How To Draw A Cartoon Abraham Lincoln

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- Gloria hey gaybraham hey Abraham hey Lincoln Lincoln all right little man you got your marker yeah all right we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us you have something to draw on and some paper in front of you and we're gonna keep this nice and simple because we're gonna draw a cartoon version of them right yeah yeah so our young art friends can have fun doing this with us ready start okay let's do it with the cartoon versions we always start with the head yeah and we're gonna start with drawing a u-shape okay we're gonna draw a you like that so we could draw it right draw it right in the middle kind of give you some points will draw a you right there so good oh it's perfect okay now let's draw Abraham's hat and he had a tall one huh okay so now we're gonna drop we're gonna draw a line that goes all the way across the you yeah that's a good place to start go across and you could go a little further out over here oh okay good job it will connect you can connect his head to his hat there okay now we're going to come up here and we're going to draw two straight lines up well I kind of curved them that's okay we're going to draw straight lines up you could go even further I'll go up to there from right here up to there good good job and then one on the other side and that's called a top hat because they're really tall all right now we're going to draw a line that crosses and connects the two top the two lines at the top perfect okay now we can go ahead let's make his top hat a little thicker on the ends like that we can draw a little line from there to there good and I'm one on the side over there awesome good job okay now let's draw a face so we're going to draw two little eyes right here one right there and one right here two little circles good and then let's color in his eyes and I'm going to color everything except for little white spot for the reflection so it looks like there's light shining off his eyes perfect good job and then I'm going to draw little eyebrows on both sides oh my go all right now let's draw a little nose and we're going to draw a u-shape like that good then we can draw a smile a little smile yeah a social face he's smiling but kind of serious good that looks awesome all right now Abraham Lincoln had two ears right just like us okay so we're going to draw a c-shape over here and a c-shape a backward C shape on this side for his ears good okay though Abraham Lincoln had a beard and it went under his chin so let's do a little uh bumpy lines like this that goes around from one ear to the other ear yeah good all the way around oh yeah and then come back up up here this beard got a little long on the right side all right so let's color in his beard okay all right good job you got it all cut that was a lot of coloring huh okay then we can give them give them some hair on the side right here and then over here on this side too so you give him a little hair that's on this right above his ears good job then you could do a little over here on this side too awesome good it's coming out of his ears it could come up all the way and connect to his hat let's see this right here so it can connect up here to connect down there yeah and then Carter that in okay now let's draw his body so we're gonna draw two lines that come out like this this is for a suit so are you going to draw a line comes out and connects to there I like how his beard looks like it's blowing in the wind we'll do another line from there to there good and then we're going to connect the bottom and this is for a suit jacket and Abraham Lincoln was really really tall okay and then let's draw a V right here V that comes down to that point and then back up that's for his white shirt can looks like a triangle yeah it does upside-down triangle huh yeah okay now let's draw his first arm so draw an arm comes out right here maybe right to there good and then connects back into a suit so from right there to there good and then let's draw a curved line that connects into his body and that will be his hand perfect okay now on this side we're going to do a little different he's going to be holding a document or a piece of paper so let's draw two lines that come out of the side figure John one there out two there and then one below it yeah and then connect those two nice job and then let's draw a c-shape yeah see that goes like this or sideways you perfect all right now let's draw a piece of paper in his hand so we'll just draw a line that goes at the top and line at the bottom yeah looks like a stick yeah I thought it totally looks like he's holding on to the stick huh yes and then we'll draw two lines out one on top and then one on the bottom two one two there and there yes on the top and then connect them on the side like this good job he's holding it okay now let's put some pretend words on here and we can just put some lines that go across like that and this could be his Gettysburg Address yes good you're gonna put maybe two lines in between there yeah good job it looks perfect even three perfect whoa nice now what's he missing hey legs all right so let's draw two lines that come out of the bottom of this jacket good good and then one in the middle that's weird yeah we're going to connect them so these are his legs and then connect the bottom like that so connect those two lines he's got two legs it kind of it's like this flurry yes like he's got three legs good okay now let's draws feet so we're going to draw a little u-shape like that a sideways you are good and then another one on this side let's do a couple more lines one right there and one right here and that's for his white shirt that's sticking out of his suit good awesome was that fun yeah okay we need a color on so let's pick out our color pencils and we'll come back Austin these are the colors are we going to use we're going to use a lot of black for his hat and in his suit and we're also going to use this tan color for the paper and we got a pink and a peach color we're going to fast forward in our art friends can pause at the end so they can match the colors that we did yeah ready fast forward yes let's do right in job Austin you did a great job on your Abraham Lincoln did you have fun yeah new promise now our friends can pause the video right now so that they can match the coloring that we did we used a little peak on his nose and his cheeks it looks a little cold huh yeah it's okay that your Abraham Lincoln's look a little different than ours right yeah it's okay that your beard looks like it's blowing in the wind yeah cuz the most important thing is yeah yes have fun we hope you guys had a lot of fun too and we'll see you later our friends good bye you
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 529,173
Rating: 4.6731939 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Abraham Lincoln, cartoon, President's Day
Id: rxmATQyudBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2016
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