How To Draw An Astronaut

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what do we try today uh sure not yeah we're so glad you're with us we're gonna draw an astronaut out in space we hope you got a marker and some paper in front of you you ready to start yeah yeah first we're gonna start with our astronaut's head or his helmet and we're gonna draw a big rainbow line right in the middle of our paper towards the top we're going to draw our astronaut floating and he's gonna be tipped so he's a little he's kind of at an angle yeah good job okay now at the bottom I'm going to draw the ends a little longer on each side so this is up that upside down U and we're at the bottom we're going to connect it we're going to connect it with a curve so we're going to draw a curve and then we're going to draw another curve just like that right below it good now we can connect each side to the Curve okay now we're going to draw his visor so we're going to draw another rainbow line that goes up and over so we're going to draw one that goes right along the first line we drew good okay now let's draw his arms and they're going to be reaching out towards us and so we're going to start right here next to his shoulder we're going to draw a little curve that comes down and then we're going to draw a curve going this way and then we're going to draw a longer curve so this longer line is his forearm and we've got the wrinkles where his elbow is yeah because he's bending his arm so we're going to draw the other side of his arm and just draw a curve down here we want to leave a little space at his wrist nice now we're gonna draw his wrist and we're going to draw a curve that connects one side to the other then we're going to draw another curve inside of that that's where his glove connects to his sleeve okay now let's draw his thumb and we're going to draw a bump so that's this part of his thumb right here and then we're going to draw his thumb it comes out and back in cool this is gonna be fun all right now we're gonna draw the rest of his thumb so this is this wrinkle right here he's got gloves on but there's still a little line there detail on his hand okay now we're gonna draw his palm so we're gonna finish his hand with a line that comes over and connects looks like he's wearing mittens but we'll add his fingers next good that's okay no it's fine it's all right right yeah no mistakes most important thing is to have food yes to have fun okay now let's try this fingers we're gonna draw one hot dog shape that goes out and comes back in and we're just going to draw three fingers but you can add another one on there if you want so now we're going to draw another hot dog shape I'm getting really close to the edge of the paper and we'll draw the last one that that's a simple way to draw a hand huh yeah I like it okay now let's come over here we're going to repeat a lot of those same steps for his other hand and you can draw his arm bent so it doesn't go off the paper Okay okay so we're going to draw a shoulder first so it's a little curved just like we did over here then we're going to draw the little wrinkle okay so now on this part we're going to draw it up so it doesn't go off the paper so we're going to draw his forearm that comes down and creates a little wrinkle now and I drew that kind of long compared to his other arm but that's okay now we're going to draw his arm that's bent yeah this one's a lot wider than I drew over here the next time we draw it we could draw it different okay so now let's draw that curve for his wrist good and then we drew another one right connect okay now what was the next step uh his thumb yeah his thumb so let's try that little bump good and then we're gonna draw his thumb it comes out and back in and then the next part was this little wrinkle inside of his palm yes and then let's complete his palm by drawing curve that goes all the way over to the other side all right okay now we're gonna draw his fingers so come up hot dog shape back down and we'll draw the next one and this middle one you could draw a little bit bigger and then we'll draw his little pinky finger right on the end yeah we did it and you fit it in it didn't go off the page well maybe a little it's okay all right now let's draw the top of his body so we're gonna draw sides okay and then we're going to draw a curve just like we did on the wrist okay and then we're going to draw another curve and connect from the left over to the right yeah and you can yes go ahead okay you did it just like the neck which I think is pretty cool and you can put a curve on the other side yeah that makes it a little easier okay what's our astronaut missing uh his feet yes his feet and his legs so let's draw his first leg over here we're going to start right at his waist and draw a big curve bent he's floating well and we're going to go off the page down here that's okay we want to leave a little list down here for his feet that's totally cool okay now we're gonna come over here we're gonna draw his other leg so we're gonna draw another curve we want it to be about the same length it's the last one now on your page we're gonna extend it so you can draw the feet yeah that'll be good okay so now let's draw the other side of his leg so we're gonna draw a u-shape right here a rainbow upside down u-shape yes okay and then we're gonna draw some wrinkles so I'm going to draw a curve and another curve yes so this is where his this should be where his knee is bending so you drew those same two curves on the other side and then we're gonna complete his leg and we want to draw that last curve to match the outside of his leg and I'm going to do the same thing on this side okay so this next part we're going to draw his feet so let's extend your paper now we just took extra paper and we put it down here at the bottom and then taped it at the top yeah on the back so that you have extra room down here for his feet and if you guys have that same issue and you want to take some extra time you can pause the video to do the same thing but let's keep going now we're going to draw his feet so we're going to draw a curve we're going to start back here and draw his heel and then we're going to come around to the front [Applause] yeah yeah and then we're gonna draw the front of his space boots cool you did it good job okay now let's do the same thing on the other side I'm gonna draw that same curve that comes around for his heel and then draw the front of his space boot all right okay now right on the side of his foot we're also going to draw a little thickness to his boot so this is the bottom of his of his space boots and then we're going to do the same thing over here on his right foot good okay now he's got boots so let's draw two curved lines on his leg just like we have on his wrist this is where his boots come away from his pants and we'll draw on the left leg also we got it okay now we could do a couple extra details let's draw a pocket on the side of his leg and I'm going to draw a pocket over here on the right leg too okay now we're going to add some details to the top of the suit so we're going to draw this box that's on his chest so I'm going to draw oh usually we draw an L shape but I drew the upside down L shape first and then we're going to draw a backwards l finish the Box there's this is like his control his control pack for his suit so he knows how much oxygen he has left now we could draw let's draw some gauges on there so I'm going to draw one little box a rectangle and then we could draw a big button on the side and then I'm going to draw another gauge right here at the bottom a little square shape all right now let's draw his huge space pack on his back so we're going to draw it behind him we're going to draw the top Corner first draw it right there a little upside down L we're going to imagine that going behind his arm coming out the bottom and then connecting to his leg let's do the same thing over on his right shoulder let's draw an upside down l and we're going to imagine that going through his arm coming out connecting to his leg and then let's draw it really big so let's draw the bottom of his pack down here yeah that looks awesome that looks really cool so that's where all of his oxygen is yeah maybe it's even like his jet pack so he can go out in space and fly around yes okay now let's add a few more wrinkles to his spacer I'm going to add a couple wrinkles in his armpits foreign then we can also add we could add some wrinkles up here on his pants and maybe even just some out in the middle of his suit too you can add these wherever you want and you can also just leave these off if you want to keep the lesson a little easier I'm adding a couple more wrinkles on his legs all right dude what should we do next color yeah let's color them let's put our markers off to the side and this part we're going to fast forward but you guys at home can pause the video to match the same coloring yes all right let's fast forward right yeah [Music] foreign [Music] your astronaut and I like that we left him white but we added shading so it looks more 3D so we were imagining where where were we Imagining the sun uh like up here yeah the top yes top left and so we added the Shadows to the bottom right and then we also added what's this uh light for friction it was like for prep huh what was it a light reflection yeah light reflection now you guys can pause the video to match the same coloring that we did and add those Shadows or you can leave them off to keep the lesson nice and easy yeah but I want to challenge you guys at home to finish your drawing by adding space to the background you could color it black and it has add some stars or you could even cut him out and and glue him to a black piece of colored construction paper yeah now if you don't want to add in space you could draw something else in the back background like your kitchen yeah you could draw a kitchen in the background he could be floating in a kitchen and we hope you had a lot of fun following along with this and drawing your own astronauts or not see you later our friends goodbye yeah I read your mind oh I'm telecastic [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 917,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, astronaut, space, explorer, cartoon
Id: HjnRYnSEuG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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