How to Do the Original Two-Card Monte

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check this out I'm going to teach you the original version of the two card monte all you need is two different cards in this case we use a black two and a red three don't pay attention to the black two that's a nonsense card it's only there to distract you the red three is the one you want to follow so I'm gonna take one of these cards not going to say which one I'm going to put it right behind my back if you have eagle eyes I would ask you which card is behind my back and you probably are thinking the red three but you'd be totally wrong and I'd have all your money because I'm a rich billionaire sucker hustler not that you're a sucker but you are gonna learn exactly how to do this trick how to do it yourself and you'll even get the props because right now it is time for the show dedicated to the show dedicated to social engineering at the bar and on the street hello you beautiful citizens of the internet I Brian brushwood and we've got to congratulate last week's winners congratulations to Cameron for being our randomly selected winners and double-secret congratulations go to Andres who was one of 800 of you guys who figured out that the serial numbers on Iron Man's Chest weren't random those were binary it if you decoded them you got the secret message hold we did get a bunch of people chiming in that they hope nobody smashed the video or that they were filled with rage or that they were green with envy you did well guys alright guys so that trick I showed you is one of the first magic tricks I ever learned it's called a two card Monte yes I know David Blaine did something called the two card Monte but that was Fancy Pants a required skill and sleight of hand and training this has none of that this one only requires a simple gimmick you can make at home or I'll send you one for free how about that when you flash the cards at the beginning it looks like you have a red three and a black two sitting back to back that's not the case at all what you actually have is a double backed card and a double faced card but when you hold them it looks like one's face up and the others face down now if you were to just flip them over like this very quickly you'd be able to see that one's a double face and one's a double back the secret move is as you turn your hand over you're just gonna slide the card across with your thumb that's going to make the cards look like they would if you weren't cheating you can't flip the cards over and have it look even more fair by turning them over end over end just like so now notice I'm still doing the sneaky move by sliding the card over with my thumb but that is what sells the illusion once you've done it a few times you tell people to watch the red three put about you're back give a little shake and then you reveal that they were following the wrong card when you bring it back yes they'll be amazed but more importantly you set it right back into position so you just do that secret move again and show that the three was there the entire freaking time if you're going to do this in a darkened bar or up on stage you can get away with just gluing two cards together to make a double backer and a double facer but if you're up close you want them to look legitimate you can't get a deck of both of these for like 15 bucks but it seems super wasteful since you only need one card each so I will send you a set completely free all you got to do is give me $0.99 for shipping that's in the US or a dollar 99 international you're welcome international people just head on over to Monty's put in your address and for less than the cost of a Taylor Swift single is that is that gonna be dated for less than the cost of a Stevie Wonder single you could get a two card monte courtesy of yours truly because who's your friend this guy also as I speak modern rogue t-shirts are being made they look freakin amazing three different shirt designs to celebrate the three different aspects of the modern rogue you've got the gentleman the warrior and the scoundrel time is running out if you want to get the special presale pricing once we get these in stock it's going to be $30 per shirt but you can get them for $20 for a single shirt or $50 for all three if you go now to scam stuff calm guys are gonna love the t-shirts and I hope you dug the trick too yes you can make it at home but I strongly encourage you to get one with the fancy special cards cuz I'm giving them for free just wouldn't it be great if there's a way to get it without shipping huh oh well see you guys next week just head on over to Monty's punching your information and for less than a new Taylor Swift single single yeah yeah sound like an old man haha but y'all worry about it get you jazz music off my lawn
Channel: Scam Nation
Views: 284,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free, giveaway, hidden, hide, sneak, how to look cool, modern rogue, best halloween costume, worst halloween costume, iron man, ironman, fire, flame, pyrotechnics, pyro, flame thrower, flamethrower, fire ball, fireball, two-card monte, two card monte, david blaine, original two-card monte, original, classic, magic, trick, gag, staple
Id: 22oae2tciwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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