea oh all right I'll help just don't worry I have an idea for a party favor here look you can give your guests pictures of a fish just right for your theme [Music] now this Mel Felix to ordinary Wow all right you'll have an ordinary picture of a fish but you will have to draw a party favors yourself it is your party after all all right just show me how here look we'll take a piece of paper what's next be patient next we will need a marker and some pencils first we need to draw an outline with a black marker Sam stop running around like crazy sit down and watch let's continue with our fish Oh Sam you haven't even watched to the end guys do you think Sam will be able to draw the same picture as me okay the outline is done now it's time to color Oh Sammy can you watch from a distance yes now we need to color the fish to make it pretty he'll make it hurry yeah Oh Sam continues to amaze me well alright I need to finish the drawing anyway and done hey Sam come see how it turned out this is how your party favor is going to look like there isn't much different from what you showed in the beginning sure if you need pictures like this you're definitely surprised you're gay guys do you like this idea give a thumbs up if you do and subscribe to the channel to see more of Sam's ideas come alive and if you draw something like this send those photos or videos it'll make our day [Music] [Music] maybe I should draw your party favors after all are it boring stuff thank you [Music]
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 46,263,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, easy crafts, fun crafts, diy, crafts, diy projects, tutorial, jelly, hot glue, candy, toy, compilation, video collection, doodling, robot, drawing, how to draw, drawing ideas, art, drawing games, painting, watercolor painting, painting for beginners, easy painting, 5 minute crafts, crayons, drawing hacks, fun art, drawing lessons, room decor, party favors, folded pictures, theme party, party
Id: JCar7kEiQnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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