How to cut and fit skirting boards with out expensive tools

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okay i'm going to show you how to do a 45 degree cut and some seven inch screen this is a taurus pattern as you can see now i'm going to do it without using a miter saw because i very rarely use miter saws for cutting skirts the only reason is unless you've got a really sharp blade they have a tendency of burning i'm almost there to use this saw and color that's going to put an angle and have a tendency of burning my timber unless the blade is really sharp and obviously i'm cutting 3b2 all day long and all sorts of bits of wood so generally it's not that sharp i'm going to show you how to do it using just a handsaw that's a brand new one and it has to be sharp you don't need a set square miter square anything like that all you need is a hand saw and i'm going to show you how to do it i've been doing this for decades this way according to scooting you can use any 45 if you're going to face your boards screwing anything anything like that like i said all you need is a handsaw i'm going to show you that how to do that right now okay so i've got the skirting clamped in doesn't matter how you clamp it in whatever you want to use do it on the floor doing a workbench doesn't really matter right now then the saw what can you see there that's right you see then reflecting the saw blade you can see a 90 degree angle yeah make the angle bigger and then go smaller what you're aiming for that's right 90 degrees i've been using this method for decades that's all i've ever used i don't use anything else okay now obviously you just start to do this method you want to try and keep the angle if anything make it slightly bigger and smaller because the end of the day when it's going to fade all you're going to see is the front edge you're not going to see the back edge make the angle too shallow the back of the joint will touch and you have a gap at the front if that makes sense anyway you'll figure it out practice makes perfect i suppose so what you're aiming for is 90 degrees okay and that's so you don't have to bother with my square 45 degree my square okay i'm going to cut this and set it all ready for cutting and i'll show you okay so i have clamped the skate down just put a block against it like i said you can do anything any method you want doesn't matter i'm going to put this camera over here hopefully i should be able to see something so i'm just going to cut 45 with the method i'm just showing you so reflection in the skirting as you can see what you can see from there but i can show you like this just nice little just to get you 45 come over the top of the saw and try and keep it straight as you can i'm not expecting anything you know perfect obviously if you've never done it before that's what you're doing that's all you're doing so i'll just show you as you can see i've got the 45 only down to the end there to the profile so any skirting you get og where you can see whatever just cut through the shape until you get down to this bit there okay now let's get the clumps off now what you do now is and when most these saws have got like a built-in 90 degree square someone can be slightly out but for this purpose i think it'll be fine okay so just come across where it's mark is you just want to see it there okay and then just come down like so okay got it boom now all i need to do is fold that line with a saw which i'll set up in a second okay so i've just put a block there clamps it down to a table top just to stop it sliding back okay you can use any method you want doesn't really matter so as you can see i've got the pencil line there and i'm going to cut down the pencil line so i'll just put the camera there hopefully you guys see it possibly okay so and when you're cutting you want to be cutting with the back of the saw blade don't be cutting the front because this bit is what you're going to follow going to follow the pencil line with the back of the saw blade okay that's the most important bit that's the bit you're gonna see you're not gonna see anything at the back so it doesn't matter okay i probably didn't see any of that but i'll so as you can see i've cut it at 45 the method just showing you you got it okay so i've got another piece 45 degrees exactly the same method i showed before i said just cut through reflection just down to the profile there and then cut the rest just get a square use a saw generally not too bad for 90 degrees and then just finish it off as i showed you as you can see a bit bigger on the back but it doesn't matter you're not going to see it that's all you're going to see the front edge so don't be too particular like i said just diy you know going to pay someone else coupons required to do it or you can do it yourself like so you don't need any expensive machinery you just need saw i just suggest buy a brand new one nice and sharp easy to work with okay anyway a lot of these mass sizes you buy your cheap ones 50 gritters they only cut four inch anyway um unless you get a decent saw i mean do you want to buy a decent miter saw spend a few hundred quid i thought a job that only probably gonna do once or twice so yeah this is a cheap method easy to do well that's me saying that but um i think a bit of practice and i think you'll get the idea of it it's not rocket science okay good luck
Channel: Preston worktop
Views: 53,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fit skirting boards, how to mitre cut on skirting, fit skirting board, cut a 45 degree mitre, make a skirting cut, internal mitre skirting boards, fitting skirting, angle cut on skirting boards
Id: RS8vbkVAtWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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