How to draw a Tractor

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hey guys how's it going so with all of the county fairs going on right now I thought this would be a good time to show you guys how to draw a tractor so to draw a tractor there's becoming all sorts of different shapes and sizes so I'm just I'm just going to show you guys how to draw a basic one so first thing let's begin with the tires so I'm gonna start right here and I'm gonna begin by drawing a nice big circle for the first tire and then I'm gonna draw another larger circle around it so it kind of looks like a doughnut then in front here I want to kind of line it up at the bottom and I'm gonna start by drawing a small circle like this and then I'm just gonna make a bigger one around it like this and these are not perfect circles by any means this one's pretty bad but they're gonna get covered up anyway so no worrying about being perfect so to start off I'm going to draw a line that goes straight across like this and we're gonna kind of line this up and bring it out front then I'm just going to draw a line that goes up and over and then I'm just going to continue it over here now for the front of the tractor I'm going to draw a line that goes up and then it's going to come over at an angle then I'm going to draw a line that goes up and then we're going to go straight across and then go down we're gonna leave a little bit of space before we go all the way down now right here I'm going to start here I'm going to draw a line that just kind of curves around and I'm gonna kind of curve this back like this so it's kind of like a long skinny oval then on the top of here I'm gonna draw two lines at the end then I'm gonna draw a line that goes up over and then down now for the window so I'm going to start right here I'm going to draw a line that just kind of comes down and then goes over then I'm going to curve it then go up and then just connect them at the top then right here I'm just gonna go down and then over I'm gonna go across and then just connect these then right here I'm just gonna draw a line that goes over down and then over again then I'm just gonna draw a few lines like this then up here for the little like smokestack I'm gonna draw a line that goes up over and then down kind of like a rectangle then I'm gonna draw a line that just goes straight up over and then down no tractors have like a lot of tread on the tires so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to make a bunch of bumps that go all the way around that's higher try to keep them about the same size and height if you can doesn't have to be perfect and then I'm gonna do the same thing on the side like that then on the inside of here I'm gonna draw another small circle and I'm gonna put some dots that go all the way around the edge of it so I'm going to draw a small circle and then I'm gonna put four dots and then four more around it and there you go there is your drawing of a tractor I'm going to fast forward and start coloring this thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed [Music]
Channel: Art Land
Views: 9,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tractor, tractor videos, tractor video, tractor pull, how to draw a tractor, tractor drawing, how to draw a tractor easy, tractor cartoon, cartoon tractor, how to draw a cartoon tractor, easy tractor drawing, how to draw a tractor step by step, how to draw a john deere, how to draw, drawing videos, drawing, draw, art, art videos, how to draw easy, easy drawing videos, drawing for kids, art land, art land how to draw
Id: kq-bFRa44-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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