How to Defeat Simon Manus (Arm of God & Awakened God) in Lies of P (Easy Kill)

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welcome to Oklahoma's Channel thanks for watching today let us know that cheese are easy to defeat mana's arm of God and mana's awaken God and lies of P now first off this may be the final boss in the game depending on which ending you're trying to get and I think he lives up pretty well to being a final boss territory here before we go into the fight we are gonna have to go grocery shopping so we're head over to our favorite place the malam district going to the Lobster Hotel up the ladder and buy the following items thermite throwing cell body fluids saw blade sharp pipe as well as the shot put and going by the acid abrasive as well because it's gonna be weak to acid and we definitely want to have that on our weapon during this fight now also we want to make sure we have the Friendship wish Stone equipped that way we can heal our summon throughout the battle and our Legion arm needs to be the Aegis that way we can block the majority of his attacks and also simply poke over our Shield to get a little bit of extra damage in as well and man the Aegis is such a great weapon to use or Legion arm to use to block majority attacks take almost no damage and just simply keep yourself alive but then we head on into the battle here and for the most part stage one is pretty darn easy I would wouldn't say this lives up to the final boss territory like stage two is going to because for the most part you're going to defeat this every single time with minimum damage now my advice here is you simply let the summon take the majority of the attacks make sure you have the acid abrasive equipped on your weapon here that means your summon will also have it equipped on their weapon and just simply start slicing away at Madness now if he's focused on your summon just simply stay behind him continue to attack lower that HP sometimes his attacks will sort of swing around hit you from behind if you see him getting ready to do one of those attacks just simply put up your Aegis shield and of course you can block the majority of that and also get a little explosion back for extra damage on him at the same time that's if you've upgraded the Aegis um all the way which I highly recommend doing but for the most part if you just simply stay close to him continue to slice away use the Aegis Shield or Dodge through the attacks and just simply let the summon take the his battle stage one is gonna be over in like less than 30 to 40 seconds it's a very very fast stage to go through and then comes stage two and holy cow if you aren't doing this correctly stage two is going to destroy you and what I mean by that there are so many One-Shot attacks he can do here he has these little lightning bolts or lightning uh fireflies that come down I'm going to call them and simply come down from the sky sort of hit you and almost reminds me of the Eldon beast in Eldon ring here but uh for the most part if you don't move and Dodge effectively that's going to kill you immediately the hand of God is going to come down the middle of the screen here that will kill you immediately there's a lot of stuff that's going to be almost a One-Shot attack here and so you're going to want to constantly be on the Move in stage two and you'll be dodging all of these attacks that are coming at you if you're constantly moving those little stars that come down they won't hit you if you're constantly moving and stay away from the center of the Arena the hand of God it won't hit you and just simply when Madness comes at you run away or Dodge away and for the most part he won't be able to hit you if you're simply dodging and running fast enough now our whole strategy here is simply going to be to wait until he focuses on our summon and if someone gets low on health going throughout the Friendship wish Stone here and of course it refills his HP a pretty significant amount and at that point You're simply going to stand back and unload load all of the throwables that you purchase at the mallam district get literally everything that you can out on him while he's attacking your summon if he starts coming after you run do not even try to counter the attacks don't try to block the attacks just get out of there and run away until he goes back after your summon again and then once again unload everything that you have our whole strategy in phase two here is to avoid manners at all costs and only attack him when he's attacking the summon and from a distance with all of our throwables and you will have him defeat it in no time just make sure that you are using that friendship wish Stone to keep your summon alive throughout this entire fight and also you have plenty of throwables equipped when you go into this battle here but if you follow that instruction you should have him defeated probably first or second try if you enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe to the channel check my other videos listen up above and as always go out there find a great game to play simply have a great rest of the day thank you
Channel: Ogles
Views: 8,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheese Manus Lies of P, Cheese Lies of P bosses, Cheese Lies of P, Easily Kill Manus, Manus, Cheese Manus, Cheese Manus PS4, Lies of P, Lies of P Manus Cheese, Manus Cheese, Easy Kill Manus, Manus Strategy, Manus Strategy PS5, Lies of P Easy Kill, Manus Melee, Lies of P Melee, Elden Ring, Elden Ring Cheese, Dark Souls, Game Pass, Xbox, Simon Manus, Arm of God, Awakened God, Simon Manus Arm of God, Simon Manus Awakened God, Manus Awakened God, Manus Awakened God Cheese
Id: Ete2q-rwf2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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