How To Design Your Own Custom Badge

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what's up guys Charlie pangas here welcome to another tutorial today I'm going to be showing you guys how to make your own custom badge design using Illustrator let's go and hop into illustrator now and get alright so we're in Illustrator we are ready to rock and roll we're going to be creating the same batch design that I have here so the goal for this design today is to use things that relate to you so you're going to use your first and last name you're going to put your occupation down here whatever it is you do and then we're going to be putting dreaming to be a successful whatever it is you want a dream to do so I put youtuber because my dream is to be a successful youtuber so you're going to put whatever it is that you dream to do right there and then you're going to put the state or country or from right here in the middle finally we're also going to be putting the year we were born I was born in 1991 so it's separated 19 on the Left 91 on the right we're going to be doing the exact same thing there obviously you're going to put your own birthday but you get the point now this is going to be really fun and by the end of this you're going to have something that looks like this right here we are not going to be doing the color one today but as I said in the intro if you guys want to see the color one let me know and we will do some color on this okay so with all that being said I want to create another art board so I can create the fresh design on this blank art board so if you guys are familiar you can create different art boards in Illustrator and they basically act like literally different art boards you can create art within that art board and you can Center it around that art board which is really cool so I have like four of them right here yeah so I have four of them right here and you can create as many as you want really I don't think there's a limit and I'm using a 600 pixel by 600 pixel document and you're probably asking yourself why are you doing such a small document size well this is a vector image so you can resize it to anything you want so there's no point in sizing your document up to like 15 inches by 15 inches there's literally no point I had a friend of mine tell me that and I was like wait a minute you have a really good point so I don't do that anymore so anyway 600 pixels by 600 pixels and let's get this going so we're using a 12-point stroke today for this design and that's going to be consistent with the entire design okay we don't want to switch up the strokes because we want them to be consistent so it looks consistent if make sense it needs to look good right basically just going to walk you through sign so we're going to go ahead and go to the circle here and we're just going to draw it a circle holding and shift that way I said draw out but I meant drag out you get the point so we're going to drag on a circle and we want to change that to a stroke we just want that to be a black stroke and again we're going with a twelve-point stroke here just so we can keep that consistency so we have a twelve-point stroke we're going to make sure everything's centered vertically and horizontally which it is so we are good now what I want to do is select it and we can actually go up to copy and then we can do paste in front now there's going to be a copy in front which you can't see it but if we go to this right corner you'll see these arrows appear if you holding shift and alt and drag down it's going to evenly drag it down okay proportionately drag it down and that's what we want so we need a copy like the same width as this one right here try to get as close as we can which that looks pretty good next thing I want to do is create these ovals so all I have to do to do that is just do control V since I already copied the other circle and basically resize it like this and we can actually Center it to the artboard and that's the cool thing about our boards you can Center things to it so everything's nice and centered and it looks beautiful so and then also if I hold an alt and drag down from the top it's going to create that nice oval and I can also recenter it again just to make sure and then I could drag this to the right here and then I can group all these just like this and I do this a lot I'll group things just to Center them to the artboard so I grouped both ovals and then I've centered it to the artboard and that's what we want we want it to look nice and centered and it's looking great the next thing I would like to do is lay down the last circle because we are missing one inside so I could just do pasted in place that's already copied the last circle we're literally just using the same circle over and over again which is kind of cool because it saves us a lot of work that's looking really good so far now what we need to do is add these little dividers where YouTube is right here because that's basically dividing the bottom Ward up it's just something I like to do you don't even have to add those if you don't want to it's really it really depends on the style that you're going for but that's the style I like so we're going to go and section that off using this line tool and I often use the line tool I think it's a great tool it's called the line segment tool and then what we want to do is we just want to like click once or here it doesn't matter website you can click and hold and then drag to wherever you want it and I'm actually going to hold in space and move it around a little bit more we're going to drag it to about right there and that's looking good as you guys can see it's the same stroke width and that's simply because illustrator remembered what stroke width we've been using for this design and that's why I love illustrator so much it really makes your workflow on just seamless it's too easy almost you know so now what I want to do is I want to duplicate this so I'm going to hold an alt and drag to the right and it also needs to be flicked because it is facing the wrong direction so we just right click go to transform and then reflect and then you want to reflect it vertically okay and you can also use the reflect tool so before I actually Center this to the artboard what I want to do is I want to select both of them real quick and I want to go up to this little document looking icon here and I want to go to align to selection and I just want to Center those together first is doing it on the artboard because if I did it on the artboard here's what would happen it would Center it on the artboard I don't want that so I'm going to align to selection just to make sure they're aligned with each other or else things can look a little off then after that we can go back to align to artboard we can do ctrl G since they're still selected and that groups them both together and then we can send them to the artboard which they are Center now so we're looking good right there and we're basically halfway there guys we're more than halfway there I always like to add the frames first and then add everything else last just because it works with my workflow better if that makes sense you might want to do text first and then lay all the frames around the text but this I found is the best way it's just easier to do it this way so we just lay down the frames and I always like to do that first because it makes everything else easier like laying down the text and the object in the center and all that other stuff so that's just my preference you can definitely do this any order you want but I definitely found this easier so I want to start laying down some text now some type and I'm using a font called classic for that so if you guys want to look it up it's polka kay it's just classic and you guys can download that online in order to create the nice arc we have on the texture we're going to be creating some type tasks we're going to use the same objects we have to do that and I'm going to show you exactly how we do that so we're going to select this on our hair on the inside and we're going to actually go to edit copy we're going to go to paste in front and now that's going to be in front you won't be able to see but if I change the color you'll see it so as you can see it is in the front then we want to go over to the left here and go to the type on tap tool type on a path tool and we want to actually hover over the line that we just selected or the shape that we just selected which is a circle and you're going to see this little wavy line up here you just left-click once and it's going to actually put text around that path now what I want to do is type in my name since we're putting our first and last name on the very top if your name's really long you can abbreviate it it's totally up to you so now the thing is obviously the text is not in the right place as you guys can see there's this faint blue line and if you hover over it has a basically line in the arrow up and if you left click on that you can actually drag that around the text path and put it all the way to the top like you want it and then we can actually double click on the text and resize it so now we need to resize it until we are happy with the sizing so I chose 83 points for the top text and it's also going to be for the bottom text so we might have to change that later on depending on how everything is going to fit in here but 83 seems to be fine now what I need to do is change the line height because it's hugging this inner circle and I do not want that so I need to go to my character palette here and then go to my line spacing all the way at the bottom left and you can actually set the baseline shift here and it's basically a line height but it they call a baseline shift and then you can actually just go up with that so go up in the points and just kind of eye it and make sure it's centered and this looks good so I'm good with that and so we have the top text already and that was pretty easy right really didn't take too much time it's a little small I think because there's still so much space right here but we're just going to play by ear and see what happens to the bottom text and we might even raise the text size a little bit so we'll figure it out I want to do is I actually want to duplicate my name and use it for the bottom so I'll show you how to do that go to coffee dude paste in place so again once you paste it in place it's going to be on the top and if you guys change the color you'll see that so charlie ping gets the duplicate copies on the top now we can actually take this middle line and basically drag it down if it works we can track it down and we need it to look just like this so coffee me on this and it will work every time I promise we wanted to hug the inner circle here but we want it to be readable we don't want it to be upside down and it's not upside down so we're good now we can go back to the character palette and make sure the baseline shift is fixed because right now it's at 17 like it was on the top and it's being forced inside the circle we don't want that keep messing with the baseline shift until it's centered between both those lines the top and bottom line and once it's centered then you guys are done I'm going to show you guys a little trick to change this letter spacing because right now it is way too spaced out so if you just select on the text once hold it all and hit the left arrow key you can change the letter spacing so it's really really easy so as you can see it looks much better now the one thing I'm noticing is the font size needs to be increased so what we're going to do is we're going to increase that but first I want to put graphic designer' down here before we do that just to see where we're at here so I'm putting my occupation down here and I can also change the letter spacing again so again I'm going to hold alt and just go left with my arrow key and that will change the letter spacing and I'm going to change the font size a little bit I think I want to go to like 90 with it we'll see what 90 looks like 90 is looking good so we can do 90 for the top as well so 90s gives for the top as well and we do need to change that baseline shift because it looks like it's a little off so we'll change that baseline shift for the bottom end top same thing guys we're just using this tool to our advantage making everything easy on us so yeah that's looking really good and we're using 90 point font and that's that's basically it for that before I get into the dreaming to be a successful youtuber texts I actually want to put the year I was born down because that's the easiest part so we're going to actually go to our T tool or you can just go to the left here and hit your T tool key on the keyboard is the easiest way to get to that and I'm going to type out 19 and what we want to do is actually zero out the letter spacing so we need to go to the VA and just hit 0 and enter and that will basically get rid of that spacing that we had I'll put it at default which is 0 and then what we want to do is duplicate it once and just do 91 so now we have 90 91 and they're on their own text line and that's what we want and we need to just resize it a little bit and basically put it in place first and see if it looks good that actually does look good I got lucky but usually if it doesn't look good just resizing it until you are happy with it once you set the year you were born in those circles you can actually do ctrl shift o and that will outline the text and from there we can actually Center it to selection just to make sure it looks good with each other and it does and we can kind of reposition it a little bit and what we want to do is group them both so select them both holding and shift and once you do that you could do ctrl G and that will group them and then you just want to align them to the actual artboard and they are aligned so that looks good and I just moved it down one notch so 1991 is set in place our first and last name set in place and our occupation we were flying guys we're doing really good we're going to do the same thing we did for the outside text okay so what we want to do is just duplicate the middle circle here and use that as a text tab so we're doing the same thing here guys so edit copy and then you want to do paste in front once you duplicated that circle go to your type on a path tool here and then you want to actually hover over that duplicate copy of the circle that you just made and you'll see this little wavy line just like you did on the top text and then you left click and it's going to actually input that text and it's going to put lorem ipsum so it's just going to be default and then you just start typing something real quick we can change it later on now we need to make some adjustments so if I go to my selection tool err or hit V on my keyboard I can move this text around the work path that we just created and I'm going to put it on the top here and what we want to do is we want to change the text size because it's way too big right now and we want to keep a nice amount of space on the top and bottom just like we did right here so we kind of have to eye it and make sure it's the same or at least similar so it looks consistent so just like that and so we have all this gibberish right here so we need to actually type out the same text away part here and we put dreaming to be a successful youtuber so we want to do dreaming to be a successful on top here so dreaming to be a success ful and that is way too spaced out so we can hold an alt again you don't need to select it by the way so you can hold an alt hit the left arrow key just like that and as you can see we put it around the text and if you want to space it out you could just to fill up some more room it looks like it probably could use it so let's do the same thing we did for the top we're going to select the text and then go to edit copy we're going to paste that in front so the middle line will be hiding at the bottom here like mine if yours might be in a different spot but just basically look for that line and it controls the font that we just duplicated okay and we want to make sure it's in the center of the circle hair like this once your font looks like this inside of the circle tugging the inside of the circle and it's readable it's not upside-down or anything like that you guys are ready to go what we need to do now is change not only the baseline shift but we also need to change the letter spacing so it fits within this bottom rectangle here that has an arc to it so what we're going to do is go to character again change that baseline shift real fast actually before we do that basically delete everything else by dreaming believe that space at the end too and then type in youtuber so that's already ready to go now we can change that baseline shift just like I was saying and we don't need to select it by the way so unselected if you're selecting it cuz it's easier to see and we just need to make sure it's centered within that box and it's looking good right there now we can select the text again and hold an all gold left on our arrow key and change that letter spacing until it sort of matches with the other letters here these ones can probably be spaced out even a little bit more and don't be scared to space things out it's totally fine especially if you need to fill up some room or I move on I didn't notice we have a lot of spacer here that's empty and I don't really like that so one way we can fix that is just by ungrouping these lines here that we created and basically moving it over a little bit just to create a little bit more room on each side to make it look a little more even because it did look a little off to me so that's all you have to do just make those small adjustments you could duplicate it again transform it reflect it vertically and basically do the same process over again it doesn't take very long and you make it look that much better if you made it this far congratulations I know this is kind of a long process but once you get the process down and actually practice it you guys can do this and literally less than like 10 minutes that's how fast this stuff really is so we're actually going to move on now we're going to move on to the center piece and finally we're going to add like these round corners over here basically just fine-tune things and make it look that much better for the final and that's really easy to do and you guys are going to be really shocked by how easy that is to do so that's going to be the fun part but anyway we're going to drag my country here and I'm from the United States so you guys can drag your own country and - illustrator and vectorize it or find a free vector of your country and use it in this design so I decided to add some lines behind United States because I didn't want to just drag my country and call it done because it just looks so blank and there's like literally nothing in the center with too much white space for my liking so what I did to avoid that is I just created some lines in the background and I'll show you exactly how I did that I just go to the circle here the shape tool here go to the circle or it's called the ellipse and illustrator and you can just hold and shift and drag out a circle it doesn't need to be that big though you can drag it down a little bit and then I just used the line segment tool here and I drew out some vertical lines and I just made the stroke not I don't want a too thick but I don't want it too thin either if that makes sense because you still have to be able to see them and I think that's a good stroke width and then all you have to do is basically duplicate it a bunch of times we're going to be using the alignment tools to fix the alignment on these so it doesn't have to be perfect once you created enough lines to fill up your circle all you have to do is select all of them and then you can actually go to the vertical distribute center and that will make sure they're all evenly spaced out and then you can actually do ctrl G and group them all and then the next thing I want to do is just change my circle to bread that way I could see what I'm doing here and we're going to be using the Pathfinder tool so if you don't see Pathfinder all you have to do is go up to window and go to Pathfinder or shift ctrl f9 and that will actually bring up Pathfinder for you now I'm just going to drag my circle in these lines here so it's nice and centered and we can actually Center everything just like I showed you guys so I'm aligning it to selection and just basically centering it it doesn't really matter you don't have to Center it but I like to make sure everything looks nice and even and the circle needs to be in the front so we can actually select the lines and do ctrl shift and the left bracket on our keyboard and that will send it all the way to the back or you can right click arrange and send to back does the same exact thing so the next thing I do before we actually exclude the lines from the circles I just want to select the lines and actually expand those I should've did that before so now that those are expanded all I have to do is select everything and then I can actually go to this one right here that says crop and it will make those lines perfect for us so now you can see the lines are ready to go and we can drag that in the center of our design and I'm going to actually align that to my artboard so once those lines are done what we can do is just drag the United States and Center and make sure that's all Center - and figure out the sizing we don't need it to be too big but we don't want it to be too small either basically keeping it within those lines that we just created it's fine and we can make sure that's centered again I can make it even a little smaller than that so that's all set in place we're basically done now but as a bonus what I'm going to do is actually add these rounded corners and I'll show you exactly how I did that as well I'm going to create a new artboard real quick and we're going to duplicate it and bring it over here in order for this to work we need to expand everything in order to expand it it's actually pretty easy all you have to do is go up to object just like we did before and what you want to do is expand appearance and then if you go up to object again you'll be able to expand it again and then you can do expand everything basically so make sure stroke fill an object is checked click OK and sometimes you have to do this twice which is fine it's already expanded so we're good I don't know why but sometimes the illustrator doesn't expand it perfectly the first time so you can actually just do it twice and I'll make sure everything is expanded correctly and then once you expanded it everything is going to look a little differently and but that's ok now what we could do is actually merge everything together by using the merge on Pathfinder here so now we can start selecting each corner that we want rounded and we can use the tools illustrator gives us to round it so let me show you how that works so we select all the corners on this top part right here and the bottom part and I'm holding in shift Y select these ok and that's so it selects everything at once not literally everything but everything we're selecting so once all those are selected you're going to see these white little circles with a solid circle in the center really really tiny up here and once you see that you can go to any corner and you'll see a quarter circle up here once you see that all you have to do is drag up and it will actually make those rounded so we don't want to round them too much because you can go crazy with it see but we don't want to do that we just want to go up a little bit on the middle parts here on the middle banner parts we're actually going to go crazy with this we're going to make them completely rounded just because I thought it'd look really cool in the center here so we're going to select all corners again of all the things that we want around and I'm doing sections as you can see instead of doing it all at once I'm just doing sections so I did the outside first and then I'm doing the inside now I'm just going to go to the left corner drag up just look for the upside down smiley face looking icon and then once you see that you could drag up and you will Brown the corners completely so as you can see it looks really nice now it gives the different Phil just like that you guys created your own custom badge using illustrator it's pretty easy right all you have to do is use those custom shapes use those strokes and lay down some text to put it all together and make a really cool batch design and I hope I simplified it enough for you guys and if you guys like this tutorial please hit that thumbs up button let me know what you thought about it in the comment section below and if you want to see it colored let me know and I might do a tutorial on that but that's it for this video guys as always follow me on instagram at Charli pingas I'm always on there you guys can ask me questions follow me say hi whatever it is you want to do you guys rock I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 20,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charleypangus, How To Design Your Own Custom Badge, design your own badge, custom badge design, graphics, badge, adobe illustrator, badge design illustrator, how to design, tutorial, graphic design, design inspiration, learn, how to design a logo 2017, best illustrator tutorials, free illustrator tutorial, vector, vector badge, step by step tutorials, adobe, logo illustrator 2017, illustrator design, tutorial adobe illustrator
Id: HQFPFYu802k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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