How to Design a PCB from Scratch with EasyEDA | COMPLETE Tutorial | JLCPCB LCSC ALIEXPRESS | 2021

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do you still leave your final projects on a breadboard like this or you hold it all together with a hot glue like I've done with this motion-triggered bathroom light why not have everything nicely soldered on a PCB like a professional in today's video we'll look at how to convert this schematic diagram into a professional-grade PCB like this one using Easy EDA come along to use EasyEDA you first need to visit the EasyEDA website so you go to EasyEDA calm and here on the website you can go to the easy e da designer and then you can use the browser to to create the PCB you want but you can also download the desktop client and then use that one so we will go ahead and download the desktop client so this is the home page when well yeah so download select whichever platform you are using and then download the software for that platform and as you can see the download has started one thing you should know about the desktop client and the browser version is that the boots require internet to work you don't have internet you will still be able to use it but you will not be able to save your work so now one is done downloading let's go ahead and install it so go ahead and allow this in order to prevent loss of project files we'll just go ahead and maintain this very one so apply and then go ahead and apply this also so now you can see this very same interface we saw earlier in the browser and you have to log in so that everything you do is stored in our cloud so go to log in up here and then we can select how we want to log in so you can either sign up and use an email and password or you could just log in with a Google account so I'll just go ahead and use a Google account so when you are done logging in you'll notice your profile up here in the top right corner and then over here is where you have your project files or the documents you are working with up here you have a few icons for your settings for creating new or opening existing projects the EE library here is where you find the parts that you require to create a schematic diagram that you are trying to work on and then from time to time you would not find some parts that you require for your diagram like your MOSFETs on your IC is so you have to go here and then search for those ICS by name or by Path number and then if your search is correct they are going to show up in this space here and then you can grab them and drop them on your schematic sheet now for the purpose of this video we'll be converting this schematic diagram into the PCB that we want and this is a circuit that allows you to dim a light bulb so 230 volts 50 s 2 yr seconds now also for the purpose of this video we would not be looking at all the tools or all the capabilities of this software would just look at how to convert this into a PCB so let's begin by creating a new project so we go to project here and then we go up here and then we select new project and then we name our project so we name it light underscore demo so light them up you go ahead and save and then it presents us with a sheet so this is sheets number one as you can see here this aesthetics here indicates that this file has not been saved yet so we press ctrl s and you can see this window pop up and it successfully saved so this is saved to the cloud now if I press it again you can see this thing loading connecting to server and then once that is done it shows up that it successfully saved and then you can see this Asterix is now missing so to assess this sheet one you have to go inside here and then you can see it here sheet one under the light demo project now this is what we are going to do in order to create the circuit we have to add each of these pads one after the other so we are going to start by adding the IC and then followed by these transistors here as a matter of fact I am going to make it a few tweaks to the circuit because I don't want to use these transistors I want to use specific ones of my own so I'll make those changes along the line so I'm not going to go to the placement of one each component in this video else the video might be long so I'm going to place one and then fast-forward the rest just to show you how to do the very first one okay so let's go ahead so first we go to libraries and then we look for the FL 5150 IC to search for it and after a while this shows up so we can see the IC here and then we can see what its footprint will look like on a PCB so we can just go ahead and click place and then place it by clicking and then after you are done clicking it imagines the software imagines that you want to place multiple versions of this particular I see so it still holds it on on your mouse but you don't need it so you just press escape and then you place this very well okay so the next thing we need from this schematic is the transistors so we are trying to place the most important components first okay so let's go ahead and add the rest of the components we require from this circuit diagram to zoom in to take a closer look at a path we use the mouse scroll wheel so we screw forward to zoom in or we screw out like this if you want to move the entire project left or right you hold the ctrl key and then you screw to the left or you screw to the right or you could do the same thing for up and down with the control key still down now to rotate a particle apart you just select that pad and then you press the space key which will rotate the path you go ahead and leave this one as it is because here in the schematic it was left like this to enable it to be wide easily so would give it like that now notice this transistor here also need to be placed in a way that makes it easy to connect their emitters together so now we'll go ahead and do the same for this so we need this pin to come up here but we need the base to still remain this way for easy connection so click it and then would come up here and then select flip vertical so click it once and you can see it's been flipped around and now we would connect this pin to that thing easily wow this also remains where it's supposed to be so let's begin to wire everything together now let's start the wiring from this particular transistor let's take a look at the circuit diagram so we realized that the emitter of this transistor goes to V s and then the base goes to the loop our pin and then there's a resistor here and that's another resistor here so now let's look at how to wire that so would grab a resistor and place it here and then we'll grab another resistor and place it here so now that that is done go up here and select this wire to here and then we'll come here and then click on the very edge or the very end of this pin and then you can see there is this green line that follows the mouse around so that is the wire so we go ahead and we connect here like this and then we do the very same thing for from here to here like this this goes through this resistor so we need to connect that puzzle like that so this is how to do wiring so you just basically have to click one point and then go to the other point and click again and click on at that point and go to another point and click again when you're done wiring you just mainly need to press the Escape key to stop the wiring too and that is that so let's go ahead and wire up everything just like we can see here in the schematic while this is all going hungry give us a thumbs up if you've learned something so far and subscribe to this channel to stay in touch on how to design and build more cool stuff now we are done with the wiring but one thing that we've not done is connecting all the grounds together and so from the schematic we notice that they this capacitor has to be connected to ground together with this one that one and then this part of the two transistors has to also be connected to ground so go ahead and add a ground net for that so we can either use the ground net here or we can use this one would works the same so let's just grab one ground net like that and then drop one here another here another here and then here and so after that we'll now go ahead and make the connections to them so we connect this to that and as you can see all of the grounds are now connected nicely and that is that so the next thing that we have to do is we have to make sure that we name everything appropriately as it should be so from the diagram here you realize that this particular resistor has a name but in our case would be using the values as the naming so c1 here has a value so c1 is hundred nano farad this here would be named hundred nano farad instead of the zero point one micro farad II half year so let's go ahead and rename all this component to match their values so this is how you rename them you select the text that comes with the pot so you select the text like this just the text not this but just this and then you go up here to the attributes and then you go to the text section and you change this 200 nano farad so you can see changes 200 nano part so would go ahead and change all the names here to the appropriate values the last thing we want to do before we convert to PCBs want to make sure the package type of all these components here much de package type that we are going to buy right now for for instance for this resistor here for this package type it's a true hole type so what I mean by that is the this resistor will have legs that would go through holes on the PCB and we saw that on the other side of the PCB but that's not what we want we want the surface mount type so we would click on it for you to be highlighted like this and then we go to this package section and then click in a space which will bring up this window and then we will search for the package type we want so now be 1206 so when we are done we will search for 1206 and that will bring up a list of components so then we will select resistor 1206 which will show us what PCB footprint will look like so it should look like this so we click update and then you can see it's updated and then when we select this again you can see here now that our 1206 so now go ahead and update all the rest of the resistors so let's use the same package type for the capacitors so let's go ahead and change them for 1206 also so we select this first one here and then we go here and then this time around we are looking for c 1206 so go ahead and update those ones too to convert this to PCB we go up here and then click convert to PCB so over here there is two options see that you just convert to PCB and start working or you check for errors with your connection and by that you have to click yes check next so in Eclipse Eclipse it will perform some analysis and then you can as you can see here in this space you can see that there is no red checks on anything here so that means everything here is fine but you can see two yellow marks here so this is switch one pin 4 and switch one point 5 so that is this pin and this pin here so let's just zoom in so this pin and this pin here our plan for and pin 5 and these are the legs of the switch the legs that go through the PCB board and it's saying that they are not connected to anything yes we do not mean to connect them to anything so we just leave it as a test so because it's yellow here means that if we do not connect these it doesn't really pose a problem to this PCB and that's why I - yellow if we if we were red it means that there's something wrong here and that we have to fix it before we move forward but since it's yellow and it's intended anyway we'll just go ahead and leave it as it is so go back here and click convert to PCB once again and then this time around we'll select no because we've already checked the connections so after a while of loading you would see that it puts everything of ours here in this black space with everything next up here like this so the blue eyes you see crossing each other is referred to as a rat's nest so we will have to pack all these and then put them here in this box here we see and this box will form the bodice of your PCB to also form the shape and the size of your PCB so first we'll have to move each and every one of these components into this box to arrange them as we want it to be on the PCB because this will be the final PCB and as usual to drag-and-drop something you just need to hold it and then move if we have components that are going to heat up like this MOSFETs here they are likely to heat up based on which load you connect to them I want to make sure that this MOSFETs are at the part of the PCB where did they don't affect the working of something else like this transistor doesn't have a heatsink so that means that this is not going to tolerate a lot of heat so you make sure that you don't put this transistor in the same space where this MOSFETs are so you might want to put the MOSFETs a little bit on the other side of the board and then the other components on the other side of the board so let's go ahead and arrange or move all these into the space here and then let's start while let's go ahead and look at some of the tools and Taft are available for us to use to finish our PCB so this part is the layers and object section and what this basically is it allows you to toggle between layers so if you pick up any PCB the parts you are looking at on the surface is the top layer when you flip the PCB around the other part is the bottom layer so you can see by default the pencil here is on the top layers the top silk layer is the the writings so this markings that you see in yellow so the the markings that you see that demarcates the space or ship of the parts you are going to place and then name these things from the top so clear so as you can see in yellow here anything we see in yellow on this board is part of the top silk layout if you want to go to the other side of the PCB you just have to click this and I move the pencil to bottom layer so you can see that everything becomes a little bit dim because we are on the other side of the PCB and anything you are doing here is happening at the back of the PCB so we bring it back here so you can see everything is bright again and in focus so we are on the top so let's go ahead and wire this up so you notice that in this section when we are creating the schematics we call these green lines wise because they are the Y's that we using to link things together but over here in the PCB section these things are not kawaii this blue lines are not Hawaii they are called tracks and by connecting them together connecting them to where they are supposed to go it's called routing and one thing we have to pay attention to or take note of is that everything that has to do with power on this circuit would would have to have a thick track what do I mean by this let's take a look at this circuit so you realize that the power comes in from the AC mains apply to this line in our case it is coming in to this two pin header here so it comes into here goes to the fuse and then from the fuse it's gets spread across the places it should go right so this MOSFET is going to be doing all the hard work or there's gonna be a lot of power passing through this MOSFET so you have to make sure that their wires that lead to and out of this MOSFET are tick enough to handle the calculated amount of power that would come true so for that we need to make anywhere between here the input and the MOSFETs to that diode thick so that there's no power losses along those tracks I'm going to just do a few once you catch on go ahead and fast forward to so would click here and then go from here to here and so you notice that the thickness of this wire is very thin this is some 0.5 millimeters as you can see here 0.5 millimeters so if we want to increase the width we just have to click on the track or the route and then we will come here to wait and then we'll change that too so let's choose 2.5 and see how that goes so this is 2.5 millimeters and it seems okay so let's go ahead and wire up the other ones so we click here click here let's go ahead to the smaller component and here you notice something this transistor here has a connection that goes all the way around the PCB to this and so you can see it it's why it's very far so you have to bring this component closer so that the wiring is not so long and that would also prevent any energy losses along the line so let's go ahead and leave this here and then restructure the rest so move these guys down and then you notice that this component is also supposed to be somewhere here to reduce the power losses as I was mentioning earlier so would go ahead and move that muscle forward wow this is all going kindly give us a thumbs up if you've learned something so far and subscribe to this channel to stay in touch on how to design and build more cool stuff yes so I guess this is much better so do the same for any other components that might potentially cause problems for athlete down to move them closer will do the same for this move this away also note that we are not going to be routing the ground so any pin that is supposed to go to ground like this one that is supposed to go here which is also ground we are not going to be routing any of the grounds we would use what is called the Coppa area so would put like a huge copper area here to connect all ground to get out to matically we will see how to do that little along the line so just we just leave this as it is and then go ahead and route all the other pins just leaving grounds okay so let's go ahead you realize that these pins are not as big or these pads here are not as big or thick as this one so if we use thicker outs like this 2.5 millimeter one it's going to just leak into the other path so you just have to drop the weight so we'd go here and drop it to say 0.5 so 0.5 should be okay and then let's go ahead and wear this first one and as you can see yes this this looks okay so we can go ahead and why all the other ones that are left also notice that none of the connections here are crossing at 90 degrees or moving at 90 degrees because we selected 45-degree routes an angle here and the reason for that 45 is that when paths cross at 90 degrees this could lead to electromagnetic interference or this could also introduce humming or some form of noise into the circuit so you don't want this route going around this board at 90 degrees so you can see the screws at 45 45 45 45 and this is how you should route so let's go ahead and route the other components so now we are done connecting all the small paths but we ran into some problems and that is we want to connect this pad to this pad but notice that there is no space or path that we can use for the routing so what we do is we use something called a via so this is here so what you do is you grab a via and you place a via here and then you place another one here so what is going to happen is we connect this part to this via and then on the other side of this PCB will connect this via to that via and then on this surface will connect this back to that so what we've done is we pass the connection to this hole to the other surface of the PCB and all the way to this and then to the hole back to the surface and then back here and this is the way by which a lot of manufacturers or people out there who make very complex PCBs connect components together when there is no path available for them to you so let's see how to use it we are going to name this via first the vias must must match the names of the nets that for the sorry the names of the paths that they need to be connected to so if we take a look at this path you notice it's called Q - Q - - - so we would copy the same Q - - to name for the net here and then click the via and then name it also Q - - - if you don't name it like that it's not going to allow you to connect to it so as you can see as I change the name to Q - - - the blue line extends into the via and I will do the same thing here who named s also Q - - - and then you notice that it does that so now this is what we can do we can connect this to this pad here and it's here and then we can connect this to this button it is that the middle part does not be connected yet so this is what we do we would go to the other surface which is the bottom layer and then on the bottom layer I will connect this to that and then we'll come back here so you can see that this goes through this through the other surface and then back here to way it supposed to go so this is how to use a V&O notice that there are a couple of connections that also require the same technique like this needs to go here and this needs to go here but there is no space so what we do is we'll have to use vias to get today we notice that the ground lines are the only connections that are left but I also noticed that we made we omitted one thing so over here we are supposed to connect the chips main ground line to a gun net also so that all these guys can be connected together so let's just go ahead and add a ground a gun net here and then connect that to this yeah like that so when we are done we have to update our PCB with this new connection yes so we have to apply changes so you can see that when I highlight this it indicates that there should be a connection from here all the way to here and and all the other guns but because of the net we are going to be using here and in order to prevent the 230 volt from having any form of electromagnetic interference or any leakage to our ground we would want to extend this ground here manual by ourselves before we put the net here so let's go ahead and use a via once again so up with the via here but then we make this via bigger because we needed to match the thickness of this so let's just select it and then we go to the properties here would state that damn it had to be 2.5 so it's not bigger and then we stick the hole to be less e1 this this looks a lot better but we can we can also use 1.5 and so this this looks like a better idea so we'll go ahead and copy this and duplicate it here and then put another one here some of the writings are places that are not so cool so we'll have to change them so q1 for instance is upside down so let's let's turn it upright so you just click on it and then you press the space key and then that will just turn it around okay so I think everything is in order now so now we can go ahead and add the ground net so this is how we do it you click on the net Garnett and then you draw the ground net so you first have to left-click once and then we left click right around here and then we left click down here once again and then when you want to end it you right-click instead so right-click and you can see that it adds that red ground mesh everywhere on the on the top layer and we can go ahead and do that for the bottom layer also this mesh we put your the ground copper covering we put here would also eat later on in the cooling of some of these components if they get warmer somehow and now we are done with our PCB so let's go ahead and check what it should look like when this is manufactured so before we do that we could just turn the top layer off and take a look at what the lower layer looks like and make sure everything is in order and then we'll turn the blower off and then check what the upper one also looks like and everything is in order here so go ahead and go up here and select 3d view and then it generates the 3d view with the component as you can see so go ahead and we take that and take a look so this components are showing and some aren't showing because the ones that are showing parts that I picked directly from the LCSC store so those parts have the aspects and everything updating the cloud so it brings that here but the ones that I choose from user-contributed files not showing as you can see but when we buy them they will actually fit us as they should be okay so let's go ahead and rotate this you can see the transistor here and then you can see the switch and in the MOSFETs space also so we'll turn it around you can see the leg of the transistor and the legs of the switch I can also see the vias with the small holes over here and then we can flip it back so this is what you have when your circuit is manufactured for you if you if you are not a fan of blue and you're a fan of green you can just go here and change the blue to green and then you have your classic regular PCB you can also change to to black/white or whichever one works for you so we can also see what the black would look like and it's all nice okay so about how to save this file so you just go ahead up here while you are in the PCB side of things just go up here and then you go to generate PCB fabrication file which is also known as GABA so we just click this and then it asks us to check the connections so we just say yes and then when it checks the connections and it sees no error we come here like if it finds an error as before it will show us a list here with the arrow names and stuff okay so this is the PCB and this is what to look like and we can audit this PCB for five dollars so five dollars is the cost of producing this PCB for you but shipping would also come as a separate entity on its own alright so we can just generate the gaybar file and back it up to our cloud or whichever space we want to back it up to us or we could just click this and go ahead and order it but for the length of this video our just end it here I'm going to make another video that would show you how to order the parts over here and also order the manufacturing of this particular board go ahead and generate the Gerber file and then as you can see it comes with a nice long name with the dates and everything so we just go ahead and save it if you learned something here today kindly give us a thumbs up to show your support for this channel if you are new here subscribe to stay in touch on how to design and build ball cool stuff thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: Delali
Views: 71,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcb, easyeda, jlcpcb, lcsc, delali, diy, schematic, routing, how to, how to make pcb, easyeda pcb design, easyeda tutorial, pcb design software, easyeda tutorial for beginners, easyeda pcb, pcb design, pcbway, easy eda, easyeda pcb tutorial, how to use easyeda, pcb prototyping, pcb design tutorial, electronics, circuit design for beginners, how to design a pcb, free pcb design software, pcb design tutorial for beginners, pcb from schematic, easy eda software tutorial, schematic to pcb
Id: q9fgMhfEzko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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