How to do Multicam Editing in Final Cut Pro | FCPX Tutorial

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what's up guys brad here and in today's tutorial we're talking about multi-cam editing in final cut pro final cut pro makes it super easy to edit multi-cam sequences together and it's a great tool to have in your editing arsenal in this video i'm going to go over how to create multi-cam clips from different audio and video clips as well as how to edit them efficiently but also i'm going to give you a few tips and tricks to help you incorporate final cut pro's multi-cam editing into your workflow having a good workflow when it comes to shooting with multiple cameras is super important it'll save you time in post production and it'll make your life so much easier so before we dive into final cut pro let's quickly talk about four things that you should keep in mind when shooting with multiple cameras to make the syncing process as seamless as possible number one you want to make sure that each camera is recording audio and that the audio on each is loud enough because the easiest way to sync footage is to let final cut pro use the audio of each clip to line them up number two clap at the beginning of a recording once all cameras are rolling final cut pro does a pretty good job of syncing the footage without a clap but there are times where it struggles to sync properly especially if the environment you're shooting in is a little bit noisy the clap creates a spike in the audio waveforms of each clip and that makes it a lot easier to sync number three make sure that the frame rate of each camera is the same different frame rates between cameras can potentially cause one or more angles to be slightly out of sync with each other so it doesn't matter what the frame rate is as long as they're all the same number four if you're recording audio separately using an external audio recording device record with a sample rate of 48 kilohertz recording at 44.1 kilohertz may cause the audio to drift out of sync with the video over time right now it's time to dive into final cut for the sake of this tutorial i have a wide shot i have a close-up and i have a side angle as well as a separate audio track the first thing you'll want to do is drop all the clips from the cameras and the recorders into your library i record my audio directly into the camera but i created a wave file from the video just for the sake of this tutorial with all the clips that you want to use for the multicam selected right click and select new multicam clip a dialog box pops up and if you shot all the clips at the same frame rate you can just go ahead with automatic settings if you need to adjust anything you can use custom settings and change the resolution or the frame rate as needed name your clip i'll just call this multicam tutorial and hit ok depending on how many angles you have and how long they are it may take a couple of minutes to sync up your footage and to create your multicam next create a project that matches your frame rate and you can drop your multicam clip onto your timeline next you'll probably want to show the angle view which lets you see all of your synced angles you can use the shortcut command shift 7 or you can find it in the view menu here under shown viewer if you scrub through the timeline you'll see all of the angles that you're working with you can also click on the drop down arrow here to change the number of angles that you see at the same time when you're inside your multicam clip you can choose which angle you'd like to monitor by clicking on one of these icons over here if i click on it and scrub through you can see that that's the angle i'm monitoring in my main viewer window i can do the same with the audio tracks with these little icons over here and also with audio you can select multiple tracks at a time if you have multiple sources of audio i like to make sure that my multicam clip is organized and i usually start by double clicking on the multi-cam clip in order to make a few adjustments you can rename the angles by clicking on the angle name and simply typing in a new name you can also click on the down arrow here to add or delete an angle you might want to add another angle if there's another camera that you forgot to import and you want to pop that in at a later stage using these three lines over here you can drag the angles up or down to change the order of them let's go back to the main timeline so i can show you how to edit your multi-cam clip there are a few ways you can cut between the different angles if you look at the top of your angle viewer here you'll notice these three icons with the first one selected every time you change to another angle final cut pro will change the video and the audio track to the new angle if you choose just the film strip final cut pro will only change the video angle but will leave the audio angle unchanged and if you choose the audio waveform only final cut pro will change the audio and leave the video unchanged honestly i hardly use anything other than changing the video angle only the reason is that i don't want the audio switching every time i change the camera angle i want the audio to stay on the track that has the best quality audio next play the multi-cam clip back on the timeline and simply click on the angle you want to change to as it plays back when you pause you'll see how final cut has created these cuts in your multicam clip another way is to make cuts on the clip right click head over to active video angle and select the angle from there this is where renaming your clips comes in handy because instead of having a random clip name you can now see if the angle you're changing to is a wide angle or a close-up or whatever the third way to change angles is my personal favorite because it speeds up my workflow and that's to use the number keys on the keyboard as you play back the multicam clip the numbers go in the clip order that you have set in the multicam clip so if i play back here i can go from one to two to three and back to one simply by pressing the number keys at any time you can drag the cut over here to adjust it something you can do to speed up your multicam editing workflow is to create proxies for all of your footage if you have a bunch of footage all shot in 4k your computer might struggle to play it back all at the same time making proxies will definitely help you to edit faster you can create proxies quickly for all the clips in your multicam by right-clicking on the multi-cam clip in the browser window and selecting transcode media create proxy media and hit ok another thing i like to do when editing multicam clips is to hide the browser window so that the angle viewer and the playback window are bigger you can do this by using the shortcut control command 1 or by going into the window menu showing workspace and selecting browser you might need to fine-tune the sync in certain situations and you can do that by selecting the clip you want to move and hitting the less than or greater than key to move it to the left or the right one frame at a time you can also hold down shift and the less than or greater than key to move it left or right 10 frames at a time luckily there is a way to move audio tracks in subframes or in other words less than one frame at a time select the audio track you want to move hold down the command key and drag it to the left or the right notice how you can be more accurate with the sync here and it's even easier if you remember to clap when recording to create a spike in the audio waveform lastly let's talk about color grading your multi-cam clips instead of grading your timeline and having to copy and paste your grade for each angle it's much quicker to open up your multi-cam clip and to grade each angle once when you're done grading the individual clips in your multicam clip and you go back to your main timeline you can scrub through and you can see that every single shot is graded there you have it guys multi-cam editing in final cut pro is such a great feature and it's one that you should be using if you haven't already started using it if you would like to learn more about final cut pro i've just released my first course called learn the basics of final cut pro x in under one hour on skillshare this video is not sponsored by skillshare in any way i'm simply just using them to host my courses so if you're totally new to editing or you have some editing experience but you're new to final cut pro then this is the class for you even if you're not new to final cut pro this class is packed with editing tips shortcuts and time-saving tricks that i've learned in my career as an editor so if you'd like to check that out there'll be links in the description below and if you sign up using the link you'll get your first two months free with that said if you're new to the channel and you enjoyed this video please give the video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you get notified when we post new videos and i'll see you in the next you
Channel: Brad and Donna
Views: 21,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Multicam editing final cut pro, Multicam editing fcpx, multicam, multi cam, multicam editing in final cut pro x, multicam editing tutorial, Final cut pro x, synchronize clips in final cut pro, sync multiple camera angles, How to create a multi-cam sequence, Final cut x pro tutorial, how to create a multi camera sequence, sync multiple cameras, final cut pro x multi camera editing, Final Cut Pro tutorial, Final Cut Pro, fcpx tutorial, Brad and Donna, final cut pro x, fcpx
Id: W4F0Ef1u7wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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