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okay i'm going to show you how to do a butt scribe an internal scribe to skirting now i've got these two pieces these are square and this one is against the wall now normally this piece will run what you're best off doing is from the front piece from the corner to this corner in one full length and then this piece you can scribe that into this one now on a lot of old buildings you'll find the walls are all over the place so what you want to do is you want to get happy medium i mean if you look at this one okay so it comes out a little bit but obviously you want to keep them flat and square then one's slightly tipping backwards so you've got two options either remove this bit there with the chisel boss chisel try and pull it back a little bit or what you can do is just pull it out a little bit at the top like that as you can see and keep it square and all you then do is just put a bit of a couple of wedges in the summer and then when you're cocking it while painting you won't even notice it but this way it keeps the skirting square and a lot i mean you don't want to i mean that's exaggerating but literally i mean you don't want it really like that do you i mean you can you can get a happy medium just pull it out a little bit okay so now what we do is we off this one up to it that's pretty square and then what we'll do is we're going to cut this at 45 degrees and when you do that that gives you the exact shape of the skirting which you're going to basically cut that shape out and that will fit nice and snug up to this piece of skin in there so i'll do that for you now okay so you may have seen it in the previous video where i showed you how to do a 45 degrees with the reflections you saw and check out that video if you want a bit more detail on it but basically what i'm going to do now is just to recap is i'm going to do a 45 degree angle there using reflection in the saw which if i look for 90 degrees you probably get a seat from the video angle but check out the other video you'll see it so i'm just going to do this on the floor so i'm going to cut the 45 kind of close in the edge somewhere even on that pencil line that's another one so i'm going to put down nice short steps no need to do long strokes nice and sharp [Music] so as you can see i've caught a 45 degrees down to this mount there i'm gonna get the pencil and i'm gonna put a pencil mark down there using the saucer square actually that'll be pretty close enough these these saws have got 99 so not too line and cut it now if you can just cut it slightly back like so just adds a little bit more glimpse at the back of the skirting so it seems a little bit easier you need to take your little plane to it something for whatever reason so i just normally tilt it back a little bit nice short stairs nothing none of this garbage just a little nice short slopes use the back of the saw again when you're cutting with the back of the saw don't focus on the front focus on the back lean into the back of it [Music] snap it off okay so that'll be your first coat and now i'm just going to cut the rest of it out the hole saw okay you see the shape of it now come together so just do little bits at a time you don't need to do it in the full cup just cut bits off you don't need to do it all at once you've got this last bit at the top there as you can see now some you might struggle sometimes to get it really a nice little cut don't worry about it just cut it off square by the time you've cocked it and paint you won't even do it so unless you like you know you're anal about it you can cut that which i'm sorry you probably won't be able to get it off in one piece without breaking that off so just cut that right off if you want it's not a big deal for this purpose i'll try and cut it off without taking the top off we'll see so it's cut off twice more so anyway a little bigger so that's going to be as you caught so if i get the off court piece place it up to it okay that's how you bought scribe so we'll do just put it against the wall and we'll see what it looks like okay so two pieces against the wall as you can see now as this explains it before this wall is slightly leaning back it's kicking at the bottom as you can see is a little bit of a gap there i mean it's by all its sets and purposes by the time you've cocked it in paint you probably won't even see it so what what i'm going to do probably just pull it out a little bit at the top as you can see made a lot of difference there i mean that's just so pull it out a bit put a bit of wedge at the back a bit of bloody pink cork and there you go that's about it really a bit of practice slap it down to a fine art
Channel: Preston worktop
Views: 627,296
Rating: 4.4669929 out of 5
Keywords: how to fit skirting, fitting skirting boards, internal skirting cut, skirting scribes, easy way to fit skriting, skirting board mitres, joinery, joiners tips, tricks of the trade, quick way to fit skirting, carpenters tips and tricks
Id: 14_vk9GYLyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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