How To Automatically Sync Audio & Video in Final Cut Pro X ( 2021 Update)

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hello friends and welcome to the channel my name is nikon and today we are going to talk about how to correctly synchronize the audio and video in final cut pro 10 in 2021 so let's get straight into it shall we [Music] first things first create a library i've already created my library so i'll have to just open it it's a project i worked on a few days ago here it is okay so the first things first as i said go to file import your media okay so i've got this fold over here you have to find your folder either on your desktop or wherever you saved all your files i know that my files are on desktop on this folder over here so basically what you're going to do you're going to import all this data so you've got the video with the audio from the camera probably and you'll have the external audio that you've recorded on an external recorder or it can be that you've taken the audio from the video put it in audition or in another software and you just tweaked the sound you've added some compressor and you've added a few more things to sound much better it could be and then you export it like i did i used um audition for this matter and i took this sound from my camera and i've added some effects but this topic is for another tutorial so now let me show you how to synchronize all this stuff together you've selected everything and then you click import all i've already imported my stuff which is here and this is my project that i've created okay so if i go here but actually for the sake of this tutorial let me just go and create a new project so i'm gonna go and create a new project and let me let me call it tutorial audio okay and event doesn't really matter okay the format 1080p that's okay um audio 48 kilohertz that's all right okay so i've opened this file over here and now what you have to do you don't have to import your media here so normally what i did like forever i've been doing this forever and it's it's wrong i'm gonna show you why it is wrong so what i used to do i used to take the file for instance let's say this file yeah so i used to take this file and listen listen to the sound straight from the camera okay so this is the sound from from the camera you can see it's it's very it's very quiet it doesn't sound rich enough you have to make it sound great um so i'm not gonna go into how to edit sound today um but we'll leave this for another tutorial and what you do next obviously you've got your audio track that you've edited that you've added the effects on it let me find it okay it's here here it is this is the audio and as you can see and here this one should sound much better let's have a listen before is so powerful but it's eating my space why why can't i live happily editing my youtube videos i hope it sounds much better and it certainly does but what you would normally do is that you'll get this you'll synchronize everything and and you'll start working so basically you what you'll have to do now if you have to cut somewhere let's say you're gonna cut somewhere here right so what you're gonna do you're gonna cut here and then you have to cut the audio and then you cut again here and then you cut again here and when you have when you have to move these files you have to move the audio as well and sometimes the audio doesn't want to be moved and then accidentally you might delete the audio so so it's not the the best scenario imagine like this is a very simple project but imagine you have like three four five uh different audio tracks and what do you do then then it becomes very difficult and then you'll have to attach and synchronize this audio to the video and this is what i'm going to show you next how to do it correctly so let's delete everything from the timeline that we don't need and let's let's do it the right way so you get this file over here okay just remember the name and let's go to the audio file which has the same name or it might have a different name i don't know why you named them the same just add it in the end audio so you click on this item on the video then you hold command and click the mouse on the audio so both these files should be selected and double check that these are the right files otherwise final cut pro won't be able to synchronize them at a hundred percent so we've got these files we're checking again okay video done audio done again amazing what you're going to do next is click the right mouse and select synchronize clips or you can do option command g okay so [Music] let's click this and you have a new window which is going to show you how do you want to call the new clip i don't know you can call whatever you want but normally it's going to be the same name like before plus synchronized clip one i normally leave it like this for a small project or like for two files um it's fine but what you have to keep in mind is this bit over here the video i did in the past is that for instance let's say i've got a project which is a 4k project and you obviously want to edit in 4k and maybe export in 4k or you want to edit in 4k but then export the file in 1080p so you can crop in and out and then you'll have a good and a good good quality so basically it is very important to select the the clip the resolution you filmed on so for instance so let's say if this clip was 4k then you'll have to save and create the new synchronized clip in 4k or 1080p or 8k or whatever um so basically make sure you do this it's very important otherwise you might have some issues later on so this is a very important thing to take into consideration so my project is 1080p my files are shot in 1080p so i leave this there 23.9 frames per second apple progress rendering check the audio audio automatic well it's fine it's automatic it's 48 kilohertz i know and and and that's it and just click okay well let me just put this let me just change this for the sake of this project let me check change the name in [Music] sync one so i know that this is the one that we've created so i click okay and it takes literally it's gonna take a few seconds and then when you did that then you can drag your clip on your timeline and then you can listen to this clip with the new audio attached to it this huge computer software editing software is so great it's so beautiful it's so powerful but it's eating my space why why can't i live and as you can hear it's so easy it's actually magic and now cut this file you drag it you drag this file wherever you want and the audio is attached and it's so much easier to edit everything so i know it's easy uh but so many people do these mistakes including myself i've been editing [Music] like this for the last i don't know six months one year um i found this about this on the internet and it's it's just obvious but i don't know why when you starting out you want to get straight into editing and edit fast and edit quickly and this information actually you don't find it anywhere um there's so many people that that are talking about so many other things but not this particular thing that i found is is crucial uh to edit fast and to be more productive because it's very important when you create a lot of content you need to have a system to make it so much easier for yourself all right guys um i think this is it for me for today thank you so much for uh for checking this video if you like please like the video subscribe and if you want to have another video if you want me to do another video about anything else just why not please leave me a comment below and let me know what you think about my videos if you want a studio tour i'm planning to do one in the near future i'm nikon see you guys in the next one
Views: 1,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, sync, video, finalcutpro, project, youtube, automatically
Id: gquUgcsZT8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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