How To Do The Splits in 5 Minutes with @ti-and-me

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hey guys it's auti today i'm going to be teaching you how to do right and left splits the right way in under five minutes so if you are a dancer or a yogi or a gymnast or an ice skater or just somebody who wants to learn how to do the splits like braden right yeah yeah this video is for you so first and foremost you want to make sure that you are super warm anything that gets your blood pumping and your muscles nice and loose you don't want to stretch when you are cold because it's kind of like a piece of pasta so if you just take a piece of pasta and you break it in half it's gonna snap and that's what your muscles will do so you want to put it in warm water and make it super soft and then you can practice your splits so the first thing we're gonna do is warm up this can be jumping jacks the next thing would be kick your booty or play tug of war with puppies you warm okay so once you're warm like me and you're sweating and we look dewy and we're good we're gonna go into our stretches the first thing we're gonna do is a runner's lunge and that's gonna be on the right side first so what i tell my students to do is to go up on their knees like this stand super tall put one leg out now what every dancer does because it feels good is they just sink into their hip like this but that's really bad for your body and that's not how you get your splits you actually want to be upright and instead of sinking down you and there's rocco you pull up and you push your hips forward so you'll actually feel that more than falling all the way to the floor so we're gonna hold this for about one minute you're pulling up you're feeling it in your hip flexor which is one component of getting your split it's your hip flexor and your hamstring also make sure your knee is on top of your ankle and look good once that minute has passed we'll go on to our next stretch so what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your booty backwards and you're gonna flex your front foot and you're going to sit on top of that back foot like that and then you're going to lean forward just like this now you want to make sure you're not sitting on your butt you also want to make sure that your hips are squared forward now this is for that second part your hamstring we're leaning we're feeling good now something super important to remember is to breathe every dancer gets into their stretch and they're like [Music] right they're going to pass out okay so you want to take a deep breath and then every time you exhale you go like a centimeter lower down and then eventually you'll be able to go all the way down to the floor okay so you hold this for another minute so so far we are at our four minute exercise and to finish off our five minutes you come on up okay you go back to your runner's lunge okay remembering to stand nice and tall now you just inch your foot out then plant it on the floor put both hands one on both sides of that front foot and then you just slowly slowly slide that foot back you might be here to start for a little while and that's okay don't worry but again don't hold your breath so you're breathing and we're going down eventually you keep scooting that back foot out and eventually you'll be all the way to the floor once you're here you can reach all the way forward you can arch back you can play with puppies anything you want once you're down here and that concludes your five minutes so let's go over those one more time [Music] the truth of it is everybody wants to get their split in one day but just like anything that's worth it it's gonna take a lot of hard work and it's gonna take dedication from you but that's why i'm here so this video is for you to do once a day twice a day would be even better and i guarantee you you will have your splits in under a couple months depending on where you are but i would love to see progress videos from you progress photos just comments let me know how this video is helping you out as a dancer or just a person in general and let me know what else you guys want to see so if you want to learn how to do a specific dance move or maybe a specific dance message me or dm me on instagram or just leave a comment on this video i'm here for you guys and i would love to see how my videos are helping you so hopefully this helps and good luck with your splits thanks for watching [Music] don't forget to breathe guys so next week i'm going to teach you how to do the middle splits and your roll through so we'll learn how to have hip flexibility and mobility here get your stomach all the way to the floor take a nap and do your split roll through
Channel: Ti & Me TV
Views: 4,148,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do the splits, how to be flexible, dance vlog, dance tutorial, splits, flexibility, dancer, tutorial, how to, vlog, ballerina, miss auti, gymnastics, yoga, stretching
Id: _qNOqFCBXvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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