fixing black characters with the racist triangle 👀

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I hate black people and I hate white people and also hate women and children and also old people if I had a dime oh my God if I had a dime for every old person I saw blocking the produce aisle it's 2 A.M there's more people in the world than you why don't you just scoot on out of here oldie and go freaking play some freaking bingo with your grandkids So today we're going to be talking about racism in the artist Community we're just going to be solving that issue and uh it's gonna be great it's gonna be fun come on let's go there's a controversy in the artist Community oh whoa what was that there's a mysterious controversy in the artist community that involves This Racist triangle this year racist triangle is the one that's been in question about the racism this here image right here was corrected by This Racist triangle and do I think the artist that corrected this is racist I don't think so I think the triangle's racist and we're gonna look into the past of where did this trace this triangle come from as we all know the rule is you make a line from the chin up to the nizzle and the the lips cannot pass up this line it's a racist triangle now I have used this technique and I've been on Productions that have used this technique over and over again first of all where did this racist triangle come from why did it do that thing that it did and first of all are you racist if you've used this drawing rule because I know you have look at you I've seen that you've done it already and first of all you're going to be going to freaking Heck if you use this racist triangle you're going to be going to heck for Eternal darnation Maybe now we're going to be doing a little something I like to call black face off I do have a solution to This Racist triangle I found a really cool new uh solution to it and I'll show it to you in a second but let's take a look what's going on so I've been working in animation forever and ever amen right the very first thing that we learn is you just don't pass up the chin and the uh the nose right here right with the lips this is the standard model sheet right I've we've followed this for years I've followed this for years the thing is though is that there's a new model sheet that we need to be taken into consideration and I'm about to create a new model sheet all right listen up this is serious all right don't even look at me like that you know and first of all I just want to say like I love everybody you know this I'll well I mean I love to hate everybody that's like I've got so much hatred in me it's like it's like what do I do with this you know anyway boom nose to the chin dink to the skank jawline lips don't pass it up boom to the chin to the nose boom every single wait what the get out of there you a little freaking boom to the top of there to the tink of the dink up to the nose what the what what the hell is going on here boom double it up top to the nose to the dink to the skank look even on black characters the model sheet is the lips are not passing up this line almost every time all right doing it there doing it there oh well I'll just move on from that all right there's one that pops out all right so there's different types of model sheets right boom there's a one there right there right there it's okay you don't have to be scared about looking a black person in the face or even the side of the face it's all okay you're gonna be fine it's all right we'll get through it I know you're scared you're terrified look at you shaking so if I'm an upcoming artist right and I'm gonna be looking for rules to do what the professionals do I'm gonna be following This Racist triangle and I'm not sure if you notice this but it's all coming from anime we learn these rules from anime and as we all know this art tip has been around for a hot flipping freaking second right this is not the first time that I've seen this tutorial it's everywhere because of anime not one single artist made this thing all right tell me you haven't followed this rule before you little sneaky sex Sack of Snakes so if anime done did make it then where did anime get it from well there's a conspiracy theory that it came from cats why in Japanese anime do none of the characters look Japanese the theory on if you pursue cute it resembles a kitten is influential no matter how you look at the profile in those it's not human so does that mean everybody that likes anime is a furry this cat is racist as hell so I want to share with you this new technique called the anti-racist triangle but before I'm not going to tell you what I really think I think that artists create rules and we follow those flipping rules and uh eventually we get to a point where we evolve the rules other artists evolve those rules and I think the whole situation is a necessity for us to be able to be like oh you know what these rules They Don't Really apply anymore so let's create some new ones how about that and I think it's beautiful honestly look what's happening a bunch of artists are coming together to be talking about this thing it's just artists following rules that we created ourselves all right so now we're given a chance to evolve and make some new ones so let's check it out first of them there was them cats and then there was you know manga or whatever and then there was anime and now there's this new age right New Age artist internet babies so here's a collage of a bunch of dope New Age artists that are creating new model sheets and there's something to learn from here alright so let's break it down I'm gonna put all these artists at the end of the video you make sure to check them out some of the best structured dopest designs I've ever seen in my life so I was really excited to do this because you can create a whole new rule now if you have a better way of breaking these down please let me know because I uh I've got my way of doing it I'm about to show you I'm gonna do a little peek inside me I'm gonna let you just kind of get a little peek inside me first off you do your circle jerk right then you go to the top of the dink down to the chin tip of the nose there you go you got your racist triangle you're done wrong scooter if you thought that you were wrong you need to scoot your little legs over the old folks house with the old people and go play some freaking Bingo you didn't think the old people were coming back into this did you well they always do they always come back God damn it all right now here's the Turning Point slow down there Scooter you got a turning point in your life are you gonna choose to be racist and go to heck for Eternal darnation are you gonna are you gonna do the anti-racist triangle and so what I found and this is the little secret go to the tink of the eye right there and then boom down to the lip and then that goes down to the chin and now you have basically the same triangle all right and it's basically the same triangle the thing is about these triangles is that there's typically always a favored side meaning that this triangle got a booty to it it's got that thicky thick on the end of it and so what that also means is that there's a taper to it right and most good designs there's pretty much always going to be a slick taper look at this eyebrow hey little sweet thing this video is sponsored by me support me and help support my students let me explain something to you squirt just because you work in animation doesn't mean you animate not that many people animate in animation there's character design background design every single little detail that you see has to be made from somebody and we teach a lot of that at project City Punk Chase Conley's class is great check it out I might choose a different pose for this pose it's something we're kind of looking up because it almost feels like because of the angle that he's at now he's falling or just that he's like this in the air just looking at her but you know I think it'd be cool if you showed the moon here and then you could just have the uh the character rimlet with the moon right here I was thinking it'd be dope to have like a POV down the sight of his hand I agree I think that this the shot that bumps me a bit is is this one I don't think you need this shot I I agree with Ethan I think you could do something then the camera like pulls out through his hands or something yeah exactly he puts his hands together in the frame at this you know what I mean live barley I died yep understand broke you back everything has its price and this machine will be sure to take it seems to be something precious to you like a chattered toy or family mom but honestly it could be any thing this is a quick reminder that I do portfolio reviews Art reviews every single Wednesday on Project City story Sprint don't all right let's try it on another Design This is Chris Copeland really good artist go from the top of the dink down to the chin and we're going to go to the tip of the nose boom now we're going to go from the tip of the eye down here to the chin and so from this point I just cut in and cut out right boom all right this one's also from Chris let's do this one like that back of the skull pay the troll toll then you go from the top of the dink down to the chin of course boom to the nose now let's go to the eye and then we'll make another little triangle right there that gives us a little guideline to dink this one's Anna caddish a really really good uh going down from the dink down there to the nose to the eye boom this one kind of goes out a little bit more all right in this one too just to prove my point right at the top go down to the chin then go to the nose and then you get what the all right let's try it over here all right we got back of the skull doing boom got the chin we're gonna go to the end of the nose there boom take that sucker make a little eye Funk top of the eye boom boom done not gonna lower the opacity done easy peasy here I brow I'm doing this real time baby I did that wrong that neck should be kind of coming down like that right there boom boom boom boom boom let's try it again circle jerk at the back of the head right there boom down at the chin dong dong cut it off put the ear right there we're gonna be doing racist triangle done eyeball boom down to this perfect down to the chin done real time real time real time then boom put the little the nose there oh what's that boom little chin you know what let's soften up the chin I don't even care Boom Big Ear back there soften up that nose a bit don't be racist now boom we got the neck back of the skull here you know what I don't even like connecting these lines right here I'd like to keep this open make a little Shadow right here boom we got cool little hairdo I don't know let's put a little choker on this sucker yeah that's cute all right and I know this isn't gonna work for everything all right rules are made to be broken think outside of your little box out of your little world and get a little bit of learned and a little bit of turnt you know why because that rule that I said before Oh the chin or the neck needs to come out of doing this thing right here guess what no it doesn't and a cat has been doing whatever this is so I thought I had a rule all ready to go but the second that I got outside touched a little grass studied up just study up come on like this dude right here what's going on here what's up with that that's how that person is that's how I'm gonna do one more time to show you boom back of the dink back of the dink go to the chin boom end of the nose right there good to goes into the nose ear I tip of the eye down to the lip down to the chin boom boom cut in cut out right there I remember this favorite sided triangle right here it's a thickie that means there's a favored side on one of the lips for the most part on most part of all these designs that I'm looking at the lips are pretty much not even right it's a favored side and obviously there's people out there with these perfectly symmetric lips okay obviously I'm just talking about design at this point right boom why are you so scared to talk about this stuff you only just a bunch of ridiculous little kids soften that nose up right there you know we're not even freaking talking about like hook noses and stuff right there's so many different types of noses it doesn't really matter though because you can make them all look pretty darn cool give him some big eyelashes and one last little tinkbink I want to give you before we walk away is where do you put where do you draw the line for this bottom lip and I kind of found a interesting thing that reoccurred a lot all right so let's do the chin to the nose of this one these lips don't come out of this triangle all right it's fine but there is a little pattern that I know it's a little conspiracy pattern that this bottom lip sometimes tends to angle up to the eyebrow up here almost like to this uh point of the eyebrow like right here as well this is kind of going to the tink of the eyebrow this one did not okay so again not hard and fast rules for anything but for a lot of these the design structure I've seen kind of go up to the dink of the eyebrow all this to say is that if there's a rule right it can be broken but it's there for you to follow a little bit until you don't have to follow it no more this is kind of go up to the eyebrow and that's the cool thing about rules right it's the same thing with writing structure and everything else that one's going up to the dank this one's a little bit different right because it's I feel like it's angled a little bit so the lip is rounding right here and uh this is kind of going out into outer space as opposed to back into the brow so just taking consideration where these characters are actually facing boom this one's kind of going back into the brow so let's try it on some anime characters right I think the main thing is like you can still use this racist triangle if you want to and then you just add that second triangle to it to the structure boom boom top of the eye we're gonna pop out just a little bit and see where that flows boom and then now I'm gonna do the bottom lip up to this eyebrow right right about there boom boom boom you can still keep all of the anime features if you want to see this neck does seem to have like this little thing going this way but it's not a hard and fast Rule now you know what I'm going to show you one more time because I see you're kind of slow you're not getting it all right first you do this gank then you do the dink boom down to the chin up to the jawline and then boom raise his nose then boom you make the eyeball top of the eye down to the dang down to the chin cutting cut out favor one of them lips I think it's a really cool fun way to uh draw new models and draw new faces now now that I've studied you know the new age artists so get out and study study different artists right study different styles and see what you can break down and create your own rules that's what I'm saying make your own rules and lastly I just want to say as a big time artist Creator on the internet we Big Time creators we are learning at the same Pace that you're learning art pretty much the only difference is when we make a mistake it is permanent and it's on the internet and when you make a steak nobody's gonna be seeing that stuff right we're all making mistakes and that is the freaking point that is the point of making art is to make as many mistakes as fast as possible so you can learn from this stuff right we're all freaking learning because of all this conversation and stuff I never knew how to break this stuff down and I'm like you know what I'm interested in seeing actually how to break down this new uh form of a mask because literally the only thing I knew before this was this rule created by artists don't pass up this line but legit though overall what I'm seeing happening in the artist Community is a bunch of people actually coming together and talking about this stuff and and you know it might be chaotic and crazy right now but it's like the overall trajectory is a very good positive thing and I think it's dope I think it's awesome that's what art is for that's what that's what we're doing this for right keep making art and keep screwing up as fast as possible and also this ear is way too freaking big that's just ridiculous thank you
Channel: Ethan Becker
Views: 1,505,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VWR4tsJst1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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