How to do Land Use Zoning using QGIS

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in this tutorial we will show you how to do the land use mapping using qj to do that first of all you have to download the gis data from jio portal in this tutorial we will use j fabric first of all go to the we posted the link in the description then go to the download then go to the euro there are a lot of things go to the europe then find the i will work in hamburg in germany i'm going to the germany then hamburg then select the shape file there are a lot of file formats download it now we will import the file go to the folder where you download the file extract the file first qgis can't import the zip file you have to export it first extract it first then go to the directory select all now you see there are the [Music] the view is tilted we have to select our coordinate our coordinate system is 32 632 it's utm 32 zone just put it now for or draw our site in another video we showed how to draw the site here we are importing our site just go to the shape file where you draw your site or your groupers are sharing the same shape file import it shape file and do if you want to know how to draw the site there is another video here in the description how to draw site now here is our site just zoom in to zooming layer to see it and go to the properties to change the color so now here is the whole hamburg mac map we just will just keep the our site and another things we will delete we lit all unnecessary layers there are a lot of layers actually we don't need this sort of layer and each layer if you see if you check the open attribute table you will get a you will get understanding which layer is important for you and which layer is not so you can check it anytime i am deleting all unnecessary layer i will just put fill your building landscape and poise and site phone layer mister basically i deleted the site the first time but you shouldn't do the site site and another three layers then delete others i will get back my site again this mistake then i will just clip it go to the back tool go to the geoprocessing tool then go to the clip for the input layer select any necessary layer for the pose and for the overlay layer choose the site then only cycle information within site will remain there and we'll delete the main pose layer i don't need i don't know what does it mean just then do the same process for the building and same process for the landscape for the i change the clip near as pose now i am doing it for the buildings again input layer building and the whole layer should be our site now delete the model layers rename the clip as building now do the same thing for the last one landscaping input layer landscape and overlay our site by clipping we're just keeping our data within our site that it will make everything easier rename it again properly now we'll make permanent tower this layer this year and not permanent click on it just save it in your local drive same thing for the landscape and boys this is the way we'll save all the temporary layer as a permanent player okay now right click go to the properties go to the category categorize the value for type for this layer within the type layer you will find this then go to the landscape [Music] properties value for f class by f class you will get it from the open attributable when you open the attribute table you will understand which which value should i put [Music] same thing just categorize keep the value f plus now from three layers we'll individually select the functions related to private on the building on the billing layer we're selecting all the private things this cable garage everything so and switch off all other sub layers after to select this google bar and go to the selection box select everything first of all if you must on the struggle bar then right click on the building layer go to the export save selected feature l all the selected feature will save as another layer by naming it private one for other two layers we have another two private things so i'm naming it private one save okay now here we have another layer called private one now we'll select the [Music] okay now i'm selecting the same public zones from the building okay name it say public now select save problem from the post these functions are related to same public school shelter so i selected those right click on the coils i don't know what does foils means then save it as in public there is a first first firstly there is one single then it's saying public too okay then select the all public layers and save it as one by one public one public to public three in in future we will merge all the public as a public one public to public tree as just as the public but first of all we have to this problem is we can select all the public in all layers uh simultaneously to select separately save selected feature as now we're selecting the public space from poise pause layer then we'll do the same process for the landscape go to the landscape selected the object space select transcript select the elements within the landscape right click excel export select feature as name it publicly then there are some unknown layers you you shouldn't select it just delete it then we will delete these three base layers we don't need them anymore we already categorized it in public private and same pipeline then we will merge this layer to merge select those go to the vector data data management tool go to the merge select the same public to to same public group ok then set the file as a permanent layer in your local drive write it same public final and now see that is same for me final just delete other two same public all are merged now just remove it right click remove layer do the same process for public one two three for the player go to the vector data management tool merge vector layer select the public one two three okay set the file after saving this we will get a merged public files and we will delete the previous layer this is the way we're filtering and deleting the previous layer every time now keep the private as yellow say public orange and public red now we are doing the visualization simply go to the properties select the orange public space select the red now we will open open statement for the browser to xyz panel open street map double click on it go to the layer now it's here now we will draw the shape file actually the zone will draw as a shape file just name it private zone and keep the geometry type as polygon here it's point don't keep it point just keep it polygon right click on it and give it polygon now select the shape panel on the toolbar select the polygon reset it here this one then draw the polygon over this marked red line this red line i just marked because we we shouldn't keep the street within our zone the street should be out of the zone but for the time constraint i am not doing this now you have to do it with lot with proper time i am drawing a zone for the whole private area the the yellow area is the private area but there is there is a lot of private zones here so i will mark the total area as a private the red things it's actually unclassified i should have deleted it before i didn't delete it so these are showing here as red i am taking the whole yellow building as my private zone and doing the same process for the same object zone keep the my zone is yellow and same public zone is orange then we'll make all the build form as black so it will be more visible we don't identify building in landscape and land this map we just need to identify the area it's actually talk about the ownership let's not talk about the which building is serving with service now select one by one layer do the private the properties okay my public zone has turned into black but then they should be red okay i'm returning all the all other public privacy so as i will merge everything except the zone now i will focus on zone and i will merge all other build forms see here we just we don't need different kinds of buildings i create a merged layer as build form we already showed how to merge my public layer has been turned into gray first of all change the build form as black now we delete the unnecessary build forms layer we already merged it in a build from layer and final output will be like this so thank you everyone for seeing the video and i think you have a idea how to do the land land use mapping in qgis
Channel: Designzonz
Views: 531
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: Land Use Mapping, QGIS, GeoFabric
Id: -XctiPy-05s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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