How To DIY Install Garage Door Bottom Weather Seal

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whether steel shrinks flattens out and becomes Ridge you can no long as of the ground to create an effective seal weather seal that is receded from shrinkage links gaps that not only let light in but also dust debris and small pests to begin the process of replacing your garage doors bottom weather seal raise your garage door to a comfortable working height and begin sliding the old weather seal towards one side of your garage door until fully removed [Music] the replacement bottom water steel we are using is called T type this is the type most widely used on today's metal garage doors each T on the bottom weather seal fits into a channel in the aluminum weather steel retainer attached to the bottom of your garage door start by threading the weather seal into the channel being careful not to cause it to bind as you slide it down the length of the aluminum retainer this task is made easier with the aid of a helper one to guide the seal into the channel while the other one works it down the length of your garage door when you get the weather seal to the end of your garage door allow two to three inches to extend beyond the door lastly tuck the weather seal back into itself on both sides of your garage door this will help to prevent shrinking in the future make sure to tuck it in enough so that it won't come out if you wish to skip this last step simply trim your weather seal at the end of your door so there you have it a new bottom weather seal that forms a barrier between elements and your garage space
Channel: Skelton and Co.
Views: 193,579
Rating: 4.7410564 out of 5
Keywords: garage door weather seal, diy, rubber seal, how to, weatherstrip, seal, shrinking garage door rubber seal, garage, door, service
Id: qj9accrLuh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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