How To Cut & Install Vinyl Siding on a Gable End Roof

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hi this is Shannon from house improvements comm and today I'm going to bring you a video to show you how to cut and install vinyl siding to a gable end of a roof of your house or whatever building this is meant to be sort of a supplement to the vinyl siding video we already have we've had a few viewers that have asked this very question so we thought it'd be worth doing a quick video of showing them how to figure this out so we've done basically just a mock-up here behind me so representing the outside corner of your house right here the overhang of the eave and then this would be going up underneath your you know you'd have soffit generally sticking out here and your fascia so this is just representing the gable end of your house j-channel just like I would j-channel any other gable end this one piece of siding here is just for instance the last role that we've ended off at and I'm going to show you exactly how to make this cut to get that to be one piece and then as well once we get above that funny jog I will show you how to figure out this angle so that you can cut all your other end pieces you'll notice that my colors are all different today we're just kind of using up whatever we had laying around so don't ask me a hundred questions about why I'm using such crazy colors in the comments we're just using up what we have so the first thing we want to do is I've got some vinyl siding here and what I need to do is basically I need to just kind of hold that up in place it hooked in the last role that I had and I've got to figure out what all these cuts are going to be here so that I can you know end up cutting this end of this piece out so that it'll slide right in there nice and clean so now what I would usually start out with like I said I'm just holding that up in place where it should normally sit I'm going to come right inside here and I'm going to mark a pencil line just about a quarter of an inch up from the bottom of this J channel so that just gives me the height just like soul now I'm going to push it right tight into the to the corner piece that's right here I'm going to bring it back that quarter inch where it would normally be spaced and I'm going to take a measurement from right out here about a quarter inch way from this corner right to this end and it looks like 13 and a quarter will do it so what I need to do then is I'm just going to bring it around to the bench here so what I'll do is I will transfer that 13 a quarter inches right along where that pencil mark was that I marked just like so use a little different pencil here okay and I'm just going to measure what this was I've got two and 5/8 so I'll also mark that that mark there so I've got to first of all cut out this bottom corner so I'm just going to get myself a couple straight lines here to go by just like so and I'm just going to use yellow handled aviation snips to cut this corner out of here I'm just cutting right along the line I marked straight up this line so now that piece I cut out would have been the piece that sat here okay so we've got that out of there now what I need to do is find the angle on this piece so again I'm just going to come up here I'm going to get myself where this is about a quarter inch away from the backside of the corner here I'm just going to double-check it basically should be the same measurement 13 1/4 inches so now if I take that same measurement because this end with square no sorry that isn't going to work on this particular case just let me get this back in here again my hooked on here ok so again I'm going to get this positioned here now I know that I had a changeup a 13 and a quarter inches right this is going to slide in that 13 and a quarter and originally I was thinking I could just measure straight back from this point 13 and a quarter but I actually can't that would be 13 and a quarter minus whatever this difference is from this point up into here which is going to be about an inch and three-eighths because I need to bring that point ahead of here sorry okay now come out of there okay so what I was doing there is just figuring out the difference because this corner didn't end up rate inside where we want so we have to get rid of that difference so I'll just go to 13 and 1/4 I'll come back inch and three-eighths so now I should be able to just make a line right from that new mark right down to this corner I just need something Street to mark that out use this piece of siding just like so and again I'm just going to cut that with the aviation snips okay now you can see I didn't come quite to a point there I achieved just a little bit just in case my angle is off so I can still fine tune that a little bit so we'll just try it in here first so I can get that rate in that okay so you can see where I cheated there actually ends up being a little bit too long so I could have came right to my point and I would have been alright because you can see this here didn't go all the way in and yet I have room up here this is almost coming out there so I'll just sharpen that rate up to where it should have been and I guess I would have been alright right from the start but I'd rather cut it twice then cut it too short the first time and have to cut another whole piece okay so I'll just sharpen that up and we'll see what we got there now all sitting in there just like so okay and everything looks good now this edge here is the same as any other J channel or corner that you go into like I talked about on the other video and you may want to reference back to the installing violet vinyl siding video you don't want the side and push tight into any other trim work you need to pull it back about a quarter of an inch just so that it can expand and contract without causing any trouble so right about where I am there right now it's pretty good I'm just going to nail that one in place and again we're not nailing it tight it needs to be able to move and I'm not going to put a whole bunch of nails in this because I've got to pull it all apart after anyways but just tack it up there okay so we've got our first piece there all into place so now we're just dealing with a straight angle this angle doesn't change up a whole slope of the roof and this what I'm going to show you here can pertain to whatever you're butting into anything that's angled so I've got a scrap piece of siding let's cut square on the end I'm going to pop it into the last row slide it all the way over until this corner hits inside of that J channel which is right there okay now all I have to do I can I can do do this two ways I can either just measure this rate the way it is or I can put a tick mark a marker a little mark right here at the end of this sheet onto the one below it put my tape measure inside here and hook it on the end of the this is the piece where the siding hooks on to or laps over so I want to hook right on to that piece measure over to my mark I've got fourteen 1/8 so now all these pieces all these next rows if I take the sheet if I take the sheet this would be the next one right I measure rate on the top this is cut square measure over 14 1 8 put the mark rate at the top now if I draw a line straight on that angle right down to that point and cut that off that will be the slope that I need so it's it's really easy to do once you've seen it done that's how I've always always figured out the angles you know you could use a protractor or whatever but I just find this be quick and easy you've always got to scrap a siding laying around the key is just to make sure that the end is square okay so there I've got my angle marked in I'm going to cut that off and that should fit right in there I'm just cutting right along that line oops off there a bit this piece here is scrap so I can just flex it however I need as I'm cutting okay just like so this piece fits in and if you look when I pull this back I think you can see this you can see that I've got a pretty even gap right along this edge of that J channel so I know my angles right slide it in tight bring it back the quarter-inch and that's good to go I just pop my nails in again like I said I'm just tacking it up there so I didn't put as many nails as I normally would usually I'd go about every 12 to 16 inches apart so you know I would have had another one in here okay so you can see we've got a nice nice clean look all the way down there and you can just continue rate up doing that same thing all the way up now you know that you've got a 14 1/8 inch change up you would do the same thing over on this side just to double-check generally they should be the same but you know if you didn't start out level or straight or whatever it may not be so you can just simply do the exact same thing that I did down below on any ear rows just slide that in measure this different this distance and that's your changeup for the angle and you just continue your way all the way up once you get into pieces where they're going to go you know right and to end you know rate like in our next row or any of these rows really we could have gone rate from here to here on the bottom of the piece right cut it from both ends and got it all fit in there and once you've done that as long as your top track here is is right angle to angle you could actually measure that to get the length of your next piece okay so if we've got if this lets say okay we know this is inside here and let's say it extended out here I could have measured that on the bench right along this this edge right here and that would have been the bottom length of my next piece so it automatically gives me my length I just have to draw my angles on the end and put it on there okay so we cut just for a minute and I put up this next row siding which leaves us with just the very top piece to do so I'm going to show you how to do that one when I had this cutting on the bench I had measured the top piece of it which gives me the bottom length of my next row like I was trying to explain before and that's 23 and 1/8 so I'm just going to mark this out I've got a square in there 23 in 1/8 and the mark - and turn this around so it's easier for you to see now what I want to do is I want to measure back from each end our change out for the slope that we figured out which was 14 an 8 so I'm coming back there the reason I had this mark was so that I knew where to measure from coming back right there and we just need to connect all those points so we've got one here so we've got another one coming back here here where the lines intersect should end up being the top peak of our roof and we'll just kind of hold that up there to get an idea looks like we're going to be pretty close I think so I'll just cut that out and we'll try it in there and do any adjustments we have to do after that oh just will cut my finger working with white siding you end up with fingerprints everywhere on seeing as this is just for demonstration I'm not trying to be too careful about it usually I'd be washing my hands there were a few cuts just to get any grime off the house so let's see if if we're close here so yeah so that piece is going to fit in there just nice but now you can see it's kind of jiggly there's not really any place to put a screw you could if you wanted hide a nail or a screw back here on those corners what I generally do is I take this notching tool that you'll see me use on the other video it's usually used to secure pieces into j-channel and I'll put a couple notches around here okay so that creates these little tabs that hook into the lip on the inside of the J channel now the other thing that I would do normally here because when this is against the wall this is going to be kind of flimsy I'll take a piece of scrap and just nail it up on the wall there just to give that a little bit of support so I want a piece you know something looks something like this that has this this thickness there that'll sit behind that and I'll just simply nail it on the wall up in that up in that top corner up like something like that just to help hold that out a little bit okay so that's right up there you could put a block of wood there whatever you want now when I get that all stretched around in there like so that holds that those clips help hold that in other things I've done in the past is I would take this if you look on the back side on this bottom lip there's a bit of a channel here you could put a little bit of silicone in there as well just for a small piece like this put that up in there you know anything like that just to kind of hold that in there so the wind doesn't rip it out would work just fine so there you have it like I said this is a supplement to the video I already have up on how to install vinyl siding and you know if you haven't seen it already you might want to go check it out as well if you're going to take on a project like this we've got lots of other videos if you want to go visit our youtube channel and watch any of the other videos we have we've got the form on the website outhouse - improvements comm right there you can go check that out as well and with the forum I generally try to get back to you within a day or so and if not somebody else will generally make a comment there as well to try to help you along so thanks for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 833,849
Rating: 4.7951674 out of 5
Keywords: Vinyl Siding End Gable repair install fix siding vinyl Construction Installation Maintenance, Repair, And Operations (Film Subject) exterior home house wall exterior outside, siding, exterior, gable, j channel, measure, cuttiing, vinylsiding, vinyl
Id: _R2TLGR3usE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2013
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