"No Place for Depression Pt. 2" | Keith Moore

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uh would you look with me again to what we looked at last night in Deuteronomy 31 I know we just prayed but I am believing the Lord this thing grew on me today it grew into a 3- week seminar and we got we got tonight so so that that doesn't mean we're going to go too long it just means we got to be on the right thing and and stay on that track so you're believing with me is what I'm saying uh in Deuteronomy 31 we saw this is a a passage and a a phrase that the lord gave not once not twice not three or four times you know if you read the Bible you've heard this numerous times he said Deuteronomy 31:6 be strong and of a good courage fear not nor be afraid of them talking about the enemies that were on the land he had given them for the Lord your God is he that goes with you he will not fail you nor forsake you verse seven Moses called Joshua and said to him inight of all the Israel all all Israel be strong and of good courage now you got to watch about phrases like this especially if you've been around the word you you've been around preaching you've heard heard it and you can get to where uh you don't pay attention to it and it's just like a uh some kind of spiritual greeting fear not be of good courage hi there howdy and it really means nothing but we like we talked about last night the reason the Lord LED with this and the reason he emphasized it over and over is because if they did not heed this they would not make it to the promised land and they did not heed it and they did not make it to the promised land because what did they do you just read it backwards they were weak and they were cowards and they feared and panicked do you see that and they and they didn't get what God had for them so even though he said it numerous times now can you see why he said it so many times because he saw the end from the beginning and he knew this is the thing that's going to make them or break them so then he tells Joshua in front of everybody be strong and of good courage for you must go with this people into the land the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them and you will cause them to inherit it and this was one guy that did pay attention Joshua yeah Hallelujah and like we said last night he and Caleb were literally one in a million those two out of two million yes so uh is the majority always right don't don't go with the crowd uh verse eight he he repeats it he says and the Lord he it is that goes before you he will be with you he will not fail you neither will he forsake you so he said is it again what fear not and like we said when the Lord says something to you it's not just instruction it's empowerment there's no word of God without power so when he says fear not there's power in those words to enable you to resist all fear amen yeah so when you hear these words fear not and and be of good courage like like Jeremy was saying there should be a response what do you say yes I will I'll be strong I'll and I'll be of good courage I'll be courageous then when he says fear not and don't be dismayed what do you say okay I refuse to fear I will not fear and I refuse to yield to being dismayed and that's the word for being cast down which has to do with what we call depression discouragement and depression so everybody say I refuse I refuse to fear to fear I refuse I refuse to be depressed to be depressed and discouraged discouraged it is a choice and it is not based on how we feel huh you can feel lousy cruddy lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut rougher than 40 miles of Muddy Road come on you you you can feel bad and that doesn't mean you've lost the battle it means you're dealing with symptoms right and it's time to stand up and resist and say I refuse to fear I refuse to be depressed no you don't not in my house you don't get out of here fear get out of here depression you must resist it and you must mean business and the the enemy is a persistent cuss he'll try to come again he'll try to bring it back he'll try to do it 10 times in a day 20 times in a day so what do you got to do come on help me out what do you got to do if he brings it 20 times a day you got to resist 20 times a day right you you must not get tired and go well I just can't deal with this anymore well that's being dismayed can you see that and he said this again in Joshua Joshua 1 verse5 he said there shall not any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I'll be with you I will not fail you nor forsake you be strong and of a good courage can you hear this too many times no do you need to hear it on a regular basis and receive it and believe it and be it be strong and of a good courage for to this people you will divide for an inheritance the land which I swear to their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous now we know just in these two verses he's heard this four times just in what we've read and this is not the whole thing he said uh don't turn to the right hand or the left that you may Prosper this book of the law will not depart out of your mouth but you'll meditate therein day and night that you may observe to do according to all that's written therein then you'll make your way prosperous then you'll have good success have not I commanded you what what be strong and of good courage I want to hear your response to that I want to hear yes I will I receive it I will be strong I will be of good courage amen he went on to say don't be afraid and don't be dismayed okay I refuse to fear and I refuse to be depressed and despondent and dismayed he said for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go now go to Psalm 42 again we're reviewing a little bit for those that weren't with us Psalm 42:5 we begin to talk about some practical application of this how to do it how to not give place to depression or fear and in Psalm 42: 5 the spirit of God through the psalmist said why are you cast down down oh my soul now this is a lack of Joy if you cast down you're not up you're down that's that's depression just what is the word depress mean it is pressed down and he's saying to himself Soul what are you doing what's wrong with you why are you down now if it's just normal for us to be up and down and down sometimes then this doesn't make sense right you just caught me on a down day we all have them huh if you say soul why are you cast down what does that mean you shouldn't be you're not supposed to be cast down so right if you are something's wrong something's off and when he asked the question why are you that's you talking to yourself it implies you do not have a justifiable answer there there is not an accept you will not convince the Lord your God that you have good reason to be you will not convince him right right you may convince somebody else and why are you disquieted to my my soul disquieted in me that is no peace and like we said last night your joy and your peace are two of your main indicators of how well you're doing spiritually I say sometimes as a pictoral as you go down like life's Road in your faith mobile there's two gauges you need to keep an eye on the joy gauge and the peace gauge if you look at the joy gauge and it's hovering over there around e and you ain't laughed and smiled in days honey child you you better change something right elsewise it won't be long how many know on your car or your truck if it hovers around e you better you better do something is that right you better get something in the tank and that's right in your faith mobile uh because if you don't it's going to sputter sputter sputter and leave you on the road side of [Music] Despair oh but when your joy is full and you got to piece it pass his understanding you can put the pedal down and there's no hell you can't soar over come on Amen oh that'll preach that that'll preach he said I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance and so we said uh you talk to yourself you challenge yourself you remind yourself that there is no justifi justifiable reason you do not have one for going around moping being down is unacceptable right you got to get back your joy and you got to get back your peace you do that by hoping in God hope means you got a future yes you're expecting something good well if I'm expect even though I'm in some bad stuff at the moment if I'm expecting to come out and I'm expecting great things to happen then I don't have to be depressed to day and what you do what you finish it up with is praise praise I will praise him he said so these are these are practical things this this is how he did it we know uh David for one he encouraged himself right didn't wait for somebody else to do it you better not wait for somebody else to do it now go with me if you would to first Thessalonians and the New Testament 1 Thessalonians and the fifth chapter we're continuing with this same thought there are things we must do yes 1 Thessalonians 5:116 he uh the spirit of God goes through a list here brief statements that cover a lot of ground but they are instructions and they're are commands and of course God's commands are empowerments he said Rejoice ever more or all the time always amen pray without ceasing that's all the time yes in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you now um Ephesians 5 said giving thanks always so it's the same idea all the time then he said despise not Prophet quench not the spirit excuse me quench not the spirit now these go together there are certain things you and I must do to stay free from fear and depression and defeat it's not optional yes and these are some of them yes you have to Rejoice every day morning noon and night now now you hear people immediately people look at you and go you can't do that you can't do that you must pray without ceasing now that doesn't mean every breath you're praying a prayer but there's never a day you don't pray huh through the day through the night multiple times you do not have to kneel and fold your hands to pray and it doesn't have to take 30 minutes right right that's right but you should be how many think you you ought to be talking to God and you ought to be listening you ought to be communing with the Holy Spirit every day every day that's what he's saying and giving thanks when when all the time all the time can you see that yes remember what the psalmist said I Will Bless The Lord at all times at all times his praise shall really what does that mean now see uh Hebrews talks about that we're to offer up the sacrifice of praise continually that's the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name do you hear these words all the time always ever more without ceasing continually what does that mean at least every Sunday morning what come on help me out now this this is a breakthrough Miracle answer my brother sister I'm no I'm not joking what we're talking about right right now if we make the change that we're looking at it will absolutely shut the door to fear and depression yes yes amen amen cuz if you are always praising God and thanking God always praying and communing with God that's right there's no room I said there's no room there's no place for the fear and depression but when you stop and you go hours and don't do this there's a vacuum and there's a space and a place and an opportunity for the enemy to bring in something else exactly oh come on can you see this fear doubt depression these things are prevalent even in churchgoing people's lives because of not doing this right right right the Lord does not tell us give thanks all the time Rejoice all the time he doesn't tell us to do that because he needs uh the the praise to stay up he's not insecure at all he's worthy of it he deserves it it's just right but he's telling us for our sake come on can you see this your sake and my sake cuz he know knows that's the only way to keep the door closed to the adversary to the evil one amen are yall okay rejoice what does Philippians say rejoice in the lord always and again I said rejoice what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean that means you wake up and start rejoicing that means you rejoice in the bathroom when you're getting ready that means you rejoice at breakfast you rejoice getting dressed you rejoice on the way to work huh now now as soon as you say that the the enemy hates this oh he hates this he knows you will absolutely block him out if you do this and so he will immediately come and say you can't do that that's not realistic that's right you got to live you got to work you think the Lord didn't know that some years ago I had a lady in in brother Hagen's healing school that we're ministering to and and uh she had been in and out of Institutions for years and was in a bad way and she had come there to to get help because the the drugs didn't help her the other didn't help her all the counseling and she was in bad shape and I'm young Minister I I didn't know exactly what to do but I'd been praying that morning and thanking God and sure enough one on I Minister one onone to her and the Lord quickened to me this this passage we read our text in Joshua this book of the law will not depart out of your mouth but you'll meditate in it and night huh and night night and day day and night that you may observe to do and I G I felt like the Lord quickened that word to me for her I gave her that word she looked at me bewildered she said you can't do that she just said what people thought you can't you can't meditate on the word of God night and day you can't do that now first of all you reckon God didn't know right that we couldn't do it uhuh and I mean right up out of my spirit I didn't think it right up out of my spirit I said sister you're already meditating on something night and day this is not an issue whether you can meditate on something and I said and obviously it's been the wrong thing cuz it's tormenting you right it's destroying your life he's not talking about can you think on something you're thinking on something all the time all he's saying is don't think on that think on this right and that's what he said you know in in Philippians whatever things are true honest just pure lovely virtuous good report think on these think on these things and the peace of God hallelujah is going to keep you you'll stay in peace didn't the the prophet said I will keep him in perfect peace who mind is stayed well see what what is mind stayed that means you're doing it all the time can you see that oh somebody say thank God God praise God praise God glory to God glory to God go to Psalm 50 if you would without ceasing continually always we can do it it's a choice all you got to do is uh you know do it for a few days and few weeks and it's just part of your life now it's normal remember brother John ostein years ago he uh this is Brother Joel's father of the great church in Houston he uh he was doing some business in a big building and he said he got in this elevator and these guys were in there uh smoking cigars and just cussing cussing cussing cussing and he he endured it for a few minutes then he said glory to God praise God glory to God hallelujah he said they just stopped about dropped their cigar he said hey I demand equal [Applause] time you going to curse him I'm going to praise him and you know people may hear us and and they say you know y'all always say glory to God thank you Jesus Hallelujah that's just a habit y'all have yeah and it's a good one too it's better than the one you got if you don't have it yes that's right it's it's actually obeying the the word isn't it it's just doing what the scripture told us to do yes Hallelujah in Psalm 50 notice in in verse 23 whoever offers praise the Lord said glorifies me and to him that orders his conversation a right will I show the salvation of God listen to the NIV there's a phrase here that's the King James is a little bit obscure he said he who sacrifices thank offerings this is the NIV honors me do you want to honor God what the verse we read from the New Testament he said this is the will of God right that you give thanks all the time do you want to be in the will of God then all you got to do is just frequently say thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord and you watch you if you start going Lord are so good to me thank you for being so good to me things will happen and then you go God you are so good thank you thank you thank you guess what more good stuff is going to happen it just it's a wonderful cycle that just goes up and up and up until you are thanking God about something great and good all the time and then you're just thanking God by faith about what's going to happen in the future yeah yeah yeah y and while you're thanking God you're not being depressed there's no room for it you're not being scared you get tempted to be scared about something and you got some symptoms of fear one of the greatest things you can do is go thank you Lord for taking care of this thank you Lord for help us out and what you can see is what that's exactly what he's saying in this verse here he who sacrifices thank offerings honors me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God your thanking and praising God gives him access to show you the path out the path of salvation out of the issue and problem into total Victory and deliverance why because it's Faith why would you be thanking God for victory and all you can feel is the problem that's faith my brother sister that's strong faith when you don't even know yet how you could get out of it but you just go ahead right now and start saying Thank You Lord thank you always take care of me you always have you always always will we will have everything we need I'm thanking you for it right now I just know something great is already working something good is already happening thank you thank you thank you while you are doing that he said It prepares the way so I can show him the man or woman do doing the Thanksgiving the salvation of God listen to the Amplified he bring he ALS o brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honors and glorifies me and he who orders his way a right and to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God of course salvation is the big word it includes everything healing Deliverance provision protection all of it Psalm 40 along this same line Psalm 40:16 says let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee and such as love thy salvation now do you love being saved huh do you love being saved not only from hell but being saved from every stinking disease do you love being saved from debt and lack do you love be yeah within those that love his salvation let them say continually the Lord be magnified now see that's instead of the problem being magnified cuz while you're magnifying the Lord the enemy cannot get you to talk about and think about how bad the problem is and so he can't develop and cultivate that fear in you and if he can't do that he can't get you all down and discouraged H so around your house if we snuck in the back door what might we here at your house cussing cussing and fussing huh crying and feeling sorry for yourself woe is me huh how bad it is how bad it is how bad it is how TR uh terribly truly awful it is you watch too too much news and you will that's right you watch nonstop news night and day you hear too much of it it'll start coming out of your mouth how bad it is how awful it is what a mess things are in huh right well look The Whole World's talking like that God needs somebody somebody that'll talk talk some Faith somebody that'll believe that he actually heard their prayer and something's happening instead of it all going down in the drain you are the salt of the earth you're the light of the earth you and I we're preventing this thing from going rotting we are cuz once we're out of here hey it's going to go bad quick you think it's bad now but if we came amen slipped in the back door hallelujah praise the Lord how many know we should not be there too long we should not be there very long until we hear something like thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord I mentioned that uh we're believing for our next aircraft and God is if I had the time and it was right we have had Miracles Mike am I telling the truth we have had some miracles on this deal one of the Miracles was that Mike and I went to maybe the best training place in the world to do training and you know we're not professionals we don't do this all the time and oh man it was challenging and uh I won't go into all the deta Tails but the Lord had to help us and he did I said he did and it took over two months and uh our our test was 12 hours long we started at 12:30 noon and and we walked out of that building at midnight wow and U but when we we finished and we saw both of us had passed and we're sitting there and they're filling out paperwork I said sir this is our instructor this guy's he he's what they call a SME uh subject matter expert guy's one of the best in the world I said sir you probably saw on our paperwork what we do I said would it be all right if we just thanked God and this gu he's he's a veteran for multiple Wars he's seen everything he's done everything he put his pen down he said yeah that'd be all right and so boy me and Mike put our hands up he said oh thank God thank God we started crying tears come out we did I didn't care who was there I didn't I said thank you Father thank you for hearing our prayers thank you so much for helping us thank you thank you thank you thank you when I got through you know I looked at him and remembered he was there there and he looked at us he said God answered your prayers I said yes sir yes he did yes he did we don't want to try to cram something down somebody's throat but this is us is that right thank you Jesus Hallelujah you get me you get that is that right we it's packaged deal right and don't ask me well you know Tamp it down you can't you can't say that here well then I can't be there huh either that or you need to warm up to the idea than than without ceasing always ever more continually can you say Amen am and can you see what we're talking about if that is occupying you there's no room for the depression there's no room for the fear cuz what has to happen the enemy has to feed you fear over a length of time to get you in a completely down panicky situation that's not just because a bad thought crossed your mind you actually have to entertain it and sit there and let it sit on you go to Isaiah if you would I noticed we sang this uh in the beginning of the the service go to Isaiah 61 Isaiah 61 in the first verse Jesus quoted this as it's recorded in the gospels and preached from it the spirit of the Lord is upon me does that make you depressed never huh no sir no ma'am Jesus was anointed with the oil of joy and gladness above his bre because the Lord has anointed me to preach or Proclaim good news to the meek he sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted Proclaim Liberty to the captives opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and day of Vengeance of our God to comfort all though that mourn does this sound like joy and peace it is and when God's manifesting that's what you got joy and peace and that's a big part of what makes heaven heaven oh yes huh Heaven is full measure Joy huh and full measure peace but you and I can have some days of heaven right here on the earth and that is days of Joy days of Peace oh Hallelujah and you it's not separate from what we do in our choices we need to choose no matter how we f feel how it looks I Will Bless The Lord at all times that's right I'm preaching to somebody I Will Bless The Lord at all all at all at all times his praise Contin will continually be in my mouth woo praise God hey Hallelujah you see what's happening Depression had to leave the room it literally you get full of joy you get full of the spirit of God the other has to leave it can't stay Darkness can't remain in the light has to [Music] leave the next verse is to appoint to them that mourn in Zion to give them Beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heav do you see this that's why you can't just cure depression with drugs cuz the drug can't reach the spirit you know it can dull you down where you're not as aware but that doesn't make you free the Garment of Praise uh the EnV says it like this a Garment of Praise instead of a spirit of Despair Amplified says um oil of Joy instead of mourning that's the anointing the Garment of Praise instead of a heavy burdened failing Spirit That's Heavy well a garment and and other translations bring out cloak a garment is something you put on are you put off yeah right yeah and here he says about uh to appoint the Garment of Praise instead of the spirit of Heaven is you don't have to let the enemy put a cloak of depression on you and you just act like you can't do anything about it now this is sad but Millions even of churchgoing people that's what's happening the enemy threw a spirit of heaviness on them yes yes and they don't even know what it happened they don't know that it has spiritual origin they don't even realize they're supposed to resist it or if they heard it they didn't do it and they forgot about it and they think they are helpless victim to this when demons are actually afraid of you you find out who you are in Christ and who lives inside you the greater one and the power in the name of Jesus that's why when you legitimately stand up and resist them there's no struggle they run away they they can't deal with that so you and I must must throw it off literally you can feel heaviness and if you sit around and think about the wrong thing and just give in to it it gets heavier and heavier and you get weaker and weaker just like the joy of the Lord is your strength with the de and heaviness of the enemy is your weakness the more depressed you get the weaker you get and then that's that's how people get to the place where they just feel absolutely hopeless and people get suicidal like why why go on right there's no hope I got nothing to look forward to and these are lies lies lies lies you can throw it off amen you can resist it you can say no get off of me get out of here I resist you in Jesus name and and and if you mean business it it'll leave it has to it's got no choice now I'm not saying it'll never try to come back cuz the enemy is a persistent cuss but if it does what do you do same thing you did first time if it worked in it'll work again said out loud the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord is my strength is my strength hallelujah hallelujah ah Hallelujah you believing with me let me give you three connections to depression I'm not saying this is the all-inclusive list three big ones though for sure we've already talked about a couple of them but uh one is fear depression that's why he said don't fear and what and don't be dismayed uh the enemy he he practices what I call the pileup technique and um he especially watches and waits till your weak yes he's like a predator in that regard like a roaring line they they look for the weak the injured cuz that's you know the best time to pile it on and what he wants to do is when you're weak then pile this on and and about the time you're taking the back with that here's something else yeah and then you're going oh what in the world and hear something else yeah huh what he wants you to do is go God this is too much I I can't I can't deal with this you ever heard somebody I can't de never let those words come out of your mouth are y'all with me because the Bible said there is no temptation 1 Corinthians what 10:13 there's no temptation no trial that's happened to you except that it's common to man the devil will say nobody knows what you're going through that's a lie yeah everybody's dealing with similar things yes that's not true you're not experiencing something that nobody's ever experienced not true not true but he will with the Temptation make a way of Escape that you may able be able to Bear it he won't allow you to be tempted or tested above what you're able to resist and come out of did you hear that God won't allow it so if it's something you're having to deal with there is no way that it's too big and too much for you to deal with God would not have allowed that so if it shows up in your life you can beat it yeah with his help and his yeah just the fact that it's there tells you you can win you can beat it you can overcome but do not open your mouth and say it's too much it's just too big it's just too hard that's Fear De another one is fatigue depression it goes with that and that's you know you something goes on longer than you had hoped that it would and you get tired and if you stop thanking God stop praising God start sitting around feeling sorry for yourself then next thing you know thoughts like will be coming I just can't go on I just can't keep doing this I just cannot well again you're not believing the word I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me there is no there is no such thing as it really being a a legitimate situation where it is just too much for you to handle with God's help there is no such thing has not happened is not going to happen amen God won't allow it you need to say I'm an overcomer I'm an overcomer and he always causes me to to Triumph do you see a connection I'm always praising God yeah I'm always giving thanks I'm always praying and I'm always winning you just don't get tired of winning do you now Lord help me with this next part I I need to condense this the next one is uh frustration depression and there's a lot to say about that but part of that is the result of comparison that's right I said comp comparison come on a lot of people have gotten depressed because they did what the scripture told us not to do they measured themselves by others that's right are yall okay look at I'll read 2 Corinthians to you 2 Corinthians 10:12 says we dare not that's a strong word we dare not make our ourselves uh of the number or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves that's a lot of themselves are not wise one translation says they are stupid another one said they are not intelligent what what's not intelligent what's stupid measure ing yourself in a situation by someone else now you've probably done this many times but it's also why you experience fear and depression David is an example of overcoming fear and not yielding to depression and the example of when he faced Goliath is just amazing because the whole Army is petrified of the sky Goliath I mean this have been going on I don't know for weeks for how long that this n910 foot Behemoth comes out and talked about their mama he did cuss their God I mean he said I dare you is there not one man among you you yellowbelly coward Bunch you blankety blank blankety blank blank and I mean they took it they took it cuz they were so scared they were also scared David what in his late teens nothing nothing to indicate he was a massive big man he just had Faith that's right and courage but he said is somebody going to do something about this made his brothers mad they're like would you get back home to the Sheep boy you know know he said look and then he heard there's a reward there's a reward never have to pay taxes again and get to marry the King's Daughter and she's a looker he said that sounds good to me he said tell me again what do I get what do I get you know the story but the reason why even when he saw this giant he'd seen him from a distance then he got to see him close up why didn't David why wasn't he over overwhelmed with fear like everybody else there why he did not compare himself to the giant right that's good he did not measure himself by the giant oh come on y with me or not he did not do that they're all measuring thems by looking at him why did all of those folks those Israelites die out in the wilderness because they said we saw the Giants and we're like grasshoppers in their I see they are measurings against that but what did David do he said you uncircumcised no Covenant nobody you have Divine def the Living God what's he doing he's comparing him to the almighty and he is nothing in front of the almighty the almighty can kill him with a [Applause] pebble a pebble and a teenager slingshot just kind of showing you he didn't have to lift his little finger to take out this giant cuz he did not compare himself that's it right that's good so he didn't get filled with fear and he didn't wind up all depressed and dejected because he refused to measure himself by the Giant now go to Genesis can you take a little more yeah go to Genesis cuz we begin to get into something that's uh oh it's Sneaky it's um the way the enemy is with this the the third chapter of Genesis actually it's the fourth chapter excuse me fourth chapter this is the very beginning of human beings on the Planet God's dealing with men Adam new EVE verse one conceived had Cain Barry's brother Abel in the process of time Cain brought her the fruit of the ground an offering to the Lord Abel he brought of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof and the Lord had respect to Abel in his offering but to Cain in his offering he did not have respect now notice the result what happened with Cain mentions two things he became very wroth he went into a a rage but it was coupled with depression his countenance fell and other translations bring that out he was discouraged and dismayed and why in light of what we just got through talking about huh he compared himself to what Abel God did not compare him to Abel right correct are y'all listening and he doesn't and parents nor should you H why can't you be more like your brother never say it that's good are y'all with me never say it why can't you be more like your sister H yes sir see you're you're trying to get them to do what we're saying You must never do compare yourself with them to see how well you're doing there's only two ways that can go H when you compare yourself with somebody else you'll either decide you're Superior huh yes yes and be hoty and prideful about it or you decide you're inferior and be depressed over it yes that's right huh which is why you're not into intelligent and not wise and even stupid if you do it right may not be a person in the house that hasn't done it but stop it huh tell yourself say stop it stop it no more no more comparing yourself comparing with anybody else anybody else period why cuz there's no one else exactly like you yeah there is not there is not and there's not going to be how do you compare to different things huh it's like comparing a Corvette and a dump truck you're sitting the dump truck I mean you said the Corvette's not worth anything you can't haul anything with it I mean it's it's useless no it ain't no it ain't try taking the curve fast in that dump truck huh so what's the solution realize there are two different things right two completely different designs different Graces you're being foolish if you try to compare them what did the Lord say to Cain the Lord said to Cain now notice this sounds like what we so in Psalms why are you mad what's the obvious answer you do not have a justifiable reason to be mad H but he is yeah and why are you down why is your countenance Fallen why you know what the psalmist said oh my soul why are you you and we got to remind oursel you do not have a justifiable reason the devil will tell you you do what's the devil already doing with him yeah look at him goody goody able he just did that to make you look bad huh yeah pull out that blue ribbon she sheap fluffy roll up here with that how do you compete with that you don't I said you don't you don't you don't why cuz that's him and you're you that's right notice what the Lord is saying to him why are you Roth why is your count Fallen if you do well shall you not be accepted is he telling him he can make an adjustment he can get this fixed yeah he is this has nothing to do with his brother this is you comparing yourself with you yeah your call that's it your grace on if the Lord didn't accept Cain's offering he had good reason not to that's right you can be sure of that it was not Cain's best his heart wasn't right the effort wasn't right so the Lord didn't accept it but that's not that's has nothing to do with Abel it wouldn't have been any different if Abel had given a lousy offering exactly neither one one of them would have been accepted right come on can you see this God's not comparing them with each other that's right he didn't do it he won't do it but the devil did and he he rode Cain about this night and day and he didn't stop yielding to that Fury and that anger and that rage and that depression he would swing from being screaming mad to being suicidal depressed it swing from one to the other and finally you you you do that long enough you'll be moved to action and the enemy convinced him that the only thing holding him back from being accepted was his brother wow and in a fit of RA you killed him yes and it had his brother had nothing to do with his failure lies somebody said out loud I refuse I refuse to compare myself to compare myself measure myself measure Myself by anybody else by anybody else go to 1 Corinthians 3 I'm uh thinking about starting to close well we're just we're just here this is the last night right and uh 1 Corinthians 3 so much to say about this but uh some more insight into why it is foolish foolish to compare yourself with anybody else 1 Corinthians 3 he talked about planting and watering and god- giving the increase that we're verse nine we're God's husbandry we're God's Building verse 12 now if any man build upon this Foundation gold silver precious stones or wood hay and stubble Every Man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it'll be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is and we won't know this side of that day we won't know because we just know in part yes understand in part if any man's work abide which he has built thereupon he'll receive a reward if any man's work shall be burned he will suffer loss but he himself will be saved yet so is by fire this is not a test to see if you're saved or not we're saved by the grace of What the Lord Has Done these are our works yes this is tested to see who will receive reward from what and how much you can only see on the outward appearance and it may look to you like somebody else is just leaving you in the weed do you know what I mean by that and see the enemy feeds this kind of stuff all the time cuz he said he'll he'll bring thoughts and feelings you know compared to what they're doing you ain't left the driveway you know right compare you know uh but see again you're listening to a comparison you with somebody else and why is it so foolish because you have no idea the caliber of their work it'll take God trying it by fire on that day and you don't know the caliber of your work that's right yeah you you don't see it all in this lifetime you don't know if you know they might have you know the biggest thing around and the biggest numbers but you don't know how much of it they did in the spirit or how much they did in the flesh and when the Fire Hits it whoo there might be three pieces left you don't know that's right and it's not for me to judge it's not for you to judge and you don't know somebody you've never heard of might have obeyed God completely and prayed everything he told him to pray and believed thing he told him to believe and you don't know what word you shared with somebody or helped that nobody knew about but it actually affected four generations wow yeah right it affected somebody that affected their child that affect you don't you don't know where this is going that's right you don't know we we just have to trust God that's right right and and instead of comparing oursel with somebody else who do we compare compare oursel too we compare oursel with ourself what has God given us am I doing everything I can with what he gave me am I doing every that's all anybody can do is walk in all the light you got that's all anybody can do right using what you got the lord gave me three things years ago when I was in Bible school got time for another story we had had so little money but we invited finally we were able to invite some of our fellow student students over to our tiny little apartment and phis is a good cook my wife and she cooked some things and and we're just a couple of months into Bible school and somebody came up with what they thought was a hard Bible question and we talked about it kicked it around for three hours and we all agreed it was a difficult passage what are you laughing already about everybody went home I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep and the Lord spoke to my heart he said would you like to understand that passage I said yeah he said well now you're further from it than you've ever been I thought huh he said all y'all discussed was what you didn't know yes and that is not how Revelation comes remember what what did we agree on it's difficult hard and he gave me these three things he said don't think about listen to talk about what you don't know H what you don't have or what you can't do don't talk about it don't think about it did I lose somebody huh the scripture says in his light we see light being unthankful Romans 1 says darkens the heart and you always you start with the Thanksgiving even if you don't have a clue the answer to what looking at you got to start somewhere with what you know and what you you you come back and go I'm saved that's right I'm saved my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life come on you see what I'm talking about and start thaning God remember we read in the Psalms that gives him a right to get you on the path yes oh come on can you see this to the path and if you want to see more you need to talk about what you know not what you don't know H cuz meditating on what you don't have what does that lead unthankfulness ungratefulness Darkness well other people have it why can't I have it unthankful huh you want to thank God for what you have amen and then by faith thank him for showing you more thank you for giving you more and you stay out of depression you stay out of feeling down and being down and I could go another hour but you better Stand Up Stand Up Stand Up Lift Your Hands let's pray in the spirit just a bit oh great father oh mighty God good good father good good God I worship you I adore you I bless you I praise you oh y ch Jud de Jud n Jud J J K Bey kindly list listen just just a moment here close your eyes don't focus on me focus on the the good Lord the Lord's purpose in these things last night and tonight is for all of us to get completely free from all fear and all depression and all heaviness and not just get free but stay free I said stay free stay free tomorrow next week next month rest of the year rest of your life but there needs to be some repentance so uh say not to put anybody on the spot but just say it out loud we're saying it with them say father God father God I Repent I repent for blaming other people for blaming other people focusing on them focusing on them comparing myself with them comparing myself I judge that I judge that that's wrong that's wrong wrong wrong I repent and if they have wronged me they I've made mistakes too made I forgive them I for I release it I release they owe me nothing they ow me nothing no apology no apology no explanation no explanation no restitution no restitution they owe me nothing they owe me nothing and I receive and I receive complete forgiveness complete forgiveness and washing by the blood of the Lamb by the blood of oh Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallu thank you Lord now uh just just keep your eyes closed just a little bit more here there are some all of us have yielded to some of this in different times of our life so not throwing any stones but there's some that yielded to it more than others there's some that have just yielded to it and gone and got in the bed and laid down and and just told people they couldn't do anything for days and and and what they don't realize is like we said last night these dark uh thoughts and feelings they come from dark Spirits wrong spirits and if people could have their eyes opened and see what they're wallowing around in the bed with in this self-pity and this dep depression they would probably throw up and go take five showers you don't have to do this but you got a mean business the enemy knows if you want it because there's a certain amount of fleshiness uh you know just yielding into it and and abandoning yourself to it it's a little bit of a feel-good flesh thing even though it's so awful and of course that gets you out of work gets you out of having to deal with things if you want to be free you got to change that so right now say it out loud every evil spirit every evil spirit every spirit of fear every spirit of fear every Spirit of heaviness every Spirit of heav and depression and depression I don't want you I you leave me leave me in Jesus name in Jesus you have no place you have no place in my life in my life my mind my mind my body my goings my no place no in Jesus name in Jesus name Hallelujah now lift up your hands lift up your praise lift up your thanks I will bless the Lord in all times Hallelujah glory to God thank you Lord Praise You Lord Praise You Lord just continue to praise the Lord lift your hands and worship him thank you thank you thank you Lord Praise You Praise You Praise You Lord we praise you we praise you we praise you thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord alter ministers would you come to the front please some of you might remember several months ago the Lord had us here in church focused on some of these very things and remember we talked about the scriptures that talked about getting foul language out of your mouth scripture talks to us about that it hits home get that foul language out of your mouth the lord gave us this and I was reminded of it tonight he said if the world and you not you not both know this it's such a part of the way the world talks foul language but not just what we call cuss words but just const Stant complaining constant grumbling constant depression if you notice this you notice it in conversation with people you notice it on television you notice it in movies that it's such a part of the vocabulary of the world to talk like that but the Lord told us he said look if the world is talking blankety blankety blank we should be talking thanky thanky thank right remember that so let's remind ourselves of that and put Thanksgiving back in our mouth put Thanksgiving and gratitude back in our hearts coming up out of our mouths and we're going to pray this together before we go tonight and it's what the psalmist prayed he said Lord set a watch over my lips and if you're willing to pray that he's willing to answer it but don't be surprised when something starts bubbling up in you and it's just about to come out of you some grumbling some complaining some unthankfulness and you hear the Holy Spirit and you say uh uhuh uh-uh no no no no no Thanksgiving gratitude praise and worship so why don't we do this before we go bow your head close your eyes and pray what he prayed say Lord Lord I'm asking you I'm asking you and I'm inviting you and I'm inviting you to set a watch to set a watch over my mouth over my mouth over my lips over my lips and I pray oh Lord and I pray Lord that the meditation of my heart the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth the words of my mouth would be pleasing to [Music] you Jesus name now right now with your heads bowed and your eyes closed if you really want to know how powerful this is this is how you're born again people like to fuss and fight about this and fight about oh there's no power in words that's just some crazy thing some preacher made up well if there's no power in our words then none of us are born again yes because according to the scriptures we're born again by what's going on in our hearts coming out of our mouths when you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you confess with your mouth that Jesus is your lord you will be saved so we don't know who all is in the house tonight but if there's anybody in here tonight that's never made Jesus the Lord of your life yes this is how depression loses its grip on you until Jesus is your savior you're totally limited to live the way the rest of this world lives but when Jesus is your lord I said when Jesus is your lord yes thank you Lord you and I have access to the power that we've been hearing about the last couple of days to totally break depression over our lives and give no more place to it but Jesus must be the Lord of your life so if there's anybody in this congregation tonight you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you're ready to do that you want to be a part of the family would you raise your hand tonight and allow us to have the privilege of praying with you and welcoming you to our family I'm not talking about joining a church I'm talking about being in the family of God anybody at all in here tonight thank you Lord well we are all family glory to God why don't we say it out loud father father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we declare out loud we declare out loud Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord we believe in our hearts we believe our you raised him from the dead you raised him from the dead we confess with our mouths we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord I'm not Lord I'm not Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord I'm done being Lord Lord Jesus Jesus you be Lord you be Lord thank you Father thank you Father Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we yield ourselves we yield ourselves to your leadership to your leadership your direction your direction your correction no correction we are totally yielded we are totally yielded to you to you we receive now we receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit infilling of the Holy SP and we ask you father we ask you father baptize us in the Holy Ghost in the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues speaking with other Tong praising you praising you thanking you thank you in an unknown tongue in unknown Tong we receive that gift we receive that gift in Jesus name in Jesus amen amen amen thank you Lord this has been Rich church it's been good are you thankful that you were here I'm so grateful thank you Lord I have an assign time up for you before you go at least one time between now and when we get together again at least one time over the next several days listen to this message again yes at least once if not more but listen to it again you might think well I heard every word I'll never forget no listen to it again you're going to hear things you didn't hear and the Lord's going to help us if you need prayer before you go tonight for anything we've got alter ministers that are ready to pray with you prayer for salvation prayer for healing prayer for anything at all and we want to pray the word of God with you and see the word do wonderful things in your lives before we dismissed we let brother Keith know how much we appreciate coming sharing the word with us we're thankful for it thank you Lord church we love you we call you blessed and we say in Jesus name you're going to be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people you believe it love on each other before you go tonight we're going to sing you'll be dismissed we love you we bless you we'll see you [Music] soon thank you so much for tuning in today we hope you enjoyed this message if you need someone to pray with you there are several ways for you to contact us feel free to give us a call at 817-571-8686 or either of our websites giving options are available online at Pearsons ministries.com and Legacy church. Family if you prefer you can also text an offering simply text Legacy in any dollar amount to the number 28950 and follow the prompts be blessed today we love you and remember you are always welcome here in the house of faith
Channel: Legacy Church
Views: 10,986
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Keywords: Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons, Legacy Television, Legacy TV, Legacy Studios, Pearsons Ministries International
Id: uO30IyOwos4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 28sec (4888 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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