41 FCPX Shortcuts to Speed up Your Workflow

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you 41 Final Cut Pro shortcuts that I use on a daily basis to speed up my workflow I'll start with some of the basic shortcuts and then we'll talk about shortcuts for retiming clip speed ramping some audio shortcuts and just other general shortcuts I use regularly let's jump into Final Cut Pro the first shortcut is to enter cross-dissolve so simply select the clip and hit command T that way you add a cross-dissolve to both sides or if you just want to put a cross-dissolve on one particular cut so Nick that cut and hit command T to cut a clip hit command B by default this works on your primary storyline if you want to cut another clip you can simply select it hit come on B and it'll cut that clip if you have Clips above your primary storyline and you want to see what's underneath you can select the clips and hit V to disable them and you can hit V to enable them again I'm constantly disabling and re-enabling snapping while I'm editing depending on what I'm doing with snapping turned on you'll see my playhead will jump to the different cuts I can press n to turn that off and it will scrub smooth and you pass those cuts and I can just press in again to turn it on adding markers is a quick way to align two Clips for example let's say you want to show a specific part of this clip over a certain line in the dialogue here quite sure what to expect but we do know that they'll be giving us sarongs let's say we want to put it over the word songs we just hit m to create a marker and we go to our cutaway and about there we hit em again then you simply drag the two Clips together but with snapping turned on your markers will sync expect but we do know that they'll be giving us the rawness and now those two clips are aligned next we have a few zoom shortcuts to zoom into your timeline simply hit command + and you can see your edit in a bit more detail to zoom out come on - and if you want to see an overview of your entire timeline you can hit shift zid an easy way to copy a clip is to hold down alt and click and drag you can do that with one clip or you can do that with multiple Clips an easy way to play a clip forwards is to press L it's useful when scrubbing through footage you can press it more than once to play back faster you can also press K to pause and you can do a similar thing in Reverse using the J key to play it backwards again if you did more than once it'll play back a lot faster the great thing about using the JK and alt keys for playback is that they're all together you can put three fingers on them and you can navigate around your town and quite quickly if you need to export a section of your timeline and not the entire timeline you'll need to set in and out points it's very easy to do that set the end point you hit I set an eye point you hit o if you're just exporting one clip and you need to snake the entire clip you can hit X and if you want to get rid of that selection you can just hit politics whether you're exporting your entire timeline or just the selection the shortcut to export your edit is command E and that will export according to what you've set as your default you can check what your default is by going to Final Cut preferences destinations you'll see master file is set as my defaults you can simply right-click and make that default it's grayed out now because that is my default but if you wanted a default to sending to vimeo for example you can right click and make that your default if you need to move around your timeline by clicking and dragging you can switch to the hand tool by pressing h then you can drag around your timeline to see your edit if you like to cut to the blade tool instead of using the first shortcut in this video you can press B to activate that tool and then you can just click where you'd like to cut another tool I use often is the range selector tool you can activate that by pressing R on your keyboard I use it to see how long a certain section of my edit is or if I just want to change the level of a certain piece of audio after using all these other tools you can just hit a to go back to a normal select tool let's have a look at this clip that was shot on the GoPro 240 frames a second if I want to slow it down I can select the clip and show the retime editor by hitting command R then I can go to the drop down menu and I can adjust the speed from there I'll make it 25% then we can play that back to see what it looks like [Music] if you'd like to reset the speed of your clip you can just hit command alt are you can also open up more custom speed options by hitting alt control R over here you can reverse the clip change the rate or set it to a specific duration if you want to speed ramp your footage you can do that by pressing shift V at the point where you want the ramp to start and then you can change the speed so let's say right before I jump into the waves I'd like to ramp there you'll notice there's a small little cut in this green bar at the top and over here I'll change the speed to 25 percent these are your handles you can adjust those handles to ease in and out of the ramp I'm gonna let that render and then I'll go ahead and play it back then there you have a speed ramp this next shortcut I use a lot if I've got a couple of clips on my timeline let's say of me speaking and then a couple of cutaways and I want to put those cutaways over me speaking I simply select them and I lift them from my primary storyline using command alt and the up arrow you'll see it's in a little group I can do that again if I want to separate the clips and move them individually you can also overwrite these clips to your primary storyline by hitting command alt down you'll see you won't lose your audio but your in it will look nice and neat if you would like to create your own group you can simply do that by hitting command G moving on to some audio related shortcuts that I use regularly if you want to increase the volume of a clip simply select the clip and hit control + that'll increase the volume by one DB at a time and if you had control - you can go down one DB at a time if you want to change the volume of a clip over time you can do so with keyframes and a simple way of adding a new keyframe is by alt clicking on the line here if I do that twice I can then drag the one keyframe down if I don't want the music to be loud while I'm speaking and then it can slowly fade up into the cutaways another shortcut I use quite often is to expand the audio so in this case you'll see I've got three different clips of us on a Scouten body and it all sound different I like the sound of the third clip and I want that sound on the two clips before it so what I'll do is I'll bring that down I'll then hit control s to expand the audio and I can then drag that audio out to the beginning of the clips when I play that back I have one seamless audio file of all three clips you can hit ctrl s again to hide that but the audio story if you want to detach the audio of Eclipse that you can use it somewhere else in your edit you can hit ctrl shift s and then you can move that audio to where you need it to be you'll notice I always have my audio meter visible when I'm editing to show and hide that you can simply hit command shift 8 if you look at these two clips on the timeline you'll see that this clip is graded and it's scaled in a little more compared to this ungraded clip I've also done some work on the audio on this cup with the denoise N and EQ now I don't want to do the same work on this clip I just want to copy exactly what I've done here and pasted yeah very simple to do yet c'mon see you select this clip hit command shift me it'll bring up your paste attributes dialog box and you can select all the things you'd like to copy from one foot to the other I'm gonna copy everything and you'll see this clip looks the same as that good if you want to clear a clip of all attributes or just remove certain attributes you can do that by selecting the clip hitting command shift X and then selecting what you'd like to remove in this case I just want to remove the scale so uncheck everything and I'll just remove the scale another handy shortcut I use quite often is to reveal a clip in the browser simply select the clip and hit shift if and it will show up in your browser I use it to get the metadata of the club if I forgotten the frame size or the frame rate that I've shot that a similar shortcut that I use is to reveal a clip in finder simply select the clip hit command shift are and must we'll open up a Finder window I often use this shortcut if there's another raw clip I know that I shot right after this clip that I need to drag into my project to quickly get to my color board so that I can grade a clip I hit command 6 and my kind of board pops up straight away I sometimes use video scopes while I'm grading and the shortcut to bring up my scopes is command 7 if you're doing a multicam edit you can easily show you a multicam view by hitting command shift 7 it's really useful to be able to switch between multiple angles so there you have it guys those are 41 of the shortcuts that I use on a regular basis and I guarantee you if you start using some of those as well you'll definitely speed up your workflow if you found this video helpful please subscribe to the channel hit that notification bell follow us on Instagram and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Brad and Donna
Views: 60,098
Rating: 4.970861 out of 5
Keywords: fcpx shortcuts, We Found Ourselves Here, fcpx workflow, fcpx shortcut keys, final cut pro x shortcuts, fcpx, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x tutorials, final cut pro x tutorial for beginners, final cut pro shortcuts, fcpx speed ramp, final cut pro x shortcut keys, final cut pro x workflow, final cut pro workflow, fcpx tips, fcp shortcuts, fcpx workflow tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial shortcuts, fcpx tips and tricks, fcpx advanced tips
Id: IKxjO6DRkrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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