How to Draw 2D Characters in Blender 2.8

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hey guys it's that's there hey guys it's Steve here from CG geek and welcome to a new blender tutorial the first tutorial in the new studio so yay and if you'd like a quick tour of the studio check out the video I just posted recently it should be a link to it up there now as you might have already been able to tell this video is going to be on how to draw 2d characters in blender and we'll be using a graphics tablet I got my graphics tablet guav on because it looks cool oh and the guest is also some practical reasons to it but mainly because it looks cool it is a little bit helpful because when you're moving your hand across you display and stuff your hand doesn't really grip the screen it doesn't accidentally give you a touch or anything and it's just easier to kind of slide around your palm what are you drawing on the graphics tablets huh I mean it comes with it - I'll use it right so in this new blender 2.8 tutorial we'll be creating a cute zombie character in scratch in 2d using blender 2.8 new grease pencil features so the grease pencil has come a long way since blood a 2.7 it's pretty much completely different so much different that I think it should probably get its own name actually so just like I mentioned in my previous video 2.8 is not officially released yet it comes out officially early 2019 but right now we're using the alpha and is working very well very stable and grease pencil is pretty much where it's gonna be like for the rest of 2.8 so it's not going to changed much but if it does I'll let you guys know in a painter comment also before I get started I like to thank everyone over on my patreon page for your support and if you'd like to download the finished zombie character that we create in this tutorial it will be available over on my patreon page for just $3 a month you get access to that and every single other blend you've ever seen on the channel will be available on there for the patreon so I like to give you guys a big thank you for everything you've done over the years and if you want to download the character it's available to you over there so a few things real quick about the tablet that I'm using it's a Vike tablet it was supplied by your best for review so we like to think your best for sending this over I've been really impressed with it I've been using it for a few weeks now it's got a nice big 15 and a half inch IPS HD display so it works really well it's got some good viewing angles and it isn't too reflective maybe just a little bit reflective but not super reflective which is good and yeah I've liked it I've had it has some good pressure sensitivity the drivers for it and software is a little bit mean I'm not too crazy about the software that it comes with but you don't really have to use it much once you get a set up to your liking you can go ahead and you'll be to go so yeah I can recommend it if you're looking for a tablet around the $350 range or so it's definitely a great option and I've been really happy with it I'm excited to continue using it in future videos and content so yeah if you want to check that out there'll be a link in the description where you can see the Vikes Ablett and I really think a display tablet is important because in my experience when you're using a graphics tablet with on a screen on it so you're drawing down here while you're looking up there it makes it really confusing and being able to just draw right on the screen makes life a lot easier so I do highly recommend if you can afford it getting a display graphics tablet as it makes life a whole lot easier one quick thing that's probably still a decent amount of echo in and the audio as I haven't gotten all the soundproofing foam up and still lacking that furniture that I mentioned in that previous video so over in blender 2.8 now what basically used to be the grease pencil is now called an annotation tool or a notes tool where you can go ahead and make notes reminders across your scene it's located over here in the toolbar and you can just go ahead and use this to write away draw anything you want on to your scene and make a note so it's handy for that and it basically serves the purpose of what the previous grease pencil used to do you can go ahead and change the color of your notes and yeah do whatever you want with it right up here and make it red if you want to do whatnot but basically just for simple notes you have a few layers and you can yeah add whatever note you want wherever you want so it's pretty nice and it's handy but grease pencil grease pencil is basically an entirely new 2d animation drawing software implemented into blender now so it's his own thing and it's extremely powerful so before I go any further I want a quick mention how I have my graphics tablet set up here on the little pen here you can see there's two buttons and I set up the one button to basically be the middle mouse button so I can go ahead and pan around in 3d real easy just by grabbing and holding that button and then I made the other button the right click because as everyone knows and blender use the right click to select different objects and stuff so it's it's handy so that's what I did for this and then along the side here on this particular bike tablet you have all kinds of different buttons that are programmable with the software downloaded on Vikes website and you also have like a scroll wheel here that you can use to zoom in and out of your scene and stuff so it's really handy to kind of operate in 3d and stuff using some of these buttons I also programmed one of the buttons to be control X or X for a blender so I can go ahead and erase things as you can see here just by hitting that button so it's pretty handy and that makes life a lot easier I haven't programmed all the buttons but I programmed a few to be buttons that I use often and it improves your workflow and makes things go faster all right so let's dive in and really take a look at what blender 2.8 grease pencil tool has become to do this I'm gonna go up to file I'm gonna choose new and I'm gonna scroll over to 2d animation we're just gonna choose that so we get kind of a blank new default scene that's more meant for 2d drawing and stuff and blender and not 3d work so the way the grease pencil works now is when you draw something it's its own object and if you kind of scroll around here in 3d view real quick this again I'm doing on my pen just by holding the button that's programmed to be the middle mouse button you can see that it's its own object and if I switch from the draw menu up in the corner here to object mode you can see that it's its own object and can be rotated and scaled just like any object within blender but it's containing that 2d artwork that we just drew so this makes it really powerful because just like blender and its objects and stuff you can use different materials and stuff on your different objects and you can come back and for example take this black material over here in my sidebar and I can change that color even after it's drawn to a different color so this is how it's very different from something like Photoshop for example because with Photoshop once you draw something it's done but with the grease pencil now you can have control over whatever you want and basically changing materials later if you decide you don't really like to look of something because it's all still using basically the formula that blender uses for its materials and stuff honest 2d objects alright let's quick take a look at some of the different brushes that come with the new grease pencil tool and blender and then we'll start actually drawing our character so first off you see you have your basic sort of pencil brush this is sort of a nice sketchy brush by default if I change this color back to black here you can see this it's nice a little sketchy brush that is good for quickly sketching out things and this is what I'm gonna do to first sketch out my object then you have a pen which gives you some nice harder lines again you have like a brush here then which gives you even thicker nice lines these are just default ops you can use if you want to be more creative and change them to your own liking you can go up here and there's different brush settings where you can turn down the smoothing and the thickness and all those different post-processing options and stuff but that's a little bit more advanced and we're just staying completely basic so we'll just use the the options that they give you here because it's all you really need then you have basically like a fat marker there some other pens and stuff and then you have your paint bucket which is for filling in holes just like in Photoshop or something and then you have some different eraser options a soft eraser hard eraser and then basically a whole stroke erase this will erase any stroke that you click so if you want to take back a whole stroke you can just use that and quickly clean up your scene all right so let's get started drawing our character now we know the basics we have our tools over here we have our layers over here just like in Photoshop or something if you've ever used a program like that and then down here we have our materials so all these things we'll be using and operating and I'll kind of go over them as we come to them later on so we can get started right off the bat with our character I'm gonna hit 1 on my number pad and then 5 on my keyboard - can I get rid of that grid floor and you can also go up to the overlays here and just hit that button to turn off all the overlay so you have a nice clean white palette to work off of now as you can kind of see in my setup here I like to have my drawing tablet to the right with my keyboard to the left what I'm working in blender because this gives me the option to still do some of the shortcut key commands that I need to do from different times like 1 2 3 4 4 changing views and stuff and I can do that with my left hand while I still operate with my right hand on my pen just like I would with my mouse so it just kind of makes it easy to to work in blender and that's how I like just have it set up so without further ado let's go ahead and grab our pencil and then grab our pencil and blend it here in the 2d animation segment and let's start sketching out our drawing so with our pencil selected and our black material selected and on our layer we're going with our lines option not our fills just because to keep a nice some organized I'm gonna use my black brush here I'm gonna make it just a little softer even so it's not I'm actually just take the opacity down but taking the alpha here down so I'm just gonna make it a bit softer as you can see not a hard line I'm doing sketches and I'll just erase Nats and I'm gonna start sketching out the basically the object which is going to be like i7 beginning a little zombie character so we're gonna start with the head and I'm just gonna start with his basic kind of square head here drawing a bunch of lines in sort of a sketchy fashion I'm gonna say right off the bat that I am NOT a great artist when it comes to 2d work but I'm good enough to get by I would say just depends what you think anybody but um yeah I mean I made this work so this is how I do it maybe it's not the right way but it works for me and maybe it'll work for you as well so just sort of sketching out the outline of the zombie that I'm going to be creating these lines aren't by no means permanent but that's why we're doing them as a sketch so we can come back and sort of change them later so on its head to be really nice and tall and exaggerated so I'm gonna go up about that high or so kind of a straight line along the back pretty square top of the head and then a rounded edge there rounded edge there sort of a straight line draw and then straight lines are kind of coming to it there okay so that's the rough very rough basically facial facial proportions and then for the eyes is gonna be kind of coming across here with his eyes on an angle or so and so that kind of just kind of helps you get the eye placement in line by doing those two lines now at this point you might already be like well okay I kind of like it but the shape is off and that's where we can use the sculpt option that is in the draw tool like I said earlier because it's an object we can go into sculpt mode here drop down to sculpt mode and we can actually reposition our lines right off the bat if you made a mistake so this kind of makes it impossible to be a better artist in my opinion I know a lot of people might disagree with me but it really does it makes it impossible to mess up because you can come here you can choose this tool here for example the grab tool and if I hit F on my keyboard I can make my brush bigger or smaller and you can move your lines around so say I wanted this to be a little bit of a fatter head I can come here and I can just grab these lines using my pen here and pull these lines out a bit further and now there you have it you got a fatter sort of zombie head so it's pretty impossible to draw wrong because you can always come back in move your lines and that's why I've been really liking the grease pencil thus far I think it's really cool and there's a whole ton of potential to be had here so once you have your lines if they're kind of squiggly like that you can just grab the smooth brush here and smooth those lines out a little bit maybe grab this one I'm just kind of smooth those out a bit and this is actually darkening a little bit I want to use the top one here and hit F to make my brush a little bit bigger and just yeah smooth those lines out you can see that makes it a nice straight line and we're back in business so go ahead and switch back to your draw mode and we can actually start on the body now because it's kind of like the shape of that head so let's go ahead and we're gonna have a little bit of an arm shoulder here this is a zombies so his head's kind of squished up here by his his arm so I'm gonna go ahead and draw a cute little arm here basically just something like that sketch out the lines that's all I need and then he has another arm sort of coming out over here right next to him of course just like a person so again a quick sketchy line if you don't like it just draw some more lines but you want it to be because this is I no means permanent and then his portly little body here so we're gonna go ahead and do sort of like a pear-shaped little tummy here on our zombie character just kind of drawing out that pear-shaped body coming around like so maybe that's a little bit I think they'll work weak again we can move the lines later if we don't like it yeah it's kind of a belt here so I'm just kind of sketching that out as well and then coming down like that that'll work maybe make it a little bit shorter in which case we can just jump to sculpt mode grab that grab brush and pull his whole body up a bit now he's a little shorter and fatter exactly what we want we can smooth those lines that again if we want to and we're back in business so going back to draw mode I'm gonna go ahead and sketch out his legs here so the lines the kind just gave him like a bell bottom sort of leg just pretty basic kind of cute but for the rest of this I'm going to time-lapse it real quick so you guys don't get bored with me kind of repeating myself at this point and it's all the same stuff just sketching out your lines if you don't like the way it looks sketch it some more if you really don't like the way it looks move it around with the sculpt tool brush so that's what I'm going to be doing and yeah I'll be right back with you guys once I'm done sketching this out okay and here's our basic quick sketch you can see it's pretty messy still but that's all we need to start doing some thicker painted lines on it so I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna create a new layer over here and I'm gonna name this I'll you can able whatever you want I'm just gonna name it I'll go paint and with that I'm gonna go ahead and move it down as you paint whatever that works and I'm gonna choose our paint brush which is a nice fat sort of brush it gets founded the more you push with the sensitivity again I've been really impressed with the sensitivity on this tablet I like the way I can I had a tweak to settings a little bit right out of the box it was off a little bit I thought but for me it got nice where you can and get a nice thin line or a nice thicker line with the pressure sensitivity on this bike tablet so I've been happy with that okay so with the paint brush selected I'm going to create a new material this is again gonna be just a black material but I want the opacity to be a hundred percent on this one whereas with my sketchy black color it was only at about a six percent or 0.6 percent because I want solid lines now so with our sketch in place with the layer selected and the material selected with our paint brush selected we can go ahead and start painting in the solid lines to kind of fill out our zombie character here so if the black material I really only want this around the eyes and the mouth everything else is gonna be kind of a dark green material so I'm just gonna focus on the face here and I'm gonna zoom in a real quick using the scroll wheel here on my tablet I'm going to go ahead and position him right over here basically the more you zoom in the easier it is to get a nice clean line so I'm gonna zoom in here and then I'm going to go ahead and do that brown line just by grabbing my brush and pulling it across the top there so we have a nice brow and I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of the aisles pulling those down looping them around again you can always come back and week these so you don't have to be too picky about it I'm gonna do the head one more time just as I didn't make it all the way up there there we go and then one more line here for the other eye now for the eyeballs same deal just going to go ahead and fill those out if you don't like it go ahead and erase it otherwise if it's close you can make it you can make it work with moving the lines around in Scott nodes we're going to go ahead and round this eyeball over like so get a nice clean round line so it looks pretty good for the ice there now I'm just gonna go ahead and do this squiggly squiggly mouth here but I filing along those lines somewhat closely and then the tongue will be its own why don't we can go ahead and fill out the time layer nice little tongue he also has a little tooth year but we'll add that later and that's essentially it for the black material now for the rest of the outlines here I want to do them in the color that the skin will be basically but a darker color so to do this I'm just going to make a new material over here and we're gonna make this kind of a zombie green color so I'm gonna go ahead and grab that crank it up to be a nice sort of darker green color now like I said it's beginning the video you can go ahead and change these colors later on so it's really impossible to get it wrong because you can always come back and change the color to what you're liking but with my paint brush here let me go ahead and start filling out some of these lines so starting in the corner here I'm going to pull this up pull it over pull that loop around and we're just gonna come all the way down and we'll just fill out the whole face with this outline so a rough outline but it looks okay and if you're not liking how smoothy brushes maybe you have sort of a shaky hand you can even go up to your brush settings here and change the smoothness so right now it's about point one maybe you want to try a point two if you have shaky hands and you're not getting the the value that you want go ahead and change that to a point two and try it again and maybe you'll like it's like it better so it's just kind of playing around and getting what what works for you and if you feel like you you draw the best with it a bit smoother go ahead and by all means make it smoother so I'm going to go ahead and finish this outline here just by pulling the brush around that looks pretty good it could always be tweaked but I'm happy enough with that now I'm gonna go ahead and do the little little spots on his head here these are the I guess you could call them works or something on a Samba I don't want to make sure I fill out the hole so I can easily paint inside of it or later I'm going ahead and filling in the hole completely just a few different sized holes there that's all you really need now we have the ear here so when we go ahead and pull this out down and over just kind of a square ear it's pretty basic something like that's all you really need again you come back with the eraser now we needs a hard eraser and I want to turn off or lock my lines so I don't paint those over my sketch lines but I can go ahead and paint over that later now so by locking that layer here it means that we can only adjust the other layers so that we have the ear kind of hanging out there and we can jump back to our our paintbrush here and just fill out the rest of his arms and legs so same deal just quick Lions filling them out here not getting too crazy this isn't going to be this isn't going to be the super this won't be an amazing work of art as like I said I am NOT a artist when it comes to a pencil very much so but it will be passable so there's a quick hand there and kids arm coming down here got a little bit of a thumb there a little bit of a bigger finger there middle finger over here and I'm just kind of making these fingers kind of cartoony by giving them a big sort of tip [Music] [Music] so there you have it our basic Azam B character now if you kind of want to work in some proportions or something it's kind of time to do it before we start doing the fills so what we do now is I'm gonna switch to edit mode for the first time I'm gonna grab my box selection tool here and I'm gonna select just the eyebrows here so I'll scroll around they're looking just those you can see it's selected just like it is and I didn't notice something would be in a 3d object but nice it's 2d and I'm gonna hit s and just scale those eyes up quite a bit larger as I want a bigger more cartoony sort of eyeball and then maybe his mouth could be a little bit longer I'm gonna hit a twice to unselect all that and I'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing with the mouth there except this time I'm just gonna scale it up along the x-axis to give that sort of a longer mouth and you can see how you can come back and totally change some of your drawing to get more of the look you were looking for in the grease pencil so there's a few other things like maybe his ear should be a little bit bigger so what you can do for this is you can select just a little bit of it and if you hover over it and hit L it'll select the whole ear and you can scale it up a bit bigger again we'll have to clean up a little bit of those lines that are overlapping there now we can do that with the eraser tool or of course we could do that just by selecting them in edit mode here I'll show you how to do that just select those lines boom and then hit X and delete points and it's basically the same the same method so there we have it maybe pull over this shape the side of his head there a little bit so I think we'll do that in sculpt mode grab the grab brush here and just kind of tweak that by let me see here pulling that over a bit something like that I think might be more of the shape of the head that I'm going for rounded over like that doesn't look too bad and then we can smooth out those those moves Lions real quick and this does a really nice job of making it just a nice organic sort of smooth line really cleans up in case you had some you know choppy lines that you weren't real happy when you can smooth it over run with this and it makes it look nice and polished so there we have it portions I think are looking a bit better and I'm ready to do some fills in a second here I want to quick grab his legs here this whole bottom half here grab that there too we're going to turn on proportional editing so you remember this if you've ever used blender you probably use it before it's proportional editing and it's multiple areas of the mesh at the same time using a fall off so we can go ahead and do G and then using the scroll wheel we can change how much we want the the curtain selection to basically change everything around it so I'm gonna pull that down a bit and when we give them a little bit of a portly belly here just by pulling this legs up a bit like so and if you want to smooth out that line a little bit which actually I'm kind of liking but maybe just a little bit you can do that yeah let's go up mode here let's make your brush a little bit smaller and just kind of round over that line a bit and there you have it so let's go ahead and do some fills now so for the fills I'm gonna smooth that line up a little bit there and you can change the strength here of course if you want it to do more I'm so for the fills I'm gonna jump back to the draw brush I'm gonna change your layer to the fills and we'll go ahead and lock our previous layers so we don't change that at all and I'm gonna go ahead and create a new material so I'm gonna start with just a basic black material so you can see it's already set up for the line but for a fill if I go down here a bit further it's transparent and this is you can see fill we want this to be 100% non transparent so we want to have a hundred percent alpha so gonna turn out to one and now it has a fill so if I was to use my basic brush now with this material selected you can see up here it's also selected it would be feeling it in as I draw so this is really handy for drawing things that you want filled you're not too concerned about it if you can just do it with that or you can do it like I'm doing here and come back later with your paint bucket and just fill in those gaps so right on the eye here I'll go ahead and fill it in with black but first I have to turn off the monitor visibility on my sketch Lance because otherwise those interact with the fill brush I don't want them to right now so we're just gonna use our new fat lines you call them and yeah I'm gonna go ahead and with this black selected on our here go ahead and fill in both those eyeballs with a black color again you have some adjustments here for the leak signs the thickness etc I might turn the leak size up just a little bit and then we can fill those in and you can see it changes the way it looks a little bit maybe I want to go down with that actually if I go last I think it's a little bit more intense so I'm gonna go ahead and go for like a 2 and that looks pretty good so there's the the blacks and the eyes now let's go ahead and create a new material for the skin color so for the skin again new material this is gonna be very similar to our zombie color but a lighter color so our outline has a its own color basically so this is kind of a Bluegreen and ask something like that's all we really need again you want to make sure it has a fill color that's the same as the top color so I'm just gonna grab a little paint check there and make it identical and then make it have a hundred percent alpha here but I turned that up now we can go ahead and paint his whole head green you can see that also filled in our eyes and that's probably because there's a gap somewhere along here right there yep where it leaked in there you could go ahead and patch that by one of the options is holding alt and you can kind of draw a line for the paintbrush and then it won't fill in that gap once you paint there but another option is just to grab a black paint go ahead and fill those back and so to fill in those little gaps you're also getting there you can just change the thickness here a bit and that will fill it in more if I crank that up to about 50 we'll see that we fill it in nice and solid okay so with those two lines filled the black lines let's go ahead and fill in some of the other areas and we can also adjust the colors now so the green might want to be a little bit darker for the outline I can go ahead and just my color later now and you can see that adjusts everything that you painted in that color different so that's really handy for changing colors like that and so I'm gonna go ahead and do some more coloring here real quick just another material before the eyeball here again I don't even need to use the lion color so I can take the Alpha down on that and just change the color for our solid now so this is gonna be kind of a yellow color for the eyeball here grab that color make sure the paint but so bucket selected and the color selected up here so with our material selected here and of course turn the Alpha all the way up you can see we can go ahead and paint the eye is in right there nicely and then we go ahead and do the rest of the body so far as to paint this in you can see the paint would escape through all these gaps that I didn't fill as I was drawing out the outlet lines and it would be a mess so what we need to fix that is with the paintbrush you can hold alt down on a keyboard and then draw a thin line that will keep the paint basically within these boundaries I'm gonna go ahead and draw that thin line around here around here and around here just to fill in these gaps in anywhere you see there might be a gap and then when you go ahead and paint it won't fill in beyond those gaps now you might also have areas where it's just too difficult to paint accurately here and what you can do then is hold ctrl down and basically just do a quick fill by by hand so if you have an area like this you just fill it in within Alliance and then you can see it it does a very nice job of keeping it within the lines so that's all I'm going to do here is if you have to manually touch up some of your paint jobs no big deal and you get some cool-looking results it's also quite fun I find so I really like using the paint brush most often once I run into a bug they can be frustrating but um then go ahead just do the same thing on the other side and yeah enjoy painting [Music] okay so there is sort of the basic fills and you can see it's looking pretty cool if I dropped on my material bar here you can see we have a lot of materials created now and we can easily switch between them and you can even tweak um so for example you can't want to brighten up the zombie color now I can go ahead and grab the fill color here and just brighten that up a bit to be a little bit more of the color that I might be looking for so something like that looks kind of cool and yeah I think that's a good color for this character kind of pale bluish green and a little bit of a brighter color and now what we can do is some shading and stuff so first off let's do the whites in his eyes and maybe that too so a basic white material is all we need to do and add a material throw material stack there click new down here and we're gonna make that a solid or white color drag that up real quick I'll go to the top and maybe just a little bit less than a hundred percent intensity but full alpha and again we don't want the outline someone's gonna take that down to nothing on the line but white on the fill and if i zoom in here real quick let's go ahead and do the whites in his eyes like I said so over here we're gonna go ahead and do just a circle and whoops so over here we're just going to do a circle and this is going to be on the fills layer I'm gonna grab that same brush that we were using before and go ahead and paint out a circle now I'm gonna go ahead and grab the paintbrush we were using earlier and with this almost set to a hundred percent white maybe like eight point nine and all the vanity was there we're just gonna do a circle in the corner of his eye here and you can see this gives you the nice sort of whites in his eyes I need to make sure to keep the intensity of that line too opaque there and then yeah a nice circle in the corner there gives him sort of the whites in his eyes that make him look actually quite a bit cuter I thought and I give him a bit of personality so I'm gonna go ahead and draw those in the corner there and then one over in the corner here as well and just kind of have to find out where that line is hidden behind there and draw on the inside of it so that'll work there's two basic sort of whites in his eyes there and now let's give him that little tooth that he has kind of hanging out here yeah it's a little tooth just a little detail maybe crooked tooth would be kind of cute and yeah that's all you need to do and then you have it that's the white now what I'm going to do is for the highlights and shadows I'm going to create two separate layers so you can see we have a lot of materials here I'm just gonna add two more now these you might want to name because it'll be using them quite a bit you might want to name all of them I'm just lazy and that's why I haven't but it might be good idea to name all of them and what I'm gonna do for this layer is again I don't want any sort of little outline I just want the fill and I'm gonna pick sort of a dark color make you just barely blue I don't want the challenge to be kind of blue looking and pretty dark but then the alpha and that changed to be just like 0.3 or so we can can always change this later again but this is gonna work to kind of paint out these shadows on our character so let me zoom out just a little bit here we have the whole head and view okay so with my shadow material selected there the paintbrush up here I'm gonna go just to the third of his head here basically and do kind of a rounded shadow along here so just a nice round shape there and I'm gonna pull it out along the brow and do another round right there this is coming to give definition to his brow there and I'm just kind of following along my lines here come to the ear and we'll leave that brighter there and then I'll go up along here and just sort of fill that out so we have sort of giving him definition from the side here this kind of gives his brow some definition and then we have this ear here so first ear we're gonna leave this sort of a lighter color and we'll do some highlights on it in a bit but that's kind of it for the shadowing on his his head there let's go ahead and give some shadowing to his arms and feet so basic shadowing we're just gonna kind of do some rounded shapes you don't have to be actually too great at drawing to do this either fortunately because I'm not great myself and just any sort of basic outlines gives you some some cool cartoon like looking fingers so I found this looked really good and it's a really easy way to paint shadows in the new grease pencil tool so go ahead and have some fun with this just painting some shapes around on his hands kind of keeping consistency to where the light might be pouring down on him so I'm kind of going to the underside here of his fingers and stuff but yeah I think it looks just kind of cool and gave you some extra detail so yeah go ahead and play with that put some shadows around him a little bit on his feet here maybe go ahead and do that Boop messed up a little bit you could erase it or you could just do it again which sometimes it's quicker yeah some basic shadows down there and yeah and then for his body we need a little bit of shadow so for the arm here we'll kind of give him a wrapping shadow there just like we did for the head pull it around looks kind of good first tummy we need to make it look like there's some definition there so we're gonna go ahead and give him a rounding shadow across there again just pull it out along your line and then we have to go around his arm here as well wrap it up and that looks pretty cool um same thing for this arm quick basic shadow and it looks pretty good you can do it down here as well but you don't really see this as much on dark materials but if you want to go ahead so that looks pretty good some basic shadows you can even take it another layer depending on what kind of cartoon you're doing and give him darker shadows I found just one basic shadow across and looked pretty good and yeah I like the way that that sort of looked so what we can do now is we can make another material and we can name this highlights so I'm gonna go ahead and hit the plus key over here plus key over there plus key down here still kind of wonky UI but whatever so the two plus keys to add in the material and then we can change this to be a highlight so when I go almost completely white and slightly yellowish and then again we want the opacity just a little bit like a point two and this we're gonna come across and we're gonna give some definition to the side of his head here let me go ahead and paint along here to the brow and around up to the top and just follow along our outline there filling it in and you can see that gives a nice sort of cartoon shine to the side of his head there we could do a little bit even in the eyeball here if we wanted to to make his butt look a little bit but you know it's not showing up too intense which is good because it's supposed to be subtle you always come back and give it a little bit more opacity if you want to later and then yeah across the top of his head here I did a few layers I'm kind of make him look nice and rounded up there so just painting over a nice circular spot when the light is kind of hitting his head I thought looked pretty cool and then down on his arms again we can do a few highlights if you want to maybe his arm here just a small highlight I found keeping the highlights smaller the shadows just kind of gave it some cool edge effects and yeah you get kind of a cute two-dimensional but sort of three-dimensional effect from adding the shadows like that so I thought looked kind of cool you could even put it on his fingers a little bit to get some more detail everywhere you want and I have fun with it so with that said there just a few circles here in there to give him some shiny shiny reflections I mean just a little bit there okay maybe a little bit across his belt there maybe just kind of round that off a little bit whatever you can put a little bit on us Tommy there as well getting a little bit of a pouch right there and you can turn the opacity down a little bit if it's looking a little too strong you can always come back in tweak it and yeah that is the highlights a little bit of highlights over - you're here looks good to kind of fill that out a bit a little bit of rim lighting maybe a little bit of a circle right there and this ear and yeah you can go ahead and play around with the highlights wherever you want across your object now um I found a little bit of shadowing in his eyes looked pretty cool so I can grab my shadow object here I should name this one highlights I never did that just go ahead and do that left-handed there we go and we're gonna go ahead and give a little bit of shadows to his eyebrows here so kind of following that line and then coming down a little bit giving him some shadow I found looked kind of cool made him looking a little bit more menacing and you kind of do two layers of this one thinner and one thicker across both ends here just a basic sort of line shadow here I'm gonna start here come along the brow and then just pull it down a little bit as you can see there looks kind of cool and make him look a little bit more intense and then one more highlight I did for the inside of his eyes sort of a red color here new material again we don't want a stroke on it no line we just want the fill make it sort of a red a reddish material and take the opacity down to just about a point too and then along the edges of his eyes you can kind of give him that that red menacing sort of a zombie a fired look you can tell it something's a little bit wrong with him I'm gonna get a little bit to his tongue there as well if you want it to a little bit along this edge here and that's about it guys I don't want to tweak that tongue material make that a little bit pinkier as it's a little bit intense right now I'm take the opacity down just a little bit on it to make it a little bit pinky there you have it and that's the basics of drawing in the grease pencil now a few things that didn't cover in this tutorial that I might cover real quick right now is first of all the grease pencil works with modifiers so over on your stack here you can see that it's now on the side I'm not sure if it's UI change is gonna remain or not but your options are along the side too you know and it's kind of cool you can and grease pencil modifier so you can add noise and thickness and things like that and you can add effects an effect you can add is like light or pixelate for example if you want to make it look like a really low-quality zombie effect you can go ahead and make him real picks later which is pretty cool yeah there's all kinds of effects and modifiers that can be added to this and don't forget that this is three-dimensional so I can pan around here now and you can see that we have our 2d guy completely drawn in 3d so we just stayed in front perspective the whole time and did our sketching but now you can go ahead and move around and see that he is actually 3d which is pretty cool so last few things we want to do to kind of finish out your scene here so you can give it a background color here kind of a dark purple is what I settled on and yeah there is your completed zombie character I hope you guys had fun with this tutorial I did and I had definitely a lot of fun playing around with the grease pencil and blood a 2.8 but that's gonna kind of do it for me guys I hope you've had some fun following along with this tutorial I'm not gonna cover any sort of animation or anything in this tutorial but definitely let me know if you'd like a video on animating in the grease pencil that's gonna kind of do it for me though as you can see here we have our 2d zombie character he doesn't look too menacing but trust me you can't trust him do not let him get close to you but yeah that's gonna do it oh I forgot to I didn't paint his warts in we got a quick finish that off with a little bit of work painting so real quick back to our modifier stack here which one is it's these icons I'm not too crazy about right now and it's likely to change back but for now this is what they are and so okay there's our there's our material stack will also be a bit down here so I'm gonna go to my drawing tools here for my layers and then down here is my material snack so I can go ahead and add one more material this is going to be the wart color basically no fill and sort of a gray gray color something like that kind of nasty and we can just quick fill out his his warts there again you want to make sure you are in front view though with the v perspective you hit otherwise you'll be drawing in the wrong view you can always lock your view up here by locking it to a plane and then you can't possibly draw anywhere but on that flat plane so a lot of people like to do that you can lock it - for example that and then no matter how you draw it's gonna be on that flat plane so that's kind of cool but yeah let's just go ahead and one and make sure we're in perspective view there and fill out those warts holes there for the zombie you good enough and we can grab our highlights and add a little bit of extra detail to those so that looks kind of cool I think he looks Zambia find enough in my opinion and there we have it so that's our zombie character I hope you guys had some fun creating a zombie character in blender like I said I'm not doing any animation and this tutorial it's just about creating the character and you could go back if you wanted to now and you can see where we kind of got out of the lines for example down here and you can of course fix that up by locking our paint and just on our fields erasing areas like that there sticking out but that's one do it guys I hope you had fun creating a zombie character and blender 2.8 using the new grease pencil I still think they need to rename that that's gonna do it for me though I'd like to again think your best for sending over this graphics tablet for review I couldn't recommend the Vike if you're looking for an affordable $350 range graphics tablet with a full HD IPS display and definitely check it out with the link in the description if you're interested in one yourself it's a nice affordable option a little bit cheaper than some of the other ones out there so yeah there'll be a link to gearbest and to this tablet in the description if you guys want to check that out but there's our finished zombie character I hope you guys had fun learning how to draw in 2d with blender 2.8 new grease pencil feature it's really cool I'm really excited to start doing some more myself I've already posted some things over on my Instagram page if you guys want to check that out in the description but that's gonna do it and I will see you all in a future video tutorial bye
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 295,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Draw, Blender, Zombie, 2D, 2.8, Eevee, Grease pencil, tutorial, easy, beginner, how to, tablet, graphics, review
Id: umgPXCmYmzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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