How To Delete Users On PS4

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hi everyone Wolfie here coming at you with another one now this one is a ps4 tutorial here and we're gonna be going over how to delete profiles off of your PlayStation 4 so like for instance you'll see here that I've got a whole bunch of profiles on my ps4 there's wolf - well 3 or 4 we're gonna be going over how to delete those other profiles that you don't want so that you can free up some more space on your PlayStation because it's actually a little tricky to figure it out so let's go ahead and jump right on into it then here alright so the first thing we're gonna want to do here is you're gonna want to log in on your main account or one of the ones that you do not want to delete so I'm gonna go ahead and log in on this one right here so once you are logged in you want to go up to your bar and then you're gonna go all the way over to the right ok and then settings is where you're gonna want to click on and then from settings you want to go down to login settings okay so from login settings once that's open you want to go all the way down user management and then down to delete user and then from here you'll be able to see all the users on your PlayStation so let's go ahead and we're gonna click on wolf 2 and it'll say this little message right here the following user will be deleted from the PlayStation 4 wolf 2 and then it says if you delete the user the users save data screenshots and video clips will be deleted from the PlayStation 4 so know that all that does get deleted if you do delete a user from your PlayStation a profile so or it's just gonna go ahead and swap over hit delete and there's a confirmation we're gonna hit yes and then it'll take a little time it'll say user deleted you just hit okay and then you're taken back to this screen right here so if you want to delete another one you just do it again so let's go ahead and we'll delete wolf three and then we'll delete wolf four and then I'll go out to the login screen and show you that there they're gone so let's go ahead will delete wolf three and you gotta wait okay and then next up a wolf a four let's go ahead and delete that one too all right give it just a sec and there we go all of them have been deleted the only one left now is the one that I am currently on so now from here we're gonna press the PlayStation button on our controller we're gonna go ahead and go to power and then log out of PlayStation 4 and then once we log out we'll be taken back to the Start screen press the PS button controller turns on and there we go all of the other users have been deleted off of the PlayStation now if this video helped you out I'd appreciate if you could leave a like and subscribe on Wolfie and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Couchteamgaming
Views: 180,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to delete accounts on ps4, how to delete accounts off ps4, how to delete an account on ps4, how to delete profiles on ps4, how to delete ps4 profile, delete ps4 profile, how do you delete a ps4 account, delete users ps4, how to delete profiles off ps4, how to delete account on ps4
Id: hSwWNmNg-CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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