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hi everyone welcome back to gray is gorgeous today I'm going to put some layers in my hair I'm going to try a little bit of a different positioning with those layers I want them long and I want them to come kind of come down to here but I don't want to take out any of the weight right here so I don't want to taper it or anything like that so we'll see how this goes I'm going to be going off of a salong guy video um just on how to do the basic layering and you always want to review the videos first before you start cutting your own hair with that being said let's get started with this um this do-it-yourself again I'm not a professional none none of what I'm going to show you here is a professional this is not a professional tutorial this is not a professional how-to this is just I went looked at the salon guys video on cutting layers again just to refresh myself and I'm going to take what the basic knowledge he gave me and I'm going to apply it to what I want to do here and we'll see how it turns out it might turn out terrible I don't know but let's take the journey together all right here we go all right so I've sectioned out this back portion of my hair right here so behind the ear and same with this because I don't want to layer any of the back at all none of the back I just want to layer the front and I want long cascading layer so we're not going to take a whole lot of length off that's the trick on that one um so we're going to have to uh cut our line that's the basic thing that that we do so we're going to take the we're going to I'm going to cut my line in by using the top of my hair okay since I'm not starting in the back now you don't you don't want to go too far where the head starts to round here you just want the hair that's going directly up so this would be it so now I'm going to determine how long my layers are going to be and how you do that is the amount of hair you cut off determines the length your layers are going to be so if I cut this whole piece off I'm doing about a 2 and 1/2 layer do you see what I mean this amount here equals about 2 and 1/2 to 3 in so that is how far that layer is going to come up so if you look here where my hair is down here you're going to if I do a layer with cutting all this off my layers are going to start right about the cheek here so I don't want to do that because you can't put hair back on your head or grow it out instantly so I'm going to start a little bit less than that we're going to see how it falls first and and then we'll and then we'll decide if we need to take off more because it's easier to do that than to cut too much and then you're stuck with what you what you have all right so I think I'm going to do that much so that's probably about an inch and a half and we're just going to snip that off that's 3 months worth so if I totally don't like this it's 3 months and it'll be back all right so that's our line and then I'm going to take this piece and I'm going to actually put it up so that I don't recut this section that's that section's done now I'm not going to come too low here because this Sal long guy pointed out a very good issue and that is if you cut into this right here okay it's going to cut a hole so you you if you try to layer this it will cut there will be a hole here so we're going to leave this I want weight here around my face I'm just cutting the top layered I'm not cutting the whole front and side and everything all right so the next cut I'm going to make is going to be at a diagonal see how my fingers are coming straight out from the scalp so you want to follow the shape of the head right so up here the hair went straight up but as as the my head rounds here you want to pull it out in the direction that hair would go out if you pulled it you not like this see that's not see how it's bent no you want to go out in the direction of the hair so now we want to take it it out this far and we want to cut the same amount off there straight across so what did I say inch and a half okay so I'm going to take that and cut that off and I'm doing this dry by the way why am I doing it dry I'm doing it dry because I have more control when it's dry I can look when when I put this down and it starts to fall you're going to start to see the layering and I'm going to be able to judge that if you do it dry you'll have to consider a half inch shrinkage so it'll be a/ inch shorter and so you have to plan for that okay so I'm going to do the same on this side come out and I'm taking about about an inch and a half off straight out okay now now we've cut going to put this back in a clip again I'm just assessing how much I have done and how much I don't have done all right so this side has come to about here and this side needs a little bit more so I'm going to take my comb and I'm going to take a little bit more hair there and then we're going to take that out to the side and I think this is actually shorter already so not much there just a little trim up there all right so I'm leaving the weight here this is all one length and all one length see this is the fun part about doing it yourself and doing it at home because you can add the layers to exactly what you want and not take out the weight of the haircut because I don't want it tapered like this I don't want it cut at an angle I just I love this weight right here so I'm going to leave that there all right so that's the cut that's simple it actually looks good styled like this doesn't it it's kind of a neat thing put it back halfway all right so now I'm going to take these pieces out and we're g to actually get to see like right now what what I did and that's why cutting it dry now I like to wear my hair over so I'm going to part it over I cut it in the middle but I'm parting it over okay there's the layers see see this layer here that's the layer we just cut in isn't that pretty it just kind of grazes it's not drastic it just kind of grazes my face a little bit see that simple really simple easy to do at home I love that so it kind of pulls the hair out of your face and it just kind of grazes your face a little bit and that's what I wanted and that way if I want to wear it curly one day you know and I want to add I want to take my iron and I want to put a little bit of a bend in it like this twist and roll roll then I can do that see that and it's just up front it's not the back so I I got all the weight of the back which is wonderful but I get this nice flowing front that it can be easily um curled to add volume so now I have nice subtle very subtle no drastic layers in the front and isn't isn't that pretty it just lifts my face up a little bit because everything is sagging ladies oh my God lately I've been checking out my not to get off topic here but my eyes are like drooping some serious time the skin above my eyes is so droopy I just feel like it's all coming down all right so that is absolutely beautiful look at that so nice now if I wanted to do more back here and have it go back further I could do more and with a home haircut you can completely customize it to exactly how short you want it and feel free to cut your entire hair dry if if that works for you if you can see it better if you can see what the results is faster and that works for you than just cut it all dry there's nothing wrong with that either all right thank you so much for watching as always uh click subscribe if you uh Vibe with my videos and you want to get see more uh click like if you like the content and we'll catch you next time bye for now
Channel: Tanja
Views: 305,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 34mYZ8tsZcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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