5 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Should Know | HER Network

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[Music] hey guys it's Jonah here today I have Anna who is a jujitsu blue belt under Bruno Barbosa so the reason why I got it in today it's because I want you to teach the audience really simple self-defense moves just in case they get into situations where they need to protect themselves so what can we expect from you today so we're gonna look at very simple moves that do not require strength because sometimes the victim cannot overpower the aggressor correct because they might be larger and a lot stronger physically so we're gonna look at very efficient moves that you can employ and you can learn very easily okay so pretty much they are really simple moves things that everybody can learn yes correct and so what's gonna happen is I'm going to be the aggressor and Anna you're going to be the victim yes okay so I know I'm gonna be in a lot of pain right let's get straight into the five moves every woman should know [Music] so the first move we're gonna look at is if we're walking on the street and somebody just grabs our heart right so say I grab you're here yes so what you're gonna do is you're going to put your hands over the person's fingers over the knuckles and you're going to swing your arm to grab their wrist and once you're in this position you will push down so they aggressive fall down yeah or the aggressor will fall down because of the pressure so if you try and stand up you can't run and then you can disengage and you can bang on okay yeah so the goal is not to show up but to protect yourself and them so the goal is essentially to disengage from the person and to remove yourself in the situation it's not to stand fire right and why would someone usually like say grab someone so essentially when they grab you they want to control you so you're not gonna give the control to them you have to remember that if your victim in this situation you have to control what happens next so if he wants your arm yeah instead of pushing away yeah so instead of pulling it away you hold him down towards your wrist so you take control back from the situation and then you swing it and you hold the wrist and then you push it downwards all right so the second move is if you're out and somebody just comes up to you puts the arm around you okay so let's say hey what's up girl yeah exactly so again this has happened he's come into your space and he's trying to take control of your body you can see his hips are against your hips and stuff trying to control you so instead of pushing away take control as well exactly so instead of pushing him away and trying to run so you grab the wrist you hold it down and you just hold the person shoulder here then you turn back and you swing the arm behind and from this position you would push down on the knee and then you disengage okay right shall we just do that once more for the audience to really see so all right so you would grab the wrist to control and then you would grab to both arms you can 20 hold on you're controlling both arm so essentially if you want it to run now let's say I really want to like push you away yeah I've taken control of the situation all right then I'd swing back and I'd hold your arm against your back okay against my back here yep and then I would kick behind your knee to make you fall and then I disengage and I'd run off all right right let's do it fast okay ready hey girl okay and though you would run away and then I would run away yes if somebody comes and grabs your hair yeah like really aggressive really hard right and it's hard in this situation because your first response is to try and sleep yeah or to grab someone's hair back but you can't really run when somebody pulls you back this way mm-hm so you'd swing your arm over essentially make them fall okay so if someone grabs your hair instead of grabbing their hair bag yeah so then all right so you swing your arm and you see how I thought of like definitely no position right now I let the wrist go yeah just below yeah I'm in the elbow and when I push up okay and the president should fall and in this situation I can punch your face and then I can run off right so if ever you get into a catfight you know what to do yeah this is to protect yourself not to be aggressive this happens a lot when you're walking on your own and somebody just comes up to you and you just grab you from behind right and a lot of women will panic here because they've controlled they would do that you know someone's control your shoulders yeah and he has you know the person has control of you essentially right so right this is what you should do okay someone comes up to you all right the first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna make sure that you don't want to get choked so you're going to grab the wrist okay and you're gonna drop down so you're heavy now yeah yep and you always have to make sure your face is turn to the side why because if I was still facing forward as a children there okay so protect yourself first even if I have my wrist my hands here if he's really strong that will go so I have to secure that Scott and be heavy turn my neck and then go behind you all right then I would grab behind your knees okay all right and you see how my center of gravity is low and I'm already kind of listing you yep and you pick them up and if you do it this fast it's gonna really injured someone yeah person's gonna penny if you're on the street it's gonna hurt yeah because they're gonna drop onto concrete yeah and you don't need strength because you're using you don't because I'm low and I'm using my center of gravity to lift you up okay and so what happens from here so from here if we were talking from jiu-jitsu point of view I am to go to side control and then I'd go to knee on belly okay and I disengage and run away sometimes you're unlucky and the fight comes to the ground because he's a lot stronger and he's managed to take control of you and now he was trying to choke you okay so I would control both the elbows and push down yep then I would put my legs up over your shoulders right and I would bring my hips okay essentially what has just happened to the aggressor so what happens to the aggressor is that your elbows are being controlled and pushed inwards yeah and then I'm using this like a pivot okay so you're breaking so essentially I'm breaking the elbows yeah okay so let's do that for the audience to see once more let's break it down here so let's say if you end up in this situation the aggressor is trying to talk to you yes so the first thing I want to do is before you even put your arms around your hands around my neck I want to secure you again I don't want you to run away so I would close my legs into a closed guard that's what we call it in jujitsu all right then with your hands on my neck I would control both your elbows so bring the elbows close together yes okay so bring the elbows inwards and I'd push down all right and I throw my legs over your shoulders okay and I would lift my hips up yes so essentially what you're doing is closing everything and breaking yes so I'm keeping control of your elbows and I'm pinning your wrist down and I'm lifting it with my hips okay and then once he is in pain or the aggressor is in pain yeah and then I would so after that happens and I'd say I broke in your arms I would let go I'd kick away and that I'd get up and run and run yes if you were to put a little bit more pressure I would have broken a lot of bones so these are really simple effective and efficient moves which FEMA can basically learn they don't need a lot of strength correct exactly so we're not using strength at all in this situation we're just using leverage with dropping our center of gravity down and we're finding efficient moves to disengage from the situation and to run away yeah so instead of getting panic and trying to just push your aggressor away take control yes so take control of the situation you've been put into and come out on top thank you so much Anna thank you so much for coming over and teaching us these really effective moves so don't forget to follow Anna on Instagram page a lot more cool jujitsu moves yes so you can follow me on Shaheen as hollom and we've also recently started a specific Instagram page for female athletes female jujitsu athletes in Malaysia it's called Malaysian Gigi Tara's and she follow us there too be sure to check it out right above here all the links will be in my description box below I had fun and I'm in pain
Channel: Joanna Soh Official
Views: 3,298,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, do, exercise, library, joanna, soh, jsoh, fitness, fit, women, health, workout, routine, plan, beginner, guide, living, weight, loss, lose, home, nutrition, eat, clean, healthy, recipes, easy, homecooked, tips, joanna soh, self defense, jiujitsu, self defense for women, joanna soh workout, fight women, every woman should know, how to protect yourself, self protection
Id: KVpxP3ZZtAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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