How To Draw Bon Bon L.O.L. Surprise Doll - Plus we open one!

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hey forgive me try another Alouette yeah it took me a lot of fun we hope you're gonna fall along with us which one are we drawing pompon yeah she's super cute she's got a lot of details and she's wearing glasses she's gonna be a lot of fun so we hope you're gonna fall along with us you got a marker and some paper now the very end were you gonna do what with this yeah we're gonna open it so we hope you're excited we're gonna do it at the very end so be sure to stay until the very end you ready to start yeah now we've already drawn an lol doll and we'll leave a link where you can check that one out and we're going to use a lot of the same steps especially for the eyes we're going to draw two circles and we're going to draw them right here in the middle of our paper and the first circle we're gonna draw a kind of small because this is the pupil or the dark part of her eye and we want to leave some space in between so that we have room for her glasses we're gonna draw glasses on this one so yeah there you go so you probably are getting to draw him really small but that's okay we're gonna draw them different and the most important thing is what yeah to have fun so if your drawings don't look exactly like ours it's okay now up here in the top right for a top left I mean we're gonna draw a small circle this is for the light shining in her eyes then we're going to color in the big circle but leave the little one white now we're going to draw the iris to our eyes so you want to make sure that you're drawing your is really really small so that you have the room for your glasses so up here at the top we're gonna draw a circle that comes down look how I come down lower at the bottom it's that cool and we're going to do the same thing over here on this I come down lowered and then back around and touch up at the top now we're going to repeat the same step for the very outside of our eye so we're gonna do one more circle it comes all the way around to the bottom and then back up and touches at the very top yeah it's a big guy you want to keep your small though so they have room for those glasses okay now online I've made it a little thicker on the top and that's for eyelashes but let's draw the actual eyelashes on the side so we're going to draw a little a and then color it in I'm going to draw the little a over here on this side also yep and then on the other side then we're going to drop four more smaller eyelashes right under it and draw them really small now we can draw her glasses and this is the part that's gonna be a lot of fun but it might be a little tricky because you drew your eyes close together but I bet you can do it I bet it'll be okay so right over each eye we're gonna draw a curve and it touches at the very top of her eye there's one little curve that goes over the top and I'm gonna draw another curve that goes over the top of this I also and I drew him you don't want to make her look angry but I think I did she looks a little angry she won't win yeah we're gonna finish the glasses yeah you look just fine yeah she looks angry now we're gonna draw you to connect so watch this we're gonna draw you it's gonna come down right underneath her eye and then back up and this is for the inside shape of her glasses and I'm going to draw that same you over here on the side now we're going to draw the top of her glasses so we're gonna draw a line that goes curves over the top comes down and then curves back over the other eye also an extends past her eyes yeah there's a low right in the middle good now on each side we're going to draw a little line down this is for the side of her glasses then we're going to draw the bottom of her glasses this is a tricky line but watch this we're gonna follow the shape of our glasses and then right here we're gonna come up and draw the nose comes up back down and then we're gonna keep going all the way around to the other side is that tricky well let's just practice I bet you can do it it'll look just fine we're gonna follow around just like this come up back down and then connect to the other side yeah it does it looks like a roller coaster you can even make the noise like you're going on a roller coaster that's exactly what it sounds like now let's draw her mouth and we're gonna draw a little s line so it's gonna curve down up and then back down it almost looks like yeah I like the troma yeah the other lol dog yeah this is the same mouth and she looks like she's kissing that's because she drinks her bottle right now we're gonna draw you at the bottom yep and then we can color in that little shape now we're gonna draw her lips so we're gonna draw a curve that goes over the top of her mouth and also a curve that goes underneath her mouth she's making kissy lips yeah now we're gonna make the little nose and it's just an upside-down u right above her mouth next we're gonna draw her face and also her her hair so we start right here on her glasses and we're gonna draw a U and the U is kind of curved but it's also kind of a box so we're curving around yeah you don't want to make it look like a robot so she's got round cheeks but see how it's kind of flat down here at the bottom yes perfect just like that oh I love her chubby cheeks Peter perfect now let's draw the top of her head we're gonna draw a big rainbow line it's gonna start right here on her glasses we're gonna come up over her head she's gonna look funny I don't know and then we're gonna curve back down we'll give her air in a second so start there draw big upside-down you or a rainbow line [Music] alright let's draw her here so she doesn't look funny we're gonna draw an a shape right here so we're gonna draw zigzags for her bangs okay then we're gonna draw a bigger one that comes up a little higher now we're gonna draw one more it comes down it's gonna come down further in front of her glasses so you write it right over her nose yeah and we're gonna do a little one let's do a little little a now we're gonna do another little a that comes up but this one's gonna curve really far over her eye yes okay now watch this one this one's gonna be tricky we're gonna do an S curve that curves like this all the way up to the top of her head so curve one way and then back the other way yeah now right here on the end we're gonna do a little curve that comes down to finish her hair okay now on her bangs we need to draw the hair lines so we're gonna draw one hair line that comes down and it connects right right to here so we're gonna start up at the top okay now we're gonna draw another one that comes down to the other side don't static let's add two more one and I'm gonna add one that curves the other way also oh that's okay you went a little pass and that's it's fine that's okay now we're gonna draw more on the left side so we're gonna draw a big one the curves down and you want to stop at the zigzag yeah and then we're gonna add a couple more so I'm gonna add one that comes down here and then one more way over here now on the side let's say I'm going to add two right here and I'm gonna add two on this side too great now bombon has two little bonbons on top of her head right bonbons so right here on the top we're gonna draw the side of her hair we're gonna draw an S curve curves right next to her head you see that so we're gonna start right here and we're gonna draw her that stays really close I love the shape of your little lol doll bonbons head is so cute the way you drew it okay now we're gonna draw a curve that comes down to her glasses it's gonna come down and then connect her glasses okay now on this one let's draw some short lines for her hair inside of this shape all the way down now let's repeat that same shape on the other side we're gonna draw an ass curve that stays really close to her head and then it's gonna curve all the way down to her glasses yeah and you can stop and then you're gonna curve down to here okay now on this shape we're gonna do the same thing let's add little lines for her hair all the way across there now we're gonna simplify our hair up here we're gonna draw the big bonbons we're gonna draw a big circle but it's not really a circle it's just half of the circle there's one so it's gonna kind of look like Mickey ears but we're trying to make these simple trying to make her hair a little easier to draw there you go and then draw another one over here yeah she's got her Mickey ears oh we're gonna add more lines inside I don't make it look like hair okay now let's draw we're gonna draw a curve watch this I'm gonna drive one curve and then another curve right below of that one yes and then another one right below it and then let's draw one it's okay and then we're going to draw one curve going this way now we're going to repeat those same steps over here where it's all one big curve and then another curve right below it and then that little curve right up here at the top now we're going to draw a lot of little lines to connect the other direction so write down this middle we're going to draw watch this we're going to draw curved lines this way and then I'm going to curve the other way down that cool so switch them sort of curve one way and then the other way now it's gonna make her hair look really 3d now let's repeat that same step over here on this side and you curve this way and then right in the middle I'm going to switch and curve the other way now let's make those same curves down here on the second row so curve one way and back the other way we'll do it on the right side now up at the top we got to add two curves going this way and then I'm gonna add two curves going the other way and then do the same thing over here on this side two curves curve being this way and the other way was that a lot of fun we drew her head except we're missing her ears so let's try a little C over here and a backwards C on the right side now instead of her ears let's draw a small curve and then a smaller C little curve small C and then we're gonna do it backwards over here small curve backwards see for the inside of her ear all right Hallie we did it we finished drawing her head and she looks awesome now we need to draw her body next right okay we're gonna start by drawing her little jacket we're gonna draw two lines that come down from our chin I love her jacket I love all the different colors too okay now we're gonna connect it or waste now let's draw her dress we're gonna draw two diagonal lines that come out to this side and we're gonna leave some of the details out to try and keep it less a little easier now we're gonna connect right here we're gonna draw a wavy line to connect the two diagonal lines for the bottom of her dress okay now we need to draw all the details on her dress and what does she have down here at the bottom yeah a little bow so we're gonna draw a circle first for the inside of the Pope the knot then we're gonna draw two lines sticking out on each side okay now let's connect each side to finish the bow now she has two more bows so let's try them over here I'm gonna drop right next to this one and I'm gonna draw another one over here and we're gonna repeat the same step so I'm gonna draw those two diagonal lines sticking out and we are going fast right because you're repeating the steps but you guys can pause the video to take that extra time and we're gonna connect each of the ends to finish the bow we did it she's got three little bows on her dress now let's try the top of her jacket we're gonna draw a Y so we're gonna start here and we're gonna draw a curve that comes down like that yeah we're gonna and then we're gonna do one more look at that that looks like a backwards y yes yeah but backwards next let's chart color we're gonna drive W down up down up so look like a sideways W oh it does upside down or sideways too yeah and we're gonna do that same shape over here on the other side now we can draw a line down here and a line down on the other side she has so many colors on her jacket it's awesome and then let's draw one line that cuts across all of that Wow so many details I love it now she also has a t-shirt underneath her jacket so let's draw a little you right here alright you ready to draw her legs we're gonna draw two lines right down the middle let me draw a little longer and then on the outside so this is the middle of her legs yeah that's okay no you know what just try two more lines over here four other leg and you can keep her legs nice and easy and simple and I'm going to show our friends another way to drawn perfect that's me I love it Hadley you did such a great job oh yeah no I'm gonna drop watch this a little curve that curves in and then back out for a little chubby legs little baby legs and curve in and back out now down here at the bottom we're gonna draw those little marshmallows shake for shoes and you can do this too so we're gonna draw a little oval to connect the outside to the inside no marshmallows shoes and then for a nice let's draw two little dots for the dimples on her knees down at the bottom of her shoes we're gonna draw that her sole so we're gonna draw another line comes around the bottom for her shoes soles I love your legs they look really cute and they're skinny now we're gonna draw it we're gonna draw the little straps on her on her legs so let's draw two lines that are diagonal going this way and two lines going the other way on our other leg then we're gonna draw two lines going across there's a lot of little little lines in this one that's what makes it so much fun to draw yeah and then if you can if you can fit it in there I'm gonna draw a diagonal line two diagonal lines that go behind you can drop you probably draw in that little corner right there and I'm gonna draw over here on this side we got it we did it we finished her legs and now what is she missing her arms and we're gonna draw those really simple also we're just going to draw a J line that comes down and curves back in now this isn't really what our arms look like but we're trying to keep the steps nice and simple alright and then we're gonna draw that nice little chubby arm on the side also okay she's missing she we got to draw the little sleeves up here at the top and then we didn't we finished bonbon and she turned out amazing I love how she looks now we're all done we're finished so we're gonna put our marketers down and what do we still need to do yeah we need to color her and we're gonna use the computer and Photoshop to add the color but you guys at home composite video to match the same color and use whatever you want you could use oil pastels colored pencils yeah you can even paint her and I really love how she looks all colored in so I hope you're gonna take that time to add the color giant bonfire yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun remember it's okay if you're trying so it look exactly like ours because the most important thing is have fun yeah and have fun now we're gonna have a lot more fun aren't we what are we doing we're gonna open this right these things have different layers in them and they have lots of little pieces for the doll right okay so this first layer do you just pull this thing off is that how you do it I remember from last time it was kind of hard I can help it's difficult don't break your fingernails perfection there you go alright pull that off yeah you can just put that off to the side and then the first layer what are you usually getting the first letter a message a secret message with they look like emojis don't they yeah just throw that off the side okay which one don't cheat what do you think that is Tea Party oh you're so right you cheated alright let's do the next layer okay the next layer usually is the stickers right there's the zipper now this is what it tells you it could do write change tinkle okay dude the next layer all right now in the next layer what do you get what are usually getting the next layer a bottle a bottle can you rip it there you go oh there it is oh holy but it's not pink anymore it's kind of this green color blue green color all right open that up let's see what's inside oh that's squishy uh-huh that's how you feed the baby or a baby food oh all right do the next layer not standing up you got it okay which one's what's in this one usually like shoes okay open it up there you go oh I can't matches the ball doesn't it kind of the green color oh those are cute squish them squish squish all right put those off to the side let's see what's in the next one final layers y'all all right do it ah there you go this one has the cool compartment at the top oh I really like that there's the color of that yeah oh that's awesome what's usually in this one this her clothes oh she has she has a top and a bottom little shorts and like she's got a little like jacket that's around her waist and all on the matching top oh that's gonna look really cute I like the color look the colors match her shoes to a soccer player okay open it up I can't wait and we got a checklist - yep so I'm gonna open this up so we can see which one we got what her name is headband you can probably tell with cat ears that's super awesome Oh troublemaker you got the troublemaker how perfect it matches your personality troublemaker oh look at the color of her hair oh my goodness let's make it wait don't show her art friends she's super naked all right you need to put her clothes on her buns like our heads turned around backwards okay all right let's put her arms down and oh she's got cat look she's got little whiskers to put her shorts on superfast purp look at her little belly button she's gonna keep belly button to up over a bouncer buns are showing go pull your pants up this is ridiculous it doesn't fit over your cheeks all right we got it over no she's safe now well kind of put her top on oh wow holder like this in your hand yo she looks so cute I love her little her clothes and I love that they match her hair and she's even got the whiskers to match your little cat ears how do these go on do they go oh they go behind her ears and they go in the little little spots right there whoa she likes cute oh definitely get a good his shoes on there pop she looks really cute she looks so awesome have that you got her shoes on there now what do we need to do we need we made a feeder I got some water what down here oh she's got a little blue next to her name what does that mean popular popular one okay now we've got some ice water and that's to see if she changes color too let's see you know what I can tell what she does I have a feeling I know what she does I can see it in her eyes theater your food eat your food baby oh sploded all over the table did you get enough water in there I think you did try it try squeezing her help oh there you go try squeezing her head see what she does oh shoots water out of her eyes like laser beams when she cries she shoots laser beams out of her eyes all right do we need to see if she changes color how do you do it just dip it in ice water okay this should change colors I don't think she does not all of them do oh did she how she doesn't I don't think she does does she no that's okay it's freezing I don't think they meant to be we hope you had a lot of fun watching us open this lol though and draw her and we'll see you later our friends goodbye oh and don't water everywhere if you had fun forward along in this lesson be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the circle then you can click the bell to get notified every time we upload new videos I've also picked up these two other lessons I thought you'd really enjoy don't forget to take a photo of your child's finished our origin shared on Facebook Instagram and Twitter because we want to see how awesome it turned out
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 3,049,430
Rating: 4.3251843 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, Bon Bon, LOL, L.O.L., Surprise, Dolls, cute, open, 4 kids
Id: LgEvGkfmdM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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