How to do the "SUPER SMOOTH" Seamless Transition!

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today's video is sponsored by Squarespace start your free trial today at slash daniel shiver and use code Daniel Shefford to get 10% off your first purchase a little over a week ago I put up this video on my channel covering 8 tips for shooting better videos in low light a lot of you really enjoyed the opening sequence to that tutorial especially this part here where I had a clip of my buddy Pat green all sitting in the middle of the street and then that transitioned into this clip of jr. alley standing next to this building I got a ton of messages from people asking how I did this transition and also what did I do to make these clips look so smooth so I've decided that today I'm gonna walk you through the editing process of those two clips but before we get into that I quickly want to show you the raw footage so you can get an idea of what I started out with hey let's go but let's go good all right all right so clearly there's nothing too special or complicated going on with these two shots the first one I had my camera on the gimbal and inverted mode and I just walked across the street while articulating around my subject trying to keep him in the center of the frame now with the second clip I also had the camera on the gimbal but I started nice and close to junior and then pulled away until you could no longer see him and he was out of focus now before we actually get into the editing process of these Clips there's a couple of things I want to point out that really helped with the effectiveness and seamlessness of the transition so the first thing I want to bring your attention to is that the same background is in both shots you can see here in the back of our first shot you have the bank and then in our second shot it's the same building behind jr. so to pull off an effect or transition like this one you don't necessarily have to have the same background in both clips but it did help in this case to give these two shots that's sort of one take style effect so the next thing I wanted to bring your attention to is that this second shot here was shot purposely with the intention of reversing the clip in post so what I did was I started with the camera nice and close to jr. using manual focus to make sure that his face is perfectly tact sharp and in focus that way once I reversed the clip and junior comes into the frame I knew I wouldn't miss my focus and he'd be completely sharp exactly how I wanted it so now let's move on to actually editing this transition so my footage here is shot in 120 frames per second which means I can highlight all of it and slow it down to 20% of its original speed I'll go ahead and remove volume from both clips so that we're not hearing the in-camera audio and the next thing I'm gonna do is use the blade tool to cut out the parts of the clips that I don't want as you can see I've already put markers on my clips to save us time so I'm just gonna go ahead and make some cuts and then remove the parts of the clips that we don't need so now it's time to start speed ramping our first clip starting at the beginning of the clip and scrubbing through I'm gonna try and find the point where I want the shot to slow down I think right around there looks pretty good so I'm going to hit shift B on our keyboard making sure that the clip is selected and then I'm going to speed up this first portion by 8 times so I'm going to repeat this process one more time only this time I'm going to decide where I want the click the speed back up so I'm gonna hit play and I think right there I already want it to start speeding back up again so I'm going to hit shift B and multiply this by eight times its original speed so you can use these here to adjust how smooth your speed ramp transition is and I'm just gonna play around with this until I'm happy with how it looks okay so after a little bit of tweaking here is what the speed ramp looks like on our first clip so now we can start working on our second shot and the first thing I want to do is reverse the clip so I'm gonna go ahead and start scrubbing through until I find the point where I want our speed up to end and I want the shot to slow down so I think right around there looks pretty good so I'm gonna select our clip and hit shift B and then speed up this first portion by eight times and again we're gonna make a few adjustments until we're happy with how it looks so after a little bit of tweaking I'm pretty much happy with how this speed ramp is looking I actually changed the beginning part of our second clip to be reverse fast 4,000% rather than 800% I felt it looked a little bit better for the shot to come in even faster and if we play it out it looks like this alright so so far this is looking pretty good you could actually keep this as a speed ramp transition and I think it would do just fine but I want that really seamless smooth look so I'm gonna show you a couple of techniques that I use to pull that off so the first little trick I had up my sleeve are these smooth transition layers from Ryan angle now they work pretty much the same as standard transitions only they go above your clips and not directly on them that way whatever effects or speed ramping or things you do to your clips is not going to be affected by these transitions you can still edit your clips directly in Final Cut it can be tricky at times using the stock transitions that come with it so doing it in these transition layers can actually be really helpful so what I did was I took this zoom in one transition and placed it at the end of our first clip and then I took him to zoom in to transition and placed it at the start of our second clip now if I scrub through these transitions frame-by-frame you'll see that it does start to zoom into our first clip and then into our second clip as well so with our first clip I actually want to increase the amount of zoom I feel like it's not strong enough and with our second clip here it's actually starting to get a little funky around the edges so I want to reduce the amount of zoom there so what I'm gonna do is click on our first zoom in layer and make sure it's selected and I'm going to go to the parameters and increase our zoom amount all the way to 100 now I'm gonna move over to our next clip and make sure that our second zoom in layer is selected and I'm going to decrease the zoom amount to about 10 so here is what our transition looked like before we added the zoom in transition layers and here's what the transition now looks like after we've added the zoom in effect so hopefully you can tell that adding the zoom in transition did actually enhance the clip and it didn't take away from it I think a lot of the time zoom in transitions can be overused but in this particular scenario I think it is a tasteful way to sort of tie the two clips into one another and I think it also just enhances the speed ramp that we already did so you could actually leave the transition like this and it would look pretty good but I do have one more trick up my sleeve for really making the whole thing look smooth and seamless so over here I have these motion blur adjustment layers which I actually picked up from Mark Webster who's another creator here on YouTube and these motion blur layers do add a really good motion blur effect but you should be careful if you don't have a powerful computer because they do slow down your computer a lot and my computer does have pretty good specs but even still my final cut does tend to crash once in a while when I use these so just be careful with how much you're using them and if you are going to use them I recommend only applying them at the end of your edit once you've finished everything else so what I'll do is I'll grab this MW motion blur 5 and drag it over top of my clip and now I'm just gonna cut out the parts of the motion blur I don't want making sure that it's only over top of the parts that have a speed ramp or a transition so here is what our transition looks like with the speed ramp and the zoom in [Music] and here is what the transition looks like with the speed ramp the zoomin and the motion blur applied so as you could probably tell the motion blur really does a good job of tying the clips together and making the speed ramps and the transitions look a lot smoother so here is our final transition fully edited down below we have our sound design which includes some sound effects some background noise as well as a couple of whooshes for those speed ramps and up above here you can see we've added this adjustment layer which contains our letterbox aka those widescreen cinematic bars at the top and bottom of our frame I've also added a text layer which is these question marks above Pat's head because really what on earth are you doing meditating in the middle of downtown Toronto on the streets and then obviously we have our color grade applied to both clips which for that I just used my vintage look let pack which you can check out down below and with all of that done let's take a look at a little comparison so here is the transition with only the speed ramp and here is the same transition with the color grade with the motion blur with the zoom in effect with the text with the cinematic bars and with the sound effects everything applied it looks like this so this is actually one of the sequences that I've made lately that I'm more proud of and I definitely want to showcase it on my portfolio personally I've been using Squarespace to build all of my websites for a few years now and they also happen to be the sponsor of today's video my website is Phil Mercier that's filmer without PE and customizing your Squarespace website is extremely straightforward and as you can see I can instantly add the video to my portfolio by copying and pasting the youtube link and one of the things I love most about Squarespace is that they have tons of templates to choose from so if you're a filmmaker or a photographer a musician a designer or if you have a restaurant or any other business Squarespace has you covered because they have so many options and layouts and right now Squarespace is offering all of my viewers 10% off their first purchase so go to Squarespace comm slash daniel shiver and use the code daniel Scheffer and start your free trial today so that is it for today's tutorial thank you guys so much for watching follow me on instagram at daniel chipper and as always i will see guys in the next video purse [Music]
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 1,959,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smooth transition, how to speed ramp transition, super smooth transition, daniel schiffer transition, zoom in transition, seamless transition, smooth speed ramp transition, transition, premiere pro, final cut pro x
Id: zTmnZI9-XKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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