How to cut and install cornice coving - DIY

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what's going on guys I'm Bill and welcome to Bill's how to today I'm going to show you guys step by step how to cut and install cornes also known as coing now this one here we've got an internal external and even an end stop make sure you share and save this video because there is not one video on YouTube that will show you guys step by step how to do it and allow you to get out there and actually do it yourself let's get straight into it guys let's do this all right guys so I've built a little dummy section here so that I can show show you step by step how to cut and install your cores also known as coing now it's pretty straightforward once you know the little tips and tricks um for cutting it um but a lot of people do get very very very confused when it comes to measuring and cutting um their cornes so what we've got here is an internal Corner we've got an external right here and then we're also going to have a stop end also known as a return so I'm going to show you guys step by step what they all look like how to cut them and how to install them we're going to repeat the exact same process on both sides so you're going to get to see it twice to make sure that you're going to walk away from this video knowing exactly how to do it so I'll first show you guys all the pieces what everything looks like so you know exactly what it is that you're dealing with you might want to write some of this stuff down it might actually help you guys um as you're going through and doing it yourself so with an internal cor uh Corner your bottom piece is longer than your top so this here is our right side of our internal quarter and you can see there our bottom piece is longer than our top piece so if you have a look at it bottom uh piece longer than the top write that down that's going to help you guys uh remember with the external our top piece is going to be longer so I'll show you guys that in a second we've got our right side piece and our left side piece which I'll pick up in a second if you have a look at the cut here it's beveled uh towards the inside of the corner so it bevels out with an external corner it bevels in so it's going to have a back cut on it if we take our two internal pieces left side right side bottom side is always longer put them both together and that's going to sit nicely in the corner just like that now what you can do at this point is you can take a pencil and just do a little pencil mark on top and on the bottom that's going to help you once you've got the adhesive to know exactly where to line it up it's not necessary but it will help you out when you're first starting off so little pencil Mark like this you'll be able to line everything up exactly where you need it so if we have a look at our external cut you can see here our top piece is longer than the bottom it's the exact opposite um to our internal cut and you can see here it's actually got a back cut on it so it goes in back towards the center of the board or our Corners piece compared to our internal which was tapered the other way so if we take our right side piece which is this one here that's going to sit up on the edge right there we'll take our other piece which is our left side slide them in and and that's going to be our external cut right here so little bit hard to do and hold it and show you guys but that there is an external cut so if we have a look now at a stop end or a return what we need here is an external cut easiest way to imagine it is if a wall was to be coming along the side here and you needed to wrap around that corner you'd have an external cut which is this one right here then what we need to do is cut a little return piece which looks like this I'm going to show you guys how to cut that as well slight that one there in the back might actually slide it across so I can show you guys once I get my hands out of the way and that there is a little return so you can see it's completely covered all the way around it's got a nice finish on it and I'm going to show you guys how to cut that as well now the way we cut these pieces here or our cores or coing is by using a Cornus miter box it's a lot different to a regular miter box so you will need to go out and purchase a corner miter box you can buy a little triangle piece if you really wanted to do just one piece wouldn't recommend it they're not very easy to use and they've got a little Flex in them so to get an accurate cut isn't going to be very very easy one of these boxes probably about $30 $40 or so um but it's going to make your life much much easier so if we have a look at a corner smer box it looks very similar to a standard miter box however this one here has little steps on the side so you can see there oh higher platform little bit lower and a little bit lower for whatever reason no one likes to explain how to use these this one here is a 90m Cornus it basically allows you to accommodate for different sizes so with a 90 mil Cornus you sit it right on that TOP Step like that with a 75 mil you drop it down one step with a 55 mil you drop it right down to the bottom just like that so that there allows you to get the right cut with the right Contour um on your Corners in this case we're using a 90 mil so it sits right on the top just like that all right so we're going to get ready to cut our first piece we're going to be cutting for an internal corner it's the left side so if we have a look at it this is why I like to you take a pencil it makes life much much easier okay remembering with our internal Corner our bottom piece is longer than the top so that means our cut is going to be in this direction okay this is the easiest way to do it and I recommend you take a pencil mark it up because it's about to get confusing um what you do is just mark it up so we know the bottom side is longer on our internal cut and then angle It Off so that our top side is the shorter side now that's just for a standard one what we're going to do on this side here as well actually I'll leave this side here so I don't confuse you guys straight away okay I'm going to take my miter box and we drop it into the miter box remembering to put it on that TOP Step because we're using a 90 now if we have a look bottom side is longer than our top and this is sitting straight into our miter box what you have to do at this point is you have to flip the corners this is where it gets really really confusing for a lot of people if you cut it um in this direction here just slide it straight over and cut it in that direction um it's actually not going to give you the right cut what you need to do is pull it out so remembering this is exactly the way it is on the wall you can turn that over and put it inside the Box facing this way so at this point we're going to cut it it looks exactly the same on the inside we just flip the corners piece over now if that's confused you once again this is the way it is up on the wall drop it in and we're just going to flip it over as if we're turning around so once again because I know a lot of people will get confused with this bottom side is the longer side this is the way it looked like when it was up on the wall we simply flip the Cornus over so that this is now looking like it's a top side here drop that one there in place line it up and then you cut it with a handsaw so just simply slott it in place make sure you've got that one there on the right line which is right here and cut through so once we've got this piece here cut you simply flip it back around the other way and now we've got our cut which is correct our bottom side is the longer side and you can see it tapers in towards the inside of the corner so now we're going to cut the internal corner for our right side and we're also going to cut our external corner so what you need to do at this point is you need to measure this time around we didn't measure on our first side because I'm just going to stop it on a um stop end or a return so what you need to do is measure from the bottom all the way to the edge so in this case here it is 450 so we'll just write that up here 450 remembering our bottom side is the longer side so it's going to look like this our Cut's going to be here so we're going to measure from this point and on this side here our longer side is going to be on the top so 450 right to the end which is the edge here that's going to be the end of our short point and here is our Long Point so we've got 450 we can take our piece of corn again if you want to make sure so that you don't get confused our left side is going to be going up like that our right side is going to be going up like that so it's 450 mil so we're going to cut out two pieces at 4502 uh 450 mil both going in the same direction but a different cut so I'll show you guys now in the miter box what we're going to do we know our first internal cut is here so I'm going to cut this side get that one there ready then from that edge I'm going to be able to measure over the 450 mil so remembering we have to always flip it this is the way it looks like when it's up on the wall turn that one there around and we're going to cut it from this side here [Music] discard this one here and now if we flip it back around we've now got our internal cut ready to go so that one there is ready what we can do at this point just lay it down and we're going to measure our 450 mil so from The Edge because we said that side there touches the wall we're going all the way 450 which is right here okay so that's our little pencil mark and from here it's going to be going up in this direction remembering we drew it here on the side so it's going up from here so that way put it back in the miter box this is the way it looks like up on the wall flip it around and we're now going to cut this section here all right so now we've got that one there cut we've now got our internal and we've also got our external so we can take that up and make sure everything fits so if we take our piece now with our internal miter and external miter drop that one there where it's supposed to go that's going to be sitting here and then we can take our left piece and that is going to go right there so now we've got our internal and external cut on this side here what I'm going to do is get my external cut here for my return ready so this side here we're imagining that it's going across a wall down that way just to close off the Gap so this is the way it looks like at the moment we're going to cut a return coming back here so we're going to have to angle up back remembering the left side is higher I'll just grab the pencil so now that I've got the pencil remembering our I might actually write this down so inside the bottom is longer bottom longer outside the top is longer so TL top is longer BL bottom is longer so now up here we know we're doing outside that means the top needs to be longer that means we need to cut it back this way here so we're just going to cut this one here now as well so back at the miter box top side is the longest side remembering this is the way it looks like when it's up on the wall so we have to flip it and now we're going to cut this one here so now with our external cut which is this section right here now that we've got that one there we are imagining that the wall runs across that way so that means we need a return going back the other way so we need to cut one more piece with the angle going in the opposite direction so this time around the top side is going to be the longer on the right and it's going to be coming back angling the other way I'll show you guys how to cut it in a second but what we need to keep in mind is the spacing between the top here which is 90 mil because we're using a 90 mil corner the distance from here to here is going to be 90 mil and that's how we're going to know exactly what size we need to cut hopefully I haven't confused you guys yet but remembering we're going to do it again on the other side so hopefully it'll make a bit more sense top side is a longer on our external now if we're imagining that this side here is where it's coming from so it needs to go like this that means this side here the top side needs to be longer so if the top side needs to be longer we're coming back on an angle like this and we're cutting an external cut right there so we'll cut the external cut then we're going to measure 90 mil which is the size of the corners back to here and then we're going to cut it straight down so once again drop it into the miter box this is the way that it was up on the wall which means we need to flip it flip that section we're going to be cutting in this direction now so hopefully you guys can still see there I'll cut this one here [Music] down flip it back over and this is now our external on the left hand side so now what we needed to do we said we needed to measure 90 mil which was 90 from The Edge so that'll line up right here I'll just double check that measurement so from the outside into here that's 90 that's fine what we're going to do now is we're just going to create a straight cut so if we have a look at our miter box just Mark The Edge right there on the 90 and then we're going to cut straight down the edge here so that's going to be just one straight cut for the thickness of our Corners you have to be a little bit careful as you go down to the bottom cuz it's going to thin out a bit so now if we bring our piece back here internal miter external miter and then we've got our little off cut piece that we put here that's going to go right in there and now we've created a nice little return right here so that's how you create your return 90 mil thick for the spacing of our Corners internal external we've also got our other piece here which is ready to go so what we're going to do now is create our two little externals for our reveal or our face on the edge of the wall so now we need to cut a section for this face here of our two external Corners remembering with an outside or an external Corner the top needs to be longer so that means when you put it up here that top section is going to be longer than the bottom and same thing on this side here now we don't know the Finish length of our top section so we need to work off our bottom section here so that one there we need to measure with a tape measure we've got exactly 100 110 so if we put this one here back there we know we need to make a cut going up this way a cut going up this way and the distance between our two bottom sections is 110 so we'll cut our first piece anywhere along here from there we're going to measure off the bottom section 110 mark it and then we're going to cut back in the opposite direction all right so we're going to drop it in here remembering we're going up this direction and then up the other direction and we need to flip it so we're going to flip this one here over we're going to cut our first piece which is right here once we've got that we can then measure our 110 so remembering our shorter pieces are going to be the 110 so we'll measure this one here 110 Falls exactly here so once again we're going up in that direction so we're going to drop it into the box this is the way it looks looks like when it's up on the wall flip that one there over and we know we're going to be cutting in this direction here so we'll slide it over and that's what happens when you use scrap pieces so I'm going to have to redo this one [Music] here all right so now we can take the piece that we've just cut along with our other side of the wall drop that one there in line it up and that one there is now ready to go so we've got all our pieces cut for this whole run here what I might do is actually start adhering all of this section here and then I'll continue on along the other side so if you're still stuck after I've ADHD all of this and you're not 100% sure keep watching the video again you can either watch it from the start or you can continue on and we're going to repeat the process probably a little bit faster the second time around um for this right section here of the wall all right so now we've got some Corner cement mixed up this one here did depending on the consistency that you mix it at um you might be able to just stick it straight up on the ceiling um and the wall and have it hold its position other times you might need to put a screw in so it all depends on the consistency of your mix this one here is pretty thick so we should hopefully be able to just squeeze it on there now with regards to buttering it on usually I've got a little pan ready to go but for this one here we're just going to put a little blob on the bottom and same thing on the top because we're not going to mix up um any of the edges just yet so as long as you've got it on the edge like that that's all you pretty much need now for this one here we're going to butter off our left side as well because we're going to have a little joint there and we're actually going to install that one now so that's what it looks like at the moment just a little bit of buttering on either side we'll flip this one here over and press it into place so I'm not going to completely press this one here in just yet because this is just our first piece we'll take our other piece now which had 450 written on it so we'll flip this one here around line that one there up and press it into place as well now this one here is my first piece so we're going to make sure that everything lines up before we move on so at this point you can take off all that excess and we'll clean it all off properly in a second we'll just get the bulk of that out once again line up our internal corner now I like to run my finger along the edge you don't have to you can get specialty tools to clean it all off but I like to run my finger over the edge make sure everything's filled in and we're going to clean this off with a sponge in a second same thing here in the corner if there is a tiny little Gap fill it in with a bit of corner cement just smear that in and then we'll clean it off with a sponge in a second take off that Bolt [Music] and then we've just got this last little return here and just put that one there inside as well as the corner cement starts to dry you want to take a wet sponge or a rag and just clean off any of that excess material that you've left over just making sure not to get it too wet because if the paper gets wet it will eventually start to tear so you just want to dab it as you go and just don't go overboard with the wetness of the rag or the sponge all right and once that's done this side here is now complete we can move over to the other side hopefully I haven't confused you guys too much with regards to the positioning um of which way the top side goes or the bottom side flipping it it is a little bit confusing and I think that's why not many people have made a video on it it's very very hard to articulate um exactly what needs to be done without actually doing it yourself but this side here is now all complete looking good I'm very happy with that we're going to move over to the other side hope you haven't confused you guys too much if you're confused let me know in the comment section below um we might end up doing a follow-up video on this in case you've got any questions but let's move on to the other side and see if we can pick up the pace so for this side here I've put some markings on the wall so hopefully this will help you guys out external Corner remembering the top side is longer it's 450 from edge to edge and this side here is an internal corner so bottom side needs to be longer bottom side needs to be longer on this side here as well where we're doing our return or our stop end this one here needs to be an external cut okay so top side needs to be longer and then we just need that little 90 piece that was um a little infill for the um end here so now that we've got that out of the way we're going to move over to the miter box cut all the pieces straight away and then we're going to quickly install these ones here as well so I found a little scrap off cut piece that's already got my internal ready to go what we can do now is measure 450 from here to here which gives me my marking right there we need to do an external cut so the top side is going to be longer this time so that means it comes up on an angle like that remembering we need to flip it so we're going to flip this one here line it up in the miter box and then we can cut that one [Music] there so that's that piece ready to go so this time around we need an inside which means our bottom is going to be longer we need an external which means our top side is going to be longer which is right here and we've got a distance of 500 from edge to edge so what we're going to do first is flip this one here over we'll cut one side all right so flip this one here back over that's our intern internal ready to go we can now take our tape measure pencil and we're going to mark up our 500 Mark which is right here that's our 500 mark remembering we're cutting up this way and we also need to flip it so put it in here so that one is also ready to go what we need now is just our little piece at 90 mil to be able to slot in for our return so this time around the return is coming the other way we need this side here to be longer so top side is going to be longer here because it's coming across on that side top side is going to be longer and then we're going to measure across our 90 and cut it straight so if we take this one here flip it so now we've got our external here we need to measure across 90 making sure to measure it from the top drop that in the box and we're going to cut it down square or just a straight cut and then this one here can go in whoops take out piece and squeeze that one in as well same thing with our last piece squeeze that one there in let it dry for a couple minutes and then start sponging everything off and once it's all done this is what it ends up looking like so now we've done our externals internals and our end stops or returns it is definitely a mindboggling task especially the first time you do it it's going to drive you nuts with time and practice it does become easier so hopefully this video is going to allow you to get out there and actually do it yourself step by step hopefully you've all enjoyed the video you've learned something new as always guys like comment and subscribe until next time I bill thanks for watching bills out too
Channel: Billshowto
Views: 78,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut cornice, how to install coving, cutting cornice, cornice diy, cut cornice, how to cut coving, how to install cornice, How to fit cornice, cornice installation, put up coving, install cornice, how to fit coving, installing cornice, how to put up coving, cornice, coving, plaster cornice installation, cornice cement, diy, cove, plaster coving, plaster coving installation, mitre, plaster cornice, mitre box, Fitting coving, ceiling coving, cove installation, fit coving
Id: 6EtiCDb-EKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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