How To Do 3D Projects Tutorial w/ Vectric Vcarve & Aspire [For CNC Routers] - Garrett Fromme

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hi i'm garrett with idc woodcrafts and i'm really glad you've come to this video especially if you use the vectric design software to design your cnc router projects what we're going to do today is learn how to take multiple 3d images and import them into one project and then work through them so that the project comes out and this is the project we're going to be doing today we're going to take a panel we're going to import a flag an eagle and a ribbon on top of it and we're going to put some text on the ribbon and we're going to design it so that text follows the ribbon this ribbon actually dips down into the project and comes back out so there's a couple of techniques you have to follow in order to get that what we want to do is make this eagle pop out and we want the flag to show up the way we want to show up and lots of little tips and tricks along the way what you're going to learn in this video is how to manage these different elements that you're going to be put into a project so they come out right in the final project and i'm going to teach you a couple little tricks specifically i'm going to teach you how to create very fast tool paths while you're checking your 3d project if you ever try to calculate out a tool path on a 3d project you know it can take 5 10 15 minutes to calculate out i'm going to teach you how to do that in a really really short period of time just to check the project so without further ado let's just dive right on and and get started so you can start creating a really awesome 3d project today how does that sound all right let's go okay we are in vectric and i remind you this can work in aspire desktop and pro so you're going to learn lots of little tips and the things i want to tell you up front are when you're doing 3d projects the bigger the project the longer the runtime on the machine so you can expect two hours to 11 hours if you're doing a very big project all right since uh we're got those things covered uh let's get into setting this up we're gonna set up our project size which will be 24 by 24 by seven and a half and we're going to go off the lower left hand corner and the top of the material and we're going to select okay all right so first thing we want to do is think about our project we're going to be putting multiple things on here we're going to do the background area we're going to put a flag on here we're going to put an eagle on it we're going to put a little ribbon on it we're going to put text on the ribbon so we want to do it in a proper order as we're importing these things into our software so the first thing we want to do is go down to our clipart tab down the lower left corner and if it's not down here for you it'll be up at the top select clip art and you're going to have two things show up you'll have the clipart and then a design and make field i believe you'll have that under clip art is vectrix very kind generosity and giving you a lot of 3d models when i click that you see a tree shows up and also down here a whole bunch of items show up fruit and banners and horses and lots of different various elements it's all kind of meshed and mashed in together well what they've done is they've created a tree so you can identify the things that you want to create such as animals this is where that famous eagle head is right there and there are what would say domes and dishes where you can create some background objects so let's first start off with the vectric software where when you're looking at these things you'll see a little black triangle in the lower corner of some of them with a download symbol on it that means that it is not on your computer yet and you're going to have to log into vectric to get it but logging into vetric is very easy basically all you do is grab the item that you want drag it over and drop it and then you'll get a dialog box that dialog box says that you need to log into vectric and there will be a button there where you can log into metric and they'll show you that you're logged in and then you come back to your software here and click that item again and drag it back out and you'll be ready to go and you can download and drag out any one of these items from there now vectric i do want to say this the majority of these 3d models are not of the highest quality and that's why i tend not to use them i prefer using the ones that come off of websites that they've just spent a lot of time the project we are going to be doing comes off of this website cnc projects and it is called design and make dot com is the name of their website and they've got all kinds of of projects now there you go there's a whole bunch and they cost what 35 dollars a piece to get like four of these this is the one that we're going to be doing and they call it hack of the week number 192 and it consists of a backboard a ribbon a flag and an eagle i will put a link for this particular page down in the description and you can get it i remind you they charge 35 for their project yep there it is 35 uh you'll come out with pretty amazing project though so link will be down below for that and this is what we were making so let us go back into vector if you remember in this tree when we slide down we come to the design and make that's coming off their website but i think i remember that being in here when i first got my software we're going to click that and i have downloaded these items so what you will get when you download is a completed item i'm going to drag it out so you can see what it looks like where it has the back panel it's got the flag it has the eagle and it has the ribbon and then you get each item independently so we have the ribbon eagle flag and the panel and then they have a set of instructions to set it up just like this but i am not going to do that that's why i like this particular website because they give you each individual component so you can make it your own and besides if we just have one solid object here there's no work right it's too easy so i'm going to click it delete it now one of the things when you're starting 3d projects with multiple 3d images you always want to think from the back to the front meaning you want your main panels or whatever you put in the background onto your drawing first and then stack on top of each other the way you want your finished project to be done this is important because it just makes life a little bit easier let me show you what i'm talking about when i drag this out there is an order to these guys the panel is in the back then the flag then the eagle then the ribbon and that's the order that we want to bring these things out in so i'm going to grab the panel and pull it out and i'm going to grab the flag and pull it out then the eagle and then the ribbon so now we have all of our elements on the page now here is why you want to try to bring it out in order it makes life a lot easier let's just say i forgot to bring the panel out let's delete that and i bring it out last so now i bring it out and let's just think that this panel is big it just comes out big because sometimes these projects do and so now the panel's last item i've clicked off nothing is selected and all i see is the panel and a little bit of the wing how can i work on the projects behind it so when these meetings are brought in they're brought in kind of stacked up so right now the panel is on top of the stack so in order to change that we're just going to select the panel right click it and come down to move to back and click that and it's going to take the panel off the back off the front and put it on the back and when i click off there it is now we got the flag is next the eagle is next and the ribbon should be on top of everything so let's just click the ribbon and move it down and the ribbon covers everything else okay so we are set so i'm going to take the ribbon back out of that i'm going to take the eagle out of it and we can leave the flag there we're going to work on this in this order we're going to do the panel then the flag then the eagle and then the ribbon first thing is we want to get the panel in the right orientation it is facing upward i want to get the curved area off to the right so you follow standard procedure you click the item click it again and you'll get the buttons around there and we're going to grab the rotation button which is the buttons on the far corners and we are going to swing it now one thing when we're rotating like this we can't snap to different spots we're not set up for that right now so i needed to go to 90 degrees but the thing to understand about angles and angular references when you go clockwise that is considered a negative rotation on angles if you remember your algebra right when you go in a forward direction or a counterclockwise direction now you're rotating in a positive direction so we need to come a full 270 degrees what we'll do is while we're holding this down we're going to type in 270 and enter and now that panel is exactly the orientation that we wanted and now i'm going to grab the lower corner without hitting the sh or holding the shift button i'm just going to stretch it out to about the size of the project and we are there so we're going to come over here to the drawing tab the very first tab click it and under transform objects and we're going to grab the align selected objects button click that and we're just going to center this panel so we want to make sure the panel is selected and then we hit the middle button up here and that will align it to the center of the project and we are done with that we can close that and we select off the panel and there we are so now we are good to go with the flag so here's where we're going to start doing some split screens because we want to see how this flag is going to look what you want to do is come up to your split screen i like to go side to side and select that and you can see that now we have the panel in a 3d mode we have the flag in a 3d mode the eagle is in a 3d mode and the ribbon is in a 3d mode so right now we're going to work on the flag and what i want you to notice is the flag has a pole on it and the pole stops short and then it has a ball on it so what i want to do is make that pull disappear into this panel here and then i want the ball to blend into the panel up here so we're going to start off by clicking the flag we click it once and now you see we did that in the 2d area and you see that the flag is now turned purple now there's nothing we can do with that flag right now as far as moving it until we select it again and we get the little buttons all around it now we can grab the flag and move it around so i want you to notice as well there's like a green area on the flag anytime you see a green area on a selected object that means that that object is buried in the other object that's around it so in this case the flag is partly buried in the panel we're going to fix that right now we just want to get the flag up to size and in the proper spot so we're going to rotate and we're going to slide that over and stick that flagpole into the wall a little bit and there we go and then we're going to come over here or here we'll do it in the 3d area we're going to grab the upper corner bead and we're just going to stretch that flag out until the ball on the flag starts to blend in with the upper boundary of the plaque now you see down here in the lower corner the flagpole has now moved upward so what we're going to do is just move that a bit down again we don't want to go too far because watch what happens it now comes out the other side so we don't want that we are going to come up that way and now the ball still needs to go up more so we're going to stretch the flag out some more we're going to go find that radio button which is where is it it's hard to see with some of the other stuff on the picture so we're just going to grab it over in the 2d section and we're going to stretch that flag up a little bit more so you can see over here the ball is now going up in the in the border and you can see how far down the flagpole is there so we're just going to nudge that up we'll use our cursor button just to bump it up just a tad and let's see what it looks like up here oh if you grab your flag while it's selected it's going to move on on you so hit control z undo that and there you go you just click off the flag and i am content with that so we're going to go with that now let's take a look at the flag depth [Music] so we got some nice waves in the flag it's it's off the bottom surface along every part of it let's rotate around yep it's it's above and that's what we want so we are good to go i'm going to click off the flag and we are now going to work on the eagle so we'll switch back over to our 2d view and we're going to bring that eagle down into the drawing so we select select the eagle twice drag it down i don't want the feathers of the eagle going into the border i want the whole eagle here and i want it to be dominant so i brought it down and i'm going to stretch it out to almost the full length of this thing and i think i like that it's pretty cool looking at the 2d version but look at the 3d version that eagle is buried in the flag and you can't even tell it's an eagle so we're going to have to do some adjustments here so let's go back for a moment i want to see what our depth is we are set at 24 by 24 by three quarters of an inch and the reason i want to see that is because i just want to understand what kind of depths i can work with here and i am going to guess that the depth of this panel is a little bit deep that the bottom will be quite thin so what i'm going to do first is adjust this panel so i'm going to select the panel once twice and let's see what happens here so i got something i got to click off of it i'll just click the panel again and i can't adjust the panel the way i want to here so what i'm going to do is go into modeling and while the panel is highlighted i'm going to select this little black tab and what comes up is several selections there's shape height base height and some other features so what i'm going to do is i'm going to adjust the shape height and see what happens see if i can make it a little bit shallower i'm not sure this is going to work the way i want to so i'm going to bring the shape height down so that took care of the top of the shape height it did bring it down so i'm going to move the base up what that's going to do from the bottom is going to shift everything up just a little bit so i want to compensate so that's coming up and i think we're okay here so just gave myself a little less of a depth here we're going to close this and now we're going to go back to we're going to click off the image and we're gonna select the flag okay so you see what has happened by doing that shape height adjustment the flag is now buried in the panel so how do we get around that well we're gonna select a flag we're going to select it again and you're going to see a little blue dot show up below the the object when you click that blue dot a similar menu shows up and what we're going to do is we're going to raise the base height a little bit so we're going to just move that slider until the flag comes up and now we're good to go again but now the flag is getting pretty tall it is not coming over but we still have the eagle and the eagles on top of the flag and we want to get eagle details in there so we're going to take the waviness out of the flag a little bit by adjusting the shape height this will make the entire shape a little thinner and by virtue of that it's going to flatten the flag out a little bit so we don't need a lot of drama in that and let's take a look because something has shown up i've got a little white spot there that's the eagle all right so we've have dropped the flag down significantly this is okay now let's switch over to our eagle so i clicked off this menu is still up but don't worry we're going to click the eagle and that menu pops back right up and now it's referring to the eagle and what we're going to do is we're going to raise the base height of the eagle so we're just shifting the the height of the eagle up and we're going to raise it up some more until that eagle comes out and we don't want to see any green on the eagle and we have green right here on the feather so i'm going to bring it up just a little bit more and all that green is gone now so now our eagle is looking good let's increase the shape height a little bit what i'm going to do is raise the eagle up and what that will do is force more roundedness around the eagle and give it a lot more uh detail i want to say and it'll make it pop out more but we can't go up too high we have to be careful because we're going to overrun and come up too high out of the picture so i'm going to undo what i just did i'm going to expand this screen first i'm going to select that eagle again so i have the buttons around it then i'm going to expand this screen because i want you to see what i just did i want you to see the detail of the eagle i want you to watch in this area how the eagle starts to pop out a little bit as i increase the shape height so it's rounding out more and more so one of the things with the vectric designs the 3d models they are what they call these are all called stl files and they have to do a triangular drawing where you can basically these drawings are a million little triangles put together in different orientations in the vectric models most of those triangles are pretty loose so when you buy models from other sources they tend to come in better and more refined so we are looking pretty good except the eagles talon is going where is it here okay we're okay on the eagles talon but i'm going to adjust this eagle a little bit so i'm good with this i'm going to close this screen the eagle is fully popped out it's really jumped out of this project i almost might want to bring it out a little more what i'm going to do is select the eagle again so i can't select the eagle while i'm here i have to go into split screen and select the eagle again get that blue dot and we're gonna bring that eagle up even more darn it if you don't just hit that button just right it's a pain so we're gonna bring it up almost to the full thickness of the project so we're just going to put 0.75 in here and enter and we'll see if this if it takes this we'll close that and i'm going to move the eagle just a little bit up and over all right looks good now it's time for the ribbon so now we click the ribbon click it again so we can drag it around and we're going to change the size of the ribbon and we're going to put some text on it so i'm going to show you how to do this in a very cool way this is something that a lot of people don't show you and we're going to put the ribbon down here so it is going to go over the flagpole and i don't want it to interfere with the eagle at all so we're going to bring it down a bit let's see if i like this so the ribbon is going into the eagles talons so i think i've made the ribbon a little bit too big i want the full eagle so we're going to shrink it down we're going to shrink it down some more i want it absolutely off that eagle there it is okay so that's looking pretty good but you see we have issues over here we're gonna we have to work in split screen when we're doing this stuff the pink part is above the flag the green part is below or inside the flag so we have to raise the base height up on the ribbon we're going to click the blue button increase the base height until the whole thing pops out and there's no more green and we're gonna just we'll make the shape height a little taller as well and see what happens there we go so i just wanted to make sure you understand the difference between base height and shape height let's just pretend this is the eagle when we're adjusting the base height we are referencing the bottom of the part and we are increasing the base height of the product or project so we're up or down whereas the shape height we are actually making it fatter and when we do the shape height and crease we are actually like making the curves and details stand out a lot more so you want to take advantage of shape height as much as you can if you really want to get details into your project okay let's get back to this okay we're going to select okay and take a look at it on the side the ribbon is just running to the side of the panel here i'm okay with that and we're good there all right this is very cool i like this very different from what they have done i'm putting everything inside of a picture panel if we wanted to go outside uh i'll do another video on that of how to do that we're going to put some text on here and then we're going to do 3d tool paths so right now we don't need this window so we're going to maximize this window and here's how you do text so we're going to select the tab that says drawing if you don't have tabs down here they will be up on top click the drawing tab and we are going to grab an arc the text is going to follow this arc here so we're going to draw an arc to give the text something to align to so we click the arc command and we pick about the start point we're going to want our text which would be right there and about the end point which will be right about there and we're going to bring it down to follow that curve so it's pretty close there now you see i've made this a little bit out of symmetry the eagle has a lot of weight on this and there's a banner down below i do that because that attracts attention people like symmetry a lot and symmetry doesn't grab the attention like a slight imbalance in symmetry okay so we're going to close that and then we're going to go to our text feature the first one select that and we're just going to click above the arc somewhere and we're going to type in always a marine and make sure i spelled it right and we are good so i'm going to shrink that down because i want it to be smaller the width wise i want it to be smaller i'm closing that then the arc there we go and we're going to move it over so it's approximate in the middle of the arc we're gonna keep it up above it and here comes the cool little feature in the text area of the create vectors there's a little abc over an arc select that and watch what happens when i select it no nothing i'm going to hit hold shift and select the little curve the arc and there now we have that and then since that is too low we need to move it up there's a couple ways we can do it we can just nudge it up or we can set that distance right here but i'm going to nudge it up so i'm going to say close and i'm just with my cursor buttons bring it up to where i want it and there it is i'm going to click off and delete that arc and we are done with this element of the project so now it is time to do the tool path magic and i'm going to show you a little trick but there's one more thing we have to do we are going to put a boundary around this so vectric knows where it's going to be doing the 3d modeling app so what we need to do is we're going to select this item the biggest item or if you have things that are sticking out let's just say your eagle is up like that you have to select the panel and the eagle while holding shift down so you can select them all and you'll follow this procedure now i'm going to put my eagle back and maybe i should leave the eagle up there you know what let's do this we're going to do a little shift gears a little bit we're going to put that eagle on the outside why not let's see how this one looks we'll see because i can always undo this so we're going to hold the shift button down we're going to select the panel and we're going to select the eagle we're going to go over to the modeling tab select that and there is a black little icon right next to it it says create vector boundary click that button and we have now created a boundary all the way around the eagle and the panel and that is what vectric is going to do this carving it so this is going to get pretty cool you'll see what i mean but let's take a look at my 3d model because i don't think i'm going to have the eagle on the outside let's see yeah see the the panel cuts to the eagle so i either have to raise the eagle or lower the panel and what i'm going to do instead is i'm going to put the eagle back where it was right there we have to make it smaller again i apologize for taking this little side step i thought it might have been pretty cool but i have to think it out a little bit we'll move that eagle back over there and you see this funny line that's the vector we just created by using that command so we're going to delete that vector select that go back up here to create vector boundary click it and now we have a boundary around around this and there it is right there hard to see because the colors are almost identical all right it's time to go over to tool path we select that all right i had to pause for just a second but okay so we are back in here and what we're going to do is we're going to go straight into the 3d finishing tool path we're going to use a long tipped taper ball nose bit when i select that we come into our material setup area we wanted to get into tool path area now when you're clicking into the tool path and you come into the material setup area that means there's a problem with your project and you need to troubleshoot it so i'm going to show you what is wrong here and how to fix the problem because this is the problem you'll probably run into most of the time but it brought up material setup area and there's a specific reason why and it's stated right here it gave me an error it says the model thickness exceeds the material thickness so let's take a look at the model and oh yeah so let's turn it on its side we're going to select one of these orientation buttons up here which is hard to see and it's going to turn it on its side and i'm going to rotate it and so what we have is the eagle is coming up above the material so we have to adjust this eagle so we're going to cancel that we are going to go back to our drawing from well we may not have to let's select the eagle select it again there's a little blue button and we're just going to take the shape height down i kind of was afraid of that so we're just going to bring it down a little bit from 0.75 to 0.68 and we are now going to come over we're going to select the boundary go back into that tool path and it gives us an error again so we still have a material thickness issue let's figure this out where is it off i got to go back into that so i can see it what that does it gives that little green box all around there i'm going to orient this and i want to see where my material thickness is off at and the eagle i'm guessing is still too high that's what's going on so you're just going to do your best to eyeball these things until you can get it figured out so i don't know if i can fix it while i'm in here let's see just click the eagle click it again get that box and we're going to bring our shape height down to 0.6 maybe a little less and we are going to cancel that and we're gonna go into our finishing 3d tool path again and we still have this thinking error so let's bring the eagle down some more i don't know if eagle is my problem or not now now i'm getting a little concerned and we want to make sure we still have the eagles everything showing up with the eagle and i'm going to select okay and now we're in here so it allowed us to come in here so we are good to go all right now we're going to select that boundary again it's selected we're in a finishing tool path we're going to pick the tapered ball nose and i'm going to pick the one that i sell because it's more robust than your standard one this is the tapered ball news bit i am talking about the one that is on the idc woodcraft store it's a 0.5 radius tip and it's 6 degrees as opposed to 5 degrees which is more common the problem with the 5 degree bits is they are quite a bit longer in the taper and that gives more flex on the tip and that can translate into a less detail or some cut issues on the fine details on your project so this is something that i carved with that bit this lion i think you've probably seen that if you own the vectric software and i just want to show you the detail that you can get out of this thing that's one millimeter very small tip and you can see the eyebrows or the wrinkles above the eyes in the lion and you can see the eyebrow over the eyeball and then there's a little wrinkle right here and around the nose and you can even see the nostril right there and of course the teeth it did a really really good job on this so this is why i like the more robust bits that can still do really tight detail so again if you're interested in that then there's a link down below to go to the idc web site to the store where you can pick this bit up and then we're going to go to selected vectors click that and i am in raster mode which is what i want and we are going to change that to its default zero degrees and we're going to select calculate and i'm going to stop that calculation you can stop a calculation by pressing the little x right here and it'll cancel because what i want to do is show you a fast way to do this now this is where i'm going to give you a little tip that's going to save you a ton of wait time when you're like calculating your 3d projects it takes a long time not with this method i want you to pay attention to what i'm about to do so when you're checking your 3d project to make sure it comes out the way you like it you are not waiting forever while this thing does this calculation so let me show you how to do this little trick so what you do is select a different bit we'll select the ball nose the 1 8 boldness and click okay the reason i'm doing this because this would take a long time to calculate and if it didn't come out the way i wanted it to it would have been a waste of five to ten minutes so i have the ball nose and i'm going to go in to edit that bit and i'm going to change my step over in that bit to 30 percent and then we're going to select okay and then i'm going to calculate now what i did is i just increased the step over dramatically it's going to have a bad finish here but it's going to have a much less harder time to calculate out the tool paths and we're going to do preview selected tool path when we scroll in let's maximize that screen so you can see the finish is not good at all that's okay i just want to make sure i'm getting all my details and everything is looking the way i want it to so i'm going to select the z view so i can see what it looks like and i think i want the eagle to move over i've got this big dead space right here so this is the reason why we do this why we do that quick tool path so i want you to remember what i just did i used a bigger ball nose radius bit the 1 8 diameter bit and i change the step over on it to 30 percent you can go 40 50 percent we don't care we just want to get a general idea of what this looks like so i'm going to go back over to the tool 2d tool path well first i'm going to close that i'm going to do a split screen i'm going to select the eagle and i'm going to nudge that eagle over to a way that i like it it's going to come in close and i still feel like i got a bit of a dead spot in there so let's just take the eagle down in size just a little bit i'm not sure i'd get rid of that dead spot okay this works i'm just gonna fly with it because i i can take up all day showing you this all right so we're done we're just gonna click off the eagle we're gonna go back over to our tool path we're going to right click it and then we're going to press the button recalculate over here we're just going to recalculate and it recalculated it we're going to go back into the tool paths press preview reset and run the selected tool path and i kind of like the eagle being bigger did i lose something on my eagle here there's something right there that doesn't look right so what is going on because it doesn't show up here i'm not sure exactly it's it's let's just preview that reset the tool path again and rerun it okay so that's what happened i didn't reset it before i like the eagle bigger i'm gonna make it bigger like it was sorry i have to do it so we're just gonna move it over we're gonna expand and go back out and we're gonna move it down a little bit over and we are going to come over to the tool path we're gonna right click and recalculate recalculate that reek is recalculated it said it did we're gonna reset preview and we're gonna run that again i am happy with that okay so let's put some text on this or we have the text on it we got to now generate the text so we're going to close that we're going to select our text and we're going to do this in a v-carve so we're going to select the v-carb module pick our bit and i am going to go with a 90-degree v-bit so we're going to select that and switch over to a 90 double click it and one thing we have to make sure we select is project tool path onto 3d models that will ensure that if this ribbon dips down and comes back up this lettering tool path will also dip down with it it looks like this doesn't dip down so much let's take a look let's drag it out we're going to click it click it again and i'm going to drag it out of the project so we can see it and then we're going to take a look it does go down so it does have a dip in it nope let's click the other one you can see it does have a dip in it so the software will write that text along with that dip okay so we're going to put it back to where it was i'm going to hit ctrl z and we are in this tool module right here for the vcard we're going to select that lettering again and select create i'm not naming these toolpaths right now and we run the tool path and there it is always a marine right on the ribbon so i'm good with this we're going to do one more thing before we fix our our final tool path we're going to do a cut out of this thing so you see we have a boundary around here that we have cut to we want to cut out from that boundary so what we're going to do is now one more tool path we're going to select that boundary again it's highlighted and then we're going to go into profile select the profile make sure we're set on outside we want this to go all the way through the material so we're going to type in z equals and we're going to select our bit i have a quarter inch end mill which is what i'm going to work on let's see what our feed rate is i'm going to go to edit and it's at 35 i'm going to change it to 50. 35 is too low i got to change my master setup matter of fact i'll do that right now go into select i'm going to select that quarter inch end mill and here's how you do it while you're in this type of menu you change your setting to what you want i'm putting in 50 and you click apply then it now has changed it in your master library it's also selected here and we are going to come down and we are going to run it on a ramp i'm going to add ramps to the tool path select spiral and it will spiral its way all the way in but i have to do one other thing with that i have to the spiral is a plunge rate so we're going to change that plunge to 50. we want it to spiral at that feed rate all right so there we have it is there anything i've missed tabs tabs tabs so i'm not going to do tabs here i've done tabs in many projects so it's going to take a lot more time for you i'm going to name this cutout click ok oop i'm going to go back rename that i'm going to do this right rename cutout 1 4 e m so i know it's quarter inch end mill on the v carve i'm going to rename that to marine word and i'll put 90d for the bit and for the 3d finish i'm going to rename that we're going to call that the 3d 3d and then we're going to call it the 6.6-2 it's a 6.2 angle but uh the way this whole thing works it's not going to work so 6-2 tbn t is stands for tapered ball nose end mill and we are now going to take a look at the whole thing we're going to run all the tool paths and we're going to look at our sign i want to look at the sides and everything's looking good so now we go in and we finish the calculation on that first tool path so i'm going to go back into it we're going to select the proper bit so you go to select and we are going to go to the 6.2 engraving bit that's the tapered ball nose select it save i want to make sure my percentage is 6 that's good i am at a nice high feed rate um that's 80 inches per minute i'm probably going to go up to 100 on this go a lot faster so let's do that we'll go to 100 and we will select and we're going to calculate this is going to take a few minutes so while i'm doing this i hope that you've picked some things up with this that you start working with the vectric software some of the things that you're going to run into with the vectric 3d models is they are not of the best detail as far as the depth of detail that you can get out of them so while we're waiting if this video has been helpful to you so far you might want to consider subscribing to this channel because i teach all the spectric stuff and i try to help everybody when they email me or message me on youtube sometimes i get pretty overwhelmed with messages but don't let that hold you back i do look at them and i try to answer them as much as i can if you're interested in router bits or not sure what you want to get i have a full set for beginners it's a high quality set there will be a link down below and if you need some one-on-one help i do that as well what else do we have while we're waiting the cnc entrepreneurs if you want to make money with your cnc router maybe i should tell you a joke there's a joke i made up a long time ago they came up with a new diagnosis as they come up with diagnosis for everything this one is for people of this weird disorder where they freak out when they're riding through a tunnel in a car pool that's a specific disorder and they call it carpal tunnel syndrome so you see how long this takes to calculate the tool path when you are using the fine bit so when you just want to look at it set up a very rough tool path with a much broader bit just so you can see the image so things are there and you know what you're going to be doing with it so it is now generated the tool path now my computer has to figure out how to make that work but but my gosh i think there it is all right we're going to reset our preview and so there is everything we are going to expand this image we're going to bring it up and watch how clean this comes out this is going to be amazing now this project let's just take a look how long this is going to take before i run it we're going to close that go to the clock i'm scared i don't want to look at the clock click it and it says a whole 19 hours not so bad all right 19 hours isn't bad so we'll have to speed that up so i'll show you how to do that let's run this i'm going to go to preview of the tool paths that's what i mean when you get a big project you are going to be running that machine for a long time we're going to preview all the tool paths and we're going to come out with a very clean project and there it is and we look at this and we've got our fine detail and our eagle got a couple of weird bumps right there that is not going to show up in the project okay then uh you can always use i want to just want to show you it goes back into the 3d tool path and you can use the offset feature instead but one of the things that you can do to clean this up is go into your your bit work with an eighth inch here you can close that we can go in with an eighth inch ball nose and let me get back in there i'm going to select the edit and i'm going to change the the feed rate to 120 and i'm going to leave my step over at seven percent it's gonna have a much better step over it's still gonna look good seeing this is a big project people aren't gonna know the difference when they're looking at they're not going to see how super detailed it is unless you want to do it that's up to you 19 hours is a long time for machine to run so you see how much faster i calculated out and this one is going to run let's go to the clock and this one will run for 4 hours and 30 minutes just by that one change on with that one bit so we knocked out 15 hours worth of machine time for that little project if you have faster ways of doing this uh please by all means put it down in the comments so people know but what i do hope is what you've gotten out of this is uh understanding how to do this kind of stuff and how to overlay some of your 3d models and maybe got some tips out of it and i hope this video was helpful thumbs up if this was helpful give me a thumbs up a comment and if you're brand new to cnc routers and the vectric software subscribe to this channel because i will walk you all the way through these projects this is garrett i hope you have a great day better tomorrow and happy cnc
Channel: CNC Routers, Beginners & Beyond - Garrett Fromme
Views: 30,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aspire 3d tutroail, vcarve 3d tutorial, vectric 3d tutorial, aspire 3d toolpath, aspire 3d modeling tutorial, aspire 3d relief, vcarve 3d carving, vcarve 3d, vcarve 3d toolpath, vcarve 3d projects, cnc router 3d carving toolpath, vectric vcarve 3d, vectric, cnc for beginners, vcarve pro 3d, vcarve desktop 3d, Garrett Fromme, vectric aspire, vcarve pro, 3d models, vcarve desktop, vectric 3d engraving, 3d tutorial, vcarve tutorial, aspire tutorial, vectric vcarve pro
Id: l6E64E3d5FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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