How To Design & Create Printable Greeting Cards | Beginner Friendly | Using Canva

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hey everybody it's theresa nicole and in today's video i'll be showing you guys how to create greeting cards um you can utilize these tips for personal use if you just like to gift your family friends custom cards or if you are trying to start a greeting card business um i am a beginner with my crafting so please keep that in mind this is a beginner video just for tips for people like me who are beginners um the tools you'll need is cardstock double-sided tape and you'll need a board a cutting board this is actually a cutting and a scoring board so it has both tools on there that makes it like really great for card making [Music] today what we're going to be using is and i'll be designing the card using this if you do not like designing you can use templates and just customize the text to your liking i am trying to challenge myself so i will be designing my card from scratch just because i like to play around with it and learn so that's basically what you'll see me doing i am a beginner i will stress that throughout this video this video is strictly for beginners um i measured the paper out to 11 by 8.5 opposed to 8.5 by 11 just because i wanted it in landscape mode so that i can already have it um i can have it laid out the correct way when it's time to print i utilize the line so that you can so i know that where i have room to design the car on the cover of the car so basically i play around in the elements you can type in keywords to bring up different like pngs they're called elements on um on canva but they're basically pngs uh so yeah basically i'm playing around with them seeing what i like and what i don't like this is like a little tedious because you'll go back and forth like maybe you like something you don't or you change something so then now you have to go back and do this it's just like you have to have patience and actually enjoy doing this um that's why i say they do that's why i showed you guys that they do have templates if you're not into doing this part but you still want to create greeting cards i however like to play around and um see what i can do so that's basically what we're doing i'm making this card for my aunt um her birthday so you know i at first was like in a confetti then i was like nah it looks a little like for you know a a child so i i'm going to end up taking the confetti off and play around with the text a little more but yeah it's just it's a process what you see me doing is putting on the effects and like highlighting underneath the image i mean under underneath the font i'm sorry that uh just makes it pop a little more um canva has a lot of great fonts but when it comes to the effects and stuff like that i'm not too much a huge fan i like silhouette because i can do a little more like outlining the things like that a poster just highlighting underneath every text but yeah it is what it is now what you see is when i type that you see how it's a big gap in between um to the best and auntie that's why i'm going to actually after because i i was just tired of seeing the confetti i'm going to copy and paste and i'm going to do the words by themselves so that way i'm able to control the spacing i'm pretty sure that there is a um a setting where you can probably do that without having to do the way that i'm doing it but like i said this is strictly for beginners as i learn i will create more videos to kind of you know show you guys what i've learned but that's just what works for me at this point in time so i'm just going ahead and like doing that okay you guys remember i said that you can um use elements and type in keywords to bring up different type of pngs i just was playing around typing different words just to see what i can come up with i also forgot to put my background color because i don't like the whole card to be white so i like to have the cover with some type of color underneath i sized that to half of a paper which is 5.5 by 8.5 um and that way i can just have it on one side of the paper so i didn't even need that line to um to split down the middle i actually could have just did the background that's usually what i do but i kind of just forgot while making it and like i said it's a tedious thing so you'll go back and forth between stuff like as you see i had deleted the confetti and i was trying to make it work again um once i got the font and um i just ended up not liking it like i just playing around trying to see what works so yeah it's a process now what i do what i'm doing is duplicating the paper just so that i can have that same background color that is going to be um cut for my um insert i like to make inserts just to make the quality of my card stock a little more thicker opposed to it being sold then um my printer doesn't feel like the heavier card stock so i'm using like a lighter one so i just try to find methods that work um i'm still just seeing what i like with the card but yeah so i found that i actually really like the roses so that's how you see me kind of just putting them around you don't have to be really like creative and come up with something um for the insert i also wanted roses or like the background so that's why you see me like trying to size it down and make it um as you notice i'm only putting roses on half of the paper because the other half of the insert i can use for something else and it probably won't be roses like i probably won't do roses again so that's why i'm only putting on this side i had to separately go through and change all of the rose colors and um the you know uh transparency on them so i would say to do one rose first with the color and transparency and then copy and paste so that you don't have to go through each and every one like i did so now we are finally finished with the design i think i was really happy with it um i was trying to find other things i was trying to find a rose because uh even though i'm not i didn't show you guys in this video i wanted to put some um layering effects to this card so yeah so basically i'm printing everything out and i noticed that i forgot the line that was still there so i have to go back in and reprint that top one but yeah that is it with the designing finally we are finished you know it takes a little time i'm showing you guys how i split a half sheet of paper into half again to make the insert for the um card i don't actually show you guys this part inside my card because of the fact that it's personal but yeah so now we're back to getting cards together and i have both of the papers i have the um cards and you see the color difference one of them i printed as matte and the other one i printed as um light bright paper or something like that i thought i was going to use the darker one but i actually ended up liking the light one because you could still see the roses on it it was the ring light which made me kind of i couldn't see it that's why i had went back and printed it dark on the board you want to place the paper to five and a half so that way you can fold the card um perfectly down the middle so that's why i was showing you guys on the on the board at five and a half so that's what you see me lining it up to five and a half because half of 11 is five and a half so i'm using the score tool to put that line in between it just makes it super easy to fold the paper over and it's perfect and i actually found that when you when you're scoring the paper have the image facing up because the the um inside of it is the one that actually like it looks like tore up that's what i was trying to show you guys it looked a little more like rigid and messed up so i would say so when you score a paper have the design facing frontward facing upwards and then that's the paper with the little roses and that's the part that's going to go on the inside of the cards you guys so now i'm just cutting down the inside insert paper i take one inch off of both ways the long way in the shorter way um so that is just a nice little size to go inside and then we're just going to use the double-sided tape to tape down so this is how the car came out um i added some glitter card stock to it i know i didn't show that because i told you guys this is beginner friendly i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching don't forget to like comment and subscribe and also remember that my website is linked down below so go ahead and check it out thank you guys so much and also comment and let me know what you would like to see next thank you bye
Channel: CraftingWithTrice
Views: 6,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make greeting cards, greeting cards for beginners, designing greeting cards, making greeting cards, designing in canva, greeting cards
Id: 6ReflfT9dy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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