Tutorial: How to Change PS4 Slim Hard Drive and Install System Software

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[Music] so you want to change the hard drive of your ps4 understandable 500 gigabytes can go a lot when you're installing a crapload of games which is probably why you'll end up doing so here's how to change the hard drive on the slim PlayStation 4 pretty straightforward still need the typical stuff screwdriver or replacement hard drive or in my case a 500 gigabyte hard drive that is all I have that's all literally the only hard drive I had so I'm replacing a 500 gig ps4 slim our drive with a 500 gig hard drive just for the sake of learning okay so ps4 slim let's figure out what we're doing here pretty again pretty simple so the the little like the HDD is actually right here it's this like corner slot right here it's very simple to open like much easier than like the super slim ps3 apply a little bit of pressure and just push it outwards it's gonna pop right off just like that really really easy it's just like a little flimsy piece of plastic the clips aren't that strong at all I'll even clip it back in for you and just pop it right back out boom really simple be sure to do it this way don't do it from the from the other portion and it will just come off very easily again it's like it's meant to be like a sliding mechanism now don't worry about this little ribbon right here that's not like part of the system or anything it's just actually a little handle to pull it out now what you're going to want to worry about right here is this little screw with the four playstation buttons on it you're gonna take that off before you actually pull on the ribbon to get the hard drive out so just unscrew that really quick very simple be sure to not lose that or anything you're gonna need that and then this is where you can tug right on the little ribbon that you thought was like a piece of electronics no it's just actually just straight up ribbon attached to the HDD bay and there's your hard drive once again we only have to worry about four screws all the way around just one by one take them off be sure to not lose them or anything as usual with Playstations this is a 2.5 inch laptop hard drive so pretty much anything to point you know 2 and 1/2 inches is going to work here whether that's HDD sshd or SSD these Wallwork on a playstation 4 a slim PlayStation 4 and previously PlayStation 3 models as well so you're good to go there don't need to worry about anything like that and of course if you do go say the SS you know HD route or SSD there actually is speed improvements granted they're extremely extremely minimal but there are speed tests out there that prove that you can shave a few seconds off of load times and stuff so there you go just take it right on out it's like a nice little like it's completely covered all around unlike other Bay's where like the hard drive can't slide in and out so now here's a little caveat if you're going you might have a situation where the hard drive you're bringing in is going to be a little bit thinner so if you see right here the hard drive thing that I'm gonna be using doesn't line up with the screws it's no big deal don't worry about it if again if it's a two and a half inch laptop hard drive it is going to work you're just gonna have to hold it in place and finagle the screws in there and then you know screw all four of them in and make sure it just kind of is in place and levitate it a little bit off of the base oh because the work because the hard drive that so many ships with this thing fits completely flush but if you if the one you're bringing in is doesn't fit don't worry about it it's completely fine now we're going to fly it back in very simple make sure it's facing the right direction for the for the PlayStation button screw to go back in nice and well just keep that in mind because otherwise you're going to jam it in and it's not going to fit if you try to do it the other way so that's pretty much it and that's like actually always the easiest part the hard part is making sure you do this correctly in terms of software and you're saved so of course I think it goes without saying before you do this make sure you backup your hard drive if you actually already have game saves or something like that if you have game data or something that you want to protect either put it in the cloud or back it up to a hard disk drive now we're going to get into the portion of the video where you're going to want to actually install and partition the software correctly so the proper way to do this is to hold down the power button for roughly seven seconds this is going to put the PlayStation 4 into a safe mode hold it seven seconds it's gonna beep once more it's almost immediately going to go into the safe mode it's going say Connect DualShock 4 with a cable you know go ahead and do that and you're gonna want to choose to initialize ps4 and but before you do this obviously you're gonna want to connect an external hard drive or USB Drive or something that actually has the latest firmware so you're gonna have to go to Sony's website you know just a simple Google search will do it for you goo and right now the current software is 4.0 so Google you know ps4 firmware 4.0 or whatever whatever the current one is and download it the big caveat here is that you need to download the firmware that has the full partition basically because if you download the firmware on Sony's website most people end up downloading the small like a smaller file that's around 300 MB typically and that only has the firmware you're gonna have to scroll a little bit further down the page and download it's like a smaller link to so it's hard to miss for a lot of people but you're gonna want download the firmware that is around usually 800 or 800 MB and that's gonna have the full system software on it including 4.0 and this is what you need to actually boot your ps4 properly and make sure it accepts the new hard drive so once you actually do that as I'm showing you right now this is the process it accepts that everything's fine just make sure you have the right the right actual file going into this and of course you want to label it and it's all on Sony's website it's very very easy to understand you have a file that says ps4 in capital letters and then inside that file is a file that says updating capital letters and that's where you're going to be saving the 800 MB file that includes literally everything you need to get going and once you've done that you're you're pretty much golden it's just gonna boot up the system software update its gonna update this is gonna be a screen that everybody sees whenever they do a regular firmware update so just you know download it as need be and then sure enough you're gonna be you're gonna be off to the races so that's pretty much it that is the proper way to completely change the harddrive and make sure your firmware is up and running thank god for watching I hope this helped you all and subscribe for more PlayStation videos news reviews Let's Plays just grant gaming as a whole and ps4 Slim videos - doing a bunch of those anyway thank thank you very much guys take it easy have a good day [Music]
Channel: Mystic
Views: 2,160,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4 Slim Hard Drive, Hard Drive, HDD, Tutorial, How to, How to swap, How to change, Change PS4 Hard Drive, PS4 Slim, Change PS4 Slim Hard Drive, PS4 Slim HDD, SSHD, SSD, PS4 SSD, PS4 Slim SSD, PS4 SSHD, PlayStation 4 Slim, System Software, Error, Problem, CE-34788-0, Error Code, PS4 Error Code, Firmware, Firmware Update, PS4 Firmware, Slim, PS4 Slim Hard drive Swap, PS4 Slim SSHD, Upgrade, Upgrade PS4 Hard drive, Upgrade PS4 Slim, Tutorial PS4, Tips, Tips and Tricks
Id: jLBJgmoDp7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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