How To Make Shirt Designs - Episode 1 #Photoshop

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what is up YouTube mirrors my name is Charlie pangas with char Media Group today I'm very excited to announce a new series that I started it's called how to make a shirt design this is episode 1 they say this series is mainly to show you guys how to create awesome shirt designs in Photoshop using simple tools that are already at your disposal a lot of people ask me what kind of images you use for your designs are how do you get them or whatever a lot of the times you don't even need an image from Google or whatever it is or you don't need to draw it you can find it on Photoshop or you can use simple shapes to make cool designs that don't technically need an image now if you're the type of person that draws you can easily draw a image and transfer to Photoshop and illustrator for that matter and create something awesome out of it for your next shirt design but in this series like I said I'm going to be going over a lot of the simple stuff that you can do with Photoshop and then in the long run we're going to be creating cool stuff with it so there's not a lot of technicality here it's going to be really simple for you guys to pick up and that's the whole goal of this series is to teach you guys how to create your designs in the most simple manner obviously people want to learn stuff quick and they don't want to know the rocket science behind how to make a shirt design so with that being said I'm like I said I'm very excited to start this series for you guys I've been planning this for a while and I've been making guys wait so this is my way of giving back and you guys have already supported me so much so I just wanted to thank you for that but without further ado I'm gonna get started on this episode one design this one's actually going to be really simple I think on this one I'm gonna be going over is I had I had in mind this Sun with a banner and mountains in the background and it's like kind of like a camping sure design really laid-back design not too much going on with it but the whole purpose of this episode one is to kind of introduce this serious so again we're gonna be using a lot of these simple tools at Photoshop so anyway instead of talking all day I'm gonna actually get started and show you guys what how this is go down so um first off I I like doing stings with the circle tool for some reason or the ellipse tool you can call it a head mine I'm going to work with like a Sun or something like that so with that being said I'm gonna go and draw a circle out right away because I already know I'm gonna be working with that I'm gonna name this Sun I know it's not a Sun but it can technically be a Sun because guess what a Suns round right so we're gonna go ahead and just draw a Sun out a circle out and all I do to do that is I went to my shape tool here and I went to uh the ellipse tool right here and I just held a shift and then I dragged it out and that's what how I got that so I'm gonna go ahead and do it one more time drag a holding shift on my keyboard and I drag it out and I can resize this any time just by doing command T holding in shift and control and I can resize it evenly see and that's shift in control so now what I had in mind was also a banner so I'm gonna go ahead and draw a banner out here from scratch again I don't need to draw this on a pen and paper I can just take this tool with this rectangle tool and create a banner so I'm going to go and do that so there's my banner guys right there see and now I'm thinking I kind of want the banner to be an outline I don't want to be solid a lot of the times I don't like to work with a lot of solid shapes I like to add outlines to them so what I'm going to do is I drew this rectangle out which you guys can do easily just by going using that shape tool and you're going to notice a lot we're using this shape tool so much it's going to be it's going to be a very common thing to use so get used to the shape tool palette here it's got a bunch of different shapes in it but it also has custom shapes but we're not going to get into that just yet we will in a little bit so so draw that rectangle out and after you draw that rectangle out you're going to go ahead and add a effects to it so go to FX all the way down from your layers palette you'll see the FX symbol here or icon whatever it is and then go to stroke and we're going to add an inner stroke and this inner stroke is going to be white or sorry black and I'm going to do about 50 usually I do 50 and now the color is black so I'm going to change that to white real quick and you can do that you can change the color many different ways for instance since we did not rasterize this we can actually get rid of that color overlay we can go to the shape palette here and we can go to fill and just make it white and I think that's a more professional way to do it you don't really need a color overlay unless you really have to like let's say you rasterized it you'd have to add a color overlay because that option would not be available for you under the shape option here but anyway so that's gonna be the start of my banner now I'm thinking this is gonna be really like a really condensed design so you know the sun's gonna be coming out right here and then I'm gonna go ahead and um I'm actually gonna go ahead and take this Sun here like that and I'm just gonna play with it a little bit because I I'm not sure what I want with it yet I know I don't want it to be too overwhelming I want I want it to be there I want to be present but I don't want it to be something that's standing out too much so again this isn't going to be like the highlight of the design it's just going to be an added and added feature so we're going to keep that ellipse tool the way it is right now we're going to be cutting that a lot so this is going to be edited a lot this this ellipse tools going to change drastically but for now again we're working on the banner so so take this banner and we're gonna actually resize it just a little bit it's a little too thick I don't want to be too thick actually you know what I say hell with it could be a little thick I'm thinking I might put like one word in there or something I might just put camping in there camp something I don't know we'll find out right now so to make this banner stand out even more right now it's kind of boring so I'm going to actually duplicate this by holding in alt and dragging and when you hold it all you'll notice a little double arrow pops up one solid one hollow and then once you see that you can go ahead and drag with your mouse and then at this point you can finally let go of the mouse and aleko hole and you have that duplicate or you can simply right-click and duplicate layer either way it's up to you everybody has their own ways of doing things I suppose so I'm gonna go and resize this first off and the reason why is because I don't want to be too long because it's supposed to be the end of the it's going to be cut here you know and this is the I guess you could say the flag part of the banner I don't know so anyway we're gonna we're going to keep it like that for now now there's a couple ways I can make this into a into a flag shape you know or I guess you could say a pointy part of the banner I don't even know what to call it but there's a couple ways to do it um but mostly you know there are time so I can draw it like a triangle or something and then and then put it right here but that's I don't really do it that way personally I kind of just do it by hand I know it's probably not the best way to do it and I'm sure there's a lot of people that would argue out there that's not the best way to do it but that's the way I do it so for instance I would do something like this where I draw draw it out with the pen tool or the lasso tool okay and then once I'm happy with it I can do like a I could do a a mask that's what I just did right now so what I did is I use the the polygonal tool or lasso tool for short and I would use that and then like I said I would just kind of shape it how I want it and then once I got that shape I want what I did is I without deselecting this I went to my layer that I wanted that that selection cut out of and I added a layer mask just by clicking the layer mask button and then what it did is it was black right here and I inverted it to turn white and that's what gave me this effect if that makes sense so let me do it one more time just to show you guys we're going to go ahead so like I said we're going to take a lasso tool kind of shape it how you want it I don't want it too sharp actually I want it to be a little bit more I don't want to be too deep this triangle doesn't need to be too deep and I'm just going to kind of reposition a little bit to make it look e at least semi straight it's not I'm not too picky on the way that is right now so um so anyway after I have my selection and I'm happy with it I'm kind of analyzing it right now looking at it I can go ahead and go to my my little layer mask tool with my rectangle one copy selected I just clicked that mask tool as you notice that just added a triangle part that we selected now we don't want that obviously so what we need to do is we need to click on that mask we decided and I do command inverse and that's what's going to give us this little this little banner thing that we wanted it's a little unproportioned but I'm not like I said I'm not too concerned about that because I'm actually going to add like a little flag effect to it let me go back real quick that's fun so now we can go ahead and do rasterize layer style are actually let me go ahead and convert this to a smart object there there we go now we can add that work so the reason why I added that into a smart object is so when I when I go to warp it like I am right now it's forming the whole design now when I had that layer mask it was taking that for granted was taking that into consideration which I don't want because what happened was it looked all funky when I when I warped it so what I did is I converted to a layer or a smart object I'm sorry and when I converted that to a smart object that it took all the elements that I just designed are you know add it to this banner part and it pretty much smushed it together into a smart object and that's why it's when I'm working it right now it's working it all together which is cool so you can you can do that however you want you can you can add a warp you can add a flag effect you can add a wave effect you could literally do whatever you want so - you really I'm probably going to add a little bit of a maybe like an arc or something I don't really want it to be too crazy I'm trying to keep this design simple yeah that's fine right there that works for me so we're gonna go ahead and just basically duplicate this to the other side and and it's not done yet obviously guys this needs some work this is just a starting point on you know what I would like to do now is I would like to close these out you know to make it look like it's actually part of the banner so to do that I would just take my my lasso tool again and I'll just add a new layer above that and I would kind of just click on the edge here click on the bottom here and just kind of play with it because I'm actually going to add black to this Park and you don't have to do it all the way to the edge here I kind of want that curve to show it that's right here so I'm going to go ahead and just click right here click right there and then what that did is it made a little triangle type shape and I'm going to use that now so I'm going to fill that with black first off and as you can see it closed the banner out and now it looks like it's this uh this uh flag part of it is actually behind the actual rectangle that we drew so that's what I wanted we're do that's the other side I will try to explain as much as I can to the best of my ability but sometimes it could be a little difficult with you know explaining designs in detail so like I said I'm going to do the best I can for you guys so that needs to go to the edge here I don't want that showing basically I need to do it just a little adjustments to it and that's I like that that's cool and what I can do just to make sure it's all centered is I can I get what I could do is I can do a convert to smart object again and that will turn them all into smart objects which combines that merges them and then that's what I wanted so I'm going to keep that the way it is so that's actually that's good for right now I like I like the way it's turning out um I'm not sure I like how sharp these are though but like I said it's not that big of a deal right now I'll end up changing that a little bit I might actually just do a full warp on and see what happens I want a little arc to the banner in other words just a little bit that's fine yeah there's nothing wrong with that and this is this designs most likely going to stay black and white I'm going to do a lot of black and white design sound I will have some designs that are full-color to show you guys color but I want to stick like I said I want to stick with the basics right now I'm actually going to go back a little bit mess with this banner a little bit more I wasn't completely happy with the way that turned out so I'm messing with it a little bit Oh okay so I finally came up the shape I like for a banner and this one's like I like it because it looks like it's going behind it and it's straightening out in the back a little bit more so I don't know it looks really cool to me and it's it's kind of going with the diss style that I was going forward for this camping vintage outdoors design so I'm going to go ahead and stick with this banner and then what now what we're going to do is we're going to take this little ellipse tool again what we already drew one out so we're going to use one that we're here to try out first off and I'm just going to go ahead and mimic the rectangle stroke that I had now if you don't know how to do that all you do is hold it oh and then you just drag the effects all the way to the layer that you want to copy that effect to so in this case we had a stroke on this rectangle one which is our banner here and we held it all and we just dragged it to our ellipse one and now we need to change the color to white like we did the banner same exact process guys and as you can see now we're getting a little bit of something going on here so and now this is what I'm going to mess up the shape a little bit kind of figure out what I want with it that's not bad that's really cool actually I'm going to keep that I'm gonna add a layer mask to it because I want to get rid of the bottom here I don't want that bottom to show we'll go and hide it real quick it's hiding behind the banner obviously so that does not matter now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and duplicate this and I'm gonna go ahead and merge this and you're probably thinking why are you merging it if you'll see right now I'm gonna go ahead add a stroke now and this strokes actually give me an outside stroke and it's gonna be a white stroke I'm extremely tired today by the way I'm doing this for you guys but I'm so tired today I don't know why I just have no energy today at all so anyway so what we want to do is the goal it here is to add a white stroke so this banner looks like it's going behind the Sun so that's literally all we're doing here and that is my girlfriend calling she doesn't know I'm making a video I actually lied that we're going to take this whole Sun and put it over our our over our banner here the only thing we're going to do is keep the rectangle one above the Sun layer because the reason why is because we want this to to cover what we don't want people to see here did that make sense okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to re explain how to add this truck I want you guys to fully understand how I did that so um I was kind of being lazy and explaining in a bad way so what I did is I'm going to go ahead and duplicate this the Sun layer we're going to label this Sun and the Sun is the main circle here that main ellipse toll so the main ellipse that we drew out in the beginning I need so we're going to take that Sun here and we're going to go ahead and duplicate it so just duplicate it once and you're gonna have a Sun copy after that now with that Sun copy um we're going to go ahead and just rasterize it completely and then we're gonna add a stroke outer stroke of about 20 very slight see I don't want it to be too overwhelming I just wanted to show that this Sun is behind the rectangle one here which is this layer and then these banner parts are going behind the Sun you can even add a stroke of 25 to this if you really wanted to um that actually looks a little better I think a little bit thicker is fine but anyway so now it looks like the Sun is actually behind the banner and that's exactly what we wanted now we're gonna have some other cool stuff like you know we're gonna have like a mountain here and all that stuff so um the one thing I did notice that I do not like is I don't want this Sun to be too big I think it's a little big maybe it's not too big I'm not sure but to me it looks big but we'll figure that out in a second here but we're gonna have our text right here we're gonna have our mountains coming up right here and then this Sun um it might need to change just a little bit I think I think that's actually all I needed just to get it needed to be moved down a little bit now it looks pretty good so we're going to keep that for now but anyway so now so far we created our banner we created our Sun and now we're just going to keep adding to this design and bring it to life what I'm going to do for now is I'm going to put some sample text here and it's funny because it's on the font that I was going to use which is an arrow around it I was actually gonna use this font for this design because it's really simple so we're just gonna move that right there for now and this is actually gonna go with the banner here so keep that in mind it's not gonna be all small like that but um alright so now what we need to do is add the mountains so I'm gonna add some mountains and it's funny because again as I said before in the beginning is all I'm all I'm doing really is taking these simple shapes that Photoshop has to offer me and using them in my design excuse me um so I'm using them in my design and I didn't have to go draw um or anything like that they're already in Photoshop so that's what's cool about this series it's teaching you guys how to take shapes that are already in Photoshop and actually using those shapes in your designs and you can do so many things with them I can think of a million things to do one shape you know like a triangle there's a lot of different you know ways you can make a design out of that a circle the million different ways you can make a design of that literally there's endless possibility here and that's why this series is so cool so anyway let me go ahead and take this triangle here and I'm going to kind of figure out what kind of mountains I want here I don't know if I want to pointing but we're gonna just create two mountains here see what I can come up with for you guys and just for you know just so I can see what I'm doing here I'm gonna go ahead and make the mountains like a different color probably just for now so I want the one mountain to have a peak um I think I'm gonna keep it pretty standard actually I don't want I don't want to be too complicated here you know so that's actually really cool those mountains look really really cool I'm just gonna go ahead and merge those so we already have a mountain going on here guys and I'm gonna drag that below or behind everything see that actually looks really cool I'm diggin the way that's looking but I'm gonna go ahead and of course make this white because again we're sticking with white here and strokes that's what we're focusing on in this design and again we have like a fifty stroke going on so we're going to go ahead and stick with the 50 stroke that is fine drag that down and we're going to go ahead and fix this round part you know it kind of looks gross it just goes around we're going to fix that with the lasso tool just adjust it a little bit and we're also going to add some little icicle elements to this because right now it doesn't look like the mountains have anything on it but we're gonna fix that and this design is going to have a lot of grunge by the way so this isn't just kind of stay like this it's gonna have a lot more going on alright so let's go ahead and fix the the line work here it's a little round from my liking I think it looks sloppy so I'm gonna go ahead and take my lasso tool and I'm just going to follow the edge here kind of figure out where it should lie um that was wrong so we're just gonna keep doing it until we figure it out that's wrong too a little bit too much there sometimes I'll spend a lot of time on this little part here it takes a little bit of time but you know I can actually drag it so I'm just gonna go ahead and do that I can move it up a little bit and just fall around here you know see it gives drag a little bit and I can delete stuff so it's not really a big deal it's not a significant umm it's not gonna do anything significant to the design because you can always like we do it or delete stuff you don't want all that like right here for instance I don't want this little back part because it's showing looks ugly so I'm just I'm just going to delete it and now that I have that that line that you know fixes this right side I'm just gonna copy it everybody has their own way of doing things guys I'm not gonna I'm not going to keep saying that but it's it's really the truth everybody will do something differently you're gonna have to watch this video and be like wow I could've did I could have done that a different way than you just did that but this is the way I'm used to doing it and it's worked for me all these years so I just do it the way I think works best for me now you're gonna find methods that might work best for you and I obviously encourage you to try them out you know if it works for you keep doing it that's all I have to say so so anyway um so those lines are fixed now look how much better that looks now let me hide them I'm gonna merge them and then hide them and show you the difference between before and after see that's before and that's after it fixed the line and it made it look a lot sharper and obviously these mountains were we're going for a sharper look here so we got to stay consistent now I might add some shading to these mountains to to bring out a little bit so we're gonna go and do that next you know just some just some small shading nothing too crazy um this one's probably a little too big now that I look at it you know what actually I'm not gonna do that shading the way I just did it I'm actually gonna do um I'm gonna make it look like it has like icicles or something you know you're some reason I'm thinking that would look cooler if I had icicles yeah I like that a lot better actually I'm gonna stick with that and um yeah I just like simple and like I said some things can complicate a design and you have to make a decision like is that going to be worth it you know or should I just get rid of it in that case I didn't really like this the way the shading was turning out um I don't think it's really beneficial for this particular design I would use it in other designs for sure but for this one um yeah I just didn't like it you guys here my cat he likes to talk when I when I start filming he'll start talking basically so anyway now we have some cool stuff happening here you know we have the mountains in the background we have the Sun and we have the the banner now what I can do is I when I was thinking about adding some light rays in the back here I thought that would look really cool and there's a lot of ways to do that as well um I'm probably going to do it in I have like a vector image that I use for light rays I don't really like to do them by a hand they take a long time to do by hand you can find light ray vectors all around the internet so I wouldn't worry too much on that but you can also make them by hand if you would like to but I'm gonna actually drag some light rays in that I already had made that way we can get this tutorial going so I'll see you guys in a little bit okay guys so I actually just dragged my light rays into my Photoshop uh program here and I'm going to show you guys how to use these so again you can find these online and I might actually try to link some of these light rays for you guys I know I purchased these on shutterstock but you can use them however you want I mean you can find them however you like you can search light rays on Google and find a bunch of free free ones I'm sure but like I said for this video I need to just get it done so I can show you guys how it's done if I were to try to draw these out and do all this and that take too much time for me so I'm just going to go ahead and show you this way but what I did is I dragged it into my file here and I'm just kind of resizing it to my desired width or height whatever you want to say so I'm going to drag it like this and just kind of figure out my positioning now it's touching the top of my mountains here I don't mind that so much I actually like the fact that it's going to the bottom as well because I was I plan on adding something at the bottom here but I'm not sure just yet so I might just keep them the way they are here that looks kind of cool yeah you know what I like the way they're looking they look really cool now what I what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually end up duplicating these probably to add like a white outline around them to give this design a little bit more depth because right now it's cutting through the black and it's not really you can't see the light rays anymore I don't really like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add a layer mask first kind of just crop where I don't want it like for instance I don't want it showing peeking out the sides here so I'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of that real quick and again I use the layer mask get rid of it where they don't need to be basically and then I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this real quick I'm gonna merge it again it's just a duplicate copy out on my merging the duplicate copy I'm going to invert it so it's white and see what I did here I just moved it down I duplicated it made it white and moved it down and now you can actually see where the light rays are and that's actually really cool I like the way that looks a lot so we're gonna go ahead and keep that it looks really cool so far guys I'm actually digging it um I'm not actually not going to keep the ones at the bottom now I decided it could work but I wanted to add some text or something there and it kind of ruins the whole the whole style is going for I got a call coming in Wow people was call me what I'm making a video okay so like I said I got rid of the light raise at the bottom here I didn't want them because I'm planning on I plan on adding some text or something like that right there so I went I went ahead and just got rid of those but um now so we have a son here and we have the mountains and we have the banner so everything's looking really good I really dig the way it's looking it's got a really simple vibe to it and again I like simple so now what we're going to do is we're going to mess with the text again right now the text needs to follow the arc of this banner and it's not so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you guys how to make that happen so well I'm going to go to the lips tool and I'm going to copy the shape of this banner just by dragging it out here like so and then what happens is once you drag that shape out you're see like a faint black line with like four points so one two three four points so four points and when you take your T tool you just press T on the keyboard to get to that if you hover over that little faint black line it's going to show like a wave once you see that wave you can actually click once and it's going to put the T tool going around that path or the text tool is going to follow that path that you drew out with the ellipse tool so now we're going to do camp so I typed out camp that's what we're going for here so you can actually hide the shape so you can see where your what you're doing here and you can move it to all I really wanted was a shape so that's what we're going for is the shape nothing else and make it a little bigger obviously so right now it's not very big so that's cool it actually is already centered I believe so usually what you'd have to do is you'd have to Center it by moving these four points around like you like you see here I can move it around but it's already centered so we're good now what I can do is I can just kind of move it where I want it I like to have even padding on each side here so that's what I'm going to do just keep the padding there and this is actually really fun design so it says camp and it's got an outdoors feel to it we're going to add a bunch of grudge to this too to bring it out even more and I might even add like a little shadow here yeah let me go ahead and mess with the Sun a little bit more I guess in a way this series is you guys follow me and watching me design I hope you guys enjoy that too I try to make it fun for you so we have this black circle here what I'm going to do is I'm going to work very destructively I'm gonna actually just I'm cutting this I just want like a little shadow to be showing here like that I'm just gonna go ahead and select that by holding in command and clicking on the thumbnail of that ellipse to copy and I'm just gonna delete it or actually I'm sorry I'm gonna add a layer mask layer mask are smart because you can get rid of the layer mask and it doesn't get rid of your design that makes sense it doesn't it doesn't destroy your design so in other words instead of having to redo this whole ellipse - right here this this whole lips - I can just get rid of the layer mask real quick and then redo it and that's why those layer masks are so cool and you can also adjust them by using the layer mask so for instance I don't like this little line that's showing up at the bottom here so I can actually just get rid of it with my black selected I can get rid of it now if I wanted to bring it back I could just take my white and bring the whole thing back say but we're not doing that even though that kind of looks cool yeah actually you know what that looks really cool I was thinking I might actually end up keeping the black part right here and adding text to it let me see here let's just do a date I don't know what you guys think I'll do camp Arrowhead why not and I'm just going to add like some sort of cursive font and you can also download free fonts online keep that in mind so you guys are wondering what if you guys are frustrated that you can't find a font that I'm using please don't be frustrated because you can find it for free online it's really really easy so it's going to be called camp Arrowhead I'm trying to debate on if I want that black under there or not I kind of like it though in a weird way usually I'm like pretty picky about that stuff but it looks really good in my opinion we see camp Arrowhead and it's a cool cursive font too so why not yeah it's really really cool guys I like that let's try it without that though let's try getting rid of it again and see what that looks like making the arrowhead black hmm I don't know now I'm confused cuz I think it looks good either way you know what I'm actually just gonna get rid of it I decided to get rid of it I don't want that bottom part we're gonna make it black again mmm this is where a designing can be tough because you have to make decisions I think I'm actually going to make it really big and put it right above that banner I might have it like invade the banner a little bit like that kind of fall in the black line right here let me see here maybe I like a white stroke on top of it see what happens when I do that you know what I'm actually gonna add it right there and I'll show you what in a second here I'm going to go ahead and add a layer mask on this banner or this this rectangle of sorry here you know what what I'll do is I'll add another rectangle over that one and the reason why is because I'm going to be hiding what I don't want them to see what I don't want you guys to see so I'm going to work at an arc just kind of match the shape of this bottom part here like that say I can even make it a little bigger and then what I'll do is I'll add like a little circle here and you'll see why in a second so make a new layer actually and then add a circle see that way it has like a circle point versus that just a flat point that looks really cool so camp Arrowhead Arrowhead could be a little bit bigger as well obviously we need to Center it maybe I can even add a little bit bigger four-stroke float it's a little too small I actually don't like the curse of now that I look at it so I might mess with that a little bit mmm that was actually really cool it's not bad can't bear it that works I'll keep that why not so there you go guys we just made a camping shirt design and a matter of 30 minutes or so or however long it took and I mean it just goes to show you that you can make something really quick um but that's so that's basically the first part right we we put the design together now we approve it let's say we all we're all happy with it now I can actually finally add the grunge so I'm gonna go and add the grunge before we finalize this video so now now it's kind of the fun part because we can go ahead and basically group everything at one layer essentially so you create a group name this design or whatever because this is going to be the main design it's going to hold everything that makes up the design so eventually you're going to have something called design in a group and all you did is made a new folder and you renamed it design and you just pretty much dragged everything into that design folder or you can select all your layers and then just hit folder and it's going to group them automatically which is kind of a cool feature I think but now that we have our design and we're happy with it we can go ahead and go ahead and go to copy merged so what what I did is I do command a and then I do copy merge and then command V and that will paste it so we have the design and we're just going to pretty much add some grunge on top of it normally I would do a lot of I would try to control my grunge so it's not all over the place but for this particular video or particular design I should say I'm not - I don't really care as much you know like I don't really I wanted to just look grungy but I don't want it to be too controlled when I do ban shirt designs I usually like to add like an inner stroke where the black is and all that stuff that way that the grunge doesn't affect the outer edges of the design but for this case I think it looks cool just rough so we're just going to keep it rough like so and you're gonna see a lot of different methods of grunge you know we're going to go over a lot so don't worry about that so I'm gonna go and delete that now and as you can see we're keeping it very very very grungy and then below the actual texture design I'll name a texture design we're gonna actually add a little bit of black grunge to it say just to give it a little bit of something and then you can even you can even add a layer mask again notice I'm using layer mask a lot guys use your layer mask it helps and just kind of get rid of some of the grunge that I don't want on the outer edges alright guys so what we did is we just added some texture to this design here we added some texture over the design I should say by adding a new layer and then what we did is we added a layer below the texture design and we just added some grunge and now if you guys are unfamiliar with texture I actually have a video that shows you how to make texture from scratch so if I was you I'd watch that video first and that will give you an idea of how I'm dreading grunge to this design so please go back to that grunt video that I made it will help you out I know a lot of people were probably frustrated because I'm not explaining how to actually do the grunge in this video but again I do go over that in other videos so please watch those videos because they will teach you how to do the grunge side of things and you'll when I'm when I'm doing my you know throughout my series I'm going to be adding some Grudge to some of the designs probably a lot of them so it's going to be essential that you even know how to do that because again you're just going to be confused on how I'm grudging so again add learn how to make textures from scratch in one of my other videos and then that way you know how to do this part of the tutorial but anyway I hope this tutorial is really good for you guys I hope you learned something I'm trying to explain things in detail but I can't explain everything it's impossible there's so much to learn in Photoshop and it'd be really hard for me to teach you guys everything I would have to do like a 3-hour video to teach you guys literally everything but at least these videos will give you an idea of how I'm structuring my designs how I'm putting them together and even showing you some tips and tricks along the way of how I do it I know I vaguely go over things but again it's just to show you guys a general idea of how I do it so that concludes episode 1 I'll see you guys soon for episode 2 and of course subscribe hit that thumbs up and tell your friends about my channel it means a lot to me and thank you guys for the support I'll see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 63,283
Rating: 4.8855886 out of 5
Keywords: graphicdesign, Tutorial (Media Genre), shirt design, how to make a shirt design, photoshop, Illustrator (Profession), Adobe Photoshop (Software), Adobe Illustrator (Software), Fashion (Industry), Episode, Do It Yourself (Hobby), how to, garment, design, art, media, Demo, Digital, Paper, Graphics, Demo Reel, Episode Part, Series, Motion, Software (Industry), Editing, Creative, learn, lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2015
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