KiCad STM32 Hardware Design and JLCPCB Assembly

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It may be worth uploading as multiple smaller videos next time, to make the video easier to navigate - I know you have timestamps which is great, but having four videos for the four main sections you put in the description might have been better.

Your video thumbnail also isn't the board made during the video, which some people may not like.

I have only briefly skimmed through the video but it looks good, I'll see if I can watch it later to revise my PCB skills. Edit: I see you covered SMT assembly - I really got to check that part out, just what I wanted to know.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/wongsta 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Pretty dam good. Well done.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/earlyBird2000 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Why are your USB différential traces so narrow? It definitely is not 90ohm différential impedance

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RFgeek 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2020 đź—«︎ replies
I just wanted to go through a quick design how to design an stm32f4 breakout board well we expose various interfaces such as I squirt CES bi and so forth and just guide you through how we designed that in CAI card do the schematic do the layout and the routing and then also ordered via jlc PCB using their manufacturing and also their assembling surfaces yes I just want to show you how to design the crystal oscillator circuit or what kind of external secretary still need to to get this thing up and running the main chip I tend to use is the stm32f4 0 5 I believe it's our GT 6 and it's fairly fast up to honor and 70 megahertz it's relatively inexpensive I think about 4 years of GLC VCD and enough amount of flash memory and RAM ok so let's get started by opening my CAD then create a new project let's call this than them to look for great cap and our techno schematic ok so luckily if we click on play symbol in the Chi cat lab libraries that there is already a part with this chips are suited to f40 v RG t let's just drop it in ok so this will kind of be our centerpiece let's put over here other than that we need a 3.3 volt regulator to step down any input voltage we have for example 9 volts down to 3.3 volts so one I tend to use which joules available at JL CPCB is the AMS one one one seven 3.3 it's quite overpowered for the scenario because I think it can deliver up to about an amp of current which is quite a lot and I until you won't be using that much ok so what else do we need I tend to always put a third bead on the in front just to filter any very high-frequency noise I tend to use one which is about a hundred ohms at hundred megahertz so let's just do note that here off of that probably pretty good to just use the fuse we can put that before the ferrite bead if you can choose a value up to about an ampere but let's per safety to fit 500 milliamp fuse so that's just to make sure if there's a short-circuit the fuse boys and you save your circuitry another thing what which is a probably good practice to do is to use input reverse polar active protection and you can do that by using a p-channel mosfet and zener diode but for the sake of time let's see the Schottky diode so if you hook up your power supply the wrong terminals little protective so let's put that in the front I should have to use this small single for that because we are using small symbols short screen I tend to always use the small and what's good save space I already know which data can be using it's the 5/8 one mind of you and that's an anthro a Schottky diode 0.6 volt forward drop and it's available at JSC PCB so what gel see PCB has produced open up the site just briefly they have this SMT assembly service and you can see they have a limited amount of parts you can use so you have kind of all this section here so if you go into your resistance just sever the resistors you'll see they have basic parts which don't cost affects our assembly fee and resistors was going to rather okay bit here we have extended parts so that cost about another three euros because they have to change the components on the pick-and-place machines so it's always good to try and op the basic parts when you're choosing opponents and I know you have done this before the b-58 one 9w is a basic part in order it cost us more why not we've optimal choice but for the sake of saving costs which is go over them okay so of course we also need input/output caps at the regulator for stability and this regulator is stable a quality of of a sheet with 10 microfarads actor in Pippin and at that so that took them up okay so of course now we need to pull the power flags to indicate what the nets are so ad let's have a ground here can it get up and add input input flag so it's again I'm getting the place power port so VCC is gonna be our input voltage at whatever clear this can be five it could be nine that's good I think this regulator goes up to you okay thirty volts I think which is of course overcome it's probably baked first thing but then we need 3.3 volt adapter okay so this is our very simple input regulator circuit we have a diode for us provide protection fuse to protect my short circuits for a bead to provide some additional filtering high frequencies and our input amount of capacitors for stability attend till withdrawal it all using this place preferred line to polygon button on the right there just a little box around it make you look like need and section off different things on the schematic because we have to be right click and ROI and then we can just place texture using this little text simple here what do we call it water break today can I write that just put the tie plane okay yeah okay so now we've got our input voltage affected by voltage regulator circuit let's look at our microcontroller this is kind of a more interesting part then we just move the labels around make it a bit neater I already know we're going to be using the our gt6 version here except some available juice jlc PCB okay so since this is a code standard library it's really quite nicely sectioned so we have all the VDD so the positive voltage rail pins up here the grampians down here and sorted it to various banks a B and C banks and areas of the secretary okay so looking at the top the VDD so let's go through venturi rods over here so the bat this pin if you're not using an external battery supply which we've activated whenever VDD is missing you can just tie it up to three volts because we don't have an external battery supply here we just tie it to three front three volts if you did have an external battery supply and you would want to switch to that when VDD is not being applied connect that of course to your rear battery now VD VA is kind of the analog reference voltage so if you're using the a DC's in this in this chip analog to digital converters you would probably want to add some extra filtering to the VDD a pin so because we might be exposing these pins let's do that so we derive it from the 3.3 volts supply again that C is the same throat bead just for simplicity but let's add some capacitors and they're not going to be as large as these 10 micro farad capacitors I think sta recommends a hundred magnetar capacitor in parallel with 10 nano farad I believe you can't really go very wrong you could deal 1 micro farad and you could do 100 hundred nano farad it doesn't make too much a difference okay let's just soak these up and so we're feeding off through material supply filtering by the thyroid beading and the combination of these capacitors and then let's place another power flag you can 3 volts see there must be a VA one here oh yeah the sleep with you what's the younger just indicate this is a the kind of analog derived voltage we can move up here take this flag okay to the BBB a so you notice I kind of always try to separate little sections so I wouldn't I could go and the kind of just you know wire this up and connected to VD a but your circuit is going to look really messy if you keep on doing that so I always tend to section things off Hugh's use these for power flags and also use example labels global labels and so forth I find it makes the schematic look a lot neater okay so it's looking a bit messy of course now because everything is kind of floating about or group that together later okay so we've done the top part let's connect the grounds so there we go awesome okay so st recommends and while I tend to do for every VDD pin available on the chip use - 100 nano farad decoupling capacitors so let's do that I just I don't connect them up to the pins so I could do this but that's just gonna look messed up if we have about 10 with these capacitors so I create a whole new section at the top so happens to be an upper case we have 1 2 3 4 VD DS so 200 micro farad to each of these and won't be bad where I'm just gonna be using 100 in our favor because we're not actually using this pin VDD a as you remember we've really filtered through need pins up we won't need capacitors extra capacitors for that ok so 4 times to update ok what's not 6 8 I go on through 8 and we're using 1 for feedback ok and stl server recommends placing a larger decoupling capacitor just like air about 10 microfarads close to the package and let's just use one of these 10 like your heads ok so again to 100 nano farad capacitors for each of the VDD pins I'm using one 100 nano farad for the bat because that pin is already in use VT da is already filtered and one larger decoupling capacitor closer to the microcontroller a package so now comes the boring part feel free to skip this or I just have to connect these up so I tend to do the long wire first and I can just connect them up like this yeah I promise it will get more interesting after this almost there okay of course become triggered the power flags 3.3 volts and ground okay just a bit over here so there was a lot of decoupling capacitors for this market controller now here's our 3.30 looking circuit okay let's just see this might be a bit closer we've got suicide okay there we go make it look a bit nicer might be able to either okay so now we've got a decoupling capacitors so this microprocessor microcontroller also has two VCAT pins and those are for the internal regulators I believe inside the chip and they require low ears are 2 point 2 micro farad capacitors attached to them so let's just do that even to my current so it depends on the chip all of this of course but in general everything is detailed in the data sheets initially follow them and the application notes you should be safe so each one of them I took like 2 micro farad capacitors you see I am in this case just attach it directly to these pins because I know on this side there won't be much circuitry anyway and the core convoluted there are I think four different pigments because they are to boot pins there's a boot 0 pin here which is clearly indicated but PB 2 according to the datasheet also acts as a boot 1 pin now the real important one is boot serum because that if you tie it low it's basically in the standard run mode and you can program it by a serial or wire debug if you pull this pin high you can it goes into DFU mode it's cool so it's direct I think firmware upgrade and you can program it by UART or USB now it might be a good idea to make this kind of switchable so you can put it higher but pull it low but in general I think 90% of the time or even more I just have this pin port down because I program it with Cyril wire because the debugging is just so much better because of DFU mode to loading the firmer of wire via you are to USB you have no insight into the registers and it basically just runs so let me create a labels now just to make a later so we have the end reset pin here which was sent you just toggles Orissa if there is a load on this pin so internally this has I think about a forty K pull-up resistor two three by three volts so by default this is high so it's a weekly port up and here with let's put a boot o label and just for completeness I'm gonna put a boot one label so this is in the datasheet why this PV tube in PV two hidden is I should read one and oh this will fall low as well not necessary because essentially this determines and the boot mode off the chip primarily okay so what else you'll see in the data sheet is that these two pins pH 0mph one are the crystal oscillator pins and this is the high speed external crystal oscillator which is called HSE we can also open it's good idea to download stm32 cuber max what you have open here and this is great for seeing the pin assignments and i'll show you this here so if we look for our into unit RG which is this one so it's an LPS be 64 package and you can see you look it's got quite a lot of flashing around and get off of our islands into make outs so double-click to open that wait for it to load and you can see this is it a chip in its default state and here we can go into different sections and enable different peripherals and that's exactly what we're going to do and lastly let's look at these pizzeria and ph1 pins so you can see this is our CC oscillator in and artists see all slow down you can also find this in the system core and assess pasta see sorry and here's the high-speed clock and we want to have a crystal Quranic resonate which will enable his pens when they turned green so let's just transfer this to the schematic let's check so this was in and out to see in I'll call this and I'll call this one HSV okay so let's place a crystal because we're gonna matter you can use the high-speed internal crystal or oscillator inside which shall be an RC based oscillator which has I think about a 1% accuracy but if you want accurate timing you're gonna need a quite precise external oscillator or crystal attached to this I'm just for the sake of showing you how to do this lift it just in cube of X again your two o'clock configuration you can see here's the high speed external but by default it's using a high speed internal which in this case is a 60 megahertz oscillator so it's up to you depending on your time requirements you went you weren't need you weren't strictly need their crystal attached to your device okay but will do so you type in crystal into cockade you're gonna get many different options so you have a two pin crystal you have crystals whereas a ground on a third pin in general for these Heights with external Slater's you're gonna want the crystal ground tuned for so pins one and three or essentially a crystal in and out and tuned for is the case ground this is what we'll be using as well because this type of package is available at jlc PCB as a basic part so let's rename this to HSC and we're gonna be using a 16 megahertz crystal so as you can if you go back to qmx you can see the crystal range is from four to twenty six methods I think 25 is recommended if you can be using Ethernet or USB but I tend to tend to go with 16 gives it so it's a safe bet but that's in target to you and your situation why you need okay so pins 2 & 4 & 1 & 3 are infant outfit so I'm just going to move these labels out of the way for the second smear for brain forever here and then scare attached input here and the output I will attach via a CD resistor and I'll explain what I do in a second so I'm small put up here connect that up and then we have two capacitors leave aside and these are the load capacitors and I'll go more to detail how we actually calculate them and why they're needed in a second so let me put over here connect them all up it's to and for the ground as except for does not recompute others move this to the side a bit so I've got a bit more space clean this up a bit more later notice to the slide this is looking tiny bit better with a label back okay so this is a basic Chris loss like dislike which you'll need and probably 99% of was issued in the sororities from the HSE out we're using a fee resistor into one of the terminals of the crystal and we have a chassis in which is basically directly into the crystal oscillator and we have to load capacitors here so plus all the feed resistor limits the amount of drive going to and from the crystal so if we don't want to essentially overdrive or distort the crystal waveform which will produce higher order harmonics and that's not what we want so we can limit the drive level we're using a small value to reverse time so let's look at how we actually calculate B a value of these load capacitors so let's go back to jail see PCB and see what crystals they have in stock fudging subscreen megahertz and learn we halt a basic part Chris loss late 16 megahertz let's look at the data shoot okay let's have a look as you can see here first of all pads - and foreground one and three Oh catch - the crystal and this is exactly what we have here okay now we need to find out what the load Crescent is now this is a generic data sheet for this line of crystals and it doesn't really say here which is a bit annoying but the notice pot is available LC LC so it's visit that type an apartment and we see that here the load capacitance is line picofarads okay so if the load capacitance in total it to be not in Pico farad's awesome let's go back how do we know do we just use my favorites for these well the thing is then parable parallel so parallel capacitors if they're the same value which will have so this will be the same value this crest on the capacitance halves of the in parallel but we also have to take into account that they'll be straight capacitance on the PCB so this will be the order about two to four Peter pallets for shorter we give us traces the more we watch out with our circuit layout the less this path or essence but it will be but if we assume about two Pico farad's all right out of the equation here so they'll see work trestles let's call it CL is going to be two times I see a load crystal minus C parasitic or straight to vessel of the circuit right so this is how you calculate the value for these little clusters so look for a sealer crystal was mine I'm picker feds parasitic is about to Pico farad's could be four to four P defines what's way to so it's known as to seven this two is fourteen sits around 40 Pico farad's but it could be less so could we use twelve liquify it could be slightly more could be sixty three parts but something around that range for this crystal I found 12 pick apart works pretty well so receiving a slightly larger parasitic capacitance there we go that's how you calculate the load trust us for the crystal now the feeder resistor isn't always required and you should be fine without it as well I just ended foot again in because it it's kind of neat now some of these my concerns are bit fussy about the load capacitances all capacitance attached to these a high speed external crystal oscillator pins some of them weren't allow capacitors maybe above twenty Pico farad's and you have to watch out it depends on a chip for this one is pretty safe okay so now we've pretty much got all our main external circuitry so like we've got all the decoupling capacitors connect all the grounds which are my crystal oscillator circuit connected the view cap pins now let's look at the end reset boots here in a group one remember we want to pull boots here alone I don't want to pull the boot one low excuse again a small resistor and 10 kilo ohms are sufficiently good value to pull these pins low so Butera good one now we could tie them directly to that but that means we weren't being really able to change the values should we need to but when the circuit has been made because here we can essentially just ply apply 3.3 volts to one side of the Ritter's - I'm Paul Booth CEO to hide that way but if it's tied ready to grant we're gonna have to cut the copper trace so it's severed to do it this way okay so for that for the reset pin you could use a switch which is then essentially just tied to ground so once you press it switch it ties em receptor grant momentarily and resets the device which is which you can do if you want to do that but the amount of times you're actually going to have to reset the the chip by hand is minimal the only reason we're going to using it is because it connects to the debug connector set for using JTAG or Sarah water debug the programmer can use the reset pin to perform a harder recent now let's go back to qmx because we want to enable the pins for serial what a debug and you can find them here so I'll assist debug there's zero while and you can see there's the beta i/o and the clock pin for swd but it is also good practice to include the trace pin which adds a lot the third pin here which is SW and this allows you to face up to printf via the debugger or the programmer and you can watch variables and plot graphs and so forth so I tend to always include that pin as well so let's just see so that's PA 1380 14 and 33 so we have I still enjoy yo you have a person block and Esther vo which is the trace so PA 13 is SWT oh yeah PA 14 is a stop clock and P V 3 is está beep oh 53 goes over here and that's our debug so essentially this is a kind of minimal setup right we've got the boot pins tied high-dollar we've got a external high speed a crystal attached we have over the holo decoupling and filtering and we have the serial Y debug so it could use JTAG but I think serovar debug is fine in spiritual situations okay now if you have learn what it's called so it's the arm debugger tool I think st-link that comes with it over the typical header it's a temp in arm header so let's look at the pin out arm and I stopped to do okay and this is this is the kind of pin out we want it's the left side so we have the controller BTC ground ground multimatic ground here's the data another I know clock I saw you're not connected in reset so let's use that pin out because then we can easily attach our debugger just to that ahead well let's do that so place component circum it is two columns five roads now we want the odd-even one this one this or even will always translate to this so it's one two three four five six seven eight or they don't use that and now we just have to wire it up as we see in this picture here so you have to take my three volts you know ground this one this one this one now i'm not connected we'll put that here that's not connected and this isn't character ten is reset switch over here astrology is the top one I study clock is about one and SW proviso okay and now we've got a connector which has the same pin out as this it's an SMD mount usually one point two seven millimeter pitch header and that will go directly to that st-link department connected but well we'll pick the parts out later when we do the component assignment okay so now looks like we've got pretty much everything let's get back to q1 X because now comes maybe the more interesting part now we can choose what peripherals you want to expose on this little breakout board so let's go through so in connectivity you'll see you'll have the main interfaces you're probably wanting ice quit see let's draw that so the docket sitting skipping my squid see it and we'll choose two free pins so for example p v6 and p v7 necessity on SDA now you can look at the data sheet and have a look around I squared C one might not just be mapped be v6 and pb-7 so it could be Matt somewhere else look at the decks chief that but well that's just it just for simplicity you can also click on pins here and and see what is actually what functions are available on every pin it's not the way to do it okay yeah let's go with SPI full duplex master ok so we have this clock my so noisy and we probably want the chips away so that's by NSS chip select its you can just assign a sign for your GPO at but because it's just a high or low so that's just too young for any virus so cheaper you out but it's our chip select you can also right click and enter user level soldier s play one what makes it look nicer than just saying gee player output okay so capacitor C CL SDA okay what about a UART asynchronous I said it puts a p98 oh yeah so got TX know X and that's for now we could just stick with that one thing I tend to do because if you have a UART and you you want to use you are maybe debugging for example using printf to some sort of terminal console you can do that of course implying do art and then connecting to a aur to USB converter that's all fine but that that room requires extra parts you need an extra driver IC and so forth now the nice thing about stm32 tzer's do you also have a USB connection so if I just do that quick thing so you use device are they it's pi11 pi12 so if it's a differential line so do you - data plus and if you go to middleware go to USB device there is a virtual Compal so you won't need an extra converter between us being view art you can just use the you are - for example debug and of course as many different devices as a human interface device or Adi a few device audio and so forth so that's just a little tip if you do want to save an extra extra chip which can be an extra cost of course if you do this in volume just use the USB and use budget pump all but for simplicity for this one I'll work between that because then you have to route differential lines with a USB connection and for the sake of this video just keep it short okay but our connections are nice but see SPI and one grot okay so let's just half of this next to each other so TV 6and TV second that's us let's see one sta is pb-7 and iced let's see long STL 56 okay you want is PA 9 p.m. so you got one TX is p9 + p 8n is home ok and finally we have SPI which is a PA for pizza so if I always kind of Bank service below select just making loads of labels and delay thing what this pins on this is good because Layton when you're if should things go wrong which they might you can see immediately that it's sp1 and what pins they are without them example drawing huge wires to some part of a second you didn't what the hell's going on this is the way I recommend doing it PA 670 this mercy okay now what I tend to include as well is an LED just to show the status that if is right so you can have an abd for some blink with the frequency woman one hurts everyone so a second just to show that things right so if the simplest checks are often the best those to clean and connect that to M century almost any proof in so you have to watch out because some of the pins don't have the current drive capability so check the datasheet most pins should be fine but some odd okay so an LED let's say we want the red LED here take your resistor so you could work out what current you want just was knowing the forward voltage drop is about 1.8 volts for red LED figure out what current you want to go through and for what partners but fairly low brightness you'll be fine with a two point 2k resistor connected to one at PB 12 first video oh yeah yeah so let me just say this is an output usually of all this Houdini for example it doesn't have to be you can of course a meta facility but I think it's a nice thing to have I think r3 no hazard as well where they have like a state is pinned that flushes and you can use okay but the raining pins are not going to be using and Kyle Cadiz good idea to use this no connection flying to suppress warnings happens to that this is a bit boring okay and to decide you can be smokin X and O's and on this side feel free to follow this bit as well almost done okay so now we've pretty much got everything hooked up spi uart Sarah why debug the boot pins the reset pins crystal Katz yeah I'm just checking everything of course you want to take your time when checking the psychic just to make sure everything is correct because you can waste a lot of money redoing circuits especially with PCBs okay one thing on the top of your ladies let's add an LED here just to indicate the powers on so first type of boards it's always a good idea to do this are they ready to LED why not you could use it green or blue but of course that changes the full voltage but let's just make things simple Craig Mattey okay okay now we can now group this market controller let's put a little box around it just make it make it so let me just rearrange now this is the way I tend to do it this is by no means the only correct way of doing it but my boards have worked so far and I just wanted to because I haven't seen videos that explained this kind of in this way how to just do a simple hardware design which follows the basic guidelines so hey there's lots of yeah yeah so this is taking longer okay this will do for now let's draw a little box around upper section ahsoka pretty rough but you should enjoy put a label just go to okay now you might have noticed that I didn't group this connector with marketed trellis engineer well that's because we need to add connectors for everything so we need to add power connector for the voltage input miss connectors for the SPI for what else we have UART of course and I Scott C so let's do that now I tend to just use these generic connectors so here's a two pin connector we can connect new art and connect the TX and rx lines we can do the same for I script C and SDA now the topic vise could see something I forgot which is pull-up resistors so you can either have the pull-up resistors on the board which is what I recommend or off the board something else but you're always gonna need to pull-up resistors on the lines that's up those so the higher your speed is for I squid see the higher but what the lower the value of the palabras isn't it to be for most cases a safe bet it's just using two 20 kiloohm resistor food is low but it enable you to get a fast mover the ice could see and also I meant the normal mode of a tricky lights what you'll be noticing as well is I try to so any powerful eyes that are positive so passed through many volts I tend to have facing upwards and everything low voltages like ground or negatives of loyola knows I have facing downwards so here boot zero is going this direction and anything that's pulled up with a she you know moving up it's easier to read I find and can kind of stay consistent okay so that's the ice could support resistors and finally we have SPI so that's a 4 pin connector people titles okay now we need one with power she's just connected to VCC and ground okay now what I tend to do is well I tend to have at least one header where I'm Ashley's Expo is the 3.3 volt rail so this could be 2 power external circuitry or just as a test point to see if there's what voltage it's that you know because the LED will indicate that there is some voltage there if there is but it won't tell you of course what the lecture voltages and you can read this with a multimeter much easier so you just you roughly group them so this wouldn't be the prettiest schematic but basic ideas group everything put it intersections makes it much easier to debug and read your box around out and let's call this awesome okay so one more thing which used in the schematic if you want to of course is add mounting holes and you need to do this in the schematic why not better choice don't want bit weird but anyway play simple you know I tend to do with the pad because I tend to grind my mounting holes if I want to connect this to goof it up with a metal enclosure it will provide a nice Faraday cage so to the grantham four of them as well have four corners okay I'm sure again text now because a bit later okay so now you can see we've got all these different sections of the schematic we have a per volt regulator and water protection use filtering it's checking everything all the connectors debug connect power in power out and so forth the mounting holes and of course the main like a controller circuit and okay this seems to look all right in the first glance now the next thing we to do is annotate the the components annotate means essentially assign numbers to have individual components so we're gonna have I'd knew about 20 30 capacitors 20 maybe so it will be C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 T 5 6 7 so you could do this manually but you know expect me C 1 C 2 and and that's about its heat this I can do this via one but of course it will take a while now kodkod has a feature building where you don't have to that manually otherwise they click on annotate ok and there's several options here the most important one for me is essentially how you want them sorted by so essentially the car here will go through and say whatever is left gets leftmost gonna take it first so big deal on then we do - it will look for the next diode which is starting or left so a kind of scan like this and you can also scan kind of top to bottom it depends on how you got a heavy layout did I've done the layout of the circuit let's just do it sort by Y position see what it does here click on a tape so we've done that it's done all the connectors sees them left first before it does the vertical position this looks right all right it's um see-through 212 this seems kind of logical how it's annotated it sometimes but annoying if you have example capacities which maybe are up here it'll annotate them annoyingly and sometimes I have to do it by hand but in most cases it works fine okay so now we've labeled everything everything's looking good we can now do electrical rules check so take a little ladybug run and there's gonna be some things which are wrong well maybe it just gives us warnings and says this is a look quite right you can go to the options and select what kind of errors and warnings you want to through generally unspecified poems you can get rid of all of warnings because once mr. unspecified as long as you look through properly it shouldn't be a problem but let's go through so you can click on them one by one connect it up depends not driven it's fine yes it's complaining it's fine the ones you have to watch out for our error is so not warnings areas are the ones which will probably get you if something is it's great for checking for things actually connected so actually if maybe there's a pin which has a flag maybe are there five volts but it doesn't you can't find the five off like everyone else that means it probably disconnected so it's always a good idea to do that the first will annotate and then perform the electrical rules check okay but this seems to be looking okay I recommend going through it thoroughly again printing this out and paper the schematic checking the data sheets checking everything's right this is a fairly simple what what so this should be fine that honestly you will save so much money in time and bother just going through it too spending an extra day you know sleep over and check out the next day this is talking from experience ok next thing you do sort of course choose the footprints for the different components let's do that by clicking this little button or some PCP footprints it'll take a little while to load and we will do this in conjunction with the GLC PCP kind of inventory because you want to choose parts that are basic parts not extended parts so we don't have to pay extra and of course you want parts but they have in stock so I don't always so dis elect that stretches out okay my general rule of thumb is the larger the value of capacitance you want a larger footprint this is because that also the voltage rating of the capacitor will be higher and gender you want to maximize the voltage rating of the capacitor even if you know you're only going to be 3 volts across the capacitor choose the one with the highest voltage rating so 10 micro professor is covered in jlc PCB and we get several options which are basic parts and this is what we want to be looking at extended parts cost more there to change you can only have up to 10 extend parts on a 10 different extended part Sangam PCB so a six of a tea pots tablet so we have an eight oh five it's very large 25 volt rating what else we have see there's a 6 by 3 or 13 that isn't good because especially these see one face-on 4 will be at the input here and who knows what voltage will be applied here so we put a 6 point 3 volt capacitor here and that might blow up we also have tantalum what you recommend up initially sorry so look yeah so it looks like a 805 is the best choice it's about 25 volt rated let's choose that and it's large input capacitor so double-click or 805 yeah it's something 5 so we have it 2 which is that but let's keep that the same as well all right oh now see 3 remember is this large decoupling capacitor for the microcontroller and the voltage here is only 3.3 volts so we weren't need that kind of voltage rating so there's a 4-2 let's go without 603 1 it's larger than Oh 40 and it has better wattage rate so all that 100 nano farad capacitors so these are all the decoupling capacitors here those I always go vote for - sorry for 2 feet up in here 6 4 3 volts that's fine or any run it through and 3 volts whoops and of course it would help to put a little routine there we have 60 rolls even better before - it's in stock that you have got millions in stock and they're credibly cheap so a 4 - always to 10 before I go - because they fit nicely at the pins so just go forward to all of these so 10 nano farad that's for the VDD a pin over here so 10 another 5 50 volt rating perfect to play forward - so you see what I'm doing I've got this window open here when I should choose the part I had the GLC PCB window open to see what pot they have in stock which parts are cheap enough and they have the right voltage rating the right size and I also have the schematic to check okay we're in the circuit is the part what voltages do they need to withstand and how big do they need to be so g12 microfarad remember these were these V captain's and they said lo es are in the dead sheets you want lower equivalent series resistance now if we type in two point two little sticks these are the ones I tend to go for they're not exactly lower ESR but I have had no problems so far with them so generally watch out for these things so 603 these 212 Pico farad's that those were these two load capacitors here and Cothran top reverb at 1:04 - sighs it's a basic part good voltage rating yep perfect before to remember a 4-2 you can still hand solder but since would be using PLC PCB assembly service you know might as well go as small as is kind of feasible possible some part see what maple might want a larger right so some parts which you might want to change yourself for example these these pull up will pulldown resistors or these ones here you might want to make larger because you can seduce all of them better you can get to the pads they're bigger pads you can change the voltage and so forth okay so her and I said be 5/8 W is a big expensive part it's a Schottky diode and the package which is important for this one is s OD one two three so let's go SMD so do you want to do perfect it's a Clark Epson printer so for further AEDs just talk energy and I'd like an O six or three sighs I'm rewarded red which is here so this is the part number package okay oh six at 32 have it in stock let's see AFC so three SMD I faked now fuses it's a bit boring PLC PCB they only have them as extended parts which is a bit frustrating because fuses you pretty much need well in almost every design so I hope you one day they'll be basic parts but here you can see the different size of 1206 1812 and what I tend to do I have whole stack refuses at home so instead of paying three euros every time I need to order to board with a fuse I just saw them all on myself so I'll just choose something which I have in stock up at my home and then I'll just solve them myself so fuse I think I also said beam at home so let's use that so that's the tender what to do so if there's extended pulse I can easily sell to myself I'll do stood myself because it's not worth paying X or three years sir-sir Valtor can beat so they only have two thyroid beads there's one which is the hollow domes of a hundred megahertz and there's one which is 600 ohms at the hundred megahertz I tend to go for this one which is a no a 205 size five identified some mounting holes remember we put this on the schematic here you can choose anything you want it pretty much I tend to go for larger and four pads with the vias they look cool I think a footprint you see it's this kind of shape it's a known full sized hole but it's got where the V is around a sues those now 16 megahertz crystal tell them to GLC piece of e as before there's this one basic part the important thing is now the package so it's an SMD 3 2 to 5 hold him and amazingly we've got this already a nice in ArchiCAD library so 33 5 4 pin okay okay next thing I'll the connect us so connect us here what I tend to go for and well for the circuit which are basically just for like prototyping and bread boarding I go for 2.5 four millimeter pitch headers and the universe standard GPIO head as you'll find and other in others on raspberry PI's and so forth and you've got loads of cables lying around to them so that's what I tend to use and that's what we using here so just where are they pin headers is what he want to point five four millimeters vertical don't it that's what we want I'll just add them to this as well can had a tactical and the last Panda okay so j4 is this one and that's the serial wire debug connector and this as I said before connect severe stealing for debugging and it's a it's a standard of one point two seven millimeter SMD mount so this is we have to pay a bit of attention it's what would you submit omit to pitch and it's a vertical and it says something which is what we want awesome okay now finally we come to the resistors now resistors again it depends if you want to change them later go for a larger size if you think you're gonna fix them go for the smallest size which is possible plus and watch out for the power rating so for LEDs calculate what current will be going through them the value of resistance in work out what power will be dissipated in that resistor for LED resistors so if these are poor the ones we have here are 1 which is 2 point 2 K and R 7 because the large value of resistance and the low voltage there's not very much power dissipated in them but for good practice I choose a larger resistor for LEDs so I'll choose R 63 for the 2.2 case now that was our one and seven now always good idea to check if we can compare them to stock which I do and 2/10 or what which is fine plus minus 1 percent of adjusters 63 perfect ok now for all other resistors moving up all these pull up and pull down you can't make a larger of course but it's nice to have small resistors so I get for authority and you can pre pretty sure that standard values like 2.2 UK or 10k will always be in stock but to the sake principle 10k go for 2 you like they even got to one of them as plus minus 1 percent more ohms plus minus 5 percent yeah that's fine and I'll have to punt Tuesday and stuck as well and finally the crystal oscillator feel it is fun they have in stock as well awesome you'll see for the standard component packages they have here so this regulator and this SEM 32 car cabs already filled out what packages they are so apply so it's letting continue let's just check just make sure they really have this at stock so a nice one one 73.3 as we see if they have loads in stock it's very cheap and it's a basic part but you need to got to pay extra and you see it's up to 800 amps at one punch result so it's it's a one ampere 24 volts so that's plenty the VM is over go over okay and finally let's just check that they have this my career in furtherance truck for the five and there we go exactly one I chose four or five our GT six and it's about four years and it's a basic part which is great awesome okay and that concludes assigning all the footprints your parts now the next thing you do is generate that list because then we'll be moving over to layout and fruiting just saving the folder awesome ok let's move on to layout okay so now we're ready to lay out PCP and we drop here to stop his living in and we're presented with this blank canvas so we're going to be laying out a four-layer PCB generally anything with her Maheu controller or high speed crystals and high speed traces you wanted to go with at least a four way PCB follow to be easy be sufficient for most obvious kind of electronics and now that it's it's so incredibly cheap there's hardly or is not to do it forget the GLC PCB as you can see I've typed in four layers and anything up to 50 by 50 millimeters he is only 12 viewers there are plus shipping of course well that's been incredible if you go just apply it above and double the price so that's why I joined eBay with 50 by 50 millimeters and we'll go through all the settings once we finish the PCP good yeah okay so 50 / 50 millimeter board so I'll do that before I import the components now you can import the component or the netlist first and then see what kind of size you might be needing of course you might need more than 50 by 50 millimeters in many cases you will sometimes you'll have constraints of what the shape of your board needs to be size of the board needs to be but for now 50 / 50 millimeters should be okay so here to the edge girl's lawyer took on high profit lines spacebar resets this counter this measurement to off bottom and this is how I can get my sizes so click left click and then okay bottom right until we reach 50 millimeters which is here spacebar again reset click and go down again 50 millimeters and we do this with the four corners and we can just join us up here okay amazing so if we go to view 3d view amazingly enough we've got a 50 by 50 millimeter board now I want important a blessed going up here a load met list you can choose your net file and then click update ECB and every day all our commands are here and ready to be placed as you can see we could have made probably a smaller board because this looks like I'll fit easily into a few a few millimeters but as you can make the PCB bit bigger makes it easier to solder makes it easier to to probe with an oscilloscope roll multimeter whatever so yeah let's get started I tend to turn off this F fab and be fab layers because there's fabrication layers which have couple the footprint names and designators makes things easier to see so let's start of the mounting holes click on the first one I press m and it'll move my train try to line it up here so here it's snapped quite nicely to the grid that have a bit of space a bit of clearance up here and have a bit of clearance to the left of it and that's generally what I tried to go for you don't amount pads directly at the edge some the board manufacturer will have specifications or design guidelines of what distances and minimum distances you need this seems about safe I prefer to not have these kind of designators on the silkscreen I don't think it looks very nice and I tend to add my own designators and I tend to when I assemble it myself I tend to just have cockeyed open and do it in parallel also these are necessary for the assembly with GLC PCB you send them an extra foot positioning file so you won't need these to me quite ugly designators so what I do is double click on the footprint text and move it to the fabrication layer so they're still there you need it to do a fab you can see the designator but so that's how I do it okay so let's just go through all days you'll see they're all aligned nicely if fab it gets with tedious moving these but you know okay so there's a reason why I'm doing the three holes for mounting holes first firstly because it will kind of give me an occasion where I can place the rail remaining footprints because I want mounting holes I generally always think it's a nice idea to have mounting apples and I can I mean fun I cut a 3d view on that alright I mean looks pretty cool but what we want is rounded edges and it edges give you too much nicer look I find I'll even do that very easily I tend to move these mounting hole footprints here first so I have a nice reference of how where my roundness should start so to speak so again we're still in the edge cut layer we're adding a graphic art we're going to the center of the foot print click dragged out to the edge of the vault taking again and we want to go anti-clockwise because if we go clockwise it'll start making essentially a whole circle and subtracted from them so you want to go anti-clockwise and we want to get a nicer degrees so we do that full sides click Center anti-clockwise and let's do that for all four corners okay last one okay now we need to get rid of this kind of overshoot so we click on one of them these edge lines and just drag out one of the end points until it hits this they're kind of quarter circle and we do that all sides so to click-and-drag kill it and drag not walk to go huh clicking drag and the last one get a bit out of this and they're nicely joined up free click view 3d view we have with hard to see with a dark background really have nicely rounded corners with a nice separation between the pad and edge of the board and I always think that looks pretty cool okay so next thing we have to think about is how do you want to lay out these components we always want to make essentially the traces between everything as short as possible so all the connections that need to being we want to make good connection as as short as possible of course if that isn't possible try to prioritize traces so something like SPI which works it's a couple I don't know subtending arts name with a faster I think those shorter than for example the you outlines because outlines will be significantly slower usually things like that or any de connections or power connections minimize the tracing in general but prioritize of course than one point traces also in terms of trace thickness try to go for the thickest straight as possible especially for power lines it aids with heat as a patient and make sure that voltage drops across longer runs of traces are smaller and so forth okay but let's start with a center piece which is on like internal you too now I tend to move that into the set of the board because it looks nice so I here's my reference point back where space it's our line and then we want to move 25 millimetres in this direction and 25 millimetres down and this should be Central right again get this reference designator okay a horn a stirring in it next thing so I've moved in like a controller first because there's our center piece now if you look up a schematic we want to route the most important traces first and to me the most important Tracy Stallard decoupling capacitor so you want them as close as possible to the three volt or the VDD and VSS pins the V captain's are very important but they're closed they're capacitors and of course the crystal oscillators might be one of the most important things right so let's start with a crystal oscillator which is C 1718 r6 and of course the crystal so what you can do is put them next to each other and if you click on one component in this graphic that it done it'll automatically snap to that in this right window which is very useful so that's what I tend to do I have two screens but I'm doing a one now so I move it in the general vicinity get rid of the references in it so I move everything kind of roughly first and then I change my grid and move it more precisely so crystal roughly that's see upset so somewhere here and the orientation is kind of this orientation remember this is just a rough placement now the load capacitor is this one it's from this side remove the designator other one it's got the other side and it's a designator okay now that's the crystal oscillator parts placed was very approximately and now what about the decoupling so let's start the smaller ones first it's 100 number ferrous remember the the bulk 10 microfarad is close to them to you but not very close to the pins so pin 1 is here and that's the V bath pin and that only gets a 1 109 you've heard Justin then we want pin 19 should be somewhere down here you'll see the 3.3 volt and the ground pins are very close together exactly for that reason so you can put the capacitor it says right in the center line arrow they said of those two pins remember you want two of these here so this is usually where I go just a rough placement first get rid of these annoying reference those two vectors Wi-Fi you of course feel free to put them down start with the most important parts first crystal oscillator the centerpiece of a board which is the own just like each other then the decoupling capacitors so this I'm going through it quite literally because I want the video to be long too long of course so bear with me just placing these so I've constantly got an eye on the schematic where the where the pins are c10 what almost there whoops and the last two I'm gonna get here remember after placement he'll look a lot neater when we're done but it's also good idea because if you do a rough basement first if you kind of get it get a gauge if things are gonna fit a lot if you make them it need to make for bigger if you need to rearrange components instead of going in directly and fidgeting with the very small grid sizes and trying to get it nice the things are bound to mess the component place it up so just dude kind of a general rough layout first of course in this in the case of this board who didn't have very much on that and it's a fairly lights large sized board for what we have on it so you know it doesn't doesn't matter too much okay next thing we have for analog VGA supply we want the smaller capacitor so we have a hundred nano farad and a hundred Nana I just realized enough behind everything oh yeah ignore that so we always want essentially Henry em because those units are obvious if we're using capacitors or resistors I messed up there okay but anyway we want the smaller capacitor closer smaller decoupling plaster closer to the pin so if you're at ten on fire the hell alone apart we want the 10 nano farad closing all right so replace c14 first because it's smaller and closer and then we play C 13 and we also have a third bead now the kiss DLC PCB only has away care 5 this is going to look at credibly large which is a bit annoying that it's just aesthetics okay so then we also have filthy captain's which also equally important and the rats nests or tell us why let's replace and you already see here we're going to have to move some of these capacitors around so maybe here so we have space for this V cap you can ask them same thing over here okay again a rough placement so it might be a bit annoying with this split screen but don't worry once I've done a rough placement we'll just move over to come completely to peace being you then we have one large super cluster which we can just put somewhere close to you BAM see you okay now of course we have other circuitry for example the pull-up and pulldown resistors but they don't have to be close or too close to the marketer example boot zero and boot one pins as long as they're pulled high or low it doesn't really matter how far away they are so here goes for the IDI except for like power losses of course but they're going to be minimal across the size of board so what we can do now I should do a bit more of a finer placement so I'll change the grid and I'll start with a crystal oscillator so you can see the N reset pin here is right next to us live now but I'm prioritizing the crystal oscillator so that's why I can I can block this pin because I can just use a via and go off to the debug connector so prioritize the more important things and kind of for the crystal oscillator you want to minimize the trace lengths okay I want to see this is going to come out like this so maybe move it up a bit there we go have a nice straight connection here there let's put a central and fairly close these are the load capacitors I'm just making sure everything's aligned nicely nice and symmetrical this looks pretty good I'm turning here let's go come very close and centrally see here if I press M I get these guidelines of where the center is of the component and this is so I can take out the traces very nice and symmetrically okay it's the larger decoupling capacitor and this is Authority just put this on around here now if your hand soldering this you might want to leave a bit more space between the compartments because this can be very fidgety if you hadn't solving this but since the machine will be doing this we can be very liberal with our placement in how close we are so same thing here now you notice these distance here you can go ahead and measure you know this is their front two millimeters as this the saying let's be honest it looks huge here but if you zoom out this will probably be the real size of the board what's about this so it's purely aesthetic for you to view when you see how a component placement be well it's like yeah you wanna make it look nice and this is sufficiently close to the pins couple millimeters max if possible is close to possible you want these decoupling capacitors to be so this is V cap put it somewhere here decoupling capacitors second feed cap now this one I'm gonna move slightly up because this is the SW d io trace right below it and this is this is more important foods off of them for n reset any so it's just higher low and it doesn't change for your option often SW di error changes a fair bit at the high frequency and we don't want to want to use vias too much around high frequency traces because that will have inductance to the line and of course inductance isn't well AC isn't an a fan of inductors okay all right decoupling capacitors just go the last set here this week folks looks good and we're going to take this large decoupling capacitor here is the bulk decoupling now the reason why you've rotated this decoupling capacitor this is the V bat pin which isn't very important because just tear differently but what's me weren't pretty be used and we only have one capacitor the reason is I want as much clearance around this crystal oscillator as possible because this is going to have its own ground plane attached at only one single point and I'll show you how to do that in just a second but this complaint of placement looks pretty good ok let's change our grid to a larger size again and continue with the rest of the placement so this is basically the MCU side almost done what is left is of course these boot silver and with one pull-up and pulldown resistors should be somewhere here okay cookie little bit suppose find again here boot zero I can just squeeze that in here because I have got SDA NSEL lines what extra so I don't want to for example to put it somewhere right here because I'll just block these pins so always be aware of that just kind of a full thought you can do everything in the moment but you're gonna practice change in the future so look over here and then pull-up resistors let's do that later because they can be next about the pins as well so change the grid okay looks cool okay I always tend to go back to a 3d view just to see is it too close it kind of its kind of a I feel like I can see it better for definitely 3d view what it is going to go okay so this is the first layout for the MCU what else do we have okay we're still missing these pull-up resistors and another section that's why we've sectioned it is the input section and the vulture section well let's do that next so I'm just gonna need some parts out the way so we have the regulator look so you can look at some up here doesn't matter for now we have the input and advocate y+ coupling capacitors and again you want the most close as possible to the relevant power pins ground pins not as important because the grant pins we're just gonna we'd have this huge copper pour as one of the layers and connect via vias down to that sorry input and put a couple again this close as possible perfect okay thyroid bead going into the implant filtering and of course okay this is my OCD okay because I want every line to be straight that's nice okay of course you're gonna have to do it this fire from its 0.01 millimeter create that's you'll be able to see it okay we have the fuse yeah whew and of course we have the reverse polarity protection guard you'll see how I often juggle the components around the bow just it's always an active process trying to get a kind of optimal layout I felt something is this and this all has a work in many different configurations okay awesome get rid of the silkscreen here and we can already put down our input connector we can leave the power connection up here okay after the silkscreen now connectors I always tend to put a fixed distance away from the board edge so it looks nice and even around the whole board but we'll do that waiting time you can also see I've put the regulator fairly close to the microcontroller so the power doesn't they sent you have to travel a long distance I could put the my controller completely above up here and there you later completely down here but I'll be calls along you know traces and distances between parts so there's a bit of thought to this okay next up okay indicated by that's not important wouldn't do that fairly close to the end okay what about these other headers and connectors here so where is okay UART is on this side so let's put the connect on this side solo around here and you see I rotated the connector so that there was not commit me crossing air one is because then you'll have to use wires and that's completely ridiculous because we have very straight connections here what about SBI and you remember you can always go back into the schematic if you're not happy with assignment of the pins of the connectors you can always chain to that and then click this button up here update TCP from somatic it's always an option ok but here ok here cannery see I might have forgotten about this chip select things so I'm gonna move these decoupling capacitors a bit more to the right so I can lead out this chip slip in much easier and these traces will still reach and stop it a small enough distance ok that's what we have I squared C I squared C and we'll move up here as well you see how I'm aligning it I'm just one way out of this right next to the other connector which on there which is in a good place and then if I press em again I can see these little guidelines which will help me place it along the same height not but it's all right here you don't want to put it too close to do until these four ninety miles later ok this means if you put down our SEO on SDA connections even in a crossed over see here's a case where I would change something in schematic because of well purely aesthetic reasons you always have this one indicate on the silkscreen it's one indicator here's a little right angle and I want that always facing up so to speak but here if I want it facing up these these wires what crossover so what I can do in the schematic is just flip around your here we've flipped them around and then press update through vcv and there we go it's facing the right way and they are not crossing and it's the right way up same thing here right I actually want this to be like that and I'll do the same thing yeah update PCB and overfeeding the SBI might be a bit of a paying it off yes ring facing yeah I could do that cute again I could have just changed this to be all the way around to us that would be much faster but you know okay eyeballing the distance here millimeter I'll just flip it around yeah okay now everything is but I satisfied my ID and then I can just say yeah so it was it so 595 about so okay there we go as a fairly rough layout it should be okay now one thing which is bothering a bit is this I suppose sea lions will have to cover quite a large distance so what I'm thinking is I'm going to move the regulator oops I hate when it doesn't somewhere over here and just redo it a bit because I want these to be essentially just above it these lines this to me looks a bit nicer and just move this regular over here the single thing making sure the distances are right to normal I mean you don't have to do it as precise as this so just okay now this seems fairly alright except that we have a grant connection here and the ground is kind of opposite side VCC has to go all the way around like this so what I'm going to do is lift this diode to make it a tiny bit better and then I can move this whole block a bit more like this and this is more satisfying so it basically just can come out from this pin and go directly to the right yeah this looks a bit nicer okay so what commands are we missing we are missing the zero idea but connect on and most of the COI debug pins are here - s WI o SW o'clock the rest of the year and so it makes sense to put I'll do a connector a kind of here get rid of the silks ring I all move this down a bit more okay again I tend to use the 3d viewer just to make sure if they know it's kind of a right and yeah here it's it's not entirely the nicest because here it might be a bit cramped there's lots of empty space here and here we could have made the border much smaller that's the thing a five by five board is far too big for this but you know if you want to add more pins more pin outs you can do it with this side of the board you can have more connectors on the edges and so forth of course if we take the mounting holes away this make the board a lot smaller as well but for the sake of just you know just getting done because the main point of this video is to scatter working hard for design which you can then repeat and do your own stuff with it'll do okay so what is this connector this is just a 3.3 volt very attractive so I was gonna put it somewhere so this is just so we can measure the voltage or supply external circuitry it's always I always think it's a good idea just to put an extra power output on the board yep okay now we have some indicator LEDs left and the pull-up resistors so I see the port resistors so because the trace will be coming out of this I'm gonna put going to be putting one resistor here approximately and the other resistor kind of mirrored on the other side this means the traces can both come out like that and they weren't interfere this looks very just tip the three of you are sure doesn't look too messed up an updo oh yeah as I said before this is on two critical okay now we just have essentially the power LED here now I tend to group it with what is actually dealing with power which is 3.30 regulator saw but close event and we have the resistor here and then took a three view so it looks kind of phasing it's far too much into space that's just bothering but that is minor and then of course you have a LED coming out from the microcontroller just kind of as a status LED and I'll put it further close also what I keep in mind is because I'm not having the references igniters here so the silkscreen which has like new on you to r1 and so on but I will be adding silkscreen later so I want to make sure there's enough space for silkscreen to be here so that's what I'm keeping in mind as well so you can either put the kind of current limiting resistance with LEDs directed below or swept aside depends on how you think the silkscreen canopy and so forth but this basically completes our basic layout so what we need to do now is actually set up what you could do this first set up the board how many layers you have the names of the layers and the design rules so the design rules you can check for jlc PCB if you get two capabilities you can see okay we have dimension tolerance and thicknesses with thickness tolerance is the minimum this is the software it gets kind of important so minimum trace which is 3.5 millimeter Mills for but that's only four yes for multi-layer PCBs so we're fine so for a four layer piece of view the minimum width is three four five millimeters and Mill sorry which is very very small and we should not be using that for this one again if you want to have for the large traces as possible you don't want to get too close to these limits because they'll be hard to manufacture there'll be more manufacturing errors okay but other stuff like minimum spacing via size via diameter via to trace this is the kind of stuff you go with to click Add and you go to the board setup which is the top left here first thing we do we set for copper layers so four layers pass on front and back yeah I can just keep that you can just say follow as part of the front which is what we're doing that's another thing you kind of want all your parts on the front if you can it makes much easier to assume but I saw you can put on the table and too many things went short as much so generally part on front only it is a very good idea so you got a front copper we've got the first inner layer which is underneath the front cover letter and that's gonna be a power play so no trace is running on the power play the second liner is also getting power play so while the second in the layer again no Tracey's running on this layer so we only have signals on the front cup on the back up we want the in there copper layers to be this one's gonna be ground for England and the second third layer the second inner layer is going to be 3.3 volts so you add I mean it's only a couple of pico farads of capacitance you add between these two your power planes but it makes sure you have minimum or the shortest return path possible you have you minimize your inductance and you can always just drop a vo down everywhere to get to power she don't want any tray he's running on both so try he's just in front and back okay now you can go through all the designers here what you want your default text with to be and stuff like that but these are the dull designer was which are kind of the most important so you from jail sees PCB he would take this data and fill in these segments here you can also set for net losses so for power you might want a minimum track but there may be like no half of a living doesn't matter you can do all that stuff here well I tend to maybe I'm being a bit sloppy with this but I just tend to create different track widths and I know for a power on the larger width I'm I try to maximize that so I wouldn't actually give net losses but that might just be my my my laziness this is why I do that so in tracks I'll add to fort widths for 0.3 millimeters went four and five and one is usually my default I don't know which I go for so these are millimeters for Fears I'll never get for one minute in meter and so from atrial as a fairly large via okay and then pops a so that's saved as millimeters they are the default unit and you pressed okay so but what you should do I'm being sloppy with this fill all this debt again because there's whatever fab askin do but I have found that if I just use the default settings in add these will have much larger gap minimums so spaces between tracks and track sizes and pad sizes so it helps me in my design because I stay clear of having very small spacing between tracks nuther he's not doing okay but yes so let's start routing we've set up a laters here so at the front in a Miskin so the front is gonna be signals this one is gonna be ground this one's gonna be in 3.3 volts this one's gonna be signals on the front and back Coppola is I'm also going to be adding a ground pause so why don't we start off with that an important thing now is we want to essentially fill the whole thing with copper except underneath the crystal oscillator now the crystal oscillator needs its own single ground plane and this ground plane is attached at only one small trace to the rest of the ground plane we want this as isolated as possible from the rest of the ground so let's do that let's start with the front copper or create let's make a bit larger one millimeter click on this button which is add filters owns let me just start the top of core now you can go outside of this edge caught fire and click and then front coupler we want ground and let just keep the defaults and let's start tracing there we go behind the world like that now we're coming into the area where we need to be a bit more careful so I will just be going here then I'll be going to the right again this is a rough outline so I want to stay clear the crystal parts which includes the pads going into the into the my controller going around the crystal closing it off going here and then closing the copper for now if I press B which is fills our you can see it's been filled because there aren't any traces here yet so it's fill around everything except around the crystal and this is what we want now I'm going to change the grid size a bit smaller because I want to keep a bigger clearance so I'm creating a clearance here because otherwise it will be capacitive couple as well so the further you of your distance between traces and planes the less capacitive coupling they'll be okay now we can add a caller by right-clicking add another core and you see I'm just doing it around essentially all the crystal oscillator parts and also the pads getting there they don't like each other so let's make it a bit larger okay let's be again we fill we can see you okay this is looking good and you see I've only done one plane first and once I've got the shape I want for this power play and I kind of press control D click and it's been duplicated and you'll see I have two grandchildren you change one then press e to open options and just select for the second layer and it will want to ground your own the second layer awesome and then it's filled the inner layer with ground as well we are the same thing select one of the layers ctrl D to duplicate press D to open options so the inner second layer we want it 3.3 volts alright this is gonna be our power plane and the last one because one another we want our fourth ground field to be ground on the bottom cover okay so now we've got the front copper in our crop which is ground third copper which is 220 volts and back to layer which is ground again and all of them have to share the same shape so they all have this cutout lander crystal oscillator this is what we want because now we are going to put in the inner layer so the second layer we're going to put a little ground fill in here and that's going to be the local crystal ground let's do that so it's starting somewhere here ground and let's just trace it out again a fairly left trace so you see I messed up a little bit so you can all fix all of this okay this is very rough but of course you can drag it up okay so here it's changed that so we just wanted to just fit the most on that okay so this looks fairly decent the first be and Phil let me see it's not filled because nothing is connected with this grand Phil let's just do it as I neural check with me just sometimes the copper layers can be too close to each other so if you level this distance might be too little between the two grandpas it's the same kind of like trace the trace distance so the way we can get this ground port to Phil is put a V in so so larger via click the View button change my grid because it's nothing Hey double-click change the ground and I hope Ray's be okay check another brush connected okay now it's filled okay so to have to connect one tracer so let's do the design we'll check again if it's going to complain okay so if not complain so that we have enough space between the ground pause and you want to continuous ground for underneath all these connections okay so this vir looks a bit bigger thing on what use this one very Jerry now now I'm doing the vias which go then down into this copper for poor underneath the crystal oscillator now I'm using a fairly large track where it's a half a half a millimeter and let's connect up with crystal parts okay looks good and now so the pads from the microcontroller are 0.3 millimeters wide and that's the tractor you always want to use coming out of the market controller so if the high speed out and we have this guy sorry let's just go about that okay so this looks pretty good the only thing I am bit cautious about if you look underneath the ATC in it's not completely the ground fill is not completely under the high-speed oscillator in so we are going to have to change the copper fills so I deleted some of them I'm just going to make this clearance just a bit more what's on this side and it's just nice that I've been right Clarence's look better here and then I can drag this one up just so we have a continuous grand plain underneath the crystal traces let me see what have you okay just refill very pressing B okay as you see we don't even need any ground floor around here because there's no ground connections okay so this looks a lot better so again that's what we did before it's just stupidly duplicate another sign all the layers 3.3 volts at copper awesome okay so this is the first part done which is the most important part for this kind of design is getting the high speed Tracy's especially the crystal oscillator traces and just sorta directed it and you see here as a large cutout you've got fairly short traces and an isolated ground plane okay let me just so this let's see one wish I forgot to move okay this let's move up here must have grabbed that when I was doing something oh yeah okay move over here this one up here perfect this is what you don't have to do probably quite a lot which is rearrange components as you as you lay out the PCB and you can't really know everything right from the get-go okay this looks good so as I said before we have a ground an isolated ground plane here which is not well right now it isn't connected to the larger ground plane and what we want to do is have this fairly small trace just running over at one point into the large ground plane yeah somewhere this so the whole crystal ground is connect together but it's connected to the overall ground just at one small point and you can see this detailed and several data sheets and application notes and guidelines on crystal oscillators so this is here's how it all you're doing it and it seems to be working okay next thing we do will you go back to 0.3 millimeter trace width because we're going to connect all the decoupling capacitors so yes because we've placed them nicely we can just you know just cut immediately so nice component placement makes the routing easier as well so now all I have to do is just come out like this drag the traces out so we can get to do the but--one films as well why not we go this one and this big one Buffett okay so I added two cotton capacitors so we could just you know I mean there's a ground-floor here but we can just connect over the capital assets like this but remember use the biggest trade size you can so I'm going up the tray size and connect everything it might be easy just to stick with entrée size but you know it's it's much better minimize resistances capacitors inductors so might people do it so that's what I'm doing now everything okay so here we have the led awesome okay this looks fairly decent so now we've done pretty much that what is the most important part another important thing is of course the debug connection but let's do a little bit later let's do the power section now for the power section power thick traces is what you want so millimeter should be fine another I mean what can help you check if it a crank out the main window to go to the calculator whoops how's it going there we go track width now if you're talking to track what if I say 1 millimeter Trey Cygnus so is about 35 microns which is famous listen carry about too much Florence and yeah so you can calculate what their current code current current carrying capability is well the voltage drop will be and so forth power loss so we should be pretty safe for them to me - of course we can pair higher but it should be fine okay let's connect nearly thing up go go this one okay so that's all the power connected up yeah so let's continue with I squared C which we just dragged out so if you see the nice component place it means I have a much easier time just routing this so from this again I can move to the attract which is what we want so one thing I want to bring up is a placement or the spacing between traces if you want kind of as large as possible if they're not direct differential pairs you want a large as possible spacing between a good rule of thumb is you want at least a track width whatever traffic leaving so if you're using a half a millimeter here you want a half a millimeter distance between these two tracks and half a millimeter approximately so this is the kind of rule of thumb that you want to go by of course the differential pairs depending if it's USB you want out wire I had to match impedances and so forth in general to minimize crosstalk and cross coupling a track widths between me so this know one thing it's a bit annoying with this if you want to do a track with between though you're gonna get so if I root this another press earth be again to Phillip Phillip Lane you're going to get these kind of disconnects in the copper plane and you want to keep the copper planes kind of as one piece as you can so not a lot of these spaces between them of course because this is a four layer piece to be designed we have this continuous ground plane in the middle so it's all here so it's it's not really separated but in general you don't want to have these a lot of these huge gaps between ground planes so also doesn't look very nice to be honest so yeah anyway let's continue routing and Chi CAD will kind of do suggestions of where you want to put your tracks and so forth which kind of everything that's now but if we just follow the guidelines come now to complain and there's a cont'd right there so this is a case where I have to delete these drinks and then move the view coupling capacitors further right so take all of them hate when it's nap time okay so let's see if I can still get the ground trace yep I can and this should make my life easier okay so you're going to always have to rearrange components on the carry as well just do that and the last one okay press B to refill his own 3d viewer that's it right doesn't it yeah okay so the next thing you are we feel always with being able to got my thing on the D key served on the I squared C uh yeah half a military to because this is an LED and a current limiting resistor so we'll have to describe it more power okay what else do we have so essentially the last kind of important higher speed trace is the debug.trace let's do that said I just have a think so SW our mystery at the top so your clock I see at the bottom I messed up you ever has the kind of game in the middle there's no really pretty way of doing this let's just let's just go along yeah yeah this one first so least important at least through is SW so that's why I'm going to be doing that one last SW is just the Tracy front do like you know printf why debug and so forth that's why I'm going to be doing that one last I'm gonna see what the neatest way of doing it is yeah actually I'm not going to go there so don't want to go too close to the board edge it's something like this should be fine and then I can bring not the prettiest by all means so I also want to leave a bit of space here because I'm getting even vias two grand let me just do this here leaving enough space of course again between SW fluffed messed over yo lines that's B and it's just check you see things like this I mean it's personal preference right I couldn't make the track separation between these a bit larger so the ground ball goes in here there's no real benefit to doing it other than aesthetics so I'll just leave it for now okay so now I got a trace wire coming out here this is kind of as eyeballing the track widths or separation between them okay going up here okay so I've left some space here and because of the air will need to go here which will connect and reset will not reset phone connection because I can't really get past this off of copper and reset is here okay so that's the lead that just fog the camera yeah and the present V into place of via over here have you want now because we have space service to lead that video actually use a bigger one let's use that one right as well we'll be able to fit one there there is the question yeah that's fine so not on beards and dribble so you don't want the views on the silk screen because of course you can't print on the whole so make sure they're far away from silk screen so you can stop ringing so ppb three of you ah you see it's just a plaintiff away from the silk screen out it should be a problem no problem the question is will it be far enough from this trace or through an error yes okay it's far enough from this trace you want to check again that your fears are too close to traces or other views of different Nets because they'll mess it up now because we shall have these large videos we can use a lot of track on the bottom of copper so we're basically going kind of Diglett mode we're going out on the front copper going down to the lower copper layer and then going across and up again so let's just use one of these press B to fill it max 3d view so you can see what we're doing we're underneath this we're going on the other side going along here and up here until it and reset so stuff like this the problem we've craters here is that there's there's this whole ground copper layer here but there's only the very small connections on this side here and here it's not ideal on the two layer board this could be quite problematic you want to keep these kind of disconnects as short as possible the thing is we're losing a four layer board so we've got a whole dedicated grant plane their way and we can be a bit more relaxed about those kind of things okay so think we've pretty much got all of the data and signal traits is done what we need to do now is do all the power connections ground connections yeah the way we do this is remember we've got this grand Pole and this 3 point 3 watt poor essentially want to feed from the regulating from the voltage source into these planes and then distributed along these planes and use little vias to connect our power and ground pins so let's do that change my grid so I'm going to use several feeders here now change them into 3.3 volts he's even more and then I will use very sick traitors to connect from the regulator okay so you can see I have a lot of these well not a lot but a quite a few of these buyers B is then connecting from the regulator into the main power plane so you can see they're connected here so you want as many of these parts as possible to minimize the inductance because any veer will add inductance and you have inductors in parallel the inductance will decrease so you want as many of these as possible had fairly large views here so I'm fairly content with leaving it with just these six the same thing we have to do for the ground there so add more beers and we add them all around the grant connections once so we change that name to turned so the way I get to that menu is always double click and and and I have loads of these so ground is probably the most important thing to stitch so we're going to via stitching later we flow to these vias stitching the different copper areas together I propose B again you see it's kind of cut out a bit of the 3.3 volt layer because this is our grand views now the problem is you have a lot of these stitching vias this will also separate different power planes and so there's kind of a trade-off between how many stitching beers you have and your connectivity of your ground planes and just concerns continuities okay let's make sure you know this should be good okay okay and you kind of want to make your videos as big as possible smaller veers look kind of nicer to me and helpful in certain areas where you can't don't have a lot of space but for large power traces you want them as big as possible so there's nothing maximum surface area for the current to flow through okay so now we've kind of done bit of this stitching we need to now connect all the other power and grant points so for every ground point I see here I would lease I would want at least one via which connects to the grant plane so if I have two 3.3 volt pads here I want maybe two videos going there and I'll use the small videos now so I have one two three volts to here so let me just say I want to be able to fit everything in here time for them okay did you change my grade sighs there you go and then I'll also have to connect them up so use a half a music track okay say grant here three countries look here sorry my general phone as I said before one via per pound wherever I see it so rough placement again so it's basically via hunting you had huntin role let's connect them up and of course we'll add in the stitching with us later getting there one more thing is when you're connecting the decoupling capacitors up to the microcontroller I could for example put a vo here let's change it to 3.3 volt and then connect it up you know the enter the going flat pad but what I'm doing is I'm going through connecting it through the decoupling capacitors first to get a bit of more of a filtering action so it's going through the via from the ground plane through the via into the capacitors and then into the pin some neat little a little trick I think yeah so it'll take a bit of time but it's well worth it - well worth doing this properly because you want to all areas you can minimize you have to control over you want to do electronics or oftentimes go wrong and let's just try and minimize that at times we have to pay for your piece of use okay for this one I'm adding quite a few more views because this is the analogue reference the thing is of course here we're not using the ABCs or DAC s or nothing so in an in essence there's an org voltage pin is a bit useless in a circuit but you know nevertheless so here it's a bit fidgety because that's quite we have to stay on the ground poor so you could of course you I don't have to connect these ground traces up because if I turn press B the grandpa does it for me but the way we've set up the clearances and tolerances on a ground plane that connections at there can be very thin and I'm just making a bit larger by doing this okay so actually pretty close to getting done with that and this one or will connect more grams to processors at the regulator you're actually that's the different buyers for this we just don't know if it's views of ours even if you use them in series like this it'll still minimize inductance okay so I'm just duplicating them so I don't have to reassign them from that name yeah the lot resistors for the ice could see lines and it's good one because it's just holding it at constant voltage they're getting the same old thing of from the power plane through to the capacitor and then into the like anchor I think that's pretty neat my god have I missed something that's the question yep so of course we can place them there you better on a grate or something that also here you see I haven't placed the via I could move these two resistors up and put a via there but since this is holding the boot syrup in just a ground it even if there's it doesn't really matter it has all that constant voltage and what I will do is add an extra yeah so let's just make sure after I put to reach that we're not violating any through signers so India say okay veer too close to be and where's that okay that makes sense so I always tend to do a DRC while I'm doing the layout because otherwise you're gonna have probably a hundred things come up at the end do anything I've done and then after change everything there's better to change everything on the go okay now we're missing over here to be honest I think second thoughts about this this view because this is the vivre a pin and especially not really lead it sort of little back okay course you need this for the debug connector okay so b2 learns from the dlc and we have nothing unconnected and no problems no marker so that's promising so let's have a look yeah so cup largely is there all of you is going to clear it and fit with a vault good there okay this is looking pretty beautiful the nice thing is you also have a fairly continuous ground playing on the button but I'm and we've only used one trace on the bottom so that's pretty good so we could say we're done but if you notice this didn't look like very much and it's kind of empty so let's add some sort spring it's always good to label everything to say what things are doing what the wait I do it is Jeff sorts through in their text and say for example this is isolate C so I'll put it on me kind of trying to Center it and just about touching your head as a reference point now I'll duplicate that we've got SWT over here make sure it's centered which it isn't this is a uot or you salt doesn't okay what else we have we have SBI then here speed why and we kind of power in 30 so it's what should we call that because I'm just others thinking because we have two powers and just wanted what to call this then power in which told us this call it villian it's not technically right because we have this is V and that's the ground via it also means what I have to move this diode it's the silkscreen you spin it in the way I mean in this case it's not too bad but you don't want to sacrifice if you have silkscreen to put somewhere prioritize the component placement over the silkscreen there's no point in making it look pretty if it doesn't if it performs worse okay so let's just say this is then pow okay let's just see how that works power viens behind yours okay yeah looks fine now what you could do is also on the top skill screen say this is ground this is V Plus what this pin does will this pin those want to spin those I think for ground it's a good idea just to say okay this is negative this is negative this is positive and I would always recommend to do that for this just to make it look nicer we're going to put it on the back so spring so select the back so screen via Press TV for text and we're just gonna go through III just put on the back I saw screen oops fine if you wind up it's always going to play the grill a bit let's see how that looks and back to that orientation so I kind of wonder if other orientation kanessa set the ground of course you can change the font size and if it's italic or not but let's trying to make sure you know I'm using these guiding lines to make sure it's nice and aligned because I find like a lot of silky on the top is doesn't make a look very nice so I tend to give it very important things this might take a little while you get idea you know just make sure you label things that are important not just to have the user guessing seeds here that's rx have ticks okay finally the SBI and we're almost done so what's that that is others exclamation mark trip so that because it's not cheap of that its inflated logic how we want to rotate that sir lost it in slave on and no style sleeping - it let's just check color looks hashtags everything's labeled and if you see SPI okay now restart your label for diodes so let's just say it's a power of two or three so I always tend to look if it's touching or it's too close to different silkscreen let's okay so just an indicator that three powers there and this one just called step as in the status looks yeah okay one last thing for the silkscreen is indicating polarity and Pinones so as you see for the cloud symbol it'll actually tell you you see this side the saucer in here indicates that spin one I tend to always put an extra dot next to the first pins there just to make sure yeah this is definitely pink one also this connector this is pin one here and here it's I think you can't put the cover another level around but you know someone might try but clarity for diodes are allowed to do emitting diodes and this died let's put that on and I will do that just by front silkscreen and just by doing a plus and just what as in for the for the anode people might not like the plus but this is the idea and that is always a good thing I think today I mean you have these little boxes we're going to indicate the clarity that I think this makes it been very clear okay let me just add my pin one little dot so I'll just do a little circle can be very small it's just indicate a pin one way let's get rid of in one there a red don't put on the veer right next time because it won't print set what we have I could put it next to the crystal it doesn't really make a difference to your eyes to kiss do it doesn't matter which way to install it but for the sake of just doing it let's do it let's see that I'm not masked for any other silkscreen yeah we can see that see that can you see that let me see that awesome okay just anything left to do just refill the zones will you check the DRC and I'm just gonna quickly show you how to add a little graphic onto the ceiling because I think that's quite cool so what you do is open paint or if you have a graphic ready let's do that and it's gonna add some text what should we call this well and we'll a cap was right that's my amazing talent okay just make sure it fits nicely it's a smaller size we can get it save that says to saucepan later say that ing now go to and then press this a bit back to component go battle should avoid very bitmap silkscreen load area port okay now we just see what size we need so let's go back to this and let's see what we want to put it so my hair pretty good let's see what size photos so control-shift-n to measure 11 12 millimeters by 6 so some of that so you can change resolution until you get something like 15 minutes or they're getting close yeah okay so this will mean eleven by four millimeters which feel fit in that area we just looked up now we want on the front silkscreen let's look at the black and white picture here that's what it's gonna be exported to when you change the thresholds with zero of course what's your anything and it gets thicker the more you to go down to percent Alex alright export what you need to do is the new library format for cafes great new folder that's too low of stopped students not quickly what you should call the folder us I care to recognize that it's a library and then we just do before so it strings with a name save then go to PC new preferences manage footprint libraries and add logo silkscreen so pretty okay now we can add footprint and that's search for it or was it a general sort of that logo so screens there we go that's ok and there we go we have a little little very little earlier but that'll do the idea is that you can make it smaller larger without quite care plugin goes on okay ish okay there's my I do you get idea this means we're basically done got off polarities marked everything okay so right now it would be a very good idea to just just check the whole through changing again check the schematic make sure everything's correct overhangs bricks check the data sheets cross-reference of course for large project is's we vitally important so it makes sense let's try it for small ones and now just go through the routine make sure that the traces look good all the cop feels like goods you know that and it's a right yeah I'm sure there's enough clearance as the copper feels like chopped up too much okay it looks good now one touch we can do because we've done all the silkscreen is out the stitching beads will just add a couple so I choose a small V is fairly large grid and let's just go rental logic rate maybe yeah I know okay so I'm just putting them fairly equally spaced so you can either do it by hand or even then copy the selection I'm just experimenting and remember you don't want to get this on the silk screen so here wouldn't be a good idea because it's cut into the substrate it's a bit annoying you know while shooting a second is this may be great for the ground layer but look what it does to the food material at layer it's really chopped up and that's not very good so while it might look cool right it looks pretty I don't nothing looks cool you kind of want to go with a larger spacing because this is completely chopped up so any current will flow through these little pods here it's fine for that with a ground like that yeah anything else whoops not to leave everything we might not want that so you just get rid of some of these okay so on there again just always check that it's not coming you know to country won't lay out too much make sure there's still the grid you know just going like this okay so I'm almost done won't do too much more of this visitors game rather point traders control-d just two typica but this stitching distant shores with good connectivity between all the crime-filled fills and we minimize our buttons okay so this kind of looks quite cheesy as they say play that that's just how look it against make sure looks fairly decent yep to the back make sure all of you have got far enough distances share the ground falls this all this will be fine now we could add more 3.3 volt views but this'll do ok again run TRC problems marker zeros I'm connected in series and okay now we're going to get to the part about you ordering this board so that's close stuff we don't need let's go to our menu ok so I'm gonna add a new folder called robot and I'm gonna add a new folder clip assembly I like to separate it out of it then file plot choose the directory I'm Shelby get on Java of your browser user active Park the outside to come generate geo files and forge LCP that leads to be just use these settings I think that the summit settings so played it through Amnon plated role in the same file absolute your origin units and millimeters and I click generate your file close that and now we need to create the gather files for the copper layers silver layers and so on selected the right ones edge cuts which is the outline think up there all the copper files okay and it's putting together these settings work ice plot amazing ok so now we have this here we're gonna have to zip them so I had to go - it can be zip over for Jessica - given all that's been able to drop on okay so now we have the Java files which you can upload because we want to assembly we're gonna have to get more than this the next thing we have to do is to fabrication outfits and footprint position file and I'll put this in the symphony folder and include footprint of SMT pads single father for board generic position file this is going to tell gel CPCB the center of every component and the orientation and watch layer it is so they're automatic pick-and-place cup machines can just read that I was like yep here we go put these components there will you also into doing let's go to the schematic avatar click on generate pollutant materials and then there's this plug-in called a bomb csv grouped by value with footprint it's in the spin like out bin scripting it's a Python script just click generate I have will make you a nice little bomb and that's gonna be the main folder it's doing a bit hidden it's this one without an extension so just three f2 obviously and move that to the simple now double-click on the bomb just import that so there's going to be some headers and rows we don't need so that's what I'm going to delete now jealously peaceably is a bit particular about the naming of things so for the reference we wanted to call it designate er quantity we want to order quantity value is fine component name we can delete footprint we keep and we delete description and we delete vendor okay and this is all you need so far and it needs another column LCSC top hashtag so part number what I then do is because excellent all these programs are going to change it to text and I just change the footprint so it's over five or six or three I'm just making the shorter over 200 250 300 306 a3 a5 skipped and skipped back okay as you see here my cat is also exported the mounting holes could delete that that's not part unfortunately at some JL CPCB doesn't provide assembly for through-hole parts and connectors and suffer that so we can take that out of the bomb as well but other of that now what we need to do is have that open and obviously be severely we go to you some tea or something click the in stock parts and now we go through and we need to find all of the part numbers and list them here so a bit boring for that directly 10 microfarad or 805 which is the basic part and we copy the part number make sure the packages are saying as before we check the relation to 10 microfarad or 6 or 3 make sure it's a basic part put it in hunnid magnifier for 63 is it over 40 okay and 10 min are favorable for it - so it's just same thing copy the part number copied over it's a bit boring but thankfully this is a short list 12 speaker 504 - ok so step 3 fuse I have a fuse I'm solder myself so I'm gonna tape it up and then if a third bead which is this one here because it's a hundred if you live data sheets it's a hundred ohms of the earth two hundred megahertz and the crystal okay so here copy the part number but I'm also going to cover the component package and just overwrite this to kilohm resistor 603 these are LED resistance okay to one percent resistors use of a boot zero and Brut one fall downs 2 point 2 K or four - these are the I squared C pull-ups and finally the last resistor on it is the feed resistor for the crystal then we have the regulation step two to three they're not including the three okay and finally we have our centerpiece angles a package discovered on okay han joon-soo piece of you should and they'll be able to find that awesome clothes that let's remain that soaking I should read orders one let's open the position file and our again jealously PCB is a bit picky so when you change out the berserk enter as we did in the poem value package and this needs to be positive decree change from mid X meter blankets and there's to live like why this needs to be changed to vegetation and this needs to be changed to layer now you can leave it you can take up stuff we don't need so this we don't need connect what we don't need to make up lights it essentially fuse they can't place yeah thanks okay save that okay let's go to jail CPC Jean and whites place an order so just click white now I'll take the middle link to aim to be I took up a fall desktop breakout ad was it fall wait till the upwards almost there okay so now it's recognized that it's recognized with 50 or 50 millimeters it's four layers so it's filled all that in for us we click on there go above yeah just to make sure well they're seeing is what we're seeing so you can check all the traces check all the silkscreen is there and that looks alright you can come up bottom yeah that looks fine analysis results they tell you okay trace it with little other than what we or we can do perfect okay during close not now we have several options players that's fixed of course that mentions yeah that's fixed quantity nothing is as much difference between 5 and 10 yep there's no difference so that's justified piece we think this is 1.6 that's what standard impedance we don't need that you can use this to do 50m traces and control the peanuts traces for the holistic or if you don't eat it please be color F assembly they currently only do green so they have to keep that and zalta the fastest turnaround the surface finish a hot air surface leveling I mean that's the standard the cheapest lead free might be good idea I tend to always go for this immersion nickel gold I think it's called it's the gold pads look cool longer shelf life easier to solder but for this I just stick the top of your option copper wait yeah that's fine I thought fine okay one thing we can change if you want to is to remove the order number so either yes it'll cost you about 140 more because they have its follow them to track the PCB when it's been fabricated or we can specify a location just quickly show you how to do that so you copy this text Josie Josie Josie whatever it's called and go back to the PCB new edit on going I would send up on the back of it all Nasir kid silks free and copy that in and put it somewhere where it's kind of you don't want to see her so you'd put it so I hear and they'll print the autumn over there of course you'd have to re-explore big other files then you can I tend to just press the button just remove it completely so that's why I do full revealed a number okay that costs a bit more but to fair how much Advanced Options they're added directly done but what it's interesting now is SMT assembly click on that a simple top side because all our component on the top side and that's another reason for doing this when you're putting components on the top side isn't to your quantity 5 or 2 you can alter 10 or more until assemble 10 that letter assemble to you tooling holes we could have added which is just essentially in the edge cut that I am making two or three holes of 1.15 2 millimeter diameter just make the matter if you're fussy about why they are they put them they tend to put them in the rounded edges here somewhere so does it really matter too much so let's let them at it so confirm okay then you'll get to this that we have to upload the Bill of Materials so in our assembly folder good materials and the CPR which is the component placement file picking place file which is the footprint let's go next that's going to scan through it and here it's gonna see you're gonna have to match up and check if if what it identified the automatic system is correct so here's what we uploaded and here's what they think it is a tenon on the fire-eater for two to five before - too much very early - five and so on you go through and you check everything and you see everything is a basic part better than their extra cost so you do that you check everything and then you click Next then you'll see if pop placement is great so this is where it gets a bit interesting because gel CP CV is a bit it doesn't take the Karkat files directly without a bit of modification so you can see in turtle only cost about 36 euros to get to PCBs made and all of that it's just a setup fee so we're at order five the price reward goes down you can see what parts of in selected male on selected part so it's happy with our choice now what it isn't happy with is some of the component placements we see you one is rotated 180 degrees the pin one hairs off by 90 the bio teams correct and the dial cell the biotin correct but u1 and u2 aren't correct so what we're going to do this is going to edit our text file so what's that new one is off by a 180 isn't it so you won three decide one day today so it makes it 92 to 17 and this one is off by 90 degrees and the sense of rotation is is that sir counterclockwise is positive so we have to take off nice breeze and it's wrapped around 360 so it's also 270 so we save that close that go back get back re-upload from print position file don't have to reapply at the bomb because nothing's changed press next and with any luck everything is currently rotated so he ones correct u2 is correct well the diode seemed correct right that's that's why I put these dots there that's why I put the plus symbol there because I know that I know the cathode of diodes and the hot placement and if you're happy with that well all you have to do is press safety car and you can check out securely awesome on that completes this video on all of course attach all that cover figure out the falls production files and so on to this video and say how to play around and hope you get producing PCBs if you have any questions let me know yeah other than that good luck and hope to see you soon thanks
Channel: Phil’s Lab
Views: 499,519
Rating: 4.9072323 out of 5
Keywords: kicad, electronics, stm32, stm32f4, hardware, electrical, engineering, pcb, layout, routing, jlcpcb, assembly, circuit, schematic
Id: t5phi3nT8OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 5sec (9065 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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