How To Download Land Use and Land Cover Information (LULC) Map For Any Region

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okay welcome back so today i'm going to show you how to download land use information and land cover map that is one of the most useful map if you are a hydrologist and if you want to run any model hydrologic model or an even run-off model right so you need that information land use because land use information is changing over time to time so whatever you want to change your model parameter or even if you want to see the changes right how the land use pattern is changing you need to download this time write the historical data so we have the data source and you can download the land use information for the entire world once you're done with that one you can process with gis so today i'm going to show you the how to download this land use maf from fao right food and agricultural organization of the united nations the same way i downloaded the digital soil map so you'll be able to download that one as well and i'll give you the link in the description below so that you can practice by yourself so let me quickly share my screen and show you how to download land use map right so here it is uh let me share my screen first and here it is what do you have to do as before we have to say search forward right search for what fao map catalog okay fao map map catalog and then it will yeah bring you to that website here it is and if you just uh type what land okay land use land use map and even uh land cover okay even land cover whatever you want you can just search for it definitely it will show you the information for local area but what we need we need the map for the entire world so that is the dominant land cover and land use right we need because the map is showing right it is for entire world if i click on that one as before and we also have other information if you want to download for any state right for south sudan and we also have land cover map of pakistan and we also have land cover map of jordan right but we don't wanna use the local map we'll create the local map so first i need to download the map for the whole world then whatever we need because that is the map which is not a file like we have for soil right digital soil map this is a map which is in raster right this is the restore file so dot t file what we will do with that one we have to process separately right for exporting the map for local area so we'll do that let me just download it first and then i'll open gis and i'll show you how to do the processes and if i click on that it is open yeah it opened the same type of information that we have different options right we want to download this esri agreed and layer file in the layer file we'll see the description and in the grid file it will be a raster file right and i'm going to click there download and i'm gonna save inside my predefined folder so that i can remember where i have everything data download and land use okay inside that one i'm saving it i think it's pretty fair fast right okay i'm done maybe what i'm gonna do now export i'm exporting okay extracting basically to new folder it's done see it's done i have this so how can i even see if i can open that using my yeah viewer but you can't even see the color because that is the map okay and it is it can't even show you different uh color right three color we usually have three color we can't see that so we need gis software to see that in process i'm gonna open gis and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna create the same way i create right at first i'll create the zero database as before here it is okay what i'll do it's empty i'm gonna click there okay new empty and it's showing me okay the blank map and i'm gonna direct it to that one here go back and download land use okay land use and here i'm gonna create one new file geodatabase and that will be land use okay that will be land use geodatabase and land cover okay land use or land cover okay l u l u l c okay l u l c land use and land cover g database so now i'm just selecting that one so i have everything right so now see you can see it is there if i click ok it is asking okay now i can add the data we have inside that dominant land use we have two layers right one is t and another one is the layer dot layer file it will give you the description probably let's see i'm adding both it is the map so you can see the dominant landings we have the one when the value is one in the raster file because we have only 11 classification the number 11 is for water and one where we have more than 75 percent crops and two it is kind of 75 percent forest and three 75 percent grass or shrub and for 75 percent non-vegetated and five is 50 to 75 crops and have six 50 to 75 percent forest and seven 50 to 75 percent grass and drop and this is how we can see the red ones nine is more than 50 percent artificial okay and then we have the mixed layer 10 and we have the water but we can't see the layer color here yeah i can select here i can change the color bar then it will show you which one you want i can select any transitional color like this one right it will show that that one or even i can select a separate right separate color like uh this one or yeah i'll select that okay so for the time being put it that way okay we'll check that so we have that land use information these are tip files you can see the extension i can't open the attribute table it is only the grid so how can we export right now the same way i want to export the map of usa the soil information of usa or anywhere since we have the you can see you can go back to any anywhere right and you can export it but how can we export it we can't even export the same way we can't even select any region by just clicking or by selecting an attribute anything so we have to use a special command or a special process called extraction or extract by mask so in order to export it for any specific location or any boundary you need to have the shift file of that boundary so we'll use that file so that's why you need to have a shapefile of your country or your watershed or your area right so i'm going to add the shape file or boundary the country boundary of your area um for this case i'm opening the country area for usa i already have that you can even download this from the same website you want now let me go back i think i have that there digital soil map because i have separate file where i have that okay it should be inside digital where is the digital soil map if and still okay so maybe one directory up it should be there inside that one i have the countryship file here i have the ship file at the boundary of usa and here is the boundary okay so it is selecting same this mainland usa and the alaska and also the hawaii island so we have the restart and we have this shift file as a vector so we'll use this shift file to export or to extract the land use information right so how can we do that yeah we have the tool there arc map toolbox if you click on that one it will take a while to open yeah just uh it's there so what we have to do what we are going to do now it is kind of spatial analysis right if you are not going to find that tool there you have to click there customize and then your extensions maybe if you install for the first time first time so this will be unchecked so you have to check all this thing then you will have access to your special analyst tool and everything so i'm gonna select that okay spatial analyst tools and if you click expand it there you'll see we have extraction there right and if you expand it you'll see extract by attribute and extract by circle and extract by mask since it is kind of mask we have different it's not a circle not a regular shape it is polygon we use extract by mask and it is asking input raster right so that is the input raster we have dominant land use information and then it will ask you right input raster or even feature mask data so which one we want right so it is asking to import any shape file right by which it will use the mask so i'm using the map of usa and it is going to save the file see since we already have the jira database we added that one so it is going to show you that so what i'm going to do i'm going to change the name as dominant dominant land use okay dominant land use and land cover uh usa okay if the name length of the name is bigger than it may not use so um hopefully it will work i'm clicking ok and it will export only this regions that covers that shape files okay it's working you can see on the lower right corner it is showing the processes and once it's done it will open the new layer see it's already opened and we already have that if i turn off the previous entire world and if i turn up the shapefile so we already exported that digital soil map right we also have the 11 uh you can even change the color right we can even change the color manually here we can go to property and we can go to symbology now we have the unique value and you can change one by one which one is for water we know that 11 is for water so it should be different right we can select any color bar you want you can select this one you can select that one it is not a problem okay i'm going to apply that one so the two it is for water but it is misleading right we don't want that so we have to replace or even you can uh select different color bar we can replace that one so we'll see which one is color so i'm gonna select as yellow i'm replacing okay this one may be misleading i'm gonna select that as this one and this one may be also misleading blue i'm not gonna show anything like blue but the 11 one will be dark blue so that will represent water okay now we can see where we have water land use see we have only because these are the land and we have water there right that's why we have some lakes we can see these are the water and what is two the yellow we can see the yellow right yellow so that is the west and that is the east so you can see the the number two it is forest so we have forest right the usa it covers forest these areas you can easily identify and three three is what is grass shrub these are the grassland you can see that okay so this is how you can create the land use information map and similarly you can open that layout view it will ask you to create that map right and if you want to even add the base map and let me show you the coordinate system if you right click there and if you go to source it already i think mentioned that one see the coordinate system it is in wgs 1984 so it is geographical coordinate system if you want to even project it to utm you can do that but for bigger area the geographic coordinate system is okay but for any local area you need to project it to your right uh small area and it is going to show you the cell size since it is in degree and minute and it is showing this is the degree 0.07 it is this is the degree and we have this number of rows and columns for this area and is showing other information as well as showing you the map extent as well right so so that's that okay so this is how you can see the information there and you can download you can save it you can even change the projection you can add base maps so how can we add base map if you click on that one plus and here add base map and it will give you different options okay you can add oceans it will show you the ocean okay let me show you that one so that you can see where we have the ocean and the land as well it is taking a while because it is downloading the map and see we have the ocean map and that is the map of usa okay so here you see the gulf of mexico is pretty clear there and we also have see the hawaii island it is see here we have the hawaii island it is also you are part of usa and that's why it is middle in the pacific ocean so that is the hawaii island and they have also the land use information there and including alaska and everything so this is how you can download dominant land use information for the entire world and you can export it right you can make a subset of your local area and you can even create any map you want i'll show you how to create map like a professional map in gis because i'm creating another series right of tutorial on gis and other software packages as well so i'll show you there so this uh series is only uh on how to download different data set so okay so that's that so if you wanna even download that one and reproduce you can do that you can go to that fao website and search for this soil information and land use map you can download and process and if you want to install gis i have another video how to install gis right the cracked version i installed that and i already uploaded that uh file as a zip file in my google drive or in my dropbox this time and you can easily download that one i included that crack file you can install that for free it won't charge you anything so yeah so my main intention is to help other graduate student or undergraduate students so that they can learn new uh skills right technical skills because in this world in this time you need to increase your technical skill in order to survive in the era of science and technology all right so okay let me know if you have any problem or if you have any query you can put it there in the comment box and i'll give the link for the downloading option we have here in the link and you can click and you can even install and you can export because sometimes it may not work see it is pretty sensitive software if you want to even export and use that export by mask most of the time it may not work so what you have to do you will face one once you are facing that problem that means you are learning new things if you don't pass any problem that means in future maybe you will face that type of problem and you won't be able to solve that so it's better to face problem first and to know how to solve that problem okay so i'm gonna finish off here and then yeah thank you very much for watching and see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Md Arifur Rahmahn
Views: 255
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: land use data, land cover data, LULC, recent land use data, soil information, soil map, SURRGO map
Id: 6kUeJ6-5Kr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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