How To Make A Notebook At Home To Sell | Handmade Notebooks Using The Cinch by We R Memory Keepers

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alright go excuse my crazy bun situation going on you to wash my hair so bad but I wanted to do a quick intro for this video because I thought it would be fun to show you guys how I actually make my notebooks at home how I hand make them I have made notebooks for a decent length of time about a year now with a little of inspired notebook that I came out with last summer which did fairly well and I wanted to share with you guys that process so if you are kind of maybe in a situation where you don't necessarily feel like you're ready to commit to working with the vendor or manufacturer like overseas or whether in the United States whatever the case is this is gonna teach you how to make them here at home and one thing that's really cool about it is I'm actually gonna be showing you a workbook that I am printing and putting together for some new coaching clients and I'm going to be working with so I have an actual physical workbook that I will be mailing out to all of my business coaching one-on-one clients which I'm so excited about and I figured it would just be a lot better for me right now since I'm just getting started with it to just kind of print them off here in house I know how to do it it's easy and I could just kind of do it on demand when I want and I thought well it would be really fun to show you guys how I do that process because it's exactly the same process I did for my notebooks like to a tee I'm doing the exact same thing and I'll be able to show you guys all of the supplies and everything that you need to get started so first I'm going to show you what I use and then we'll get a little more in-depth after that so let's get into the video [Music] change [Music] I just printed out a 28 I think it's 20 yeah 28 pound paper it's really really nice it's just I love the thickness of it it's perfect so anyway that's what I just printed it out on on my laser printer and I basically always do stuff in growing scale that's kind of like my thing with my business this is what the workbook looks like it's not super big I think this only ended up being like 60 something pages and that's front and back so it's pretty decently sized I do need to print the cover off so I'm gonna do that and I'll show you guys I just wanted to show you just what this looks like just straight out of the printer and then we'll get all the binding and stuff set up it's just literally a regular half by 11 so it shouldn't be too bad to set up and then the binding that I use I'll show you guys that really quick again Amazon can be your best friend when it comes to your business so I just order these packs of coils the actual vendor from Amazon I believe it's just my binding com I'll make sure I link the stuff down below that I'm talking about you can get all kind of colors I really like gold I also have some silver ones around here somewhere but yeah here we go and this is the wire Oh binding and I have the two-to-one ratio because I picked that it basically a two-to-one ratio I could think it's a the amount of space between these little coils here and for the cinch the one that I have in particular that's the ratio for that so I kind of wanted to make sure that what I purchased matched up with this machine because obviously if the coils don't match up then it's just not gonna be too good and you're gonna be really upset that you wasted money on whatever it is so make sure you research that a little bit but two to one if you get this one that I have it's this black and white one right here I like it these are pretty decent I think I could definitely find some that are a little bit too sturdy here but since it's handmade and it's at home it really works well and with this particular situation with this workbook I think that it'll work nicely so I am going to probably multitask me too a couple things to the box but then I will show you guys how to actually coil this I'm going to print the other one off I'm actually doing two I got two new clients I'm so thankful to god I'm so excited to be working with these women to help them start their businesses this is just so cool like I just can't believe it so I'm gonna print that off print the cover off and I'll show you where I'm at and kind of lay everything out and we can figure out how the heck to bind this eight-and-a-half by eleven size my level of inspired notebook is a nine by six so it's definitely smaller I have all of this setting set up for that one but this should to me be easier so we'll see and I'll show you guys how I test it out to make sure like where the holes go and everything okay so now I'm going to show you guys the paper cutter that I use I've had this paper cutter for I think the last almost three years now one thing I will say about this thing or if you get something similar to this is really be careful I had a pretty bad injury on my thumb this thumb in particular I actually cut off like quite a big chunk of this top right corner of my thumbnail which went into my skin it took about a year to completely heal honestly like it was really really bad like this thing will take something off in a minute so if you do get something like this be careful it's definitely not super safe for kids so what I've done is I have mine pushed all the way up against the wall in the back the blade is down this thing is completely off so like just some tips for if you do do it to kind of keep it childproof and then there's even more you can do like there's a little thing that goes in front of this to make it even safer but right now she's still kind of small so she can't really get into it yet but I will definitely probably put that extra piece on probably soon as well so I someone's got a disclaimer out there cuz I never want anybody to go run and get anything as I suggested it and then get injured and be like well talk to you I said so just wanted out there but besides that I love this thing it cuts up to about 500 pieces of paper depending on what the thickness of the paper is typically if it's like a standard like 20 pound computer paper you could probably do 500 if it's something a little bit thicker like I was mentioning the 28 pound or 30 pound or some cardstock you won't be able to get as much on but you can get quite a bit so I'm gonna change the camera round so you guys can see but this is the result of the books that I printed out I have two of them right here basically I wanted to have no white space on these sides and this is how it printed off for me so I'm gonna just cut the white space off and I'm gonna keep all of the workbook pages in here so if you're doing something similar with the journal you'll want to make sure you have your margins and stuff set up different things you can do you want to make sure you count for the binding so so this is a good example of what I mean you guys can tell so over here on this page this is the inside this is the outside so the inside margin is a little thicker because I'm going to be binding it and then the outside margin is gonna be a little bit thinner because it's the side that's not getting anything on it so you want to kind of factor that into your design when you're doing it but yeah I did mine an InDesign but you can do it in canvas and a lot of people do journal designs in canva a lot of different things I just really am a Adobe suite girl personally so I do all my stuff within this Dobby suite and when I do my notebooks the same thing my notebook is and InDesign as well it's really hard to tell you guys exactly our genes for that stuff because it's all gonna be different depending on the size but again I would just factor in the side that's gonna have the binding on it you want it to be a little bit more space so that you don't cut off your printed part and then the parts coming outside can be more long what I'm gonna have to get her to do something cuz I can't get using this ball she's right here but I'll be back with you guys in this thing okay so we finished the cutting for the most part of this process works pretty well with anything like if you're this is something you're going to be doing regularly I would highly suggest once you figure out the appropriate places to cut the best thing to do is definitely mark it on your thing I'll show you guys the little marks I have okay so this is if you guys can see I've already put it back on where it goes but I have all these little marks on here and I have a little one the tubes kind of marked out he's planning to make these a little bit clear for myself three four right there for those numbers that's what I used for my a5 inserts so I use this to cut a lot of different things my journals my a5 planner inserts these workbooks all of those different things so there's a lot of stuff you can do with a paper cutter like this I'm thinking about investing in a new one that will actually be like a they haven't like it a call like laser cutters or something after look into it and see exactly what it is how it works but I'm thinking about getting that in today because I wanted to replace the blade on this one but I'm like you know what maybe I'll look into something a little bit more upgraded so I'm gonna look at it out definitely keep the guys posted if I do that and when I do it these are all cut down I cut off all the whites on that sides and so the next step is to laminate so typically I would laminate the front and back cover but I'm actually this is the only two laminating sheets I have left so luckily this is just for my workbooks and I'm gonna just make sure that the front cover of these are laminated so just really simple depending on your notebook you'll probably want well you will want to laminate both I would suggest getting the 5 millimeter lamination sheets if you can I think these are three millimeter that I'm using today but five millimeters it's just that extra thickness to help you to make sure the stuff is really sturdy and this is the laminator did I use you guys I also do have man can you sit down I got this machine from Walmart and it's like 20 or 25 dollars or something and it serves me very well you can get the laminating sheets in bulk off of Amazon I highly suggest getting them off of Amazon because they're just a lot cheaper and you can get a lot more for your money versus getting them off of oh just like out of the regular store it's just typically and I've noticed that with a lot of stuff that is just sometimes better to get it on Amazon it's just a lot more affordable okay and then I'm gonna go ahead and push these screws I'm gonna do this and then this shows you so there's two different settings on here you got three millimeter five millimeter I'm gonna just use three because like I said these are just the three but you would select that setting but you guys see there's there's a lot of work that goes into it so you have to justify if you feel like it's worth doing it by hand or if you would rather get it done and I don't fault you either way there's the pros and cons to doing both the pros this is approach to doing it yourself obviously and that you kind of cut off that middleman so you get that extra income you can pocket it but on flipside if you do it yourself but if you do it yourself then you have all of that labor to do yourself that's where you have to just kind of weigh it out like what makes more sense and of course you have to initially invest in all of the equipment to begin with so you know like the good printer I can show you guys the printer that I use to I use this Canon laser printer I have a Canon inkjet printer and I use both of those together to make it happen because my laser printer doesn't always have the best color print quality but it does amazing with grayscale and like black and white all that stuff perfect so I always do my inside pages with the blazer printer toner lasts forever it feels like it does anyway so I highly suggest laser if you're gonna be doing some like on-demand kind of like bulk printing highly suggest that but then if you want to get like the really nice print quality for the covers or like I'll insert a picture of my little Oh inspire note which is a full-color cover then that I print on the inkjet so that's why I have two different ones and so I like to run these through two times just to make sure that it is completely sealed and it doesn't usually do any harm to it or anything it's just my way of making sure that it is good to go [Music] all right so it's a completely different day now I don't even know the last thing I showed you guys but I do have this stuff still sitting here from my last clip and I want to show you guys oh look I got this new hat from Michaels the other day it's the go wild brand they have a whole little end cap and I went in there to look for that this is us release so that I could support some of my fellow ladies but they didn't have it on Michaels so I'm gonna go back in a few days but anyway I ended up getting this little hat and I just think it's so cute says no fake brands I've been wanting to get some hats here because this side of New Mexico y'all is no joke it will burn your whole body off if you're not careful so yeah I needed to do that but basically let's get back on task so I went ahead and these are laminated both of them are good to go and then I decided to not laminate the back covers I don't know if I'm gonna regret that or not but right now that's the choice that I've made but this is the back cover just got the logo on there so all of this excess on the side I'm gonna cut it down one suggestion I'm gonna give you guys - so I mentioned already about the size of the pages that's gonna be completely custom depending on what you're coming up with when you're doing the cover with this style of DIY notebook you can have a couple of options so you can either make it the same size as the pages which is what I did for this I kind of wanted it to be more of like a close knit thing like this another option is you could leave some of the this laminating paper you could leave some of this on the side if you want to have more room you want the cover to be larger than the pages which is nice because it'll protect it I'm sure a lot of the planners and journals you have are like this I can show you guys an example let me see if I can find one so like this day designer for example this is a different style of course but you'll kind of see what I'm saying like the pages are just a smidge smaller the best way shows smaller than the actual cover and so I mean in this case it looks like they probably did Oh point two-five difference so if you're designing getting you're like okay I do want my cover to be a little bit bigger on the sides it looked like they went with 0.5 difference so you can see pages are down here and then there's the cover so kind of think about that while you're designing before you print everything and all of that because that's the time to make those decisions of how big you want stuff to be so you can either go with it being closed like here isn't one of my live up inspired notebooks and this one I ended up doing kind of like a point two-five all the way around and then of course over here everything is kind of flush together so this sides a little bit different but it just really depends on your preference how you want it to look but I just wanted to throw that out there so for this one everything is flushed together I'm not doing anything larger than the other so I'm gonna cut them down and I'll show you guys what I use for that process I just use this a little simple paper cutter and you can I probably will leave just a little bit of room on the sides but you don't have to when you do this stuff at home with this laminating at home that's why I run it through two times to make sure it's really secure it on there so again another preference and as you play around with this stuff you'll really get a feel for what works best for you and what just doesn't [Music] I don't know how long this video is at this point but I like to be thorough I'm going to give you guys a tutorial I want to make sure I cover all bases and so basically with this this is the cinch it is from we are memory keepers this is the Heidi Swapp one but they have ones that are not how you swap like it's just the regulars we are memory keepers and they have different ones they have some where you can do circle holes this one is the square hole one so this is the finish on there you get the squares like that most of the things I have are square like this is some of my notebooks I get manufactured they're square so I kind of just stuck with that theme but they do have one that is circular if you prefer that look that would be up to you and again I mentioned you guys this is the two to one ratio as well that's important to note with any binding machine you get because it's going to help you to know what size coils to get and there's a couple of functions that happen with this thing so basically what I like to do usually is I'll make a test page let's do that I like to grab a test page because I did end up cutting these pages down from the normal size of what they would be I suggest you same width if your cover is a different size make a test cover page and make a test interest page or whatever you call it so basically here we go we got the Machine these little pegs are the actual holes if for some reason you don't want a hole to happen you take it out so this is actually the thing that I usually use for my little of inspire notebook I'll end up pulling out six and seven when I go around and do the second set of punching so I'll show you guys what I mean push them in that means the punches pull them out and it won't so it'll miss that hole if you pull it out and a little page so they have this little measuring thing on here which I use somewhat but not in the way you may think I just wanted to hold the paper so I know where to start and this is what I end up doing cuz it's just too much to figure out so I usually just leave it like it is and then I do the first punch so let's do that and I like to do it this way because I know that this is gonna be correct the bottom is gonna be just enough distance and all of that then I can flip it also this punches up to 20 pieces of paper depending on the thickness that's gonna vary it just really depends on how like if you're doing cardstock you know you definitely can't do 20 pieces you might be able to get like eight and then I'm gonna pull this out and then this little thing over here there's this little white peg or might be a different color on the machine you get for this little white piece this you push it down and it holds the paper in place while you're punching and you can lift it up so I'll show you guys what I'm saying here so I'm gonna put this in and I think I'm gonna do it on maybe like the second or the third basically like I'm counting these so one two three the third one down I'm gonna put it on there and this is where the mess-ups tend to happen cuz it's like I don't know where to do it so imma show you guys the best way I can explain this within my logic hopefully it makes if not there's plenty of tutorials on how to use this machine that are probably way better than this one I think I watched like two and then I was like I'm figuring out but okay so over here you guys can see here's the paper and here's the punches so I like to be careful and make sure that I'm not accidentally punching the edge of the paper so I will actually undo the ones over there that I think might hit the edge just to be safe and then I'm gonna go ahead and punch it and let's see what happened see what happens perfect I could almost go up one more I just feel like if I do it may be an issue but let me just try it and see I'm gonna put this back on there I'm gonna close down nine now or push it nine and then let's see what nice and then this would be my first test okay so see how oh yeah yeah okay another thing you can do too with the test pages is if you need to just cut off the side if you need to redo something let's just redo it and I'm doing this with you guys for the first time we did size page you can see how this process though we're gonna do the first punch then we're gonna go down the hole number three I don't know why that's the one I'm just going with um actually maybe I'll go with hole number two let's try that way this time okay I'm gonna just punch it all and see if I this is a little close though see you know I'm not gonna go with that well let's just see so you guys can see I'm sorry if I like what is she so here we go see how now it's like so close to here so then you have to adjust down here and so this is where it starts getting kind of like what this may be where I'm not using the machine completely the right way okay so I had to do some I had to do some playing around for a second but basically this is what I decided on y'all if I click off some on my paper it's getting out but it really helps it's like this is one of my hex like I'm not gonna keep getting a new piece paper just cut it down there's all you need to know it's the length so what I decide to do is for the first punch I'm literally just moving the paper up like three of these little marks here on the ruler and it's hard to show if I can get a little closer know if that's gonna help it all but yeah three three of these marks here I'm just gonna move it up not even where I wrote here but just like one two three so I'm doing that on the third one and punching my clothes on my hand okay so there's that I'm going to count to the second one here put it on that little peg and then punch again and I'm not lifting up anything cuz the way the spacing is and this is where it just gets like you gotta just trying to play around with it unless you are like an expert with this machine and you can just do with the measurements I'm not so it takes me a little bit longer but it does end up working out so here's the not the side but here's the final and so now we can get into actually punching the sheets because now I know what I'm doing so back up here and I mentioned this is a thicker paper I think this is like twenty five eight pound paper I believe so I don't know how much could fit in here let's go with I'm just gonna grab a handful and see okay I'm gonna do all those first [Music] [Music] all right so we have reached the last part of this whole thing which is the binding part so I just got done punching all of my holes and stuff so you guys can slow I've sped it up but basically once you figure out where the stuff this is going like you test it out then the rest of the process becomes pretty seamless and then as you make more like if you're gonna be selling these for example as you make more you'll already know your settings on the Cinch so you won't have to worry about it or whichever binding machine you use and again I know they're all different so this may not be helpful for with another one I'm not sure but anyway now I'm gonna find it so oh I forgot to do the covers let me do those really quick okay and sometimes when I do the covers I noticed that it'll kind of hang on to the what does it call the thermal laminating material so you can just cut it off or spiral it off I just go like this to get those off usually alright so now what I'm gonna show you guys how to bind it what's machine like you literally can do three different things with this so we punched now I'm going to find it so I'll put them you put it together like this make sure thing lines up it doesn't mean you would have to like reprint something and start over this is happy to me before it's why I can feel that I can feel that from that those times that's happened but anyway you can see it you can see through so we know it's all lined up and then I have my back cover on there okay so what you'll do is you will literally take the front or the back cover and you're gonna put it almost like you're flipping it towards the front you're gonna flip it on like that so now if just to show you guys if I was to open this up it would be like that cover I just literally flipped the back cover over so now we're on another part of this we're on this side with these little like things sticking out and I'm just gonna put my binding wire right on there like that and this is a wire oh by the way I don't know if I mentioned that so I'm just gonna place this directly on here and I always forget which side but I think this is the right the right side and remember you want that back cover on top yeah and so when you put this on the reason what the back cover on top is because when you close everything down you want these things of the wire to be in the back of the notebook cause it's just that's just the way it is so that's basically my explanation for that and also you will need a pair of wire cutters nine times out of ten you'll probably end up cutting off some of the excess so just keep that in mind so I'm gonna pull this off now and we have it ready to go and now a third part of the machine which is probably my favorite part is you flip it to this side and now you have this part over here where you can actually adjust this first of all and you will know how big your binding coil is I actually think the setting I have it on should work will see fingers crossed if not you can always you can always pull the wire off and redo it but you want to make sure that how these are like I'm able to put my hand up against this this is exactly how you want it to be flush flat to the part here and another little tip that I've learned too is when you're doing this make sure that the edge of this is not crimping down on like one of these unless it's completely on it so like for example this one right here I don't know if you guys can see I'll try to zoom in and the editing but this one right here is really close to this so you want to just move it over a bit to make sure that it doesn't smash it down because then it'll make it crooked and it will not look good so I'm gonna go ahead and clamp this one down between 5/8 and 3/4 there's these little measurements on here and I'm just gonna cramp it yeah clamp it clamp it and let's see how they did and I actually think I might need it to be smaller so let me go tight perfect okay then we're gonna do the other side now okay perfect so I did it all the way around and then this is where the wire cutter comes in together okay great this is what it looks like closed and I'm sure you guys know that from like just normal notebooks and then I literally just cut off the excess there's just this little piece hanging that's not on anything I'm just gonna snip it off so now we flip it back over and we have our little bind at work it's cute right all right so I feel like this was a really long video but I hope that this tutorial was very in-depth and it helped you oh this tutorial was very in-depth and it helped you with getting your binding together and so like I mentioned again this is this was like a rough draft version my little of inspire notebook I'm since really got it down but this is was the very first notebook that I made and it was all the binding was off you know stuff like that I'll try to insert a picture of what it looks like now you the more you do is you'll get more comfortable give yourself the time to play around with it I always just saying I think I may or may not have mentioned this at the beginning of this video but it's up to you how you want to do things there are tons of manufacturers out there that can do this process for you you know like not everybody wants to sit down and do this you know cuz if someone places order okay well now you have to create it so things to keep in mind this is my laser printer by the way you guys to make sure I'm covering everything I will here that's the model it's the canon imageclass f 6 3 2 CD W it has toner which these little things the toner lasts a really long time and so this is why I suggest a laser printer if you're planning on doing like grayscale black-and-white printing I mean really even color as well it just prints a lot at a time and it's not like you're running out I was inkjet if you were to print something I was the princess on my inkjet printer I might have been able to get like three of these done and then my ink would be gone whereas with the toner I could probably print like 10 of these and still probably have some left so it just really depends but these turned out really cute I'm so excited to send these to my clients I knows they may or may not watch this video but so excited to work with you guys hey you guys that is basically how you make your own notebooks I just wanted to share this process with you because I know for many of us like how I've been for the last couple of years you want to cut the middleman out and just try to do some stuff yourself a lot of new RDI wires like I am and I'm always a person of trying to figure out something how to do it on my own to save money I'm actually moving out of the handmade notebook a little bit and actually gonna probably work with some system manufacturers I'm moving into that which I can always show you guys with that process in a future video as I get more into I have another video coming soon I just want to give some updates about my shop and kind of what's gonna be happening with it there's some changes some pauses and different things that I'll be sharing soon but anyway let me know down in the comments below if you have any questions about anything that I covered in this video I know I kind of was all over the place with it and I've been filming this over the last I don't know how many days so it's some time to trying to remember what I talked about and what I didn't but all in all the whole point of this was just to empower you with the knowledge that you can do this yourself if you want to it's a really easy process and there's even more types of binding cover options like you can make your own hardcover stuff as well and put like those little corners on the ends I've never done that because I'm not the best with that glue and stuff but there's lots of other things you can do besides just this one way I showed you so definitely take a look around on YouTube lots of videos to show that as well but anyway I'll see you guys next time if you haven't already subscribed to my channel for more videos like this and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Tatiana Muse
Views: 183,423
Rating: 4.9225273 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a notebook, diy notebook tutorial, we r memory keepers, diy notebook, we r memory keepers cinch, the cinch, diy journal notebook, how to make your own notebook, handmade notebook tutorial, the stationery muse, the cinch book binding machine, how to use the cinch binding tool, how to make and sell your own notebooks, start a stationery business, how to start a stationery company, tatiana muse, how to start a business
Id: LtxIPi0Uv-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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